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Carl-NC 09-17-2006 03:04 PM

Kellyco challenge
On Jan. 24, 2006 a long-time employee of Kellyco, "J.W." (John White), was participating in a discussion on the Treasure Depot forum. On the forum, I offered JW my $25,000 prize if he could successfully demonstrate one of the LRLs that Kellyco sells (specifically, the "Pro II Gold Cross"). He did not reply. So I sent him the following email:



I don't blame you one bit for avoiding my question on TreasureDepot last night. If you have even an ounce of integrity, you are probably a bit embarrassed that Kellyco continues to hawk that garbage.

I offer a $25,000 prize to anyone--preferably a manufacturer or dealer--who can successfully demonstrate an LRL in a simple test. The test involves placing a target (your choice) at one of several marked locations, and then using the LRL to determine the location. The distances involved are only a few feet, not the 100's of feet or miles typical of LRL claims, so if the LRL works *AT ALL* this will be easy money for Kellyco, and surely a wonderful marketing opportunity.

I don't have Stu Auerbach's email address, so I hope you will forward this offer to him. I expect if the LRLs you sell are nothing but money-making scams, you will decline my challenge, and offer any number of excuses as to why such a test is invalid. If you accept, I am prepared to visit Kellyco, at my expense, once we have signed a contract that specifies the test protocol and guarantees that I will pay up if you succeed.

Carl Moreland

Still no reply, so I sent a follow-up 2 weeks later. No reply.

thomas74 11-25-2014 08:20 PM


Dell Winders 12-28-2014 05:40 AM

Carl, sounds like your long time reputation for dishonesty precedes you. Sorry to see you are still trying to beg someone to take your biased challenge test. Dell

Dell Winders 12-28-2014 05:44 AM

Carl, sounds like your long time reputation for dishonesty preceded you. Sorry to see you have to beg someone to take your biased challenge test. Dell

Qiaozhi 12-28-2014 06:58 PM

Dell - you've been drinking too much Christmas sherry. :cheers:
Not only are you emulating the parrot in your avatar, by repeating yourself; but the post you're replying to is dated 17th September 2006.

detectoman 01-14-2015 03:10 PM

jajja the world is very full of quimeric fake lrl sellers, may be we need new laws federal restrinctions, for put all this in jail all these bad charlatans then put they in prision for major making woods kitchen table works and hand fantasy toys :)
the government isnt doing them work, very much manfakes noise around

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