11-20-2010, 05:33 AM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Oregon
Posts: 889
Chuck's reply to my email was as follows:
Dear Mr. Moreland;
H3 Tec demands that you return the H3 detector, H3 software, and H3 system as defined in the following paragraphs within 30 days of the date of this email to the following address:
H3 Tec Shipping/Receiving
P O BOX 140533
Ogden, UT 84415
You are not the licensee and have obtained this device illegally. Failure to return H3 Tec’s property will force us to seek remedy in a court in the State of Utah where the contract was initiated.
Each H3 system (training, manuals, and other materials manufactured by H3), H3 detector, and its corresponding H3 software is sold through a license agreement between H3 Tec, LLC and the licensed end user or owner of the device and is under a strict contract and Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) signed by H3 Tec, LLC and the licensee. The license and agreement are specific to the user who purchased this license package and was trained on the correct use of the H3 device; neither the license, device, software, system, nor the agreement is transferable. Any breach of this license and NDA is a violation of the H3 user agreement that is put in place at the time of purchase.
In addition, the H3 is protected by patents applied for on behalf of H3 Tec, LLC by Stoel Rives, LLC (our intellectual property and compliance law firm), and granted to H3 Tec by the United States Patent Office. This patent states that H3 has title to this invention and the right to exclude others from reverse engineering, making, using, offering for sale, selling, or importing the invention. This patent and the workings described are company-propriety and protected by U.S. Patent Law and the courts of the State of Utah.
I encourage you to consider carefully before tampering with, reverse engineering, or testing any H3 device. You are prohibited from disclosing any company-proprietary information to which you may have access. We will not hesitate to invoke legal action if you proceed.
Charles L. Christensen
CEO and Chairman of the Board
You can't hide from H3.
"Anything that cannot be explained by the current state of the art is a discovery."
H3 Tec, LLC
P O Box 150433
Ogden, UT 84415
P: 602.464.3832
F: 801.475.4984
C: 801.814.6577
e: info@h3tec.com
w: www.h3tec.com
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