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Old 08-11-2010, 08:48 PM
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gaucho1961 gaucho1961 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Brasil
Posts: 45
Default Quiaozhi

Dear friend Quiaozhi, and other members of the forum.
Answering your question.
I use FG90 whenever I begin the field research, when locating the exact place I continue with FG90.
Only in the end of the excavation it is that I begin to use Bounty Hunter Land to Screech and the 08MI of MINEORO.
I don't believe that a researcher of treasures that really looks for only something of value, skirt with a detector in your exploration, I particularly have several detectors and I take all with me, because I can need a specific detector that is inserted in the research.
FG90 is still something new for me in comparison with the detectors created by me or to my old companion 08MI of MINEORO.
Another thing that has to be commented is that in my state the largest pitched war happened in numbers of soldiers in Brazilian soil, other war existed " War of the Farrapos ", in my state the 7 People of the Missions, that it was colonization of Priests Spanish Jesuits existed and that explored the indigenous people and they extracted the gold of the lands of my state. What makes the difference it is that the hunt to the treasure is not published and few people that try that modality exist, and they try with ridiculous equipments and without any technology, for that a lot of thing still exists to be explored.
The company MINEORO that was born in my state in the city of Taquara, there are 40km from where I live, it always marketed direct in the factory, not in stores, and without popularization in the mÃ*dia, and your prices were always out of the reality for a lot of people that like hunt to the treasure.
Those whole causes are the reasons for having in my state a lot of thing still buried.
Quiaozhi, do I respect the opinions contrary with relationship to the operation of FG90, but the something I can tell her? What doesn't he work? What is an illusion? And who answers on the coins of gold that I already found with him? Do bark them with 29 pieces of jewels in the picture in my signature in this page?
I can finish that Forum right now saying that you are right and I am wrong and that FG90 is a fraud and final point.
I am exposing something of my private life that to today I had not done, showing videos that up to now was to show to my friends and research friends.
I am not here wanting to be clown exposing me, or to prove to somebody if FG90 works or not.
I am sharing one of my happiness of the life, something that gives me a lot of amusement and pleasure, and it doesn't matter if they believe or not. For me that it really interests it is that I already found in 3 occasions something that gave me a lot of money and happiness.
Only that now want to share with all and to show that buried treasures really exist and that it is to the reach of all, it is enough to be serious, persistent, and never to give up the objective, to seek at the places where one historizes it really happened, and the principal of all this, never if solemnity deceives, believing that for obligation that something should be something buried at that place.
That is my beginning of researches.
I neither want to decrease nor to offend nobody of that forum, if I did it was unintentionally, excuse me.
I wait that they understand my bad English, and I thank the opportunity to share my experiences in the treasure hunt.

Tomorrow I will travel to the city where I am working that research and to finish the hole that appears in the video. The place is protected and nobody has access to him, for that, if has something to be discovered it will be.
I will film everything to show for you.

A great hug in all!
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