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Old 06-01-2010, 01:44 PM
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Funfinder Funfinder is offline
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Posts: 482

Thanx for your kind words, WM6, i know finally you would recognise it.

But this nice schematic above was just a demonstration and was used for my: "boot PSX with programmable keycard"-project.

Here what I really like to demonstrate is the contraproductive, unfair and untechnical discussion about LRLs.

ivconic was absolutly right when he criticised Esteban not posting ONE simple but working or complete LRL schematic.

Heating up the interrest of people for must having on of these LRL-wonder-machines by colorful pix/movies containing alot gold-finds is the marketing and commercial side of the whole topic (especially if we look to the extreme price of those devices!), but to proof that for shure and how good those work is THE essential and much more important thing!

Of course we should be cautious with patented and for a company important "industrial secrets" so those can live on without the fear of "chinese production pirates" etc. but at least they have to convince people that their LRLs really works, 'cose otherwise they will sell just a few at all to very uninformed, uncritical people or arabic oil-millionaires that like to play with some new toy.

The whole stuff is pretty simple:
If someone buys something he wants a working product! Basta!
And usually it's the task of the producer and the resellers for making clear it really works as claimed.

This crucial point here in this forum is completly missing!

And I doubt it is only because LRLs work just under special circumstances like dry sunny weather, very seldom long buried gold treasures or even long range to where the production-firm is located.

Taking a closer look to all those special conditions is very important, filtering them out or verifying them, so that in the end a working or not working LRL will remain.

Morgan and Geo did a great job in this direction and also J_Player would think positive about LRLs if he can be assured by personal experience those really work.

Showing you that my PSX audio file really will work is childsplay for me, but what we need are water-proofed LRLs and the active help of those that produce or claim it.

That's why we must discuss very technical without all this "offtopic smalltalk" that brings us no step further.
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