Originally Posted by Dave J.
Nobody's made H3tec look so fraudulent through and through as Chuck himself has-- website, public message board, patent, videos, emails, reps posting on forums, he's even manufactured apparatus that has wound up in people's hands. He's the ringleader who revealed all this stuff about H3tec. Heck, if it weren't for Chuck, I'd have never even heard of H3tec. I'd sure like to see a copy of the nastygram Chuck sends to himself once he discovers who's behind all this ruination of H3tec's reputation!
I've got my nasty-grams framed. A real work of art, that con-man is.
My last nasty-gram from Chuck said:
I have broken records, and when I want to listen to them, I do.
Good luck to you in the future,
I am not sure why anyone would want to brake records, or try to listen to them at a later date if they broke them earlier. But, such is the logic of a con-man.