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Old 08-14-2010, 11:11 AM
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hung hung is offline
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You seem to suffer from the same autism that blokes as SWR does when keeping insisting in wrong and obscure points even after the answer was provided.

At the time of the post in which that picture belongs, I had already comented on the reason I had the excalibut aboard. This minelab is an underwater machine.
My PDC could and cannot 'swim'. The FG either.

In clear words, as you seem to have some difficulty in interpreting things...
I could not and still cannot take Mineoro LRLs underwater as they are not waterproof.
Even for big targets, you still need an underwater detector to pinpoint as the gold might be hidden under layers of sand or sediments.
I already thought about using a special high pressure acrylic enclosure made to house digital cameras for underwater work, but I feel this will interfere in the detector's reliability.
I am thinking in a way to end this limitation tough.

Hope this is crystal clear now. Please, save this answer in your PC for future reference. Thanks.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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