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folharin 09-18-2013 11:29 PM

dch 85 pistol
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18631
coil stimulator dch 85m

folharin 09-18-2013 11:34 PM

I made a clone dch pistol and got good results in the field

folharin 09-18-2013 11:36 PM

I gradually post the schedule for everyone to do

folharin 09-18-2013 11:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18632

part beep generator

folharin 09-19-2013 12:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
part sensor
Attachment 18633

folharin 09-19-2013 12:29 AM

click on image to save it is good to see
ICs are 555 and sensor 741 is

folharin 09-19-2013 12:33 AM

I'm posting this scheme for those who have an interest in making and improving the directional

it really works near objects buried old but is not directional

Sneshko 09-19-2013 07:29 AM

Bravo folharin!
Very good - Thank you very much!
I have a few questions for you.
Please specify:

Question 1


- Is the green wire condenser. If so, that his label?
- The value of capacitor 103 is pico farad, nano farad, micro farad?

Question 2


- Where the body hangs coil (ferrite or plastic or air)? What is the diameter of the body?
- That the component of the 100K resistor or capacitor?

Question 3


- Capacitor 104 is in nano, pico or micro farad?
- Where the body hangs coil (ferrite or plastic or air)? What is the diameter of the body?

Dear folharin!
Thank you in advance for your answer!
Wish you all the better

folharin 09-19-2013 05:03 PM

cap 103=10nf


cap wire green=560k,0,56n
coil air

folharin 09-19-2013 05:04 PM

coil stimulator 12cm diam aoil air

mustefa ubram 09-19-2013 05:41 PM

Congratulations folharin
Please explain how this circuit function.?
Very low power transmitters:|

michael 09-22-2013 01:30 PM

Hi Folharin
Thanks a lot for presenting such info.
It seems it’s a passive receiver without any oscillator, yes?
Cos in my country PRs give no result, but the ones with oscillator work more or less.
Regardless of that, Would you please notice to these:

1- which kind of test target have you detected? Please reflect all details; metal type & size and detection depth & distance with age of burial.

2- clarify some vague info; the most important is coils formula and their positions.
In coil stimulator part; which type of coil? 35 turns of which wire? What diameter?
And in Sensor part we see a 8 turns 1mm coil connected to 5 Cm antenna, is vague.

3- is IC 741 the UA741?

If you have serious decision to help others to make a true copy of this detector I think is no problem for you to take some clear photos of your own made device from appearance to inside the box, and mark how is the exact positions of all components especially coils. Cos as I know e.g. stimulator coil position to antenna coil is important.


folharin 09-22-2013 02:33 PM

This is an original copy of dch 85m mineoro
he issue beeps in field tests 20 years silver and gold coins buried approximately 3 meters distance
I'm posting this scheme so that they can build and help me make it directional el issued beeps in front and sides and is not precise location of the buried object

detectoman 09-22-2013 08:25 PM

brother folharin very thanks by your post and help, i say you, what the lrl how dchs cant pinpoint good center the subject, also the signal is cut in middle when you pass over, you need of md help, for a major pinpoint you need other class antennas configurations, ferrite can be major option, but ferrite isnt possible make easy manner for rx and rx relations, isnt easy this you need, may be if your put signal modulation be most direcctional, you work today whit disperse signals, those derivate around of coils how a circular electromagnetism, may be if you put a dc coil around all these total antenn what concentrate the signal at front, wtb this only my teory, my congratulations for your actual succes whit these circuit atte your brother hobbist detectoman :)

detectoman 09-22-2013 08:32 PM

brodhy folharin, can you please say me what figure is in your avatar image? jajaja, semms impresive, jaja a embarace

Morgan 09-22-2013 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by detectoman (Post 147405)
brodhy folharin, can you please say me what figure is in your avatar image? jajaja, semms impresive, jaja a embarace

yes,thats realy interesting,it is something underwater ?...

Geo 09-23-2013 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by folharin (Post 147403)
This is an original copy of dch 85m mineoro
he issue beeps in field tests 20 years silver and gold coins buried approximately 3 meters distance
I'm posting this scheme so that they can build and help me make it directional el issued beeps in front and sides and is not precise location of the buried object

I don't see the switch for "oro" or "plata".

folharin 09-23-2013 03:03 PM

switch silver or gold is the same configuration 1mm wire loops 8
looking at old messages on the forum that has pictures dch antenna

folharin 09-23-2013 03:31 PM

my avatar picture is gold dust when I worked in the dredge mining of guyana

detectoman 09-23-2013 05:08 PM

jajajaaj folharin! i only see here a head whit much hair ..

detectoman 09-23-2013 06:21 PM

fhn. i no see any gold dust here mm jaajaja

mustefa ubram 09-23-2013 06:29 PM

Perhaps this schematic photo are the most effective:rolleyes:

folharin 09-23-2013 09:45 PM

this schematic contains errors

detectoman 09-23-2013 10:28 PM


detectoman 09-23-2013 10:29 PM

may be hung made these

BENZINAS 09-25-2013 01:41 PM

mr folharin put a photo of the complete construction of the detector if you want to see the design !!

folharin 10-01-2013 11:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18635
this is my dch pÃ*stol

folharin 10-01-2013 11:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18636

folharin 10-02-2013 12:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18637

Geo 10-02-2013 10:21 AM

The coil of coil stimulator must be vertically in the center of the loop.

detectoman 10-02-2013 02:08 PM

no geo!., these folharin stimulator is in vertical, may be you like say, horizontal ,parallel at ground how in original dchs, may be vertical this cause the problem of direct pinpointing, folharin my congratulations for your operative prototipe, semms very functional, good design, thanks by show us, very good ideas :)

detectoman 10-02-2013 02:18 PM

jaja, young folharin, a only problem i see in you project, what this isnt waterproof, may be rain can kill you work :)

detectoman 10-02-2013 02:22 PM

folharin, may be you should put your image avatar in full color in your coil plate, jajaj semms pantastic :)

detectoman 10-02-2013 02:24 PM

anybody has begin the folharin circuits?

jocelito 10-02-2013 02:39 PM

circuits seems to have errors, look at the photo of stimulador has 3 capacitors, the scheme has only one

mustefa ubram 10-03-2013 04:51 PM

hi folharin
What is the role of stimulating circuit and coil stimulator?
How is it detected?

folharin 10-03-2013 11:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18639
correct schematic coil stimulator

jocelito 10-03-2013 11:48 PM

ok, thanks for correcting folharin scheme, will build dch85 and assist where necessary

jocelito 10-04-2013 12:00 AM

sorry for my english, I do not know any English

folharin 10-04-2013 12:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18640
schematic correct part sensor

folharin 10-04-2013 12:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18641
part energy source

jocelito 10-11-2013 04:05 PM

pics of my clone dch85

I did not test yet

mustefa ubram 10-11-2013 08:30 PM

It really makes it clear gold?

BENZINAS 10-12-2013 04:33 PM

wait for results !!!!!!!!!!!!

Geo 10-12-2013 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by BENZINAS (Post 147482)
wait for results !!!!!!!!!!!!

Not so good for Greece...:angry:

detectoman 10-13-2013 12:39 AM

geo, what say you us? too you no obtain succes whit dch- folhari prototipe?

Geo 10-13-2013 05:41 AM

I tried it some times before 3 years, no good results:frown:.

detectoman 10-14-2013 06:00 PM

sir geo: these sems very bad notice by we, if you cant how expert E.E, semms project isnt easy, shure you conect a batteries?

DrTech 10-14-2013 06:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by detectoman (Post 147492)
sir geo: these sems very bad notice by we, if you cant how expert E.E, semms project isnt easy, shure you conect a batteries?

Detectoman DCH85 with pasive receiver... or "PDK DCH85" !is same!!!:rolleyes:

jocelito 10-14-2013 09:30 PM

clone dch85 very weak, passive receiver stimulator is much better
clone dch85 test tv 50cm
passive receiver stimulator over 3 meters

detectoman 10-15-2013 06:05 AM

drtech: exakly here in these dchs is the circuit 5 of alonso. semms vary atemps from mineoro for sell differents experimental products what may be those never was exaust tried also in other countries jaja and them aware for succes in owner´s result, wtb they sell in hig price, $$ mineoro each year change all internal circuit of all models, but any mineoro design have effective aknoloadges worldwide how good products, all are only expensive experimental prototipes

drtech, exacto alli esta el circuito 5 de alonso, se ven varios intentos provenientes de mineoro para vender diferentes productos experimentales que tal vez nunca fueron exaustivamente probados en otras latitudes, y ellos esperan por el exito en los resultados de sus propietarios, como sea ellos venden de todos modos en alto precio, dinero, dinero, mineoro cada año cambia todos los circuitos internos de todos los modelos pero ningun diseño tiene efectivo reconocimiento alrededor del mundo como buenos productos, solo son caros prototipos experimentales

detectoman 10-29-2013 04:11 AM

my last lrl october 2013, a dchs, my personal version, no tx, no regulator, no bostered circuit 555

mosha 10-29-2013 04:31 AM

Nice LRL, made from kitchen material :)


DrTech 10-29-2013 04:10 PM

Felicidades..... Super Detector DCH

detectoman 10-29-2013 10:48 PM

the handle of my prototipe came of a base part water pump of the air conditioning the sistem is based in lm741 ic, thanks to folharin by dchs circuit idea

jocelito 11-02-2013 12:53 AM

Your dch more like musical instrument theremin

detectoman 11-02-2013 03:33 PM


detectoman 11-02-2013 03:38 PM

jocelito; may be the treasures came out of ground when i singing whit my lrl? jajaj

detectoman 11-02-2013 03:41 PM

yours should say me how i need write right in english my comments

jocelito 11-02-2013 04:56 PM

detectoman ok, I'm doing in my motificaçoes dch clone to make it work better, I think folharin scheme that still has bugs

detectoman 11-03-2013 02:21 AM

ok ok jocelito, you continue killer pest of folharin circuit, jaja

folharin 04-30-2015 05:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)

folharin 04-30-2015 05:05 AM

nublade day before rain .detects 3 meters field test 5 years buried coins silver and coin gold!

folharin 04-30-2015 05:10 AM

is uncertain!I'm working on clone alonso pistol!

detectoman 05-16-2015 01:57 PM

hello folharin, these your dchs 85 new version 215 semms very interesting, but i quest these stuff have function or only semms very apantalladora? :)

detectoman 05-16-2015 02:05 PM

we today know, what if a lrl no has right specific circuit resonance no work for specific metal to functions how large distance for find those

nosotros ahora sabemos que si un lrl no tiene la correcta circuital resonancia para determinado metal no funciona a largo alcance para encontrarlos

detectoman 05-16-2015 02:10 PM

at i say specific resonance, no im refered to determined right frecuence but optimal circuit retro stabilization self

detectoman 05-16-2015 02:29 PM

the lrl whit ferrites isnt good due to them need right arrives north shout direction, and suffer interrumptions on diverse mineralizations terrain conditions or rf lines, the franco italy lrl whit directionally anten is major due these are major pinpoint, my lrl in my avatar, whit aluminum aro is middle directional but very sensitive, the lrl whit coil how morgan stuff, are too earth polarization condition deppendent, a major lrl should no suffer the site planet meridional earth lines of distinc hemisferes, due these change the lrl stabilizacion circuit operation, too the transistors have lines polarities affected for earth magnetism and position, so need right conditions for work, a lrl can a day work and at other no work for nafthy

detectoman 05-16-2015 03:01 PM

all these distinct conditionallies difficults gave protection at field when hobbist true lrlsmans what study the phenomen in each situations detailed, so lrls prospecting isnt easy, also each distinct lrl configuration work in different form time and sites

taxma1981 08-01-2018 06:16 PM

hi!!!i need help with the pinout of the 2n2222


taxma1981 08-02-2018 05:36 PM

The projects have mistakes, with a correction works well

taxma1981 08-02-2018 08:09 PM


Sreekumar 08-01-2020 09:55 PM

Please help
Hai brothers i"am new member is the forum, please help me coil stimulator details (wire gauge,turns etc.. )

Morgan 08-02-2020 01:21 AM

45 turns,0.20mm 5 cm diam.

Sreekumar 08-02-2020 02:15 AM

Thank you
Thank you brother,god bless you

Sreekumar 08-03-2020 10:57 AM

I"am build this circuit,i use nicolas pdk audio amplifier led is off ,how to detect target

WM6 08-03-2020 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sreekumar (Post 159668)

,how to detect target

Detecting target is very easy, if you know where target is hidden.


Sreekumar 08-03-2020 11:36 AM

[QUOTE=WM6;159669]Detecting target is very easy, if you know
where target hidden
I build the circuit,led is off but

Sreekumar 08-04-2020 03:01 AM

Is it possible to use audio amplifier instead
Of a beep generetor

Morgan 09-17-2021 09:15 PM

maybe you should try the oscillator coil in HORIZONTAL position

Pahom 09-22-2021 07:23 PM

Yes, there is progress on this project. But it is not clear how correctly .... You can configure the output from lm741 so that the response from the target is either positive or negative.

Morgan 09-23-2021 12:35 AM

DCH by Folharim

Originally Posted by taxma1981 (Post 157024)


you built the DCH project , for me this schematics has some mistakes,
is it working fine ?

shahrayar 09-29-2021 04:57 PM

Does it have to be a specific frequency? I used 156 Hz, the last frequency is about 4 kHz
I used a loudspeaker
Can you explain more

shahrayar 10-02-2021 12:31 PM

Possible some blueprints for this pistol

shahrayar 10-03-2021 02:12 PM


shahrayar 10-05-2021 04:21 PM

2 Attachment(s)
When you turn it on, you hear a beep, then it is only affected by gold:lol::lol:

Pahom 10-05-2021 05:12 PM

Everything is correct. Everything is the same in the assembled layout. But when you tune with the oscillator to the desired threshold, everything works fine. Only the distance is not great. And that is why those who gathered do not use this project. A small detection distance, although there is a choice of metal search. The most long-range one that has been demonstrated on the forum today is MORGAN's PDK 60-90 meters for a small target!

kostas87 10-08-2021 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pahom (Post 161099)
Everything is correct. Everything is the same in the assembled layout. But when you tune with the oscillator to the desired threshold, everything works fine. Only the distance is not great. And that is why those who gathered do not use this project. A small detection distance, although there is a choice of metal search. The most long-range one that has been demonstrated on the forum today is MORGAN's PDK 60-90 meters for a small target!

hello my friend Alexander! dch 85 works for buried metals in your area in Russia; it does not matter if it is for 4 meters or 30 meters, The magic is to detect from a distance ...

Pahom 10-08-2021 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by kostas87 (Post 161105)
hello my friend Alexander! dch 85 works for buried metals in your area in Russia; it does not matter if it is for 4 meters or 30 meters, The magic is to detect from a distance ...

Hi Costas! So far, everything is only at the polygon. I need to figure out a lot more, for example, with coils ... silver, gold, that this is a filter ... or the reception frequency is changing is not clear yet.

kostas87 10-08-2021 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Pahom (Post 161106)
Hi Costas! So far, everything is only at the polygon. I need to figure out a lot more, for example, with coils ... silver, gold, that this is a filter ... or the reception frequency is changing is not clear yet.

from information I have from Brazil, they say that dh3 is very good, similar to 85dch shematic ... it detects many metals together. gold, silver, aluminum, copper ... without operating frequency it is better to detect a phenomenon, if you try to no one tuning may not work well ... try to detect the phenomenon as energy, not as frequency ...good luck my friend 🙏

Geo 10-09-2021 03:18 PM

Hi !!!

DCH85 is a static detector, not catch magnetic fields so it has n't stable properties.
It can detect an object from 30m today and another day from 3m or zero.
But if phenomenon is strong then it works for sure!!!

Morgan 10-14-2021 11:23 PM

DCH mineoro Folharin

Originally Posted by folharin (Post 147470)
Attachment 18641
part energy source


you gave info about:





are you sure this schematic is working ?

Morgan 10-14-2021 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 161113)
Hi !!!

DCH85 is a static detector, not catch magnetic fields so it has n't stable properties.
It can detect an object from 30m today and another day from 3m or zero.
But if phenomenon is strong then it works for sure!!!

also if umidity is more than 85% the electrostatic locator not work very well...

One question, do you built this DCH of Folharin,is it a working project ?

Geo 10-15-2021 06:19 AM

I have work with it many years ago.
It is the basic schematic of Iconos or blue pistol from Esteban..... you remember.

abdou2014 10-15-2021 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 161113)
Hi !!!

DCH85 is a static detector, not catch magnetic fields so it has n't stable properties.
It can detect an object from 30m today and another day from 3m or zero.
But if phenomenon is strong then it works for sure!!!

hi Geo, you speak about the complete circuit with TDA or without ???

Geo 10-15-2021 04:16 PM

I speak for simple DCH85 without TDA (2 transistors input and 741)

abdou2014 10-15-2021 09:03 PM

Thanks, is the stimulator necessary ?

Geo 10-16-2021 05:21 PM


abdou2014 10-16-2021 06:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks , does this stimulator work well with DCH85 ???

Geo 10-17-2021 03:28 PM

Why you ask for the stimulator of DCH????

abdou2014 10-17-2021 03:51 PM

maybe it is weak and we need to change it :(

brain 10-19-2021 08:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)
this is the PD I made. I'll post the rest based on the answers given. It's a bit cumbersome.:)

abdou2014 10-19-2021 09:25 AM

after some time I will post the pictures of my mineoro, not yet finished i speak about my new version , according to the mineoro photos of the forum, it is a regenerative ,
Mr Brain , is your pd work in the test field ?

brain 10-19-2021 09:51 AM

a few pictures

abdou2014 10-19-2021 03:16 PM

good work, what is the principle ?

humhum 10-25-2021 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by brain (Post 161168)

Very good (?ok g?zel ) .

Here Your circuit produce High potantiel Voltage near 20Khz in selected Freq. ,
( 20 Khz HV Gen)
You also can create from 9 Vdc litle Battery to 500Vdc in 20Khz with using small mH Coil,
PIC and few parts , this is 5cm X 5cm PCB circuit. A lso Result .

brain 10-25-2021 08:18 PM

there is more.
You lay 33 khz tx in the ground as two wires. When you move between the receiver and these two cables, a phase shift occurs.

kostas87 10-26-2021 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by brain (Post 161177)
there is more.
You lay 33 khz tx in the ground as two wires. When you move between the receiver and these two cables, a phase shift occurs.

very interesting Brain! the buried metal is detected; A similar system is the tesla system,he described to us by esteban it detects buried metals with HV .

brain 10-26-2021 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by kostas87 (Post 161178)
very interesting Brain! the buried metal is detected; A similar system is the tesla system,he described to us by esteban it detects buried metals with HV .

This is Part of the Receiver Circuit I sent you. The Transmitter Circuit is Separate.

Douglass 07-01-2023 02:49 PM

What is the difference between the 2 transistor dch for the 4 transistor with regulation ??

aft_72005 03-02-2024 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by shahrayar (Post 161077)

Hi .. I try this circuit ... TDA7000 receiver work prefect lonely .. but when coupled to Darlington transistors .. then TDA 7000 stop working .
my opinion this circuit not correct

Geo 03-02-2024 07:12 PM

Ohhh ....yes.
This schematics has many errors:(
A part of this schematic was sent to me by Andreas before many years ago and it was right. I modified it and gave to a member and he gave it to many members, but this schematic has many errors because i drawed them so:lol:
I don't hae the original schematic but i remember that there was a LM386 between TDA7000 and darlington.U can connect the output of 386 to darlington via a audio transformer from old transistor radio or .....


aft_72005 03-02-2024 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 162901)
Ohhh ....yes.
This schematics has many errors:(
A part of this schematic was sent to me by Andreas before many years ago and it was right. I modified it and gave to a member and he gave it to many members, but this schematic has many errors because i drawed them so:lol:
I don't hae the original schematic but i remember that there was a LM386 between TDA7000 and darlington.U can connect the output of 386 to darlington via a audio transformer from old transistor radio or .....


base on my experiment the dch85 lonely worked perfect ...why did add tda7000 receiver ?

Geo 03-03-2024 02:32 PM

Mineoro had use TDA7000 years ago at previous model as VC86, VD88, 2000 etc.
WHY??? I am not sure.... maybe it wanted an easy electromagnetic detector together with the static....

aft_72005 03-03-2024 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 162905)
Mineoro had use TDA7000 years ago at previous model as VC86, VD88, 2000 etc.
WHY??? I am not sure.... maybe it wanted an easy electromagnetic detector together with the static....

yes , some modes with TDA7000 . but not at input .
there isn't true and correct diagram .

abdou2014 09-09-2024 04:56 PM

all members, the DCH receiver can work without TDA and its very sensitive to static field, i did too many experiment with it and understood all it's secrets :cool:

aft_72005 09-09-2024 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 162903)

base on my experiment the dch85 lonely worked perfect ...why did add tda7000 receiver ?

As my experiment with my homebrew DCH85 without FM receiver , can detect from 3 meter .
buried copper 10 x10 cm 12 years ago

abdou2014 09-10-2024 12:02 AM

you were right, I added a VLF preamplifier to my DCH, with low pass filter and 50 hz notch filter

abdou2014 09-10-2024 10:54 PM

Hi aft_72005, what's the distance between the receiver coil and stimulation coil on your DCH ?

aft_72005 09-11-2024 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 163455)
Hi aft_72005, what's the distance between the receiver coil and stimulation coil on your DCH ?

Hi abdou2014

about 5 cm .

abdou2014 09-12-2024 12:14 PM

Thanks, when i test my dch its very sensitive to spark and static field, impossible to work on area near power line even if its about 1Km far, is it also for you ?

abdou2014 09-12-2024 01:23 PM

The TDA is for CAP reception, we can use two rx coils TDA and DCH , or use TDA as stimulator for DCH, The question for master members is : the TDA cap reception alone without DCH coil can capture the phenomenon ???

the adventage for TDA rx alone is the immunization to the interf?rences .

abdou2014 09-12-2024 04:03 PM

the real passive receiver of Alonzo is also cap rx, not what you found here modified as E-EM receiver, it work on VHF range :cool:

aft_72005 09-12-2024 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 163457)
Thanks, when i test my dch its very sensitive to spark and static field, impossible to work on area near power line even if its about 1Km far, is it also for you ?

No. not sensitive to EM filed .

abdou2014 09-12-2024 10:42 PM

I understand that we do not have the same configuration, what type of field or energy is your DCH sensitive to?

abdou2014 09-12-2024 10:54 PM

I tried many configurations, like positioning the vhf oscillator in a way that it reacts only to non-ferrous metals a few centimeters from the antenna .... but I want to know which of these configurations you worked with ???

BENZINAS 09-13-2024 12:28 AM

Dch 85
Hi , does any of you sells his hand made dch pistol ?

abdou2014 09-13-2024 11:15 AM

I found 5 years ago with this config a target at 60 meters but at this time the tuning was on limiting zone broadcast

aft_72005 09-13-2024 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 163461)
I understand that we do not have the same configuration, what type of field or energy is your DCH sensitive to?

Sfiled detector .

aft_72005 09-13-2024 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by BENZINAS (Post 163463)
Hi , does any of you sells his hand made dch pistol ?

No for sell

aft_72005 09-13-2024 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 163462)
I tried many configurations, like positioning the vhf oscillator in a way that it reacts only to non-ferrous metals a few centimeters from the antenna .... but I want to know which of these configurations you worked with ???

I already sent you a message in your private box, but you did not reply.

aft_72005 09-13-2024 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 163464)
I found 5 years ago with this config a target at 60 meters but at this time the tuning was on limiting zone broadcast

DCH 85 has special settings that I think not everyone can do.
The receiver circuit must be adapted to the transmitter part. You must have done it. Because your circuit was sensed from a distance of 60 meters.

abdou2014 09-13-2024 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 163467)
I already sent you a message in your private box, but you did not reply.

excuse me , here's my mail and tell me not the setting data only how test it and i understand

abdou2014 09-13-2024 02:26 PM


aft_72005 09-13-2024 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 163471)

I sent you Email .

aft_72005 09-13-2024 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 163462)
I tried many configurations, like positioning the vhf oscillator in a way that it reacts only to non-ferrous metals a few centimeters from the antenna .... but I want to know which of these configurations you worked with ???

One of the DCH designs used a UHF receiver. Maybe you made that design.
My DCH works with VLF

abdou2014 09-15-2024 02:55 PM

Very cool this receiver , now i know how i tune it with any reception frequency i want receive, i think Morgan work on NMR 30-35Hz, don't know if better than VLF, test on field :D

abdou2014 09-15-2024 02:57 PM

Thanks to all member who poste us this gift :D Esteban Geo Morgan

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