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Human_Electroreception 09-11-2020 06:27 PM

Gold Ionization is not a myth
Extrasens was standing one minute above the burried gold.
Yellow dust appeared on his body!

reza vir 09-14-2020 01:57 PM

It is true that all metals emit ions
But they have no color of their own or even smell or like spores
Gold does not precipitate
Unlike other metals
Even if it is millions of years underground
It has only been seen that the statues of several thousand years old have only slightly darkened

humhum 09-16-2020 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Human_Electroreception (Post 159819)
Extrasens was standing one minute above the burried gold.
Yellow dust appeared on his body!

For see Gold mineralisation or Ionisation near or top buried place , You can use special ''nm'' hand light Lamb .

Human_Electroreception 09-20-2020 11:35 AM

Gold ionization Lamp
Where can I buy such "nm" Lamp?
Do you have a link?

Does such lamp works only during the night?
Are there any glasses with special filter in order to see gold ionisation?

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