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FrancoItaly 11-13-2013 10:54 AM

Lrl from Italy
4 Attachment(s)
Hi All
I post here all the information to build a working (for me) Lrl, the photo is not related to the last Lrl because now I'm not in Italy ( the 3 stylus antenna are not necessary).

Best Regards

FrancoItaly 11-13-2013 11:14 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have forgotten the printed board

Sneshko 11-13-2013 04:22 PM

Bravo FrankoItaly!!!
Very, very good job.
...and thank you very much!

FrancoItaly 11-14-2013 10:11 AM

Hi Sneshko
As I said I'm not 100% sure that my Lrl is a "true" Lrl, certainly detects a strong signal around my test targets and in my last search in a mountain field I found 2 pieces of aluminum confirmed by my Spectra V3, but this is not a definitive proof. The Lrl detected also a strong signal at about 15 m but not confirmed by MD but the field was very difficult with many big stones.

Best Regards

DrTech 11-14-2013 06:48 PM

Diode 1n4148

Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 147646)
Hi All
I post here all the information to build a working (for me) Lrl, the photo is not related to the last Lrl because now I'm not in Italy ( the 3 stylus antenna are not necessary).

Best Regards

Hi FrancoItaly..

The diodes D1 and D2 (1N4148) I think it would work better OA91 or 1N34, improve the reception.

FrancoItaly 11-15-2013 09:50 AM

Hi All
Diodes 1N4148 work well for this purpose, that's about 5Mhz and large voltage, about 3V.

Best Regards

BENZINAS 11-16-2013 05:27 AM

tell us some details about the lrl , how it works and what is supose to detect , gold , silver , fresh buried , old buried , distances of detection , tell us about the function !

FrancoItaly 11-16-2013 10:10 AM

All the Lrl that I know they clams that detect only long time buried metals and my lrl is the same. with 99% certainty I think that in my test field my Lrl detects 5 silver coins at about 2 meters and a small gold bracelet at 1.5 meters. These targets were buried 2 years ago. I have posted here all details for to build my Lrl and I hope someone manages to get my same results. This forum has become just a place where we discuss if the Lrls will work or not. I can definitely say that my Lrl in certain places it emits a strong signal that does not depend on the orientation, or walls or trees. Instead is very sensitive to strong electromagnetic emissions as near transmitter antennas.

Best Regards

belalhpc 11-16-2013 01:21 PM

I'm glad your experience that you have made and thank your credibility in your view. I hope if you added a video of how the device works. And what price Approximate him if you want to make me a piece.
New note I amateur in this area and look for something cheap, because I do not have a lot of money.
As you know, devices from large companies we can not buy them.
Thank you very much.

FrancoItaly 11-16-2013 02:50 PM

Hi belalhpc
For the moment I have no video and I'm not at my home in Italy and I don't sell my Lrl, I'm only a researcher, but only as a hobby.
You have to look for a friend handy with electronics, the circuit is not difficult to achieve and do not need sophisticated instrumentation.

Best Regards

Funfinder 11-17-2013 10:40 AM

Hi FrancoItaly

seems you have the correct attitude concerning real research and free available "helping together technical development methods" unlike most others here who play the big keepers of the holy grail or better: of the "holy but just grass finding cow" :D

Of course as long as you don't have tested this device through and through it could be a pure waste of time, work, money, motivation and other ressources for those who wanna have it or built it.

So please find some clever "excluding" test-ideas so you can go shure it really detects metal only.

There are simply too much magnetical, electrostatic, radio-frequency and even "cosmic" radiation and fields out there and its highly doubtful that metal objects which are in tight contact with wet soil will attract or reflect EM-energy very good.

If this stuff is not tested on a sophisticated basis it can detect virtually "anything" - and we really dont wanna find "anything"!

The whole stuff reminds me on my own electronic experiments as I was a child where the sound or noise starts when i moved my hand near some special wires (without touching). And wireless energy transfer from one coil to a nearby ferrite-coil-circuit containing a little lamp by radio-waves looked almost like magic to me. :D

The higher the amplification circuit, the more signal stuff it can detect. Especially if the device is grounded through the body and some metallic contacts at the handle.

However its good :) if the forum now is coming back to its technical basis after all this time containing just worthless opinion discussions without any hard provable facts.

FrancoItaly 11-17-2013 11:06 AM

Hi Funfinder
I posted here "my supposed Lrl" just because somebody else might experience. No one is forced to realize my lrl.

Best Regards

jocelito 11-17-2013 08:22 PM

the circuit seems to work above 100 megaherts due to coil more capacitor 22pf

Morgan 11-18-2013 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sneshko (Post 147648)
Bravo FrankoItaly!!!
Very, very good job.
...and thank you very much!

Hello Sneshko

hope all is fine with you

I remember that you get the PDK-2.1 from Goran,well,still not finding nothing ? do you made more field tests?
From a few PDKs that I sold i come to conclusion that your country, Midle East,Italy and Germany need other frequency in the PDK to work fine,and this modification can be done very easy.
Send message for my email and i give you instructions how to adapt a frequency selector in your PDK-2.1
Actualy I build a few PDK-2.3 this with frequency selector,and is much better than the PDK-2.1, it was a PDK-2.1 owner who gave me ideia of frequencies selector , under my instructions he adapt 6 diferent frequencies in his PDK and get good results in field,is from Midle East country.

Others interested after read that ,and want to adapt the Freq. Selector ,also send me email.


king40 11-18-2013 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 147675)
Hi Funfinder
I posted here "my supposed Lrl" just because somebody else might experience. No one is forced to realize my lrl.

Best Regards

HI francoitaly
I want build your lrl
Im New in the forum and lrl technique
How many antenna needs?
This is your Last pcb and schematic?

FrancoItaly 11-18-2013 10:03 AM

Hi jocelito and king40
The circuit oscillates at about 5 Mhz and it's "disturbed" by the signal from antenna filtered by L1/C1, but I don't know what kind of signal is, but it acts by decreasing the signal that goes to ground and then increasing the output signal. The antenna is a normal stylus or a small brass tube about 25 or 30 cm and yes this is my Last pcb and schematic. I have tried other solutions for the pcb but this is the only working and this makes the building a little difficult.

Best Regards

Morgan 11-19-2013 10:50 PM

PDK frequencies switch selector

Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 147677)
Hello Sneshko

hope all is fine with you

I remember that you get the PDK-2.1 from Goran,well,still not finding nothing ? do you made more field tests?
From a few PDKs that I sold i come to conclusion that your country, Midle East,Italy and Germany need other frequency in the PDK to work fine,and this modification can be done very easy.
Send message for my email and i give you instructions how to adapt a frequency selector in your PDK-2.1
Actualy I build a few PDK-2.3 this with frequency selector,and is much better than the PDK-2.1, it was a PDK-2.1 owner who gave me ideia of frequencies selector , under my instructions he adapt 6 diferent frequencies in his PDK and get good results in field,is from Midle East country.

Others interested after read that ,and want to adapt the Freq. Selector ,also send me email.


Here it is how to make the PDK-2.1 with a 3 options switch that can change the 77KHz standard frequency :

1- open the box cover carefuly,and on the right top part of the box you will find the cables who go for the RX coil, this cables as one 6N8 capacitor in paralel ,this cap. is responsable to keep the frequency.

2-cut the RX coil cables near the PCB , and cut the two legs of this 6N8 cap. at midle,and solder in this pins the two cables of the frequencies selector.
Make a hole on top of the box to install the selector.

this simple selector can help ONLY in countries that other frequencies work better than the standard 77KHz.

Morgan 11-19-2013 10:53 PM

5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 147697)
Here it is how to make the PDK-2.1 with a 3 options switch that can change the 77KHz standard frequency :

1- open the box cover carefuly,and on the right top part of the box you will find the cables who go for the RX coil, this cables as one 6N8 capacitor in paralel ,this cap. is responsable to keep the frequency.

2-cut the RX coil cables near the PCB , and cut the two legs of this 6N8 cap. at midle,and solder in this pins the two cables of the frequencies selector.
Make a hole on top of the box to install the selector.

this simple selector can help ONLY in countries that other frequencies work better than the standard 77KHz.

Attachment 18656

Attachment 18657

Attachment 18658

Attachment 18659

Attachment 18660

Morgan 11-19-2013 10:58 PM

More options selector
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 147677)
Hello Sneshko

hope all is fine with you

I remember that you get the PDK-2.1 from Goran,well,still not finding nothing ? do you made more field tests?
From a few PDKs that I sold i come to conclusion that your country, Midle East,Italy and Germany need other frequency in the PDK to work fine,and this modification can be done very easy.
Send message for my email and i give you instructions how to adapt a frequency selector in your PDK-2.1
Actualy I build a few PDK-2.3 this with frequency selector,and is much better than the PDK-2.1, it was a PDK-2.1 owner who gave me ideia of frequencies selector , under my instructions he adapt 6 diferent frequencies in his PDK and get good results in field,is from Midle East country.

Others interested after read that ,and want to adapt the Freq. Selector ,also send me email.


Here is another type of selector with 12 cap. options ,see the values :

Attachment 18661

Attachment 18662

Attachment 18663

Morgan 11-19-2013 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 147697)
Here it is how to make the PDK-2.1 with a 3 options switch that can change the 77KHz standard frequency :

1- open the box cover carefuly,and on the right top part of the box you will find the cables who go for the RX coil, this cables as one 6N8 capacitor in paralel ,this cap. is responsable to keep the frequency.

2-cut the RX coil cables near the PCB , and cut the two legs of this 6N8 cap. at midle,and solder in this pins the two cables of the frequencies selector.
Make a hole on top of the box to install the selector.

this simple selector can help ONLY in countries that other frequencies work better than the standard 77KHz.

one little mistake, no need to cut the coil cables,just cut the capacitor 6n8 and connect the selector tho the PINs in the circuit.

Sneshko 11-20-2013 07:58 AM

Dear Morgan!
Thank you very much!
All the best!

michael 11-20-2013 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 147699)
Here is another type of selector with 12 cap. options ,see the values :

Attachment 18661

Attachment 18662

Attachment 18663

Hi everybody and especially you Morgan.
What a good and neat work!!! :yo: ;) It seems very helpful.:rolleyes: I again say you my especial thanks and again congratulations for building Such working locator and after-sale services.

detectoman 11-20-2013 09:10 PM

morgan may be you can put in series or parallel, two variable capacitor for fines frecuences adjust

Morgan 11-21-2013 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by detectoman (Post 147712)
morgan may be you can put in series or parallel, two variable capacitor for fines frecuences adjust


tests made here with the PDK-2.1 modificated with the 3 FREQUENCIES SELECTOR show that is very difficult to locate the buried gold when the LRL is calibrated using other frequencies than the standard 77KHz, however the other frequencies working better in other countries...


detectoman 11-22-2013 01:17 AM

morgan: i cant understand very good to you, how put you the capacitors, in serie coil or in parallel? if you put in parallel modifing frecuence? in serie what can happen? any know? thanks i havent a frecuence generator, how you see at what frecuence resonate the rx?

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