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Geo 01-09-2018 05:48 AM

Andy Flind MFD.
All these years i received so many mails to post the schematic of Andy Flind.
Today i decided to post it here.
Article is in PDF format and it is from EPE magazine.
I would like Admin to tell me if i can do it or No. Article is from year 1995.


abdou2014 01-09-2018 07:11 AM

We waited for this moment for a long time, thank you Geo :)

WM6 01-09-2018 11:33 AM

Geo, first post, then ask. ;)

Admins post a lot of old magazine projects here:
so one more (22-year old project) could not change nothing.

In contrary, admins can delete post (after most of member downloads of course).

zakari 01-09-2018 02:49 PM

That Is GOOD Idea
We Are Waiting8)8)

Thanks So Much

Geo 01-09-2018 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by WM6 (Post 156056)
Geo, first post, then ask. ;)

Admins post a lot of old magazine projects here:
so one more (22-year old project) could not change nothing.

In contrary, admins can delete post (after most of member downloads of course).

Hahaha.... no good idea.
I want the members to read the article and these that would like to construct it with modifications. Maybe i am not sure about results.... but they will construct a lrl the same with a commercial one (and very expensive).
So i need the permission of Admins.
I am waiting for Qiaozhi......


Geo 01-09-2018 06:32 PM

Pray to the Saint George (Qiaozhi)....:lol::lol:

abdou2014 01-09-2018 06:34 PM

Qiaozhi is very generous, he posted the full totem schematic :)

Qiaozhi 01-09-2018 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 156058)
Hahaha.... no good idea.
I want the members to read the article and these that would like to construct it with modifications. Maybe i am not sure about results.... but they will construct a lrl the same with a commercial one (and very expensive).
So i need the permission of Admins.
I am waiting for Qiaozhi......


Carl says that Winborne Publishing gave him permission years ago for older articles, probably including this one. So please go ahead and post it. :thumb:

Geo 01-09-2018 09:22 PM

Thank you Qiaozhi.
Now the remaining problem is the size of the file.
So i will post the file to your email so you to post it here. Do you have the same email as before some years??


Qiaozhi 01-09-2018 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 156062)
Thank you Qiaozhi.
Now the remaining problem is the size of the file.
So i will post the file to your email so you to post it here. Do you have the same email as before some years??


Yes, please send it to my Geotech email address.

Geo 01-10-2018 06:11 AM

Thanks Qiaozhi.
I have send it :)

abdou2014 01-10-2018 07:20 AM

Happy birthday Geo :)

Qiaozhi 01-10-2018 08:41 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is the article from Geo:

Qiaozhi 01-10-2018 08:45 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Also, while saving the PDF from Geo, I discovered that I had this article from Andy Flind dated 2001:

brs 01-10-2018 09:10 AM

Thanks Qiaozhi
thanks geo

abdou2014 01-10-2018 09:41 AM

Thank you Geo and Qiaozhi :)

abdou2014 01-10-2018 10:42 AM

What gives this peculiarity in this magnetic detector ???

Mike(Mont) 01-10-2018 01:31 PM

Thanks for the info.

There is a cell phone app titled "Tesla Meter" the icon is a power pole. It has an AC magnetic field detector as well as DC. Don't expect it to be nearly as sensitive, but it's cheap, like a dollar or two. Or do a search for EMF detector. You can even find reviews or which is best.

Geo 01-10-2018 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 156065)
Happy birthday Geo :)

Thank you:)

Geo 01-10-2018 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 156070)
What gives this peculiarity in this magnetic detector ???

If you mean the Andy Flind then you must search at forum.
Esteban made some modifications and make it a good lrl (as he was telling).
The good is that you can construct the schematic as is (on original pcb) and later to make the mods and maybe the adds. In place of T1 you can use a tuned coil.
With little mods on it there is a very expensive lrl (don't ask me if it works :lol::lol:)

Geo 01-10-2018 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 156067)
Also, while saving the PDF from Geo, I discovered that I had this article from Andy Flind dated 2001:

George Thank you.
It is an interesting article and i have 2 sensors in lab drawers...

abdou2014 01-10-2018 03:38 PM

Is the preamp necessary ?

brs 01-10-2018 04:01 PM

Just asked
Hi Geo
has certainly worked on this machine and its results are satisfactory

Sneshko 01-10-2018 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 156054)
All these years i received so many mails to post the schematic of Andy Flind.
Today i decided to post it here.
Article is in PDF format and it is from EPE magazine.
I would like Admin to tell me if i can do it or No. Article is from year 1995.


Thank you very much dear Geo & Qiaozhi!
...And, Happy birthday Geo!!!
Regards in Serbia!

Mike(Mont) 01-10-2018 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) (Post 156071)
Thanks for the info.

There is a cell phone app titled "Tesla Meter" the icon is a power pole. It has an AC magnetic field detector as well as DC. Don't expect it to be nearly as sensitive, but it's cheap, like a dollar or two. Or do a search for EMF detector. You can even find reviews or which is best.

The app is called Tesla Field Meter by JMS Solutions. Of course not nearly as sensitive.

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