Originally Posted by g-sani
What do I need scientific proofs when I can go out finding treasures whith my LRL?
Well may be I need them in order to convince you.
You must be jocking!

Actually, this is correct.
If a person uses an LRL for the purpose of locating treasure, and the LRL helps him to find more tresure, then nothing more is needed.
Simply go find treasure and be happy
But when a person uses an LRL to convince other people that it finds treasure, then they cannot expect other people to believe them until they do something to convince the other people. In this case, the importance of the LRL is no longer simply to find treasure, but to demonstrate that it is working and convince people who don't believe to beleive. For most people, they would believe more easily if they hold one in thier hand and try it out for themselves to see if it is helping them to find treasure before they believe strong enough to spend money to buy one. For me, I would not need any scientific test to prove any theories or measurements. I would only need to try it for a few days and see if I am finding treasure that I cannot find without it. But others may want to see more scientific tests. The only way they can do this is to get an actually LRL to test, not by looking at pictures and listening to stories. This is where the problem is. No LRL manufacturer has his LRLs available at the local treasure hunting stores for people to try and see for themselves. They only allow photos of the LRL and lots of gold, with stories that their LRL found the gold. Why can't the buyer try it out before he pays his money like any other metal detector? If the LRLs were available in the local treasure hunting store, then nobody would be asking for proof, because they could simply go and try one for themself, just like any other metal detector. Then buy it if they think it is working good for them.
The question is why would anyone need to use an LRL for convincing other people?
For a person who is a manufacturer, they would want to do this in order to sell an LRL.
For a hobbyist who is not selling an LRL and has no connection to any LRL factory employees or owners, the reasons would be personal.
Best wishes,