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-   -   Master Form, radiesthesia, shape, device, insight, fifth initiation of the master (https://www.longrangelocators.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19550)

cpu78 08-30-2023 12:51 AM

Master Form, radiesthesia, shape, device, insight, fifth initiation of the master
Master form, a device developed by me in 2023; if you want to become a master wear this shape, it gives you deep insight, expands your perception with paranormal perception, gives you a feeling of freedom, and more. It can be engraved in metal, wood or plastic, a drawing on cardboard or a laminated print on paper will work too.

author of device: Gregory Podgorniak, Poland


diagram. Master form

cpu78 08-30-2023 01:14 AM

Emitters ana5, sah 5
see also my other threads on this forum:

Emitter ana 5, radionics, shape radiation, a device that emits the indigo color of chakra Ajna -

Emitter sah 5, radionics, shape, a device that emits the violet color of chakra sahasrara -

cpu78 08-30-2023 01:16 AM

I would like to add that Master initiation is the highest initiation

cpu78 08-30-2023 12:45 PM

other version of Master Form:


cpu78 08-30-2023 01:07 PM

is best
In this form, it is best that the triangle is equilateral.

cpu78 11-26-2024 03:04 PM

For permanent use, it would be best to engrave the design on a metal plate or signet ring.

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