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From Zero To All
It means:
This LRL works absolutly not and for no one at all -to- it works really and for everyone. I have not written this sarcastic little "The LRL-Trial" text for nothing. http://www.longrangelocators.com/for...ad.php?t=18978 We absolutly need a questions-catalogue otherwise they will tell us nothing than lies! And if the "delinquent" will not answer the questions or the answers are wrong he will be the same "important" as a little child who tells that he has seen the easter-rabbit! :lol::lol::lol::lol: First let's take a short look to the zero to all: zero means that the LRL is a fraud project from the beginning. The person who claims that it works absolutly knows that it does not work. one means: The LRL thinkerer believes by itself it works. By self-delusion, by wrong experiments, by false tests, by not acceptable methods how he wants to convince himself. But of course it also can mean that it really works - just nobody has seen it before. Of course this would be an extremly rare occasion, the chance would be 1:1000. Because why not much better and more experienced engineers and electronic-profis haven't found it out already a long time ago? Do we have a miracle-inventor or a genious here? Our questions-catalogue will give us the answer! two to some more: The "inventor" has some fans who are on the same "trip" and therefore they also think it works. We have this situation with Alonso and his "sworen south-american LRL-circle". :lol::lol::lol::lol: Not able to provide any hard facts info or provable test results, but convinced up to their ears that they have some really working. But if they won't answer our questions, we will handle them as if they wouldn't exists at all or as if those are little kids who are unable to communicate on a correct way with adults! :lol::lol::lol::lol: It must be clear that we will not tolerate their neverending, stupid and idiotical little hide and seek games! :angry::(:angry::( all: Of course this would be the real thing we wanna achieve! Every usual metal-detector works for everyone so why there should be a difference to those nerve-robbing LRL stuff? And if a LRL constists of real working technology it would work for all and everyone, perhaps it works not everywhere and some people could be indeed unable to get it to work but commonly seen it works for everyone and it is not just limited to those "LRL claimers". So far so good. Now lets take a look to the needed questions - yes - no choice is available: (in the beginning if there is a "No" this person already is directly dismissed.) 1. Do you have a working LRL? 2. Have you got repeatable positive find-results? 3. Are there persons besides you who eye-witnessed your detection-tests? 4. Does this LRL works everywhere and is not limited to an "artificial" testing field? 5. Are you able to demonstrate your detector infront of other people? Here we must have already 5x Yes otherwise our little fairy-tale teller can go home, watch star-wars and dream about mountains full of gold - we don't need 'em! :lol::lol::lol::lol: The following questions will look more closely into details. If all five before answers are yes, we have already a person that wants the world make believe that he has a real working LRL. If its true or just an evil trick to betray others will be the next step in finding out. Here the person now has to answer with No and we must prove if he tells the truth - for liars this is a seldom case: Do you wanna get the big money by selling your LRL-detectors? Do you have any criminal records? Do you believe in all kind of esoterical crap? Is your intention to betray others with your LRL? Do you have any problems giving the money back custumers if your LRL doesn't work for them? Here all questions must be answered with "No". The person has to prove what kind of interests and intentions it has. Now lets come to what really counts: If I visit you and test your LRL, will I am be able to detect metal from a larger distance as it would be possible with a metal-detector? Do I have the right to decide by myself at what site we test your LRL? Is the price within a fair range? Do I have money-back warranty and 2 year repair guarantee if your LRL later stops working or doesn't detect the right way in other countries? Can you give me detailed infos under what conditions the LRL does not work? These 5 questions must get a yes otherwise we know already that this fishy guy just wants the cheap money, provides a box of crap and you will never see this person again, including your bucks. Here for this forum interesting are of course questions about the electronical principle. We must know if the person works on a real technical working basis or if he has just combined some L-rods with a random signal generator and motor or if he uses detection signals which are completly unusable for metal-detection! Seems we have this here! They use a mix of magnetic, long wave radio, electrostatic, polarization compare-circuits, hypersensitive critical adjustments which are completly unusable under real conditions and much more such crap - garnished with shiny stories. If I tune a radio to white-noise (somewhere between two stations) and walk around I also can "imagine" that this noise here or there is slightly louder! But this has nothing to do with: this device is able to detect buried metal at all! So if the person can't answer on what technical principle his detector is based he better keep it for himself and first learns more about electronics. btw. this is exactly what I already said with: "Where is your starting-point?!" Betrayers of course will directly answer: "Thats an industrial secret so nobody can clone our super detector." Oh really? Fine, no problem, but it doesn't mean you must not prove and demonstrate under real test conditions that it really works! We don't need to have a F-16 fighter and we don't need to know exacly how it works, but we know it really works and if countries wanna buy it they get something real working! So if our "secrets-chandler" is afraid others could find out the "super technology" inside his LRL box of course the duty for real convincing test-results and search-demonstrations will be much much higher! Those "tinkerers" we have here in this forum, feeded by wrong illusions made by hung and Co. better directly tell openly on what kind of basis they think their LRL is "working" so we can help 'em to understand their wrong conclusions - or - to help them to improve something if it is really worth to improve! Everyone will give me right that it is stupid to "tinker" around on a radio which is mounted on a pole to find treasures with it! It is just a huge waste of time! And the same applies to those here who tinker around on their TOTEM or PDK circuits as long they have not the slightest clue on what detection-principle they're working and where they have their technical point of start! Please understand this or play with your "tinker-radios" on your own! Stop it to drag innocent people into such an unworthy electronical theatre-play! :angry::(:angry::( We will fight more and more against all those who think they can make shiny claims but are unable to provide even the slightest fundamental infos or provable test-results! ! All you not really serious working LRL-guys here will no longer rob out innocent people and treasure hunters with some sort of nonworking (self-) betrayal boxes by promoting your worthless crap here with the help of fantastic fairy-tale stories ! :angry: :nono::nono::nono: :angry: |
Ignore yours is better
:) Quote:
jaja always exist here the lrl eternals detractors, the athlrls :(
What of use if you ignore him? From my point of view Funfinder is seriously trying to help LRL experimenter to find better way through LRL experiment-field and to get real, argument-able and repeatable results. And this is what only counts. If his remarks and hints are sometimes unpleasant for someone imaginative world, this is not smart reason to ignore him. He does not write love letters, but I am sure that his intentions are honest. |
I think he is referring mainly to the pistol type all-electronic detectors. Obviously a frequency generator and L-rods are not for everyone and require learned skills. All the same, the negativity is the main cause he cannot succeed. Satan has control of his mind. At least for L-rods, locating requires the person to suspend disbelief. These are principles in the Holy Bible and I am sure other religious books, also. As I say, the skeptics want to have their cake and eat it, too. You can't try to control the show. Yeah, it appears to me to be an act of stupidity, these skeptics. The reasoning mind is Satan, the great deceiver. It's our original sin. You can say what you want about healthy skepticism, but you have to put it away if you want to use a set of L-rods. This is so far away from where the skeptics are at, they cannot comprehend how anyone can think this way. And so I say it is the Natural Selection Process. They chose to believe they are superior intellect and by doing so they blind themselves to the truth.
But i prefer not answer for her comments it's is very hard for her to understand because him is Skeptical and no experiment to understand the phenomen. Only write topic and comments for said is not really. |
new member
hi every body
I am one of your fades and I am very happy it's the honor
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