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Old 12-23-2009, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Theseus
Me thinks you missed the point

It does not matter if you waste $2 or $20,000 on experiments and equipment. If you have not identified the parameters and characteristics of your phenomenon, then any results you might report are of no real use or importance to anyone but yourself.
If in fact your phenomenon could be experienced by more than just yourself (in validated experiments), would it not have a better chance of being developed into a viable technology?

What exactly are your reasons for posting claimed results, with devices and contraptions that only you can boast results from?
Hi Theseus,

According to Esteban we have missed his point, not the other way around.

To start with, Esteban already stated his reason for posting his claimed results: "Just I wish to explain that many things made of other in the past, today is "discovered", this is, re-discovered with implementation of modern equipment".

He is referring, of course to how his method of hearing a change in the sound of an FM radio when he shined his IR LED beam at the dirt is the same as the IR PAS method to hear metals vibrate with a microphone he posted . ...Only he used an FM pocket radio to hear the metal vibrate instead of a microphone.

Did Esteban get it right?
Is this a case where Esteban found a new way to implement the PAS principle?

Esteban never demonsrated he found an alternate method to detect vibrating metals. This is only a speculative conclusion he states as being a fact instead of a speculation. Same as he speculates it is phase shift he sensed rather than checking to see if it is a fact. Let's look at what he observed, not what he speculated:
His observation was "the sound changed in the FM receiver" when he scanned his IR beam over an area where metal is buried a long time.

How does this demonstrate the metal is making mechanical vibrations, to allow him to hear it vibrate on an FM receiver? I think If he is hearing a change in the sound on an FM radio, the cause lies elsewhere... not from the metal beginning to vibrate when he shines the IR LED its direction. Shining an IR LED at the dirt above buried metal does not cause it to make audible mechanical vibrations that create a phase shift to the signal received on an FM radio. If this were truly an implementation of the PAS effect, then anyone could shine a 400 hz square wave powered IR LED over a buried coin and microphone to hear it vibrating.

So we see the concept Esteban posts is not correct. He did not discover the PAS principles he posted, using an FM radio instead of a microphone 20 years ago. He only speculates he rediscovered it with his FM radio, which can be shown to be an erroneous speculation by using an IR LED and a microphone to check a buried coin.

But your question is about the use and importance of his experiments. Esteban says he is not looking for glory: "Just I wish to explain that many things made of other in the past, today is "discovered", this is, re-discovered with implementation of modern equipment".

So Esteban's motive is not glory, only to explain that he is re-implementing past technology with modern equipment. It is interesting he does not provide some simple circuitry we can try to hear for ourselves the sound of the buried metal vibrating to make the FM radio sounds change. Since he is not here to harvest glory, then checking these simple devices would not be a concern if nobody could get them to demonstrate the PAS principle working in his detectors.

I guess if nobody is given an opportunity to check to see how this stuff really works, the reports we hear can only serve to direct glory to Esteban from the people who believe is speculations are facts.

Best wishes,
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