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Tabletka Korobeinikova
Hi enjoykin
I need some explanations about Tabletka Korobeinikova experimet you posted in another thread. Schematic parts is clear, not so photo you posted. So - Questions: 1. Is equipment (configuration) present in photos all what we need for Tabletka Korobeinikova experiment? 2. In what function is used AVO meter present in photo. Is AVO meter set as signal generator to drive (buffer) transistor from schematic? 3. In what function is used amateur radio transceiver present in photo? Is this transceiver set as receiver to prove that signal is coming out of Faraday shielded Tabletka Korobeinikova? 4. At what frequency experiment Tabletka Korobeinikova from photo was carried out? 5. What was distance from Tabletka Korobeinikova and testing receiver? http://n-t.ru/tp/ts/nv4.gif http://n-t.ru/tp/ts/nv2.jpg |
Hello WM6
For best valuable informations about HZ antenna or "tabletka Korobeinikova" you can contact author http://www.qrz.ru/articles/photos/story282/author-s.jpg Коробейников Владимир Иванович 194354 г.Санкт-Петербург Учебный пер. 6 кор.1 кв.198, т.(812) 511-18-77, E-mail: elen (at) mail.infos.ru Here are couple of his articles in Russian QRZ.RU Магнитные антенны для сверхдальней радиосвязи http://www.qrz.ru/schemes/contribute/antenns/eh/ Правда и вымысел EH-антенн http://www.qrz.ru/articles/detail.phtml?id=282 http://www.qrz.ru/articles/photos/story282/eh5-s.jpg Example of Tabletka Korobeinikova for 100 MHz ps: His antenna work but his physical theory is not correct. Correct theory for scalar antennas you can find in lifework of Professor Gennadiy Vasilevitch Nikolaev. Советую попробовать, не пожалеете! Удачи и 73 !!!! :) |
So - The Answers:
1. Is equipment (configuration) present in photos all what we need for Tabletka Korobeinikova experiment? 1A. NOT 2. In what function is used AVO meter present in photo. Is AVO meter set as signal generator to drive (buffer) transistor from schematic? 2A. NOT 3. In what function is used amateur radio transceiver present in photo? Is this transceiver set as receiver to prove that signal is coming out of Faraday shielded Tabletka Korobeinikova? 3A. Fuction was to work as hi was designed - as transceiver. There are two amateur radio transceivers both modified to use antenna Korobeinikova not factory antennas. 4. At what frequency experiment Tabletka Korobeinikova from photo was carried out? amateur radio band 144Mhz. 5. What was distance from Tabletka Korobeinikova and testing receiver? There were many different tests and diferent distances. One of them was underwater test from the lake bed near S.Peterburg - which have proved that signal has came from deep underwater (i think was 6-8 meters). Best regards enjoykin4 |
ohh.. it seems to be interest :cool:
Folks it seems to me that Geo is not busy with his FARM homeworks !! :cool:
WM6 on same principles work Scalar underground radio X-FERRA
http://www.xferra.com/products/ http://www.xferra.com/upload/mediali...9d14435c35.jpg http://www.xferra.com/upload/mediali...b40f19355c.png The system «Xferra» has been designed by scientists of the research-and- production company «HF communication» with support of Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) and the Omsk region Government. «HF communication», xferra@mail.ru, +7 3812 292464 Kharkovskaya str. 23 office 123, Omsk, 644041, Russia http://www.xferra.com |
I will carry out some tests in this field in near future. Will report back. |
Yes, when it rains....:lol: |
How much i know Greece is not a rainy and foggy country - like for example England !! :lol:
On the contrary...... :D http://www.hermisgreece.com/uploads/...41077_orig.jpg ps: Have a nice SUNNY DAY Geo !! |
don't forget that we have February......
Hi Enjoykin
Can you help me with these acronyms (abbreviations copied here along with part of sentences). I have no idea how to translate this acronyms: СДВ - (Это может быть и СДВ диапазон) Middle wave band? НПО - (При одной конторе (НПО "Балтиец") состоит ..) ВНИИРА - (мой бывший коллега по ВНИИРА Володя Питулин с которым) ЛЭТИ - (Вторая контора на базе ЛЭТИ.) |
Привет WM6
Yes. :) Here are translated Russian acronyms 1. СДВ = СДВ диапазон это cверхдлинные волны с длиной волны свыше 10 км. VLF and ELF range with wavelenght more than 10 km. 2. НПО = Научно-производственное объединение Science and production association (type of INC.) 3. ВНИИРА = Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт радиоаппаратуры. All Russian scienctific-research institute (Federal Radio Institute) 4. ЛЭТИ = Ленинградский Электротехнический Институт Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute Best regards Enjoykin4 |
Thank you very much enjoykin, for your kind help in translation.
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