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Old 12-22-2009, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Astrodetect
Hi Jplayer and others
I am in no way trying to give out misinformation to anybody,but I highly respect Esteban and his experiences in LR metal detection. As I understand it we do not know many things that he does because we have not experimented with these systems.
But if you attack Esteban with accusations instead of giving respect for his help here, then why should he give out information??????
Esteban keep up the good work...
Hi Astrodetect,

I also consider Esteban to be a great experimenter and innovator with experimental methods to locate metals. He deserves all the respect that comes with his years of experience and dedication to these studies.

My accusations are not intended to show disrespect, but to point out that he is using flawed logic to arrive at conclusions based on speculative thoughts rather than data that can be proven to be true. And he is publishing his speculations as if they were facts. There are no facts to support the two claims he made, and there will not be any facts until the speculations are verified to be true or not. If we look into the facts concerning metals vibrating under a chopped IR source, we find that Alaxender Graham Bell discovered thin metal disks emit a sound you can hear when place under sunlight that is interrupted rapidly, and this discovery was later developed into IR and UV PAS methods we see today.

Sure, I would wonder if PAS is related to what Esteban observed on his FM receiver, until I realized the principle is not the same when the path of the light is blocked. Then I would look for other reasons why the sound is changing in the FM receiver.

But when we see a post stating "Exactly as I made with a FM radio since more than 20 years ago!", it causes people to learn false data in the Geotech forums. Many readers visit this forum to learn the best of knowledge from experts who know what they are talking about, because they don't understand the science behind it, or don't have time to check the sources. Isn't believing false premises the point where a person stops looking at science and starts believing in pseudo-science?

In this case Esteban is wrong. Unless readers have another opinion to read that shows them why they shouldn't believe it, they may even waste time and money on equipment that is claimed to "hear acoustical sounds from buried metal".

Carl was wise when he placed a rule for this forum stating "Be factual. If you make an extraordinary claim, be prepared to get challenged". His purpose was to put some kind of control so people who read his forum will be able to see both sides of any debatable topic. In this case it allows readers to see an alternative to the notion that shining an IR LED on the dirt will make buried metals begin to vibrate and make sounds you can hear.

I have great respect for the years of dedication and experimenting Esteban has done. And I like to read his posts showing his latest experiments. I only point out he is posting his speculations as if they are facts, when they are not. And that this sloppy chain of logic is a sure way to be posting false information.

Best wishes,
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