Hey Morgan,
Sometimes I really don't understand you...
First you said that Mineoro was crap and you were going to sell your devices.
Then, you told that your friend found gold with one of the Mineoro models and you were not going to sell it anymore.
Later you said that DC2008 did not beep at your medal but in the day the video was shot it actually beep. Then you said the Mineoros do work but they only would detect large gold, not small one...
Well, which Morgan I am talking to this time?
Regarding what you told about the Mineoros not beeping, it might have dozens of reasons, such as heavy generators, magnetometers, underwater machinery and even small handheld subaquatic detectors working for a long time, do contribute to completely kill the ionic fields at the target area.
If the detector did not emit signals, assure yourself there was a very good reason for this.
It's just silly to insinuate the detection did not happen exclusively due to the device's fault. This is ridiculous.
You know as well as I do, if the right conditions are met, the detector will beep because the fields are there to be detected.
So what's your point anyway?