Originally Posted by putrechigi
hi at everibody nice too meet you gaucho1961 i'm from italia and i dont' think how many treasure are in my countri but if you think that it was benne a hundre and hundre war i think in italy we have many many treasure roman, medieval, 1 war,2war ecc.ecc.-ecc. you think there are problem with fg/90 to find treasure in my country? because we are at north of emisphere? you know someone in Europe and particularly in Italy has found treasures with mineoro LRL?
i try one week with fg/80 wthout find nothing wath is the difference with fg?90?
thank you very much and best reguards
Hello Manolo,
so your back on the forum ! . Good to here from you. What about the test of the Bionic 01 of your friend ?
Concerning Mineoro sometime my Dc2008 make me feel nervous and I want to threw it away. But in fact it is just a tool and you need other device to reach the target.
Most of LRL user are honest poeple here on the forum and they are always ready to give advice and assistance and it is great.
As user of Mineoro I would say it is quite versatile and unstable but i wouldn't say it is scame. But the price is too expensive for such device and the advertising of the factory is too much optimistic.
Many thanks again to the senior members for theire always interesting topic and electronic project.
Happy prospecting and good luck for all TH