Originally Posted by hung
Hi Geo!
Yes you're right.
You know, there's a guy here in Brazil who lives up northeast (higher lattitudes) and his FG80 behaves the most weird way I have ever seen. Besides only being able to reach good calibration around 800 in the knob (I do here with only 150-200), he constantly picks iron besides gold with his FG80. Alonso is even thinking about traveling to his place to investigate this.
From his car, close to the shore in the beach, he picks up iron in the sand perfectly! I never thought this possible from long range.
He told me he is getting rich selling iron to old parts shops.
So as you see, you need to fine tune the device according to the latittude you are. Really interesting... We learn about those things everyday. 
Olá Hung
Desculpa dizer isto mas é a realidade...O MINEORO modelo DC2006 falhou completamente na busca do tesouro do galeão espanhol "Nuestra Senora De Las Mercedes" naufragado no Cabo de Santa Maria (Faro).
Eu e mais um amigo que tem barco fizemos exaustivas buscas com o Mineoro muito perto do local do naufragio em 2006 sem obter qualquer sinal. Mas é frustante saber atraves da U S ODISSEY que a companhia americana resgatou desse mesmo local a 30 m de profundidade 17 toneladas de ouro e prata,avaliados em 500 milhões de dolares.
É muito frustante,eu penso que se tivesse usado o modelo DC2008 o resultado seria diferente,creio mais fiavel...