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brain 02-27-2021 10:41 AM

ultrasonic sound metal detection
Is the information posted on this site correct? Can metal detection with ultrasonic sound? Can you help with this? link is below


Pahom 02-27-2021 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by brain (Post 160372)
Is the information posted on this site correct? Can metal detection with ultrasonic sound? Can you help with this? link is below


No ..... It was a joke.

Geo 02-28-2021 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by brain (Post 160372)
Is the information posted on this site correct? Can metal detection with ultrasonic sound? Can you help with this? link is below


I don't know about this schema but if you will look at forum will find a post from Esteban where says that "phainomenon" is detectable by ultrasonic technology...

humhum 02-28-2021 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by brain (Post 160372)
Is the information posted on this site correct? Can metal detection with ultrasonic sound? Can you help with this? link is below


Dear Friend , here is this two liks , I not build this two Sch , but I beliewe that will works its with correct calibration , for this need Time . :)


Dubulumach 03-01-2021 03:09 PM

Hi all ! :)

Anyone have built this Magnitostriction LRL schematic - ultrasonic type?
99.99% it must work with correctly tunned filters.

Where to find electromechanical filters for every metal?
Need only 3: Platinum , Gold and Silver.

Magnitostriction Frqs:

5,722 Mhz Platinum Pt
5,621 MHz Aurum or Gold Au
difference 101 KHz
5,278 MHz ARgentum or silver Ag
difference 343 KHz
4,731 MHz Ferum or iron Fe
difference 547 KHz
3,872 MHz Cuprum or Copper Cu
difference 859 KHz
3,245 MHz Aluminum Al
difference 627 KHz

ps: Worth try Ultrasonic LRL ! :)

humhum 03-01-2021 05:25 PM

Hi Dear Dubulumach , before years I Hear from one my friend that he make a real PD ,
working with ultrasonic , but Schematic was other (also this is public ) , not from this upper Sch .
Here important is correct calibration , You know that is so and How , because
You are proffesional .

kostas87 03-02-2021 11:39 AM

Mr. Esteban, many years ago, had mentioned the method of detection with such a device .. there is nothing certain but why not ..

Geo 03-02-2021 04:07 PM

At theory yes....
but remember that he never constructed a workable ultrasonic lrl....:lol:

humhum 03-04-2021 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 160395)
At theory yes....
but remember that he never constructed a workable ultrasonic lrl....:lol:

Working of IR receiver and ULtrasonic receiver are also , here different is only wavelight !!
Next critical calibration .....

kostas87 03-04-2021 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 160395)
At theory yes....
but remember that he never constructed a workable ultrasonic lrl....:lol:

Yes a theory my friend George,
But he had mentioned it was tried by Mr. Alonso ..he did not mention failure, or success ... and he did not mention where he placed it to catch the phenomenon?.maybe behind the bfo coils or the heathkit coils.maybe it is as capable as ferrite with the passive receiver ..I thinking ..theories ..

abdou2014 03-04-2021 05:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
i didn't find these filter and coil on the net with thses refferences ???

humhum 03-04-2021 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by kostas87 (Post 160408)
Yes a theory my friend George,
But he had mentioned it was tried by Mr. Alonso ..he did not mention failure, or success ... and he did not mention where he placed it to catch the phenomenon?.maybe behind the bfo coils or the heathkit coils.maybe it is as capable as ferrite with the passive receiver ..I thinking ..theories ..

This system can works also with simple Sound wave , ( but with different connected method ) , itself I not build it , but Before years was have Video in Arabic forum for it and I understand this works method , this method is so like Alonso PD , if any know method for working PD , also can build it . Maybe now any Friends understand how is working method or for what I say . ;)

brain 03-11-2021 04:36 AM

Hello, you said humhum logic is the same as alonso pd. The ultrasonic metal detector uses the specified Frequencies. Does Alonso Pd use negative or positive electromagnetic or frequency? If there are frequencies, what are they?

humhum 03-11-2021 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by brain (Post 160469)
Hello, you said humhum logic is the same as alonso pd. The ultrasonic metal detector uses the specified Frequencies. Does Alonso Pd use negative or positive electromagnetic or frequency? If there are frequencies, what are they?

Yes , one is ultrasound (long wave) , other is elektromagnet (more short wave ,
here same Logic is receiving Method .

kostas87 03-11-2021 11:54 PM

what frequency..? you say there are frequencies in the phenomenon, No do not support this .... maybe if a device is capable of detecting very small changes in electromagnetic differences from the environment of the phenomenon. Or maybe the environment of the phenomenon to disturb a part of the device and be detected by another sensor located inside the device this signal. The operating frequency of each device does not matter in the phenomenon search .The phenomeno it's a anoder energy ..

humhum 03-12-2021 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by kostas87 (Post 160495)
what frequency..? you say there are frequencies in the phenomenon, No do not support this .... maybe if a device is capable of detecting very small changes in electromagnetic differences from the environment of the phenomenon. Or maybe the environment of the phenomenon to disturb a part of the device and be detected by another sensor located inside the device this signal. The operating frequency of each device does not matter in the phenomenon search .The phenomeno it's a anoder energy ..

Yes are right , phenomenon it's a another ( Aether ) energy and so it can locating or mixing with miscellaneous wave , Sound - Ultrasound- RF - IR ............ :)

LRLMAN 06-04-2021 09:21 AM

Hello friend Hum Hum ... everything you say about IR and Ultrasonics is very interesting ..... not many days ago I spoke with Alonso and asked him if it is possible to detect the phenomenon with Ultrasonic systems and he said Yes .... but I told him that if there would be problems with the obstacles and the detection distance at which he answered me: he told me that it was only necessary to send an ultrasound signal at a low or very low frequency to be able to pass matter and it was the only thing that was needed to be able to detect the phenomenon and that he had done it and it was one of his best detection systems ... he also told me about the frequencies of molecular resonances of gold and silver and copper ..... very very interesting !!!!
.... is what he told me .... greetings

humhum 06-04-2021 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 160832)
Hello friend Hum Hum ... everything you say about IR and Ultrasonics is very interesting ..... not many days ago I spoke with Alonso and asked him if it is possible to detect the phenomenon with Ultrasonic systems and he said Yes .... but I told him that if there would be problems with the obstacles and the detection distance at which he answered me: he told me that it was only necessary to send an ultrasound signal at a low or very low frequency to be able to pass matter and it was the only thing that was needed to be able to detect the phenomenon and that he had done it and it was one of his best detection systems ... he also told me about the frequencies of molecular resonances of gold and silver and copper ..... very very interesting !!!!
.... is what he told me .... greetings

Yes Friend LRLMAN with many method can find precious metals , but when using filter
only for selected metal , so is more good .
Does you can find only selected metal (only Gold or only Silver or only Copper metal ) with
reject other all metals , when use moleculer Freq filter for selected ? ;)

Sneshko 06-08-2021 08:11 AM

Portable Ultrasonic Metal Detector: :)






Sneshko 06-08-2021 09:11 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Original project "Ultrasonic Metal Detector" publising in:

А. Гошев, г. Ростов на Дону, Ультразвуковой металлоискатель, У: Радiоаматор бр. 4, Киев, април, 2001, с. 25.

Internet version in English:


Enjoy! :)

Sneshko 06-08-2021 09:22 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Original project "Ultrasonic Metal Detector" republising in:

А. Гошев, Ултразвуков металотърсач, У: Електрон Дайджест, бр. 9, София, 2001, с. 311.

Regards! :)

Pahom 06-09-2021 06:16 PM

It remains to collect, then skim on the shelf, then disassemble for parts. Or act wisely. Forget about this scheme and everything that is written in these magazines.

humhum 06-09-2021 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Sneshko (Post 160841)
Portable Ultrasonic Metal Detector: :)



This Bulgarian product , Does have discrimination for all Metals ? Ag ,Au, Cu .....
Има ли дискриминация за всеки Метал .

Regards .

kostas87 09-04-2021 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 160832)
Hello friend Hum Hum ... everything you say about IR and Ultrasonics is very interesting ..... not many days ago I spoke with Alonso and asked him if it is possible to detect the phenomenon with Ultrasonic systems and he said Yes .... but I told him that if there would be problems with the obstacles and the detection distance at which he answered me: he told me that it was only necessary to send an ultrasound signal at a low or very low frequency to be able to pass matter and it was the only thing that was needed to be able to detect the phenomenon and that he had done it and it was one of his best detection systems ... he also told me about the frequencies of molecular resonances of gold and silver and copper ..... very very interesting !!!!
.... is what he told me .... greetings

Hello LRLman! what you are saying is very very very interesting with the ultrasound system. any information above is valuable!

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