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Old 08-14-2010, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Funfinder View Post

@ hung
Thank you very much for still posting here and defending the Mineoro devices and ignoring all those bad jokes and stupid stuff because you and some other really try to prove those devices are really working.

Thank you also for your true Jeonhunter statement!

Compared to alot other deep search P.I. stuff (for those you need 1m large coils if you want to find real deep stuff) it can find coins with the standard coil, has disc and also audio/visual cavity-mineral detection.

But what the most people here are critizin' is the unreliability of the Mineoro detectors in the north hemisphere and under certain weather conditions.

Your "damned" usual MDs can be switched on and 95 out of 100 times they do their job as they should - no matter what if it's day or night, sunny or rainy outside.

btw. the meteorology is a really complex topic.

In the german book "Magnetism" I read the following:

There is a second, weaker magnetic field created by the ionosphere and it's most powerful around the equator.

There are also ionic storms from the ionosphere (100-160km above the ground), sometimes created by energetic sunwinds. There also is the Van-Allen-Magnetosphere-Belt.

btw. magnetism is caused by the electrons spin, an electron is the smallest magnetic particle. And for shure this has something to do with LRL, electrostatic and metal detection, because usual MDs are using magnetical coils.
I already stated it in the past, but will do it again.

I am not here defending specifically Mineoro.
I don't earn anything from Mineoro.
I am here standing for the truth and defending the truth to be known.
I have the same point regarding the Rangertell and OKM Bionic 01 for instance, as I know they work because I already have proof they work.

In Mineoro's LRLs specific case, I use them for a litlle more than 5 years now and I know they work, so does gaucho, Esteban, and many others I know but do not post in this forum.

I am aware that apparently some members in this forum own Mineoros also but have not had success with it.
But I am also aware that Mineoro's site features treasure hunters and reports by users outside S.America, from several parts of the world showing treasure found. I remember emailing some of them at the time prior to get my first Mineoro and receiving positive feedback and also the confirmation of the findings.
One member here, Michael, also emailed one of these people and also received positive feedback.

So don't fool yourself as I will not waste my precious time for a single moment debating here whether I think they work or not.
I KNOW they work. Period.

The reason on why the few people in this forum, still had no success with the devices is up to them investigating.
I don't know on what basis they go out for hunting, how they do it, where they are hunting, etc.. It's very hard for me to emit a diagnostic with so many variables missing.

I think it was Esteban who said that he never found anything with a standard metal detector.
I also know a guy who has never found anything either.
Does he go out much? No. Does he look in the right places? Don't know.
What I want to point here is that just because some folks in this forum posted no success yet, does not mean there are no others at this moment in some part of the world having success and who might also not feel like joining forums to tell about their endeavours.

This thread was started by me at gaucho's own request to show members his experience with the detector. gaucho an experienced treasure hunter who has found and recovered several targets in the past just wanted to share a video in which he is using a FG90.
From the images I saw, I can say say that the device located something, but as rain is an obstacle now, we will have to wait.

Funfinder, about your scientific topics above, I just would like to say that there are many current science paradigms that are WRONG.
There is no interest whatosoever, at least for now, for the Academia to apply revision to some standards, when and if they get to finally find it's wrong. A major revolution in history would occur, resulting in a huge mess, economically and also socially.
In your text above there are major mistakes. It's not your fault as you grew used to accept certain aspects as true. But they are not.
It's up to you to believe it or not. I don't care.

However - making it more interresting by "fun & action" again, hung please go to north america or europe and try out how good the Mineoro works there and upload nice videos from this. If Carl Moreland still offers his price for detection you could make good money if you are shure it would work in da States, too. But because of the different magnetic and electrostatic situation perhaps it really only works in southern america or south of the equator.
It's possible.
I started to get this suspicion when a Mineoro user I know started to report to me the unusual behavior his FG80 presented in the region he lives closer to the Equator, but still in Brazilian territory.

He has always reported that a high course in the pot was required to calibrate the detector. Usually it is around 170 to 250 but he was getting as high as 750 to 800.
Then he told that only at night he could detect gold targets making his machine work ok.
In my region for instance, I can not get good results at night.
Then one day he claimed that he was detecting IRON at amazing distances and even joked he would start a new business opening a junk parts shop. Mineoro was informed about it and he had Alonso talking to him on the phone. The device was sent back to factory and Alonso found a problem in the ionic chamber. It was not discriminating ferrous objects as it is supposed to. Machine returned to him and at the begining, he seemed to confirm it was working ok but with the usual 'high' numbers in calibration required. Then after a few days, he emailed me and said he was still getting iron objects also but at a lower rate.
The last thing I have heard is that Alonso is thinking about traveling to his place to check what is going on...
So this also could happen in Countries above the Equator? Yes.
What is going on? I don't know as I have never used a Mineoro outside Brazil. I have some theories but need to get more data for a final word.

Let's assume the Mineoro detects a long time ago golden coin of 1 inch / 2.5cm in 1.5 feet / 50cm depth from a distance!!

What usual detector with the best price-worthyness-relation (evtl. what special coil if needed) would be the best for pinpointing this coin, has a chance to find it?!
Mineoro features the center&deep accessory exactly for this.
I know many people don't use them either because they don't know ho to do it or they as just too lazy to do it.
Fact is that my now deceased friend Celi, did wonders with this tool.
Still in the PDC era he used the C&D to play a role that probably not even Damasio knew it could be done. Besides the regular role for depth determination, he used to have another person in front of him holding it pointing to the ground while Celi held the PDC back as he walked. He always could pinpoint real small objects with this technique.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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