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-   -   Pistol Detector - TOTeM (Complete Details) (https://www.longrangelocators.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19245)

Qiaozhi 11-05-2016 09:37 PM

Pistol Detector - TOTeM (Complete Details)
1 Attachment(s)
Although Edition 1 of Inside the METAL DETECTOR (ITMD) has been completely sold out for several months, we still receive requests directly from people who are interested in Chapter 14 (The Pistol Detector).

Therefore, as an early end-of-year present from the administrators of this forum (and authors of Inside the METAL DETECTOR) we hereby release complete details of the TOTeM project from Edition 1.


pigeon 11-05-2016 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 154098)
Although Edition 1 of Inside the METAL DETECTOR (ITMD) has been completely sold out for several months, we still receive requests directly from people who are interested in Chapter 14 (The Pistol Detector).

Therefore, as an early end-of-year present from the administrators of this forum (and authors of Inside the METAL DETECTOR) we hereby release complete details of the TOTeM project from Edition 1.



thank you very much

abdou2014 11-05-2016 10:19 PM


sakher 11-05-2016 10:42 PM

thank you very much MR.Qiaozhi

sakher 11-06-2016 12:13 AM

Please can you explain the passive\active switch (pl1 and pl5)
how Connecting with the DPDT type ?
thank you Qiaozhi ..

zakari 11-06-2016 03:42 AM

hi my dear qiaozhi

thanks alot for great job

best regard

Mike(Mont) 11-06-2016 01:15 PM

Thanks for posting. Not that I'd buy one but curious why you don't sell the completed boards, etc. as a partial kit? That way it would be easy enough to modify to get the thing to work without having to spend how many hours for us "slow" types.

Guard 11-06-2016 04:10 PM

The last 3 weeks i am searching for information to build your project.
That was ... "the right timming". :)

Thank you so much Mr Qiaozhi.


Qiaozhi 11-06-2016 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by sakher (Post 154102)
Please can you explain the passive\active switch (pl1 and pl5)
how Connecting with the DPDT type ?
thank you Qiaozhi ..

That information is already in the document.

Qiaozhi 11-06-2016 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) (Post 154107)
Thanks for posting. Not that I'd buy one but curious why you don't sell the completed boards, etc. as a partial kit? That way it would be easy enough to modify to get the thing to work without having to spend how many hours for us "slow" types.

Look at this thread ->
where Goldmaxx did an excellent job of following the instructions. There are also several videos of TOTeM in operation.

Snesko made a PCB for TOTeM, but he posted the files on an off-site server, and these files have since been removed.

I will leave the design of a PCB to members of the LRL Forum. This project is now in the public domain, and hence it's up to you what you do with it.

Mike(Mont) 11-06-2016 10:41 PM


Mike(Mont) 11-07-2016 02:23 AM

Just so you know. I am not agreeing with some of your "conclusions". I'll leave it at that. Of course most say I am unconventional.

d4rkh00d 11-08-2016 01:38 AM

Thanks a lot Qioazhi

Mike(Mont) 11-08-2016 02:41 AM

I did enjoy reading about the ferrite rod, etc. I've said it before there is something about the ferrite rod I swear it pulls the signal in--makes a pathway for the signal to travel on. In the past I have used the tin can and string telephone analogy.

Something like what happens with the solar wind at times,what they call a magnetic superhighway. I'm not saying there are particles, just the magnetics. So, yeah, I don't know what i am talking about, but there is something. Like they say, when you get outside of the crowd you can see from a different viewpoint. For sure, I have the outside part down real good. :lol:

Mike(Mont) 11-08-2016 02:28 PM

Curious about the ferrite rod iron rejection. I have not experienced this with my contraption, just like to know about the cause of this problem. Someone on the forum asked me about this so I offered to help them.

Mike(Mont) 11-08-2016 03:45 PM

No problem, don't bother. Whoever asked me, I do not trust them. :nono:

d4rkh00d 11-12-2016 02:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello guys,

I just wonder to where this jumper (in red circle) connected?

Qiaozhi 11-12-2016 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by d4rkh00d (Post 154162)
Hello guys,

I just wonder to where this jumper (in red circle) connected?

On the schematic it shows only one connection from U3 pin 1 to LED1. I think this may have been left over from tests made during development of TOTeM, and it's no longer required.

AurumKid 11-14-2016 03:22 AM

Is it OK to replace CA3240 with LM1458?

Qiaozhi 11-14-2016 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by AurumKid (Post 154175)
Is it OK to replace CA3240 with LM1458?

The pinout is identical, and there's no special reason for using a CA3240.
So the answer is "yes".

d4rkh00d 11-15-2016 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 154166)
On the schematic it shows only one connection from U3 pin 1 to LED1. I think this may have been left over from tests made during development of TOTeM, and it's no longer required.

Thanks Qiaozhi

AurumKid 11-15-2016 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 154179)
The pinout is identical, and there's no special reason for using a CA3240.
So the answer is "yes".

Thanks Qiaozhi :)

abdou2014 11-15-2016 09:29 PM

Mr Qiaozhi , is that totem detect the gold on ground like métal detector or just buried long time ?

HaFar2010 11-23-2016 10:47 AM

Dear All.

Finally, I was able to create the PD-Pistol correctly. In following, there are two videos from my PD, which my clients sent me from their successes.



Qiaozhi 11-23-2016 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by HaFar2010 (Post 154351)
Dear All.

Finally, I was able to create the PD-Pistol correctly. In following, there are two videos from my PD, which my clients sent me from their successes.



I see that you've managed eventually to register ok, so welcome to the forum. :thumb:
At first I thought you might be a spammer who was trying to register with multiple fake email addresses, but it appears that there was some other problem.

Well done on duplicating the TOTeM project. I notice that you have modified the design somewhat, and included a DVM on the front panel. Is this something you would like to share with the forum, since this is an open-source project?

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