What we need is anticipation, optimistic realistic hope, joy and fun in finding real precious treasures that motivates us for hunting because we will became millioneers, getin' rich and have a real good life, holidays in Las Vegas, sex n drugs n rockn roll, freedom and doin only what we really like... - more treasure huntin'!
That's why we need reliable treasure maps, infos but also detectors that get the most out of the ground!
@ hung
Thank you very much for still posting here and defending the Mineoro devices and ignoring all those bad jokes and stupid stuff because you and some other really try to prove those devices are really working.
Thank you also for your true Jeonhunter statement!
Compared to alot other deep search P.I. stuff (for those you need 1m large coils if you want to find real deep stuff) it can find coins with the standard coil, has disc and also audio/visual cavity-mineral detection.
But what the most people here are critizin' is the unreliability of the Mineoro detectors in the north hemisphere and under certain weather conditions.
Your "damned" usual MDs can be switched on and 95 out of 100 times they do their job as they should - no matter what if it's day or night, sunny or rainy outside.
btw. the meteorology is a really complex topic.
In the german book "Magnetism" I read the following:
There is a second, weaker magnetic field created by the ionosphere and it's most powerful around the equator.
There are also ionic storms from the ionosphere (100-160km above the ground), sometimes created by energetic sunwinds. There also is the Van-Allen-Magnetosphere-Belt.
btw. magnetism is caused by the electrons spin, an electron is the smallest magnetic particle. And for shure this has something to do with LRL, electrostatic and metal detection, because usual MDs are using magnetical coils.
However - making it more interresting by "fun & action" again, hung please go to north america or europe and try out how good the Mineoro works there and upload nice videos from this. If Carl Moreland still offers his price for detection you could make good money if you are shure it would work in da States, too. But because of the different magnetic and electrostatic situation perhaps it really only works in southern america or south of the equator.
@ putrechigi
Thank you for your written test results. Make more if you can with different / not calibrated gold objects and hidden by other person.
@ all - important question:
Let's assume the Mineoro detects a long time ago golden coin of 1 inch / 2.5cm in 1.5 feet / 50cm depth from a distance!!
What usual detector with the best price-worthyness-relation (evtl. what special coil if needed) would be the best for pinpointing this coin, has a chance to find it?!