Thread: Bionic 01 Video
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Old 01-17-2010, 11:17 PM
ivconic ivconic is offline
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Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
Not your country, dear Morgan, your country is beautiful.
System of all country is crap.
And we all (except maybe brave Greek) are crap, because we do not resist to such crapy systems.
Funny thing; you reminded me on that problem! If some organized group of people stands up for their rights and protest peacefully than they will achieve nothing - waste of time only. But if same group stands up and try something radical (to really make some difference) than system decree that group as terorist group. Why Greeks are different? Simply because they are tired of wasting time. As long as Greeks are the only one - we will achieve nothing against the system. If we want to beat the system we must organize on global plan. Tough and hardly possible....but not impossible.
And yes system in all countries is crap, i agree.
I was born and lived in almost perfect society - Socialism. Than "system" came here and destroyed everything. It is time for revenge - time to destroy system!
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