Originally Posted by Funfinder
J_Player, I'm shure you are an open-minded and fair-judging person with technical understanding so it's a proof how problematically the whole LRL topic is.
The LRL topic is problematic because there is no proof shown in a way that an average person could determine from their own experience whether an LRL works.
To begin with, we see many expensive LRLs for sale which we are expected to believe will help us to easily find buried treasure without first trying them out before buying them. Then we read reports from people who say they work, even though they have not demonstrated that they have really found any treasure when using the LRL. We only have their report that the LRL works, and some explanation to say it works by using strange principles that do not work for the average person who reads the report. Then we have some people who post diagrams that show how to build a working circuit that they can use to find treasure. But when the average reader builds the circuit, they cannot find treasures with the LRL except by random chance. They wonder why the circuit does not work for them as it was claimed to work by the person who said it will work. The answer comes -- "You did not build it correctly" or "you did not use it properly" or "conditions were not right for detecting treasure".
The result is the same as if it is a fake LRL that does not detect treasure.
Does this mean the detector will work only if it is built in a certain way with secret circuits that are not shown in the forum?
Will the LRL work only for certain gifted people who have special abilities to operate an LRL?
Will the LRL work only at certain times and places where conditions are correct?
Looking at the reasons given why an average reader cannot find reasonable success with any LRL that is bought or built, it seems the legend of the LRL has protected itself from any possible complaint that an average reader can make to say it does not work.
So how can we determine whether they work or not?
This is simple. To make it simpler, let us consider only the LRLs which are claimed to be electronic, and do not require any special dowsing powers or other special talents of the operator. Lets consider only electronic LRLs that are claimed to work for an average person with no experience in using any metal locating equipment.
To begin, what is an LRL supposed to do? It is supposed to locate buried metal from a long distance (longer distance than a conventional metal detector).
How would you check to see if it works?
You give the LRL to an average person and tell him to read the instructions. After he reads the instructions, he uses the LRL in the way the instructions tell him to use it. Then he observes to see if the LRL was able to locate buried treasure.
So how does the average person test the LRL? He hides a peice of jewelry, or diamond, or any other treasure that the LRL is claimed to find. Then he uses the LRL according to the instructions to see if he can find the treasure. Some LRLs are claimed to locate only metal that has been buried a long time. In this case, the average person could go to a location where there is a known metal object that was buried a long time. This could be an underground pipe, wire, tank, or other metal thing he knows was buried a long time.
After following instructions for the LRL, the average person finds he cannnot locate it when using the LRL. So we see the problem with believing an LRL works when an average person gains experience to see it does not work. But still there are some people who say their LRL can find treasure because they "use it with the right method" or "they built it correctly" or "they know the right conditions where it will work".
There is another simple solution to determine whether these people have LRLs that can find treasure.
They can simply give a demonstration in front of the average readers.
The average people who want to determine whether the person who has the claimed working LRL is finding treasure can hide a treasure for the LRL to find. Then the person who has the working LRL can locate the hidden treasure without knowing where it is hidden. If he can repeat this 10 times in a row, maybe he truly does have a working LRL, or some special gift for finding treasure to convince the average observers his LRL is working.
The problem is no person who claims to have a working LRL will make this demonstration for average observers to see and experience so they will know. The one exception I can think of is where Morgan invited all people to come to his demonstration of a working LRL. Of all the billions of people on the earth, only Geo decided to attend at Morgan's demonstration. And Geo became convinced that the LRL Morgan had was working. Besides Morgan's demonstration, the only other LRL demonstrations I have read about showed failed locating attempts and detection abilities that were the same as random guessing.
The problem of showing LRLs working is easy to solve.
We do not need to know the newest circuit details, or learn the special meditation or dowsing methods. Simply let a person who claims to have a working LRL demonstrate it finding buried treasure consistently. I have had an open offer to document any demonstration of this nature that is made in the Los Angeles area for years, yet not a single person will show their LRL finding treasure. This does not give much credibility to LRLs in general. At present, I have a new, unused and unaltered deluxe LRL along with a MFD broadcating probe in my possesion which I have offered to let anyone who wants to test in the field. I made several posts inviting anyone in the Los Angeles area to come and field test it. Nobody is interested in even trying it. There was one Geotech forum member who did try it, and a number of non-treasure hunters who tried it. They all followed the operating instructions and decided it was not finding treasures.
From what I have personally experienced, I can conclude I have never experienced an LRL finding buried treasure better than guessing where the treasure is. I can also conclude from what I have read in the Remote Sensing forum that, with the exception of a few LRL enthusiasts, everyone else is convinced that LRLs do not locate treasures. The most interesting thing about LRLs I have found is the intrigue to study and experiment with the theories of how it could work, and to study the psychology of what would make a person believe that they are working.
Does this give you some idea of the real problematic nature of LRLs, and why there are many people who do not believe there is a working LRL available for purchase or to build?
Best wishes,