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Old 08-11-2010, 07:06 PM
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hung hung is offline
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Originally Posted by WesP View Post
I see a very large hole and an inconstant beeping but no treasure or any thing that came out of the hole.......????????????
Actually the 'inconstant' beepings are due to the field emanation 'edge' being reached. In this case, there's a kind of null area and this edge or border is now 360 degrees around and with different intensities. To go over the exact spot, he has to recalibrate the device to reach the center with only one beep.
As the footage starts with the operator already in the site spot, the 'audience' lacks reference to know what is exactly going on. But the FG is strictly directional and gaucho 1961 told me the first beeps started at 300 feet away precisely in one direction. I don't have slightest doubt he located gold from this distance and according to the beeps behavior.

Watching the videos however I feel that there's also one target to the right of the hole and I already told him to check it.
He told me they had to abort operations as it started to rain so they had to leave the place.
I believe he is working on it right now or early tomorrow, and I expect we will have some good news soon.
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