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takhslambos 09-03-2013 10:24 PM

gold gun al707 or 718
is some one own a gold gun(the original one from acurate locators) to tell me he ever found a non ferous metal from a distanse??!!!!thanks!!!!

Geo 09-04-2013 05:23 AM

Last weeks i own the AL707 but i had not success:frown:.

Geo 10-15-2013 05:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is my modified AL707.
It has many differences between AL707 but the working principle remains the same.
Enjoy it...:)

WM6 10-15-2013 06:45 PM

Excellent design Geo. Congratulations.

What is on display: frequency or signal?

Geo 10-16-2013 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by WM6 (Post 147502)
Excellent design Geo. Congratulations.

What is on display: frequency or signal?

It is signal.
At photo displays the background signal. When it detects metal then the display reads between 400 and 1500.


detectoman 10-16-2013 05:58 AM

bro, geo, jaja excelent inovations! may be drtech should look these

Qiaozhi 10-16-2013 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 147501)
Here is my modified AL707.
It has many differences between AL707 but the working principle remains the same.
Enjoy it...:)

But the big question is, "Does it detect treasure?.

takhslambos 10-16-2013 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 147503)
It is signal.
At photo displays the background signal. When it detects metal then the display reads between 400 and 1500.


Is the same with gold gun al707 the redings edicator i meen betwen 400 and 1500 saw when is detect any metal...

Geo 10-16-2013 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 147505)
But the big question is, "Does it detect treasure?.

If the object is big and inside the ground then the answer is Yes.
For coins.... i don't think :???:.

Geo 10-16-2013 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by takhslambos (Post 147506)
Is the same with gold gun al707 the redings edicator i meen betwen 400 and 1500 saw when is detect any metal...

There are many differences between Geogun and Goldgun.

nelson 10-16-2013 05:39 PM

Does it need a Tx to work?



Originally Posted by Geo (Post 147507)
If the object is big and inside the ground then the answer is Yes.
For coins.... i don't think :???:.

takhslambos 10-16-2013 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 147508)
There are many differences between Geogun and Goldgun.

Can you tell me if you test the geogun and the gold gun al 707 to same target?is both lrl detect the target? Or not...

Geo 10-16-2013 08:02 PM

I tested both at the same target the same time many times.
I never had signal more than 70mv with gold gun so it had not ability to work.
Only one time at a mountain took high signal but there was nothing near it.
With geogun i have signal all the times.
Μιλαμε για αλλη κατασταση....:cool:

takhslambos 10-16-2013 11:03 PM

Bravo very nice lrl.can you make one for me?βαρεθηκα τη φτωχια........βοηθεια....help...

stampa 10-17-2013 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 147501)
Here is my modified AL707.
It has many differences between AL707 but the working principle remains the same.
Enjoy it...:)

Good work Geo... as always

Geo 10-18-2013 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by stampa (Post 147517)
Good work Geo... as always

One day i"ll come for test:)

Geo 10-18-2013 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by takhslambos (Post 147516)
Bravo very nice lrl.can you make one for me?...help...


humhum 10-21-2013 06:25 PM

Congratulation Geo, how work your device with moving from left to right or with fix position(constant) , and can you make video with your Geogun . ;)


belalhpc 11-04-2013 10:56 AM

Is this device is available for sale and whether the specifications and results comparable to the Brazilian and German appliances (Mainero or the OKM)
And how much its price almost beginner and looking for something effective and favorable price.

Geo 11-04-2013 08:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by belalhpc (Post 147602)
Is this device is available for sale and whether the specifications and results comparable to the Brazilian and German appliances (Mainero or the OKM)
And how much its price almost beginner and looking for something effective and favorable price.

Sorry, it is not for sale....
Photo was taken yesterday at a T.H....:)

taxma1981 09-17-2014 10:26 PM


WM6 09-17-2014 10:56 PM

Good work Taxma1981. Is this according Gold gun project?

taxma1981 09-17-2014 11:06 PM

yes is the variation of the a718 with some changes in the coils, the fet, with an amplifier and a threshold detector ...

taxma1981 09-18-2014 04:38 PM


reza vir 09-18-2014 06:30 PM

Hi my friend Geo
I congratulate you
Frequency Counter with LCD and create your beautiful best ;)


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