Originally Posted by ivconic
"....Many governments make laws to make treasure hunting illegal, so treasure hunters must be pirates to find treasure.
But when the treasure is found, then all the work becomes worthwhile.
The only problem is to find a way to keep the treasure you find...."
That is true. Same situation here in my country. That's why is better each day to find one gold coin than only in one day to find 100kg hoard, because you will have to watch your back from government and mafia at the same time (aren't those also the same?).
I think governments have made laws to make the government the owner of all valuable things in their juristiction since the first governments.
A good example is taxes. Most governments collect more taxes than they need to perform the job of keeping thier country orderly.
But for treasure, Spain has made laws to say they own all treasure not only in Spanish territory, but many other places far from Spain. The most fair treasure laws I know of are in the UK, where the treasure hunter can have the joy of finding his treasure, and then will be paid a fair price to sell the treasure to the government to put in a museum. I think this is good, because it encourages treasure hunting, and at the same time it preserves the treasures for their historical value to anyone who wants to see the actual artifacts from ancient civilizations.
Best wishes,