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Old 01-13-2010, 04:41 PM
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Originally Posted by g-sani View Post
Listen WM6, may be you were not lucky until now to see somebody that can dowse for gold and I know very well how rare is to find an accomplished dowser that he can do it.
You have to change attitude to have this possibility open for the future.And I mean to see a real dowser going for gold so revealling himself to your skeptic mind.
To admit WM6 that you can dowse for gold it is as dangerous as when you are walking in a crowdy street carrying a see through bag full of money.
Oh... yes my friend we found gold many times you believe it or not.
The only reallity that you can not accept WM6 is that you can not do it when there is somebody else that he can.
You don't know the way to do it my friend and nobody is going to show you whith this attitude of yours when it comes to Dowsing.
Of course there are secrets and it is very difficult to learn them.
When you are infront of a real dowser believe me that he knows your attitude and he can also tell if you have this small extra thing that somebody needs to became a good dowser.
When you can dowse for gold successfully then you enhance many other abillities of yourself.
Everybody can do it but some are really better from the day they have borned.
Well I understand that when you talk about dowsers you are talking only about people that advertise themselves that they are.
I used to think like that myself in the past and I admit it.
Now the technology improved dear WM6 and gold dowsing is happening everytime out.
As time passes by is becoming better and better and yes you know now that the gold is there before you dig it.
You don't believe it WM6?
Sorry I did my best.

Many regards
Excellent g-sani.

I wonder if it is true that you are looking for a job in the advertising department of company mineoro? I am sure that you are the right person.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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