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Old 08-16-2010, 01:13 PM
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Qiaozhi Qiaozhi is offline
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Originally Posted by Funfinder View Post
Perhaps you should check out from what to what measured electrostatic voltage per meter the Mineoro works reliable / is within the adjustable sensitivity range.
This would be a good question if the Mineoro FG90 actually worked as advertised. As you can readily see from the videos, there is a lot of erratic beeping, which mostly occurs when not even pointing at a clearly visible target. Have you ever actually seen one of Mineoro's devices, or held one in your hands? From personal experience I can tell you that it is unusable, and is not even able to detect the gold test sheet that comes with the device.

You do have to wonder why some people insist on promoting something, which is based on an outlandish theory that is unknown to conventional science. They must either have a vested interest, or have a self-deluded closed mind.

Try not to get sucked into this nonsense, unless of course you have plenty of spare time (and money) to waste.
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