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Bionic 01 Video
One of these was used along with the FG80 by a friend and his partner to recover gold in a remote region in Brazil. He told me that tough the Bionic 01 had more range and was the first device to detect the target, it used to employ an old and awkward method of triangulation to determine the exact target's location, and for this reason the FG80 was the one device used to pinpoint it.
I believe the one featured in the video is the upgraded model featuring a laser as pinpointer and sensor directivity, something the earlier model did not have. For those unfamiliar with this device, a ground and surface balance procedure signal input is required to be performed in order to set software and processor filtering. Now I wonder, after watching videos of similar LRLs in action how many of you still feel like employing the insane method of sweeping a football stadium size field with a broom type standard MD toy?:lol: You can watch the videos here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFytDiy-zPg And here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhj2pbhOxoQ |
pseudoscience babble
Oh yeah, the Bionic still uses pseudoscience babble This gold detector includes two individual searching systems:
The bio-energy system interacts with the bio energy of your own body during the localization of gold and silver objects to observe minimum changes of object substances. Thereby the gold detector Bionic 01 is able to locate almost all metallic objects whereas the ionization system is a method to measure the ions radiation (ions absorbance). Therefore a metal-ion reaction chamber is integrated in the Bionic 01. The bio-energy system is able to locate also fresh buried or not buried objects no matter which age they are. The ionic system is mainly used to find buried artefacts. |
But if you keep on learning from the LRL guys in TNET, you will pass this stage eventually. |
Tell you what. I would like to see the calibration and then move the gold and see if the unit still picks it up. The reason I ask is it is possible that the unit has an internal 3 axis mag and is only triggering on the stored position.
So after you beep on the shelf with the gold ring move it to another place and see what the unit does. By the way Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all here in geotech. |
Give that man a cigar!
I think the most amazing thing about the videos is how the guy manages to keep a straight face during the whole test. :lol:
This is just more pseudo-scientific gobbledygook. Complete rubbish. :razz: |
Good grief...
That's why all the serious LRL discussions now have moved to the TNET forum. Here, only a few among the comedy and the notorious comedians were left... Sometimes just to relax a little I might show up just to join the fun with you people. May 2010 be a funny year as always here in geoskepthic forums...:D |
Surely you jest! (no...and don't ever call me Shirley again) Hung...its the same cast of characters and same ole hoopla over there, as it is here. The same LRL manufactures swapping insults with skeptics |
Hey Jim, catfights between LRLers and skeptics are normal in every forum.
But in TNET, skeptics are more polite and are able to carry on a discussion with minimum logic, even when the LRL guys make them 'face the truth', what happens almost all the time by the way...:D And you have to admit there are many experienced LRL users there. That's great. But here in this forum, there's no discussion at all. Skepthics here are like the mambo boys who think they know how to dance that song without not even knowing which song or what rythm that is.:lol: But come one, that's fair enough! What would you expect from a RS forum in Carl Skeptmoreland site?? Skepthics here are like: 'Hey there's this new LRL I would li...' And even before the sentence is written they go... 'It's a scam!Rubbish!Gobbleydok(I like that one)! and etc. and etc. So it's better to discuss there and come here to laugh a little, don't you think?8) |
I agree with Tim... the guy only moves the device up & down, never side-to-side. This would be really easy to fake. But it's probably enough of a demo to convince some people to buy one.
But he is a thunther who goes out in the field. Not the armchair, indoor electric fence tester typo. See Jim, what I mean by mambo boys?:lol: |
Hung I'm not saying it does not work. I'm only saying one way to do the same thing I see in the video. I'm all for the work you and hung are doing. But it is hard to tell anything except at a certain position the lights flash and the bells sound. I have asked hung and other to share info so I can test here in the states and give feedback to the source. But no takers.
You can be free to say "it does not work". It is about cheap trick (but expensive sold). Whole Principe was taken from IR laser alarm electronics. On the box with some electronics are mounted - in the centre the red laser pointer and - next to him two tubes with IR sensors. Now, we need only reflective surfaces like: mirrors, reflective foils, gold things, white paper bag (no black!!), glass vases, etc In fact nothing inventive, but very primitive scaming idea. Easy to prove that it does not work (for example, so that one in the background of gold ring put reflective plastic film, little crushed before or put gold in bag with same colour and surface texture as bag background, or put white bag at white background right angled to laser beam, etc). |
HELLO TO ALL AND HAPPY NEW YEAR, had not seen the debate, I am personally acquainted with that person and will be contacting 'TOMORROW TO FIND OUT ALL INFORMATION POSSIBLE
Have you actually checked out what few postings are on TNET? The activity over there is all but nil because the TNET forums are way OVER-MODERATED. Also, the Dowsing Forum is definitely Pro-dowsing and whenever anyone tries to post something to question the Pro-dowsers; they are quickly warned and reminded about the biased rules. If they persist, their postings will be removed and they will be banned, never to return. The TNET forums are a great place to visit about two or three times a year, because the activity is so low, there isn't anything of any consequence going on over there, and it only takes a couple of minutes to read a few postings from Art and Mike; and then you are done. Although...... I can certainly see why you'd feel more comfortable over there. :lol: :lol: :lol: |
I wouldn't be surprised if theseus was a tnet moderator. You know, that BTK guy. He's bribed his way onto several LRL forums.
Hung, on TNet you mentioned Frank Casser... does he own a Bionic? If I can find someone who has one, I'm more than willing to visit them for some evaluation.
- Carl |
It was a Freudian slip. Yes, I know how you use the slight of hand--make people believe one thing when it's really just the opposite. You want people to think anyone who uses an LRL is "gullible" when in fact anyone who listens to you is the gullible one.
But we all have right to working LRL. Where it is? |
hi at hall and happy new ear
i have spoke at MARCO thi is the name of man in the video he said me that the test is only in the house because the weather is bad and the lrl is new and is the first time that he have. next time he will make other test ( in country) and put on youtube, in the test he move up and down because he said that the lrl work only up and down not left and right
reguards manolo |
1 Attachment(s)
Excellent thinking. You could be right about that. But who's to know without checking it out? Quote:
Maybe there is an internal mag that is only 2-axis? Or maybe not a mag at all... maybe there is a precision level inside? :shocked: It seems like we tried RF, and MFD, brass rods, IR and needles with thread.... So should we start using levels to find the "phenomenon" now? Best wishes, J_P |
so what is a bazooki? Something from the secret bunker? :???: Best wishes, J_P |
Sorry, but your sentence in bold is wrong information. Either you misunderstood it or your friend misexpressed himself. The Bionic 01 mode of searching is performed as an horizontal axis scan. The early model did not feature the laser pinpointer and the target always had to be pinpointed by triangulation. So this information is not correct. Now, if the new model features a laser pinpointer that can be only used in the vertical axis, this simply does not make sense. Scanning the laser in both axis would be very simple by using a pentaprism for instance and it would just plain absurd having one axis limitation in the pinpointing after the device has detected a long distance target. Imagine if this happened to the IR leds in the FG80... I'll be in contact with one of the tech guys in OKM Germany and have him clarify this. Regards. |
please, tell to your friend that he has by thus claim acquired the right to stand for the best LRL joke this year. What about rotary motion? |
Otherwise, you must be seriously trying to gain the title of Poster Boy for Personified Paranoia for 2010. Slight of hand??? Please elaborate... I think you are crediting me with talents I didn't even know I had. Yes, gullible and technically-challenged are two terms that LRL scam artists rely very heavy on; in order to successfully market their wares. But then, as an up and coming LRL salesman, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. :D |
[quote = appeso; 103.739] Hi Manolo.
Ci dispiace, ma la tua frase in grassetto è l'informazione sbagliata. O si frainteso o il tuo amico misexpressed stesso. The Bionic 01 modalitÃ* di ricerca è effettuata come un asse di scansione orizzontale. Il modello iniziale non ha la funzione di pinpointer laser e il bersaglio doveva essere sempre individuato con una triangolazione. Quindi questa informazione non è corretta. Ora, se il nuovo modello dispone di un pinpointer laser che può essere utilizzato solo in verticale, questo semplicemente non ha senso. Scansione laser in entrambi gli assi sarebbe molto semplice utilizzando un pentaprisma, ad esempio, e sarebbe semplicemente assurdo che un asse di limitazione della individuazione dopo che il dispositivo ha rilevato un obiettivo a lunga distanza. Immaginate se questo è accaduto per il led a infrarossi in FG80 ... Sarò in contatto con uno dei ragazzi tech OKM in Germania e hanno lo chiarire questo punto. Saluti. [/ Quote] hello hung as you know I believe in lrl and I just said what I said to my friend Mark, 01 bionic 'a new lrl in Italy as soon as anyone has proven the poster' results, I also believe he can 'do errors since it has not done many tests reguards manolo |
[quote = WM6; 103.745] manolo Hi,
per favore, dite al vostro amico che ha acquisito dal quindi affermare il diritto di candidarsi per la battuta migliore LRL quest'anno. A proposito di ciò che il movimento rotativo? [/ Quote] hahahahhaahahahahahahah:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::l ol: you happy now? |
It's the same for you, ozzy here and aft 1733 for instance. Very similar and lookalikes. But you can't compare the discussions that happen here with the ones over TNET. They not even compare. TNET discussions are deep with real experienced LRL users. Here the skepthics don't even know of what they are talking about. We can't pass from page 1. Don't feel bad when you feel you think you 'lost a battle' in discussions with Art and Dell for instance. This is not a war... On the contrary, try to learn something from them. I am positive that it's just a matter of time for you to become an ex-skeptic. This will happen sooner or later. |
Sceptic are talking about convincing evidence only, that some LRL is working. However, such evidence from nowhere, regardless of whether we are looking at page 1 or page 999. Don't forget, sceptic have right on working LRL too. |
But it's just a matter of attitude. When some skeptics here fight against any LRL possibility, they already have built a wall around them and they will never be able to have access to it. This is evident. I believe merit also plays a big role. The ones who already got to the point of a working LRL turn protective to their creation. This is more than understandable. You would do the same. The key to sucess in this subject is: Don't pre-judge something you still don't know, keep an open mind and struggle alone by yourself in your objective. Regards. |
However, for believers are the hopes and dreams faithful enough to believe in the existence of a functioning LRL, while sceptics can be satisfied only by solid evidence. But we all know that in religious question can not be handled by the evidence. Believer's faith is sufficient, and he shall not use evidence. Here skeptics and believers will never come together. But this is no problem at all. Sceptics can live with this fact. The problem are those scam artist that to naive believers charge criminal high church tax. |
You make a mistake in what you think the LRL believers believe in. LRL believers also believe in the existence of a funcitioning LRL. They believe in solid evidence -- same as skeptics. Have you not heard LRL believers tell their stories of solid evidence? We have stories along with photos to show solid evidence found by LRL believers. Dr. hung is an expert in the field of solid evidence. Don't you remember when he reported his facts after years of collecting solid evidence? Quote:
Best wishes, J_P |
About the bionic, i see it more as a distance measurement unit.Or more exactly distance comparator :razz: Of course it could also be a simple thermometer, i can see it beeps on the the shelf itself ... |
Yes I agree with you Hung. As we know Hung and Esteban and Morgan and others have experienced the detection of the phenomenon of LR Detection, so as the rest do not have any experience they should not accuse them, but instead keep an open mind.
Thanks for sharing your experiences.Happy New Year to all. |
I also agree with hung. You are right. We should not accuse him. We should listen very closely to his words. Quote:
When we have an open mind for hung's facts, then we can believe everything he says is really true. Best wishes, J_P |
Show us on photos a coin in hand as solid evidence that LRL works is maybe enough for believers, but as scientific evidence such photos and videos are worthless, because they were not obtained in controlled conditions in accordance with scientific rules. |
I don't know about LRLs working except I know it is true because hung says it is true. Quote:
Doesn't this prove that what hung says is true? Best wishes, J_P |
New condescending tactic not working
This sudden rash of condescending comments and remarks directed towards LRL aficionados (believers, salesmen and debunkers) really does not seem to be producing any significant contributions in the way of tangible proofs, evidence or details of validation.
I suggest the new tactic is a failure, and we simply return to the old methods where we point out that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence; and let it go at that. When the evidence fails to be presented, then we have our answer. Period. ;) |
Didn't they say it is necessary to establish a dialogue so the discussion would not be ended after the first post is made? I thought we were supposed to carry on a discussion with minimum logic, even when the LRL guys make us 'face the truth'. The object of the LRL believer is not to provide proof. It is to collect believers without proof. And this cannot be done if we do not believe what they say is the truth. So you think the Remote Sensing forum rules to be prepared to back up your extraordinary claims is a good idea? Best wishes, J_P |
Isn't the intent of the Geotech rules to keep un-challenged pseudoscience in places like TNet and away from here? Best wishes, J_P |
However, as we both know, there is no such thing as a perfect world or a perfect RS Forum. And, in light of Carl's phrase in his Intro sticky; "I would like to keep this forum as open as possible.." - it would seem that demanding the purveyors of pseudo and wish science back up their claims, or move on, would be contrary to the desire to keep the forum as open as possible. :) I personally keep holding onto the idea that some day one of the LRL aficionados will actually come forward with a meaningful piece of evidence. Perhaps I am overly naive, but if we banish them from the forum, there is no possibility of ever learning or experiencing useful evidence from them. ;) |
Best wishes, J_P |
Best wishes, J_P |
That's destiny, but I have to say that there is a limitation that is different from person to person.Time! If time would be the same for everybody then we would have the same experiences, we would agree to everything and probably we wouldn't be here making discussions. In other words somebody realises something today and somebody else does it tomorow.Yesterday their thoughts were different and today are the same. It is like if we say that all people are the same.Of course they are not. I have to admit it and I am enjoying doing it that some years back I was a skeptic myself. So what? Now I am not. Time is the best doctor arround.This is what they say over here and I believe that this is the truth we like it or not. :) |
new video in country
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akO1j...eature=channel if there aren't joke i think that every metal industries is finished;);) |
hung you are right http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-a4b...eature=channel |
I would like you to try something if you don't mind. Have the user put gloves on and repeat the test. I am not trying ti disprove but prove it may work.
The indoor video clearly shows the laser modulated to the gold frequency and it does not reflect any other target at the wall when moved sideways. Congratulations to OKM for the evolution regarding the previous model. Now it's easy to pinpoint the target. Maybe my team will get one to team up with the MIDAS.:D The outdoor videos show the device detecting at distance in normal mode. Notice how the laser is turned off. I will talk to Alonso about maybe employing a laser beam in substitution to the IR leds for pinpointing in the Mineoros. Let's see what he says. Putrechigi, thanks very much for posting the videos. You were faster than OKM's support regarding a reply to my querie. Now everything is clear. Best regards. |
Suppose there is a pushbutton switch or trigger switch that is activated by the operator when the laser is on (or near the target). To prove that is not the case; tune the device to be activated by the gold target. Then place the device on a table, not held by an operator. Then at some distance away, move a gold target into the laser beam and show the lights flashing only when the target is in the beam. That still doesn't prove it is only detecting gold, just that the operator is not pressing a switch to activate the lights. Next would be to try and move a small dental inspection mirror into the beam, or perhaps other shiny metal objects. |
This is why i wrote it could be distance related.
Best wishes, J_P |
Hello Hung Let me tell you that i visit OKM in Germany some years ago,when the LRL production center was near the feunf minuten strass (five minute stret). After the OKM lrl field demonstration i come to the conclusion this products are not good. They fail completly,not found 1kg of silver objects (i buried 30 cm near the OKM factury), They said its becouse ground conditions...:nono: |
A more important question for this locator is "Can it find buried treasures?" To see if this locator can detect buried gold, you would need to bury a gold item at least a few inches under the ground, wouldn't you? Best wishes, J_P |
Yes,but the first big error he have done, was to buy this useless and expensive device... Many of my TH friends from Germany know bionic is a fraud. Regards |
I know how it works OKM,some products are resonable if ground conditions are good,but this bionic is worst than mineoro,i have friends who try this near HOT places and find nothing,this is expensive LRL for rich people,not TH tool. Regards |
I don't know what electronics are in this detector, but I am speculating it will detect gold you place in plain sight, and not detect any buried metal that is under the ground more than a few cm. Maybe it is useful for finding the gold necklace mixed in with junk metal that you have spread out on the table. Best wishes, J_P |
B-01 and the challenge
Tell to your friend Marco, to go to America and get the Karl´s Mega price,the Challenge... I fell sorry for your friend in desperate atempt to prove Bionic works as LRL,i´m sure he wants to sell this device,videos are to impress people... Regards |
Think again Morgan
A few points to clarify. 1 - I had the proof that the Bionic 01 works when a thunter here told me he had been in an expedition with a peruvian friend who had one. My friend had his FG80 with him. They located several pounds of gold at long range. The Bionic 01 apparently in that occasion detected it first and then the FG80 followed it making my friend conclude the OKM device had more range. The FG80 was used to pinpoint the target as the Bionic at that time could not except by employing triangulation as their site shows. Even with this apparent limitation, my friend was impressed at the detecting capabilities of the device. Well, this was the old model. 2 - The device appearing in the videos is obviously an upgrade model with several enhancements, such as a more stable and precise circuit, for what I could see and a laser pinpointer. The detector now features the laser pinpointer to overcome the limitation it had for pinpointing the object. The laser is absolutely not the detector itself. It is modulated at the receiver's probes same frequency to be used in the pinpointing process. 3 - It's easy claim some detector does not work if you have not found anything with it. I trust my friend and got a detailed report of the device behavior. So although I'm not familiar with the device itself, I'm familiar with the technology it might employ and based on that, I can safely say they have made their homework and there is no reason at all to think that the person in the video is making everything up. So, please change your mind. The PD is a reality. So is the OKM's BIONIC 01. Regards. |
In this video we can see Manolo´s friend detect at considerable distance one gold item previously buried,this means the new BIONIC is able to locate fresh buried gold at several meters distance. And if Marco is a serios person,he have one amazing LRL device,superior than my PD. But we need to know if its all true...Yes i can change my mind |
I see a video that has the appearance of detecting a shovel handle in the air at considerable distance. Wouldn't it be better to see the OKM detect only the buried gold with nothing else on the surface nearby? Best wishes, J_P |
hi morgan
hi morgan nice to see you again in the forum next saturday if MARCO can go at my house i test bionic two hears ego i tell him if is possible to buy bionic and he said me that was not good lrl now is different with dis bionic 01 he tell me is very simple to find gold i not watc personali bionic at work and i said only what he said me but is serious man ha sel metal fro many ears and if wrong in italy he stopped his work you know what i want to said
P.S. in october you tell me that go in italy for to find a treasure you was? |
2 Attachment(s)
ULTRASONIC ROOM MEASURE DISTANCE METER WITH LASER POINT: Attachment 10763 Non-Contact IR Infrared Thermometer Laser Gun Attachment 10764 |
There is no indication in the video that it is able to detect a target using a horizontal sweep. In fact, an vertical sweep is used on the two gold targets, but then to "prove" that no other targets on the shelf are detected, a horizontal sweep is employed. Very suspicious.
Also, during "calibration", the user cannot keep the laser steady and it often misses the target. So what is it "calibrating"? During "target detection" the blue LED illuminates before the laser hits the target. What's that about then? :lol: Even if this gadget was actually capable of detecting gold at a distance, could you imagine scanning a large terrain using a small laser beam. It would take forever! :nono: Theseus is correct. A better test would be to keep the device stationary while moving selected targets in front of the beam. |
Travel to Germany
Well,if your friend Marco tell the true about this new BIONIC,its time for you to tell us about HOW IT WORKS, DISTANCE(single gold coin) and Depht,its very good that you can see this device working,no need to pay for plain tickets ;) |
Sure, Ultrasonic rangefinders use laser pinpointers to show what you are aiming at. But there are also laser rangefinders that do not use ultrasound. These work by measuring time of flight of laser pulses, with the advantage of better range and penetration through haze and fog. Some laser rangefinders come equipped with a monocular so you can see your target while reading the distance. The more advanced versions can display the distance of several objects at the same time. Some can even measure the distance of moving targets. These are popular with hunters, and with and golfers who want to know how far away their golf ball is. Hmmm... If there are laser ranging optics that can identify a moving target in the OKM, then moving a gold target in front of the OKM would not show a change in its response when the target is moved.. :shocked: Does the OKM use laser ranging electronics? Maybe... didn't you see how the user kept it pointed at the top of the shovel handle right up to the final steps when he turned it off? But suppose it is more advanced than simple laser rangefinding... Maybe it is identifying the material that the laser beam strikes. If this is the case, then we can see it identified the material in the shovel handle from at a considerable distance. It certainly was not pinpointing at the ground where the gold was buried. The video clearly shows him pinpointing the shovel handle, conveniently placed a few feet above the ground where the laser beam could hit it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akO1j...eature=channel I think I can locate all treasures buried below a shovel in the air without using a laser to help me. I wonder if the OKM can identify buried gold when there is no shovel to aim at? Best wishes, J_P |
Bionic 01-for TH dreamers
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 10767 |
He will only believe when he sees it find the ground above buried gold with no other laser targets near the gold. Right? Best wishes, J_P |
Also notable on the indoor test, it about the 54 second mark when Marco is moving horizontal back to the target, he lowers the device before it reaches the target, then moves the device up...passing over the target...and it does not beep....then when he lowers it...it beeps and the light flashes. Why didn't the device beep on the horzontil sweep and why didn't it beep on the upward sweep |
hi my frends i'm not here for to sell metal ot lrl but only to know if at last we are at a turning point regarding the lrl just possibile if Mark has not yet sold all the pieces will go in an old abandoned village to see if in the really condition find gold and silver
reguards |
Skeptics Favorites
Skepthics here in this forum are hilarious.
They usually watch LRL video demonstrations as they are watching a David Copperfield or Chris Angel show tryng to figue out where the tricks are...:lol::lol: From the Series 'skepthics favorite quotes' Vol 1: 'It's a trick' 'It's obviously a scam' 'Why did he not do this?' 'He could have done that' 'Ah.. It's a trick of the mind' - this one is my favorite 'heavy metal quote'.:lol: 'Ah... Suppose there's a pushbutton switch...' 'Hummm...extraordinary claim calls for extraordinary poohh'(pun intended) ********* There are a bunch more but I will leave those for Vol 2 .. Hey, this is boring... Manolo, even if you and Marco do detect gold with the device and video tape it, people here will not believe you and will use some of their favorite quotes above. You know, skepthics already found out that the real inventor of LRLs is Chris Angel.:ninja: |
But I may agree with you on the anomalies... Since you are in this subject, what about the anomalies found in the man on the moon videos in '69? Very suspicious eh? Those shades... I think it was a bad trick of the light... A hoax. What about you? |
Not only there is plenty of anomalies on those videos, but also there is absolutely nothing that shows something being really "detected".
So, based on those videos we would have to be particularly stupid to buy such a device or just believe it does something usefull. |
I guess I don't need to find lost shovels stood up in the air, so I won't be buying one. Best wishes, J_P |
Manolo, even if you and Marco do detect gold with the device and video tape it, people here will not believe you and will use some of their favorite quotes above.
i think before saying if it works or not must attend in person and in real-world research, many people start with a negative thought I can respect but not share, from mature person I am, without starting with jokes and mocking forum best reguardsI |
Sound familiar? |
Qiaozhi wrote
....Even if this gadget was actually capable of detecting gold at a distance, could you imagine scanning a large terrain using a small laser beam. It would take forever!...... If the laser acts as a sensor and doesn't just show the possible spot where gold is then I strongly agree whith Qiaozhi and this is the only possibility of what could have happened. In my opinion the laser is just a help to show the spot but a question to OKM will give us light.The previous model was not based in such a principle anyway. Watching the videos and talking about when light flashes or when and where the signal comes up relating to where the laser was spotting that time says nothing at all to me. Slightly movement of the hand equals to meters away where the target is and apart from that you must be familiar to the speed you are using when operating an LRL from side to side and this I believe is a different factor for every LRL and in some way it is also proportional to size and distance. Time needed for the ccts to produce results(flashing leds,sound) also might be different from one to another so somebody must be trained to make an LRL working even when it is capable of doing so. For me the case is that this guy used the shovel standing up where the ring was hidden because otherwise it would be very difficult to get a signal from such a small target thus very difficult to detect it in real conditions.Watch how slowly he moves bionic using both his hands. Then by saying something like that it is like myself admitting that Bionic 01 is very directional. To tell you the truth this is the only thing that came up to my mind by watching the videos and when we are talking for LRLs I think that this is a quality factor. Well I don't know and may be the new bionic 01 is so directional and I cannot say anything more about this since I have never had one in my hands. Anyway my opinion is that the guy in the video shows a tendency to prove that bionic 01 is working.And this is because I am sure that while he was trying to test it he had also some misses under may be some other conditions or some cases that the results where not that nice as in these ones. Well to be more believable he should put those videos on youtube as well and not only the successfull ones. |
That was good! |
how works
Hi to All , how work this Bionic and Please open inside box or pipe for showing.
hi humhum ..I think that this device light gun :D
look at the page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_gun (pek inandırıcı gelmedi bana selamlar E.A ) |
OKM's Response
OKM has sent me a reply and confirmed what I had observed since the very first video.
Just like the Mineoros use the IR Led for pinpointing the new Bionic uses the laser beam for this. So as I had previously claimed here, there's no such thing as a 'laser detector' as some here erroneously suggested. Also OKM confirms that it can be swept in both axis (horizontal and vertical) because if not, it would never make sense and sure it would be more than a limitation to it. The north-south aproach is mentioned as it's known as the best orientation for max ionic broadcast and discovered a long time ago by Damasio-Alonso. It's clear that OKM evolved the inner ionic circuit/ionic mode aproach to be able to detect also fresh items from a distance as the Tyon for instance already does. Let's wait for Manolo in his field test with Marco to confirm OKM's inputs. Here's OKM's reply at my inquiry: Hello, with the Bionic 01 you can do vertical and horizontal movements. Important in the ionic mode is that you try to scan from north to south direction. The test inside a house is very limited because there is a lot of metal around, which can influence the measurement. The laser pointer on the device is used for orientation in the field. So you can better locate the spot when scanning outside in long distances. Best Regards Julia Bessel -- OKM Ortungstechnik GmbH Am Fünfminutenweg 6 04603 Windischleuba / Germany PS. Bolds mine. |
Incorporated Laser detector is not suggestion, this is fact. You do not need to ask Julia, which answer what they have to answer, you need only to take some look inside box and all is clear. |
The term should actually be at a 'short' distance, since in the case of Mineoro and possibly the Bionic 01, they are pinpointers modulated at the receiver's probe frequencies. The ionic emissions behave exactly like before and 'captured' by ionic chamber in Mineoro and apparently also by an ionic chamber type sensor in the BIonic 01 since this is what they claim in the manual. |
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Now that we know for a fact the Bionic 01 is detecting gold ions, it will no longer be necessary to place a shovel or anything else at the spot where the laser is pointing. The Bionic 01 will respond perfectly to the air above the ground where gold is buried, without a shovel or anything else to pinpoint before digging the gold below it. This will prove it detected gold ions floating in the air, not the shovel or anything else placed conveniently where the laser is pin-pointing. Best wishes, J_P |
Untill now i was understanding that gold was releasing ions slowly after being burried 10 or more years. Now you tell me that every piece of fresh gold laying around is evaporating and releasing an heavy fux of ions.- and the bionic01 and mineoros rely on this principle to detect it... :shocked: |
"Fresh gold" is what the FG means on the FG79 and FG80 Mineoros. The fact that minute traces of gold ions are released only after many years was proved by scientists using conventional chemical titration tests of the soil. These scientists are not to be trusted. The concept of floating gold ions comes directly from the people who manufacture LRLs that detect these ions. Who would know better? Some scientists with thier field tests of the soil and air, or manufacturers of LRLs? You saw the videos showing the Bionic 01 beeping at gold rings and a shovel handle, didn't you? Doesn't that prove it located gold ions floating in the air? Best wishes, J_P |
There are no more ions being released (into the air) by fresh gold lying around than there are by buried gold. The idea of a flux of ions (from gold) hovering several feet above the ground is pure pseudo-science concocted to help sell scam LRL contraptions. (Note: the above comment is presented as a non-condescending entry) |
I am felling better already.But you should understand when i am being ironic by now. After all we share this place from long enough. :lol: I hope Dr Hung will explain why we were looking so hard for the long-time buried gold effects and suddenly it is no more necessary. Maybe it can be explained by the advances of technology - but then arise the question : what is being detected ? (Hung??) |
I said that the IR in the new Mineoros is used for pinpointing purposes at a relatively close distance because it's modulated at the receiver's frequency. In the Tyon's case the receiver is much more sensitive and along with the IR Leds circuitry (Tyon has two-TX and RX), it has the ability to detect fresh gold items, again in a moderate distance through reflex and modulation. In some other thread I already mentioned that I did a test and it was able to detect a fresh gold ring indoors at 3-4 meters and an aluminum can at only 20 cm. A real improvement in the filtering stage and this is what I mentioned at the time. In the Bionic 01's case, I can only imagine the laser is doing the same thing as I am not familiar with the device. But I am familiar with the aproach. |
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Have you forgotten they also detect non-buried shovel handles? Maybe they detect anything you can hold in the air. Maybe this is why German treasure hunters say they don't find buried treasure ... things in the air are not buried treasures, and do not need to be located. They can buy locators from Leica and Carl Zeiss that also locate things in the air for a lot less money. Here is a magician's guide to the youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akO1jzVEds8&feature=channel |
hi at hall
ok perfect I see that many have 'drawn the conclusions, I respect but do not share them, I apologize to anyone who wanted more news, but the tests we do "positive or negative will be" soon will not be posted, if you're interested contact me in mp
regardless of what you think if bionic not work, I'd be the first to say, just waiting to do tests before coming to conclusions reguards |
I've called Frank Casser, OKM rep in the US, and he has a Bionic 01 in hand. However, he's in south Florida, I'm in Oregon, and right now neither of us have travel plans that put us close together. But we are going to stay in touch and eventually arrange a demonstration. I had hopes that someone else in the US might own one by now, but he did not know of anyone who's bought one. - Carl |
You see Carl, this is just one of the reasons experienced LRL users bash you over TNET. You simply discard owners and LRL user testimonies if it does not fit your agenda. I don't have the slightest doubt the Bionic 01 works. So does Mineoro, Electroscope, RT, you name it. Why? Because in the case of Mineoros and RT, I found gold with them many times. In the case of the Electroscope, there's David Villanuevas' testimony. In the case of the previous Bionic 01 model, I have my friend's testimony. When you discard all our testimonies, you start to act as irrational and altist, ignoring evidences of sucessful users. And by doing that, you infer we are all liers. The question in debate is how good the BIonic 01 performs. You still keep 'hammering' your old motto regarding if some device works or not. C'mon, wake up! We are in 2010! When you had the opportunity to get a FG80 in your hands, I came forward to offer all my help because I knew that with the device, you would find gold if you were true in your cause and if you wished to find gold indeed. I wanted to see your sincerity. We all know how it ended, don't we Carl? That's why you have never been taken seriously by the experienced LRL users over TNET. It's clear as fresh water... |
Would that be Art and Mike? :shrug: Surely, you jest! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: |
If the question of the debate is how good the Bionic 01 performs, then the answer can best be determined by watching a Bionic 01 perform live in front of you, and trying it out with your own hands. I agree with Carl. Putrechigi has the right idea... He is going to live a demonstration to see how good it works right in front of him with a chance to try it out himself. I can't think of a better way than that. Expecting us to believe your second-hand reports from your friend who says his friend located several pounds of gold with a Bionic 01 won't work. Only a fool would buy an expensive locator that not even you would buy, yet you urge us to believe it works because a friend of a friend say it works. Quote:
BTW, aren't you a friend of employees and owners of the Mineoro LRL factory near your home in Brazil? Best wishes, J_P |
Firstable happy new year and yes I'm interested by your test. Sincerly |
I am waiting to test the unit here on my test targets. Frank was very nice and will contact me next month for a meeting. I will keep all informed.
Ferinstance, many LRLers admit they use a metal detector to check each target location the LRL "finds." If the MD indicates a good target, they dig it. If it doesn't, they walk on. I don't consider this kind of LRL "success" worth considering. However, the LRLer isn't a liar, and I would not even hint that he is. But he probably is self-deceived. As always, I am open to anyone showing me that I'm wrong. Anyone is welcomed to demonstrate an LRL to me, and they can demonstrate it in any way they wish. BUT... they will, at some point in the demonstration, have to succeed under randomized blind conditions if they want me to take the results seriously. - Carl |
"Shovel locator" - that's what it is! :lol:
Nothing on those videos that can prove anything. Sorry. Better luck next time. For my account; Bionic is just another expensive FRAUD and nothing else. BTW; what is the role of that funny LCD? Just to display few nonsences and nothing else??? To improve overall design? To make it look more "profy"? B.S.!!! B.S.!!! B.S.!!! Only naive idiot can waste money on such rubbish! Since Carl is to cultural and becoming to say this, i will say it here, very loud; LIARS, CHEATS, THIEFS, MOUNTEBANKS!!! Shovel could be specially prepared for this video. Few batteries and small TX inside shovel tube (stick). Easy and sweet! |
"..I have always conceded that some people who use LRLs (or who just dowse) have actually found things..."
Like hell! Blind hen will find more grains. For over the 20 years i've been waiting JUST/AT LEAST one dowser to prove at least ONE and only sure find in front of my eyes! Nobody succeed so far! Neither one! Among hundreds i've met and tested so far. Neither one founded nothing so far. Nothing! All i heard were empty tales and sweet lies and nothing else. |
Carl your $25000 are SURE and SAFE forever! :lol::lol::lol:
Fort Knox! |
Folks at TNET ferinstance, have proved you wrong many times. Sooner or later you will eventually wake up. Not to the fact LRLs are a reality. You'll wake up to figure that your own attitudes towards this subject is way nonsense. And outdated. |
How can I possibly believe that LRLs work when every single demonstration (by others, not me!) has resulted in failure? And yet I'm still willing to let anyone try. I've offered to visit Dell, Mike-Mont, Art, and others. Sorry, South America is not on my list right now. - Carl |
Are you sure every single demonstration of an LRL failed when TNEt LRL enthusiasts tried to demonstrate their LRLs working? What does this mean? Is hung wrong when he says "they proved you wrong many times"? How come these LRL enthusiasts didn't make any mention of how they failed at every single LRL demonstration? Now I am starting to wonder.... If every single LRL demonstration you saw failed, but we hear no LRL enthusiast talking about all these failed demonstrations, then what are we hearing them reporting from their field trips? Are they coming home from a treasure expedition and bragging about treasures they found without mentioning how the LRL failed every time, causing them to dig hundreds of empty holes? Did they finally put their LRL away and take out a metal detector to find the treasure they are bragging about? Is this what these LRL enthusiasts mean when they say LRLs work? Hmmm... Maybe I have the wrong idea. But no problem. If I am wrong, then any LRL enthusiast can easily prove it by showing their LRL recovering treasure live in front of skeptic witnesses like Carl. A video of their demonstration would prove that they are right and Carl is wrong. Best wishes, J_P |
What about the 2 videos of Esteban???? Why you don't take them as proof???;;; Regards:) |
Video clips are not good proofs. We must realize that once for all. No matter what is presented on video.
Like Carl said; most convinced can be if see presentation in person. Even than; presentation must be done in fair and objective manner. Spectators must have chance to suggest the way of testing and presenting. I have been attendant at many simillar presentations in the past. I've seen all the common tricks that people can perform during presentations. Usually, tricks are purposely performed to trick spectators. But also i've seen unpurposely tricks of the mind of performer. Some dowsers are stil not awared how easily they becoming victims of trick of the mind in those situations. In several cases i helped to few of them to finaly understand that it was plain trick of the mind and nothing else. So...bottom line is fact that video clips are not proofs at all. Everything can be arranged to "prove" or "disaprove" some situation, in video clip. More you talk and more you rely on clips - more questions and doubts you can expect. ....... If you really have revolutionary design and you really are sure in its functionallity - than once for all accept regular ways to present it to public. Organize public presentations and be ready to answer all the possible questions. |
I have not so perfect LRL, so to make public presentations. But i believe that the Esreban's video is true, so it is more cheap for Carl to go a travel to Paraguay and see the Esteban's LRL to work than to pay 25000 $.
What are you think about it??? |
Esteban's video was not made showing his LRL recovering treasure live in front of skeptic witnesses like Carl, as I said in my post. Therefore he cannot make a video to show that he was right and Carl was wrong. He can only make a video to show what he wants to show. I saw a video of stooge Curly squirt water out of his ears. This does not prove it really happened. Real proof would be when I see it with my own eyes live and can look from any angle I want to prove it is real. Proof for an LRL is also seen when you hold the LRL in your hand and watch it find treasure live. It is not when you see a video. Do you remember traveling from Greece to Portugal to see real proof instead of only watching videos? Morgan's demonstration was only real proof for you and Morgan, because only you and Morgan were there holding the LRL in your hands live to test it. Other people who only watched the video saw proof that Morgan's demonstration convinced you it really works. People who only watched the video did not hold the LRL in their own hands and test it for themselves, and they did not prove for themselves that it really works. They only saw a video that proves you were convinced when you went to the demonstration. Best wishes, J_P |
Hi J_P.
I think that we say the "same". Where is the problem if Carl go to Paraguay to see with his eyes the LRL???? If Carl go and see the LRLs from Esteban, i don't need videos to believe him. If Carl will say don't work, for me will be the same as i had saw it. Regards:) |
I would believe a report that Carl made also. He is the strongest skeptic who wants to see real proof instead of videos. So if he says it works, then I will believe he is telling a true story after making many tests. There are only two problems of Carl going to Paraguay: 1. Carl's travel plans do not include going to places in South America for now. From Carl's post above: "I've offered to visit Dell, Mike-Mont, Art, and others. Sorry, South America is not on my list right now". 2. Any plans to win $25,000 will not happen, because the prize contest was suspended some time ago: http://www.geotech1.com/cgi-bin/page...ile=reward.dat Until this prize is reinstated, any demonstrations are only done for the purpose of demonstration, not to win money. Best wishes, J_P |
So...., what are we doing now:lol: Regards:) |
I don't know what you are doing, but I am watching a video of the Bionic 01 detecting a shovel at long range, and waiting to see what Putrechigi says after he sees it demonstrated to find buried gold instead of a different target located near the buried gold. :) Best wishes, J_P |
God only knows what is in Esteban's head for real!? Or your? On my? My point is that it is not piece of cake simply to catch a plane and go to Paraguay just like that! Carl could face same situation as you faced visiting Morgan; previously good prepared conditions and field where tested LRL subject could show real "performances". Real test would be to "surprise" Esteban (or any other LRL proponent) by visiting (or inviting) him to some neutral place where situation is unknown for both sides and unprepared by any side. For example; Esteban and Carl both can come to third place and perform very objective test on unknown and uprepared soil and conditions. Somewhere in the middle between Oregon and Paraguay. Fair enough. |
Ok here are calculations! :razz::lol::p
Straight air distance between Sweet Home (OR) and Asuncion (Paraguay) is approx 6.300 miles (10.150 km). So..Carl and Esteban should meet in the middle....somewhere between Managua and San Jose. Fair enough! Do we have some member there? Between Managua (Nicaragua) and San Jose (Costa Rica)? Some descent member to be third person and to rush and host those guys? C'mon! |
As you know i do not sell detectors or LRLs so i am interesting only for the true and nothing else. So i would like to see a test at Paraguay where Esteban shows a lrl to work (at conditions of Paraguay), and why not after it at a third place as you wrote.... I saw LRLs to work, so i take this position!!!. But LRLs don't work so good and every time as metal detectors works, so this is the reason that i want to see test at more places.... to understand what is happening. |
Ha! Weak argument!
White's DFX (Oregon,USA) works perfect here in Sokobanja (Serbia) !!! Minelab Explorer SE (Australia) works perfect here in Sokobanja (Serbia)!!! Cscope 1220B (UK) works perfect here in Sokobanja (Serbia)!!! ..... Do you need more arguments? |
I wrote my position with my experience from Bionic Alfa. I am not sure about Bionic01, but the Japan laser that i saw, worked very easy compared to Bionic. It did not like the beam to be exactly on the object, but if the "line" was up of the object then you had a strong beep. Regards:) |
somewhere you tangled them |
"....But LRLs don't work so good and every time as metal detectors works, so this is the reason that i want to see test at more places.... to understand what is happening...."
LRLs don't work at all, that's the problem. What is happening..? Many things are hapening, most of all is trick of the mind. LRL's like PD pistol and simillar are "receiving" all the possible hums, mums and interferences, radio waves etc...etc... You may say that PD pistol was "selective" than, when you tested it. It beeped only in one direction. I agree. It's musty design offers enough adjustments to prevent all arround reception. Use of ferrite antena and conventional search coil and by adjusting it can preserve certain "selectivity", so it can beep only to one direction. I put many remarks on videos you recorded there. I don't want to repeat myself. But it is obvious that PD can not detect nothing 20-30cm away from search coil surface. "Detection" we saw on those videos is fake. It was just simple directional respond to some distant signal, nothing else. Same thing with Zahori...it responds to power lines at more distance than PD. I "detected" HV power line at 120 meters with my latest Zahori. But i was not fooled to beleive that it is detecting something passive and burried into soil. And Zahori also showed perfect directional sensitivity. I could record video clip also, with claims that Zahori detects some ...ring or coin. I could place that ring or coin in direction to power line and swinging with Zahori i could show and "prove" real detection in front of the camera. Same thing with various Esteban's IR,FM,AM,VHF,UHF,LF...etc...etc LRL devices, he already presented here on these forums. It doesn't really matter which method person will use to make such LRL detector. In all cases it is sensitivity on (and detection of) some interference, some field, some hum, mum or radio wave. In all cases! I guarantee! No matter if IR was used or FM or whatever...same principle either. Basically those are always based on some ultra high impendance inputs, pretty sensitive even to smallest charge. The rest of job at such devices is just how to "chasten" those wild signals and how to make device directionaly sensitive.....end of a story, end of a secret. Big deal! If i was there with you i would take PD from Morgan's hands and i would walk with it far away from Morgan's place and search for any other "signal". Each eventuall signal i would try to explore and distinguish it's source. Pitty...i couldn't afford to come with you. My problem, not your. |
In some part of private RS forum I invite the members for to travel to Mexico for to meet with Mr. Alonso and see the electronic LRL in action in real field. Nobody respond... Mexico is near USA. Nobody has interest... maybe. :shrug:
I think Hung is trying to argue that they've "proved me wrong" with their words and testimonials. Probably in the same way that Hung has proven the operation of Mineoro LRLs with all the gold he has recovered with them. Quote:
Of everyone I know of dabbling in LRLs, Esteban is the one who intrigues me the most. I would like to meet up with him and see what he has. I can't do it this year for certain, but maybe 2011 will be a little kinder. - Carl |
hola esteban, mira yo te agradezco tu invitacion como cuando dijistes que alonso estaria en veracruz, pero mira yo tengo otras prioridades y no estoy en condiciones de ir, pues debo dedicar mi tiempo a acciones alturistas, a luchar contra el calentamiento global, y bueno, no puedo aunque si me gustaria, pero de todos modos yo no necesito comprobaciones de esto, se que funciona, y me basta!, y bueno no es la ocasion, pero te repito mis agradecimientos por tu invitacion, otra vez sera, ahora hay otras prioridades, ademas todo eso representaria gastos y tiempo invertido y alejarse de la familia, ahi estamos! muchas gracias
I don't agree. PD working to all directions. I don't remember if this is showing at video, but at second case (foil), it detected it from North to South from 3m distance and from the other directions from 1m. Zahori and PD are not the same thing. I found two old buried objects with my PD, so i know for what i speak. About Esteban.... i can't speak for him, He is Here...... I close this thread for PD, but because i want to be fair with Morgan, i must tell that Morgan told me to go next day at mountain for treasure hunting with PD and i did not went, because i saw what i wanted to saw. |
What you did is exactly what other people should do. You should go to see the machine working with your own eyes, and test it with your own hands. After you try it with your own hands, if you become convinced it is helping you to find treasure, then you should use it for finding treasure. It is not your job to convince other people. If others want proof, then they can try it with their own hands the same as you did. This is the only proof. No video can prove it will work for you on a treasure hunt the same as if you try it yourself. You are correct. Nobody needs to speak for Esteban. I have no reason to believe he made false claims or fake videos. He is unlike other LRL enthusiasts. He has built more experimental LRLs than any other person I know of in this forum, with maybe you in second place for building a lot of different LRLs. This tells me that he and you are at least serious about your commitment to LRL experiments. There are others who also built LRLs here. In fact, Ivconic was the first person in Geotech I can remember posting a complete circuit for an LRL. (The problem with that design is it was good for locating static electricity, but not buried treasure). Maybe this is part of the reason why he is not a believer. For Esteban, he has proved to himself and his friends that his LRLs work. But his talk and videos are not the same as seeing his LRLs locate treasure with your own hands. So they are not proof for other people who did not see. I would like to see his LRLs find treasure. If Alonso will be going to Veracruz in the future, then maybe I can go to Veracruz when he can make a demonstration. It depends a lot on scheduling. If Esteban wants people to see these LRLs work, then maybe he can tell when and where to go to see this demonstration. Actually, I would prefer to see Estaban's LRLs working. Maybe Esteban will be traveling to Mexico sometime in 2010? Best wishes, J_P |
That's what i ment by "directional". Of course Zahori and PD are not the same. I am not saying those were the same!!? But if we take simplified and principal look at those 2 devices, those are based on same kind of functionality. High impendance inputs. This means those are very sensitive to any kind of charge. Another huge difference ; at least Zahori is useable, PD is useless 100%. Zahori was desinged back in '70. in Germany by E.E. and its initial role was to locate current leaks in power lines. PD is B.S. based on obsolete metal detector design with addition of 100% nonsenced ferrite antena receiver. Those are differences. Geo, again, you may beleive what ever you want. Time will pass until you realize how wrong are you. That's your problem,not my. |
LRL idealists can become obsessive in time. More you experiment - more you have impression that "it is it". Terrible trick of the mind! Horrible! After years of practicing and experimenting with LRL man is completely lost. He lives and die in conviction that LRL is real thing but "only one step left to make it real".
I know few LRL'st who already aged and died in hard convictions that LRL is real thing. Only problem is that those actually never located NOTHING with their numerous LRL designs. I am not joking here at all. Take this very seriously. I just tried to give my humble contribution on these forums, hoping that it will have some influence and turn few people away from such stupid ideas. Life is short. Use it smarter. LRL (the way it is understood here) is 100% waste of time. Waste of time, energy and money. I tried....have nothing to regret for. Regards! |
trick is that you alone are against yourself, but you do not notice about this. You do not hiding the actual content of your comics design because of a trade secrets, but because you know that people are laughing, if you fully disclosed any of these phenomenal secret plans. By doing so, you only validate that they are what they are, only nonworking construction comics. You do not need trick, no believers need trick to belive. You need only dream and hope, nothing else. Esteban you have unlimited right to your dream and hope, but please do not sell your dream and hope to others, because by this you only help to sell expensive and crappy mineoros like boxes to other naive dreamer. |
I am sure, if one here are open-minded, you are. But please note that there is a barrier constructed of phenomenal phenomenon over which we ordinary skeptics can not see. One must be believer that they get open sight to second dimension of live phenomenon. |
If Mr. Alonso travel again to Mexico, I'll inform you. I'll provide telephone number and other address infos for to meet with him and go in minitrip. He travel to Veracruz several times.
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No it is not true. That text was written much later by who knows who? Most probably some dowser. I adopted also name "Zahori" to easilly talk with people here. But "Zahori" name was added much later....some 20 - 30 years later after original schematic was published. Ahhahahahah! Even you Qiaozhi? Seems you are also confused with LRL mumbo jumbo empty talks!? :lol::lol::lol: |
I just checked my docs and found out that i was wrong! :frown: All the time i was thinking on something else pretty similar to Zahori. S O R R Y ! |
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This provoked me to check some docs in details...
Personaly i doubt that German Elektor ever posted this article under "Zahori" name. I think that spanish publisher took freedom to change original title to "Zahori electronico". Most probably the rest of text in article was changed also (to attract more attention or some other reason...?). Would be nice to see original german Elektor from 10. 1987. |
Thanks for your concern. Next month, I will be testing my LRL using program that I had been installed in my laptop computer. If I could not find something of value, I guess, that is the time for me to discontinue my research & experiment and do something productive, instead of wasting my precious time in the fantasy world of LRL's.:):):) |
Use earphones output as part of TX stage (add stronger output on it) and use mic or line input as RX (also can add front end on it). Write softvare which will do some tasks: * Simple signal generator, sinus, square, 2-20kHz, adjustable amplitude.. * Direct view (on monitor) and momentary controls over TX signal.. * RX signal analysis. Amplitude, phase, phase shifts... * Presets with phase shifts.. * Various indications....VDI numbers, sounds, bells.... Regards! |
Nobody knows better than my pocket if LRLs work or not.
Well unless I am not in my trousers alone.:lol::lol::lol: |
The only LRL that I know works is the nose of a dog.
Ist nicht zu finden in Oktober Heft: www.elektor.de/Uploads/Files/InhaltAb1970.pdf |
It´s not broken just wrong,(look at it) here is the right one:
www.elektor.de/Uploads/Files/InhaltAb1970.pdf |
Don't try to convince the other people!!!!! J_P wrote it.... "It is not your job to convince other people". But is it job of the other people to convince us that the LRL don't work???? Or the other people can say their opinion but we can't say our opinion. Regards:) |
Hi Geo, sorry I cannot keep my mouth shut my friend.
You see when somebody tries to give us his valueable knowledge in a subject(LRL) that otherwise you need a lot of money to spend to understand things on yourself then you cannot come back to him saying that he was using remote controlled devices in his video to fool us. Lets be fair and respect a few things. Even if it is so I don't think this is the right behaviour anyway.:nono: Quote:
Is it something out in the market?Can I see it in internet? Many regards g-sani |
I think you do not understand what I said. Here is the what I posted: Quote:
Anybody can post their opinion here. But I will not take posted opinions to be the same as proof I see with my own eyes and in my own hands... the same as you did not take it to be the same. :) Best wishes, J_P |
In full year 1987 & 1988 German editions I can find only one similar article named: Kontaktlose Hochspannungskontrolle in Elektor Doppelheft 7/8 1988 (but no one word about dowsing or "Zahori"). Here photos phenomenon of the best "Zahori" schematic: http://i19.servimg.com/u/f19/14/09/85/82/khsk10.jpg |
Yes i saw that one. Use of BF981 is most interesting to me there (not expected to see it in such design).
Hi J_P. Sometimes we say some more words.... Regards:) |
Ισχυει το παλιο σου κινητο?? Regards:) |
Στειλε μου ενα μηνυμα με το δικο σου νουμερο στο κινητο μου. Σου ξαναστελνω το δικο μου με πμ τωρα. |
1920's radio LRL device
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Popular Science Monthly, 1928
Hi Esteban.
Nice photo!!! Can you attach some photos yet, especially for us the LRL believers :lol: Regards:) |
http://books.google.com.py/books?id=...age&q=&f=false |
This is not esoteric LRL , it works on known and explained basis.
And yes, interesting picture. |
http://books.google.com.py/books?id=...age&q=&f=false Of course, also pistols are not esoteric. Or yes? :lol: |
Esteban, Thank you:) |
Of course not. Pistols are not esoteric they are only comic design. Esoteric is your way of use this nonworking boxes. |
Fred is correct. The article you showed of using VLF radio transmitters and receivers to survey the ground for mineral anomalies are well known and are commonly used by geologists today. Hundreds of geologist and exploration companies make survey maps to plot the location of underground objects and anomalies using computer programs similar to Tim William's Geo-plotters. The properties of VLF radio waves penetrating the ground and returning signals detected with a loop antenna is very well known by geologists. There is nothing esoteric about these methods to detect anomalies under the ground. The pistols you show use secret circuits to generate secret signals that detect unknown "phenomenal" entities that have never been demonstrated to exist in front of any peer who was permitted to take measurements of the unknown "phenomenon" and secret signals. For this reason, the pistols you are referring to fall into the category of "esoteric". Best wishes, J_P |
Now inferences of esoterism is your "bonus"... |
Apparently you did not read my words or translate them correctly. I put them below again: Quote:
But your pistols are esoteric, because they use circuits that are secret to locate unknown phenomenal entities. The word "esoteric" in the English language means: private; secret; confidential; and understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; This word describes your pistols. Your pistols are not the same as VLF surveying that the article from Popular Science shows. VLF surveying does not use pistols with secret circuits that make beeps when the "phenomenon" is detected. And VLF surveying is not secret technology. The same VLF loop detectors shown in the Popular Science article were further developed by mining interests to become standard equipment used to survey subsurface anomalies today. VLF surveying is not private, secret, confidential, or understood only by a select few. It is well understood by mining engineers, geologists and engineers who work with RF. Look here if you think the method shown in Popular Science is a lost art that nobody uses today: http://www.subsurfacesurveys.com/vlf.htm I did not make a bonus inference of esoteric. I stated a fact. When Fred stated the fact that your pistols are esoteric, I confirmed that Fred is correct. It is a fact, not an inference. Fred is correct that secret pistols reserved for a few are esoteric. This is the meaning of the word. I also agree the photos you posted are interesting. Best wishes, J_P |
"having to do with concepts that are highly theoretical" The word "theoretical" means: 1. of, pertaining to, or consisting in theory; not practical (distinguished from applied ). 2. existing only in theory; hypothetical. 3. given to, forming, or dealing with theories; speculative. I often use the word esoteric in reference to basic LRL concepts, and I always equate it to the meanings I have called out here. Someone else may think differently, and that's fine. |
Ghost? :lol: |
Maybe all the other have...... (Ib...PI ...etc) So if the terrain has humidity... VLF have problem to detect more than 20cm, if there are ceramics most Pi don't work and VLF have the half depth, if near the coins there are iron objects vlf don't detect the coins, if... if ... if....:lol::lol::lol:. So, you have problem with pistols that work and not with all the other that theoretically worked but at practice don't work:lol:. Regards:) |
Are you still claiming your pistols are not esoteric? Doesn't the English word esoteric have the same meaning as "esotérica" in Spanish? My claim is your pistols are esoteric, and Fred is correct. As far as I know, the pistols you are referring to generate secret signals and locate unknown "phenonenal" entities. If you are now claiming most of your pistols do not, then this is news to me. But it is not news to me that your pistols are esoteric. Everybody who reads this forum knows this is a fact because they have learned you will not publish your circuits or describe the details of how to build a pistol to work as you claim it works. The only exception I can think of is the circuit you posted of a Zahori. Most builders say it does not work as you claim. Even Morgan says it cannot work without adding a missing circuit component that was not shown. Readers of this forum learned you will not tell what circuits and are in your pistols except to show incomplete circuits, and tiny circuit drawings that cannot be read. And you will not tell exactly what physical phenomenon your pistols are detecting. You even admitted that you don't know what physical phenomenon, you are just assuming they are detecting a particular physical phenomenon. We know the pistols you show in your photos are esoteric also because they are not known as methods of VLF surveying in the mining industry or known by the industry engineers who use the VLF surveying techniques that you showed in the Popular Science article. Instead your pistols are reserved for a select few, with the circuitry hidden from public view. Do you still claim your pistols are not esoteric? Best wishes, J_P |
Unfortunately still waiting on it. Seems hopeless. |
Also my receiver pistol can be VLF when is tuned in very low frequency, or LF when is tuned in 80 Khz, for example. Known methods. So, is not esoteric. |
If you use scientific calculator as calculator- there is nothing esoteric, but if you use scientific calculator as un-evidently working LRL you are doing something esoteric. But secret, un-explained and scientifically un-evidented phenomenon are fully esoteric. |
Who told you that i sell LRLs??? Anything i make, i make it for myself:) |
There are enough producer of nonworking LRLs that was mentioned. You are on right way, I hope. |
There is nothing esoteric about VLF equipment used in standard gelogical VLF surveys that are done today. But there is something very esoteric about using vlf equipment with secret circuits to make beeps at unknown phenomena. In fact, none of the people who conduct standard VLF geological surveys use any secret circuits that make beeps at unknown phenomenon when they conduct their surveys. Vlf equipment used for these surveys is very well understood and has been used for years. Anyone who knows how to build an am broadcast radio receiver can easily build a VLF receiver. If they are not capable of it, then they can buy VLF equipment from the manufacturers who sell it to the exploration companies and the geologists. They do not need to spend their years reading forums only to find they will never learn of a way to get a working VLF receiver that they can use for making surveys. They will find there are plenty of books that show proven VLF circuits, and plenty of people who have built and used them successfully all over the world. In case you don't think there are circuit diagrams to build VLF receivers, there are many online and similar. Here are some circuits to build VLF receivers that use a dipole antenna that use a loop antenna: http://www.home.pon.net/785/equipmen...d_your_own.htm But who cares if you can find VLF circuits online? Vlf receivers have nothing to do with esoteric technology. VLF receivers have never been esoteric when used for conducting surveys of the ground for subsurface anomalies. What is esoteric is pistols that use secret circuits that make beeps at unknown phenomena, and are kept private, secret, and confidential. This is exactly what distinguishes your pistols from the standard VLF survey equipment that began with the images shown in the Popular Science article. Do you still want people to believe your pistols are not esoteric? Do you think I am wrong about what the meaning of esoteric is and everyone else agrees your pistols are not esoteric? Maybe you should ask Fred if he changed his mind after hearing your new explanation of what esoteric means. Do you think he agrees your pistols are no longer esoteric? Do you think anyone believes secret circuits in pistols understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest are not esoteric? Best wishes, J_P |
ΟΚ!!!:) |
I have not problem if Pistols have esoteric technology or not. I know that Pistols detects the "phenomenon", and "phenomenon" is very strong!!!!. If you will understand this, then you will understand how the Pistols working. If some people will spend, for understanding how pistols working, the half time than they spend to tell that Pistols don't work, then they will construct a good Pistol. But if they will construct a Pistol, Then what they will have to say!!!:lol::lol: So the things are simple!!! No "phenomenon", no "Pistols"......:lol::lol::lol: Regards:) |
I agree that I have no problem if pistols are esoteric technology or not. I don't know why Esteban cares it they are esoteric or not either. There are many popular esoteric subjects today, and finding unknown phenomena is one of them. This makes for some very interesting experiments. I can see nothing wrong with that. But it is hard to understand why anyone would want to try to convince people that secret circuits for this poorly understood "phenomenon" are not esoteric. Best of luck in finding more ancient treasures with your pistols :) J_P |
You can put such circuit in pistol, gun or howitzer you still cannot detect nothing like gold in soil. You can use instead simple dowsing rod - it is cheaper and work better for experienced dowser. |
don´t forget we have reverse-engineered and built the PD , we spent a lot of time in it and we could not find any special detection effect. Of course there is always more tests that could have been done, but the amount of time we can waste is not unlimited. From what i could understand, believing the (serious) people that have tested the PD (you Esteban and Morgan), the effect is strong but unreliable, thus useless. |
We speak again different language. You don't understand me!!!!!. You must understand that the basic problem is the "phenomenon" and not the Pistol or "gun" or "bomb"!!!. If there is the "phenomenon" then it is very easy to detect it!!!!. For example .... before some months, a "friend" found a cupreous statue 25 kgr weight very easy from 30m distance and 1.5 m depth, with a very simple detector like pistol...... He used a Tesoro to pinpoint the item but without results (Tesoro is only for coins at 20cm depth), it had not the ability to locate it. So he took a JCB machine and after 3 minutes he had the cupreous statue out. Regards |
Hi Fred. I can't forget the time that we spend at Alonso's PD:lol:. I wrote and other times.... The big problem was the bad "phenomenon" and not the PD..... Yes, the Alonso's PD is not so useful to me, but my PD is a little better, don't need so critical adjustment (i modified it). But there are better LRLs that make fantastic job. I will write again.... For a person that likes the coin hunting the PD is useless, but for a person that look for big treasures the LRL is Must. Regards:) |
Did you ever check to see how far the PD can locate a shovel? Best wishes, J_P |
Maybe the problem is not that I dont understand you. Main problem is that such "phenomenon" disappear on regulary basis. In other words unknown apparently phenomenon, accidentally encountered, not documented and not explained, are not existend, and can be anything. Presumptions in phenomenon existence are not a proof that they really exist. If one believe in presumptions, because they need to believe, than this is only one religion more in this world. |
Hey Geo, before you feel like answering, let this poor soul complete high school in long range detection first to at least understand the basis of this subject and know for instance that if a system is properly built and tuned, the iron is not an issue... Jeez... how many more eons will this have to be repeated? PS. Since we are on this and to prevent this nonsense question to be repeated, Marco in one of the youtube videos answer this very same question at ...youtube! Guessed right. And among other things he simply stated the reason why he placed the shovel and how the detector has no problem in picking the ring even if he moves the... yes, the shovel out. Going to the field now... See you later. |
Best wishes, J_P |
Hung, be careful, your ring is spinning faster. |
[quote = J_Player? 104647] Hi Geo,
Did you ever check to see how far the PD can locate a shovel? Best wishes,J_P [/ quote] Hi J_P. What are you mean???? As topic (normal MD) or as LRL??? Regards:) |
Do you see, Geo? When you wish to explain your experience, others start mockering, so... they don't need infos, don't need circuits. They want circus! :nono:
Sorry:frown:, i don't like to make you to believe at what i have saw, and what i say!! I believe.... that you can believe at everything you want:) |
My PD detects the iron objects because i did not make the adjustment at Omega so to reject the iron.... I want to detect the iron because some treasures are inside metallic boxes from spheres. Regards:) |
I see, but what i can do. Never mind. Everyone can believe at everything he wants... I wanted to attach photo of my last LRL, but it is not good time.......:lol: They don't believe nothing:lol: Regards:) |
How's your humour today?:lol: |
Yes you're right. You know, there's a guy here in Brazil who lives up northeast (higher lattitudes) and his FG80 behaves the most weird way I have ever seen. Besides only being able to reach good calibration around 800 in the knob (I do here with only 150-200), he constantly picks iron besides gold with his FG80. Alonso is even thinking about traveling to his place to investigate this. From his car, close to the shore in the beach, he picks up iron in the sand perfectly! I never thought this possible from long range. He told me he is getting rich selling iron to old parts shops.:lol: So as you see, you need to fine tune the device according to the latittude you are. Really interesting... We learn about those things everyday.:cool: |
What you say is not true. I cannot build the secret circuits you have inside the pistols. Of course I know how to build VLF transmitters and receivers, and I know how to build beepers. Neither of these is an esoteric technology. The combination of these circuits and other unknown methods that are used to make beeps at the unknown "phenomenon" is what is esoteric. Your pistols are not made for the purpose of conducting ordinary well-understood geological surveys. They are made for the purpose of beeping at the unknown "phenomenon". You have taken great precautions keep secret the methods to connect these circuits and other secret techniques you claim will beep at the unknown "phenomenon". There is no mockery, only circuits which you decided to make secret which are defined as "esoteric" by in the English language. You are now claiming that your pistols are not esoteric because they use ordinary VLF frequencies and beepers. This is a stupid argument to use to prove they are not esoteric. The fact is the pistols you showed are not used to make geological surveys, and are not even available to geologists and mining engineers. If you wanted people to believe they are not esoteric, you could post the complete schematics showing all details so that any reader can easily build one and see how they make beeps at the phenomenon. But you have not done that. You chose to keep the designs secret, and you chose to keep them esoteric while trying to convince people they are not esoteric at the same time. It does not make any sense to me. What is wrong with calling your pistols esoteric? If the designs are secret, private, and only intended for a select few, then doesn't this define them as esoteric? Is there something wrong with the word esoteric? Best wishes, J_P |
See this: Quote:
I once read where you talked about locating an iron door at some good distance with an early PD experiment when using it as an ordinary metal detector. I also heard some people say the PD can be adjusted to locate iron. I am wondering now, after you have made more corrections to the circuit, can you set the controls to locate a shovel put on the ground at long distance? Did you ever measure what maximum distance? Best wishes, :) J_P |
Hi Geo
Dont forget us , we believe your experiences keep up the good work, it is very interesting and fascinating to pick up metals from Long distance. Dont mind the skeptics. Thanks to all of you |
Τελικά το δικό σου δουλεύει? |
Esteban has built many pistols that he has explained over and over about how they work. What exactly dont you understand about the principle of operation?. He builds detectors that are influenced by the phenomenon of buried metals, NOT that he actually can measure the phenomenon. Instead of accusing him all the time, why dont you try to build a detector based on scientific facts which can be influenced by buried metals? Or by magnetic fields? Think about IR, Ultrasound, VLF TX and RX, radio detectors ......etc.......They are ALL influenced by some kind of magnetic or electric fields. Ok, esteban does not give schematics, that is his rights, but he is trying to give us many tips about LRL detection. Thanks |
I make no questions of what are the secret pistol circuits that Esteban does not want people to know about. My question is why he wants people to think these secret methods are not esoteric. Esteban has launched a campaign to convince people that his pistols are not esoteric even when he keeps secrets about them. The word esoteric is defined to mean "secret, and only for a select few who have a special knowledge". If Esteban claims this is not true of his pistols, then why are they secret? The apperance is Esteban has some motive to make a change to the meaning of esoteric. He leads people to believe his pistols are no different than ordinary VLF survey equipment, but it is not true. They are not the same as ordinary VLF surveying equipment. They are circuits he keeps secret to be used to beep at unknown "phenomena". I have no interest to know Esteban's secret circuits. I like to look at his pictures. I think they are interesting. But I don't like when he makes false representations to change the meaning of words. I don't see why it is wrong to call his pistols esoteric. If they use secret circuits known only by a few, then esoteric is what they are. Doesn't everyone who speaks English know this? What reason does he have to change the meaning of this word? Does he want to confuse people who have difficulty understanding English when they read his posts? Best wishes, J_P |
Maybe you wish to added a new esoteric "current": Pistolism. :lol: |
"...Don't worry. Hangin' here a few minutes will make you humour return high reading the skepthics posts..."
What's a man without humour? Sad man. :lol: We, The Skeptics, at least do have humour! (mostly related to your - beleivers activities!) :razz::lol::p The Hell! Life is short! Let's laugh anyway! :lol::lol::lol: |
The reason you don't like people to think your pistols are esoteric is because you don't want them to associate your methods with Religious currents, spiritualism, or philosophical currents? I doubt most people think your pistols are associated with religious or philosophical beliefs. I have seen a few who make that association, but most readers are able to see these use electronic circuits, not religious, spiritual or philosophical methods. They are clearly secret electronic machines, not secret religious, spiritual or philosophical machines. If there are people who actually believe your pistols work by religious or other similar associations, we will probably hear from these few people soon. Best wishes, J_P |
Hi J_P. Sorry but i think that you play with me!!!.. Ask directly what you want... When i detected the metal door (2.5...3 m i don't remember good) the PD worked as MD not as LRL. You know very good, that the PD at fine omega null, detects both ferrous and no ferrous objects. I adjusted it this way.... My PD will detect the shovel at normal distance as a simple MD. But if the Shovel is inside the ground for long time (60...70 years ago), then maybe 10m. I say it because i detected a small buckle (burried before 60...70 years) at 3m about. Regards:) |
The word "esoteric" can refer to something that is meant only for the initiated. In other words, something that is private or confidential. It does not specifically refer to religion or belief. In this particular instance, referring to the PD as "esoteric" would make sense, and is in no way derogatory. It simply means that the secret of the PD is known only to a small group of people.
Please protect this trademark. But word Cresoteric or Crasyteric will be suitable too if esoteric are no acceptable. |
Critical doesn't have a value that can be measured so micrometric adjustments in the knob is the best solution. But you electronics know better anyway. To understand the different effects we can have I think it is a good idea to even go there checking again whith different weather conditions. I believe this plays a major role as important as soil. |
You answered most of my question. From what you say it can find a shovel at 10 m distance if long time buried. I presume this is the same distance you usually see for non-ferrous metals. Correct? But before it was properly tuned, it found a steel door at 2.5-3 m when working only as a metal detector? This seems like far distance for a normal metal detector, and yours was not tuned well. So it was giving some better distances than a regular metal detector even when not tuned well as regular metal detector. Am I wrong? Best wishes, :) J_P |
This is exactly the way I understand it, and I thought most people understand the pistols Esteban shows. Simply the secrets of these pistols are known only to a small group of people. Of course it is not derogatory. Best wishes, J_P |
I am wondering if i should have ever used the word "esoteric" :lol: . |
Please attach your photos! You cannot expect all people to believe in what you believe. |
The PD worked oposite!!!! maybe from bad null ( i used a concentric coil, not Omega), so i had the led just bright and when i detected the door then the led stopped to bright. I wrote about it!!!!, and yes the led stopped to bright, at a distance of 2.5....3 m. But it is a big difference between MD and LRL, i think that you know it. Regards:) |
Regards:) |
For me it is a "simple" word :rolleyes: |
This is why I am surprised. Maybe my metal detectors do not detect a metal door so far because they have a faraday shield on the coil. But I was not aware that when working as LRL it can be tuned to find iron the same distance as non-ferrous. I thought it found iron at lesser distances. This is what I wanted to know. I guess you tune it to see only non-ferrous, but if you wanted to find iron, you could make a change in the tuning to use it for 30 m when looking for long time buried iron the size of a shovel. Best wishes, :) J_P |
I am not interested in building the secret pistol circuits. I have never had an interest in building any of the secret circuit parts that were shown in the forums, nor have I built any of them. I think it would be interesting to see other people build the secret circuits and watch them demonstrate these live. You know this is my interest because you saw me help to encourage the Morgan demonstration where Geo saw with his own eyes and tested with his own hands. That is the reality of historical facts. Best wishes, J_P |
The concentration of Earth's magnetic field around Iron is strong, so it is easily detectable with LRL, or Magnetometer at greater distances. The concentration of Earth's magnetic field around Gold, is weak, and less detectable at greater distances. The "field" of Iron has to be filtered out in order to Discriminate to Gold. Enough said! I'm not here for argument, or discussion so don't bother. Let a word to those of you intelligent enough to understand simple physics, be sufficient. Dell |
Sorry but i don't know, so i can't answer. I have not so big experience with my PD. Regards:) |
I understand you are not posting in the forum for the purpose of opening a discussion. But I am making also making a reply without expecting any answer because your post is a little out of context. We all know about the magnetic properties of iron. And we know that it is not seen the same by magnetometers as non-ferrous metals are. The PD that Geo uses is not a magnetometer or and MFD tye LRL. It uses an IB metal detector circuit as a base circuit with a ferrite receiver added for long range operation. It does not work by injecting molecular "treasure frequencies" into the circuit as your LRLs do. It is a completely different type of locator that operates with a metal detector coil at around 120KHz. According to people who use these PDs, they can operate in either a metal detector mode or an LRL mode. The questions I made are concerned with some unusual reports I heard about the response of these PD locators. The reports I heard are not entirely consistent, but they certainly do not follow the concept proposed by some LRL enthusiasts. I was only asking to see what kind of response he observed with his particular PD, not to learn how the magnetic properties of iron are different than other metals. Thank you for your input, J_P |
I must tell you that my modification PD, don't use ferrite as antenna for the second receiver........:rolleyes: Regards:) |
You are detecting non-ferrous at 30m with only a modified IB metal detector? Best wishes, J_P |
Where i say about 30m distance???? Regards |
Esoteric is the point where we are right now.It depends on you to make it different, and it should not be difficult. Unless you prefer to keep it esoteric :rolleyes: |
To take this little bit is something "plus" to your knowledge anyway. Apart from that the majority of people need time to get knowing each other to feel ready to talk about their achievements, experiences or whatever that is. So it would be better for everybody including me of course to keep a low profile and be positive listening to others. Of course we should have our own beliefs and tactics but all of us still learning as time passesby no matter our personal level of knowledge. Let somebody talk and he will give you more for sure. Balance is needed and it is as critical as in LRLs:lol: |
OK, but then you must correct yourself in "some person has something to give you" |
It was Morgan who said the Alonso PD can detect non-ferrous things at a maximum of maybe 30m. You did not say 30m distance for your PD. I was thinking you can find 30m because you said you made modifications to your PD so it would work better than the PD Morgan showed you. But maybe I am thinking the wrong idea. Can you tell what is the best distance you have found non-ferrous targets after you made the recent modifications to your PD? Best wishes, :) J_P |
I will never say that I know more than a skeptic. May be the only thing that I know better than him is that LRLs are working and nothing else. |
I never saw any LRL work like you did. Until I see it work I will be skeptic. But I can still listen to what people say until I see with my own eyes. You saw I showed some photos that maybe will help your friend to decide if he wants to spend some money for the copy of an LRL. Those photos are not opinions, they are pictures of what I saw. Hopefully those photos will help to make less confusion for for your friend. Best wishes, J_P |
So, what are they doing here? |
As you say, you saw that LRL is working. I believe you that you saw such phenomena. I believe you, because I saw many extraordinary phenomena in my life too. For example I saw UFOs too. But I am not believe at first in what I saw and after doing some research it has shown that they are not unknown flying phenomena but only known light phenomena. Another example. I can see every day, again and again, that Earth is flat. Despite of what I see, I know for sure that Earth is round, cause this fact was scientifically proved. What you saw is only what you saw and is not scientifically proved as existing fact. You can believe of what you saw, but this phenomena can exist only in sphere of beliefs and not in sphere of scientifically proved facts. Now, there is constant misunderstanding the purpose of sceptics. Sceptic are in need of working LRL much more than believers, because believers are convinced that they already have working LRL, except that this fact can not be justified to sceptics by proper scientific evidence. Contrary to such beliefs of believers, sceptics need both: first proper scientific evidence and then really working LRL, which will ultimately worth its price. Unfortunately in life does not apply always WYSIWYG phrase. |
So, if these persons doesn't learn from the experience of others, what are they doing here? |
Well may be I need them in order to convince you. You must be jocking! :lol: :lol: :lol: |
You are in the process of turning your mind in a damaging-non reversible state for learning such as very well known characters here such as c..., q...,m... and so on. I warn you. If you keep going this way there will be a point of NO return and it will be too late to abort it without severe mind and nervous breakdown when unbiased data is input back in. |
Hi GSani. They need scientific proofs so to justify themselves here at this forum. They must be here at this forum to prove that LRLs don't work:lol::lol:, but they never touched a LRL:lol: . Carl that own many LRLs Keep very discreet position here in opposite with the other that never have worked one. Regards:) |
If a person uses an LRL for the purpose of locating treasure, and the LRL helps him to find more tresure, then nothing more is needed. Simply go find treasure and be happy :) But when a person uses an LRL to convince other people that it finds treasure, then they cannot expect other people to believe them until they do something to convince the other people. In this case, the importance of the LRL is no longer simply to find treasure, but to demonstrate that it is working and convince people who don't believe to beleive. For most people, they would believe more easily if they hold one in thier hand and try it out for themselves to see if it is helping them to find treasure before they believe strong enough to spend money to buy one. For me, I would not need any scientific test to prove any theories or measurements. I would only need to try it for a few days and see if I am finding treasure that I cannot find without it. But others may want to see more scientific tests. The only way they can do this is to get an actually LRL to test, not by looking at pictures and listening to stories. This is where the problem is. No LRL manufacturer has his LRLs available at the local treasure hunting stores for people to try and see for themselves. They only allow photos of the LRL and lots of gold, with stories that their LRL found the gold. Why can't the buyer try it out before he pays his money like any other metal detector? If the LRLs were available in the local treasure hunting store, then nobody would be asking for proof, because they could simply go and try one for themself, just like any other metal detector. Then buy it if they think it is working good for them. The question is why would anyone need to use an LRL for convincing other people? For a person who is a manufacturer, they would want to do this in order to sell an LRL. For a hobbyist who is not selling an LRL and has no connection to any LRL factory employees or owners, the reasons would be personal. Best wishes, J_P |
The PD is a good coin locator,but this depends on the critical adjustment,not everybody as the skill to adjust PD in the limits. I HAVE THIS SKILL. Pistoldetectors are not for everybody... regards |
DC2006 out of game
Desculpa dizer isto mas é a realidade...O MINEORO modelo DC2006 falhou completamente na busca do tesouro do galeão espanhol "Nuestra Senora De Las Mercedes" naufragado no Cabo de Santa Maria (Faro). Eu e mais um amigo que tem barco fizemos exaustivas buscas com o Mineoro muito perto do local do naufragio em 2006 sem obter qualquer sinal. Mas é frustante saber atraves da U S ODISSEY que a companhia americana resgatou desse mesmo local a 30 m de profundidade 17 toneladas de ouro e prata,avaliados em 500 milhões de dolares. É muito frustante,eu penso que se tivesse usado o modelo DC2008 o resultado seria diferente,creio mais fiavel... |
I believe you made a correct assessment of treasure detecting equipment in general. This is true for ordinary metal detectors. When you go to the treasure hunting store to buy a metal detector, there are different models to choose from. One person may like the simple automatic model that will always beep near a target. Maybe they won't like the model that they must listen for some special sounds to identify a target, because they are not skilled enough to find good results with it. It does not mean the detector is no good, only that the automatic model works better for that person. For another person who has a lot of experience, he may find three times more targets using the model where he is listening for the special sounds. For him, maybe the second model is a better detector. The final results do not show which is a better detector. They only show which works best for differently skilled people. Best wishes, J_P |
What you need is your problem and I am not interesting in. I know only what need naive potential buyers of scamming LRL devices. They need to be protected against LRL scam promoters like you and against criminals like mineoro and rangertell by real information. Sceptic are here to give such naive potential buyer correct information. To give him other opinion. That is all. And I am not joking. |
hi at hall
Did you get a chance to go out with Marco yet? Anyway, my team will get one to add to our arsenal of LRLs.:D One of the guys will probably go to Peru which is closer and get one from the South American representative. He will also take the FG80 with him for some comparison tests and who knows, maybe he will even bring some inca gold from Machu Pichu on the way back.:p |
The new B-01
I´m afraid your friend Marco is trying to make promotion on the Bionic-01 for sales. In reality this model and the early BIONIC OKM models are useles for treasure hunting. I have the confirmation,i talk with people from Germany who have this device on hands,not work for them,sorry... |
But the previous B1 worked very, very well in detecting large gold here in Brazil. I don't care what your german friends might think about the device, but it worked fine in Brazil! Maybe because we are a blessed country?:cool: |
Nostra Senora De Las Mercedes
We use one medium size boat with motor,also magnetometer(this one give some signals but we didnt check the spots underwather becouse MINEORO not give any beep,so we work 1,2,3,4 miles from Faro beach...The reference was some spanish gold coins(Carolus IV)found by one person. Nostra Senora de las Mercedes sank 1804,the brithish navy make this galeon to explode. Its amazing how the portuguese marines not see the U S Divers activity in this place,it take many days to get all this GOLD from underwater shipwreck. |
Everything in science needs observation AND scientific explanation. I wonder why the ones convinced LRL work cannot prove it - even if only with a good video. Quote:
This is a great treasure! If you can recover a treasure like this one, then you will no longer need to continue working or treasure hunting except when you want to for fun. :) Best wishes, J_P |
as long as the target is in the same plan it will beep when pointing at it. hope you will buy it and see by yourself.Then you can think of the people here trying to warn you about scam. with some regards. Quote:
Best wishes, J_P |
Sometimes I really don't understand you... First you said that Mineoro was crap and you were going to sell your devices. Then, you told that your friend found gold with one of the Mineoro models and you were not going to sell it anymore. Later you said that DC2008 did not beep at your medal but in the day the video was shot it actually beep. Then you said the Mineoros do work but they only would detect large gold, not small one... Well, which Morgan I am talking to this time? Regarding what you told about the Mineoros not beeping, it might have dozens of reasons, such as heavy generators, magnetometers, underwater machinery and even small handheld subaquatic detectors working for a long time, do contribute to completely kill the ionic fields at the target area. If the detector did not emit signals, assure yourself there was a very good reason for this. It's just silly to insinuate the detection did not happen exclusively due to the device's fault. This is ridiculous. You know as well as I do, if the right conditions are met, the detector will beep because the fields are there to be detected. So what's your point anyway?:shrug: |
real video
I think real videos should be like this one :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iKs2...eature=related and if you watch carefully you can see his real machine in the background without and mean to show up. |
You see morgan? exactly as i said: everything is fine while you say the stuff is working.as long as you emit doubts, you are a fool and rejected.
It´s not a religion, it´s a sect... The result is that there are dozens of reasons for the mineoro not to detect 17 tons of gold and silver. :shocked: |
E se o ouro estivesse bloqueado por metais pesados? E se a regulagem do DC2006 estivesse fora? Eu poderia ficar aqui conjecturando mil e uma razões para tentar explicar. Isso nunca aconteceu aqui comigo. Tanto o DC2006 quanto o 2008 teriam detectado. Cabe somente ao voce tentar saber o que houve. Eu não estava lá. Só acho que voce 'levantando essa poeira', só deixa os céticos aqui mais alvoroçados e enlouquecidos. Voce sabe...:lol: |
Las Mercedes
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I like the photos you posted. Best wishes, J_P |
I am not here to promote anybody and when I admit it openly whatever you say just proves who you are. I have never said that this LRL is working so how do I promote? Its also easy to call names but these ones that you call criminals I am sure that they have found treasure at least once in their lifes using their LRLs and you haven't. I told you that you can keep dreaming about Santa Claus but don't you ever even dream about treasures because this is not your style.:D |
My country is a crap |
It's just amusing. :lol: Even when you post in Portuguese! :ninja: |
Now i know Spain claims want all the treasure for them,they put U S divers into court (of course they are inocent,just modern pirats ;) ). Treasure was in portuguese wathers,but government here stay silent...very funny |
May be I am a Master promoter and I don't know it. At least you make me laugh WM6.:lol::lol::lol: |
Systems of all countries are crap. And we all (except maybe brave Greek) are crap, because we do not resist to such crapy systems. |
Many governments make laws to make treasure hunting illegal, so treasure hunters must be pirates to find treasure. :lol: But when the treasure is found, then all the work becomes worthwhile. The only problem is to find a way to keep the treasure you find. :) Best wishes, J_P |
.... And yes system in all countries is crap, i agree. I was born and lived in almost perfect society - Socialism. Than "system" came here and destroyed everything. It is time for revenge - time to destroy system! |
"....Many governments make laws to make treasure hunting illegal, so treasure hunters must be pirates to find treasure.
But when the treasure is found, then all the work becomes worthwhile. The only problem is to find a way to keep the treasure you find...." That is true. Same situation here in my country. That's why is better each day to find one gold coin than only in one day to find 100kg hoard, because you will have to watch your back from government and mafia at the same time (aren't those also the same?). |
A good example is taxes. Most governments collect more taxes than they need to perform the job of keeping thier country orderly. But for treasure, Spain has made laws to say they own all treasure not only in Spanish territory, but many other places far from Spain. The most fair treasure laws I know of are in the UK, where the treasure hunter can have the joy of finding his treasure, and then will be paid a fair price to sell the treasure to the government to put in a museum. I think this is good, because it encourages treasure hunting, and at the same time it preserves the treasures for their historical value to anyone who wants to see the actual artifacts from ancient civilizations. Best wishes, J_P |
I am 43/44 years old and one thing still is not clear to me at all;
why do we have to pay taxes at all? At least in present (Capitalism) situation, why? Earlier, in Socialism i understood taxes as support for maintaining social equality. But today....? I really don't know? Ok...i know and i understand..but i do not agree! State gives me big NOTHING so why should i pay anything to it? Ok...forget me, i was born in Socialism and now i am living in very sick verson of musty Capitalism. Let's take USA citizen as much better example. Why USA citizens must pay taxes? What USA gives back to them? What? Everything you must pay for, from your pocket. Nothing is for free. You must work like a horse whole your life to barely survive. Your house is not really yours. Your car is not really yours. You must eat junk food. You must sit on nuclear bomb (nobody asked for you to agree). You must go to war each time "they" decide. If not you, than your children must go to war ...several 000 miles away from your home. Again nobody asked for you to agree. And over all you must pay taxes!? Why? What are you exactly paying for? To watch few rich bustards everyday perversity arround you? I am asking this because i am now in almost the same position, eversince "democracy" knocked on our doors here (without asking me if i want). So...first step to changes is to stop paying hard earned money for NOTHING. |
Ok...let me put it this way;
if one citizen refuse to pay taxes, he goes to jail and state takes all his goods. But...if 200-300 millions refuse to pay taxes this year...than what? ..... That's my idea; to rise sence to majority and to make global change in one simple move. Impossible...? Maybe not! |
Sometimes the Government has to step in and save its heritage and history from being destroyed by treasure hunters. The Philippines is a very good example of having to take control of overzealous Yamashi.ta treasure hunters.
Best wishes, J_P |
True. It is off topic.
My mistake. Bionic subject already crumbled. Until we hear some personal experience with that device. |
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For you the answer ivconic:
It is easy to talk and debate about some concrete stuff. If we had here schematic or part of schematic, photos of Bionic inside....some tech info or something, than it would be joy to talk about it.
But it is tough to talk about something unknown, abstract, relying only on few video clips and loud advertisments. That is general problem with LRL devices. Except those already explored and explained. Funny thing is that all those "explored and explained" turned to be bogus and uselles. Neither one single case to prove oposite!? |
Bees are smarter than human! I agree! :lol: |
I even agree with much of your post. But I am not an average American citizen. Best wishes, J_P |
I alrady have this publicatión.
Regards Nelson Quote:
Best wishes, J_P |
You should remove them for sure! :lol: |
Best wishes, J_P |
They are making personal profit from something that they alone made it an illegal activity. What a beautifull world we are living. This is why I still prefer trout fishing and especially in peacefull remote places J_P. |
Trout fishing takes you to a new world that is beautiful, and there is no need to fill your mind with rules and laws or look over your shoulder. :) Best wishes, J_P |
Nobody teached them what and how to do it but they do it. Probably it was the need of a safe place at the very beggining and it is inside their DNA by now. The same happens to man.The need for water made him able to discover it trying many different ways through time. Well one of the oldest known methods for that is dowsing. Whith a wooden fork or a single wooden rod or whith nothing at all it was happening and it is still here today. As simple as that. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I know you didn't like it but thats true. |
Actually there are times during the day, the fields are not built yet, and depending on this, you may not able to pick it up. Like early in the morning for instance. During the night, humiditiy generally raises and kills the electrostatic fields. I remember Crespin dos Santos telling me that they were on track of jesuit gold and had already marked the location with his FG80 in his first expedition to the site. In the second time when they recruited more people and equipment to dig, they got to spot at around 8 in the morning. He told me that all the group had to lay under a tree waiting and having conversations until about 10 am when the fields finally could be detected and the spot confirmed. Bear in mind this is not an unchanging rule. Altough I have never faced this in my expeditions, I believe if you calibrate the knobs in the edge of sensitivity, you will detect it even if the fields are no good yet. Obvsiously it will not be like the perfect scenario with consistent and stable beeps, but you will know where the target is. Some time ago we finally detected a hystoric gold from pirates down in the ocean. The FG80 had no problem in detecting it. Actually we confirmed with all the LRL in our arsenal... PDC210, DC2008, RT, MIDAS, etc... We are working on it right now. I tell youthat if you had found that gold in Portugal, you can't imagine how expensive a recovery operation at sea might be. SERIOUS MONEY to spend on salvaging equip, side scans, etc. Whatever happened to our inocent outdoors hobby of coin hunting...:lol: Finally, I remember in 2006 when we were after a treasure inside a cave that had previously been detected by the PDC. Detection was clear as fresh water. We got documented proof it was hidden there. The historians just did not know where exactly. In 1998 as I said my friend now deceased was the first to confirm it was there with his PDC210. He had clear beeps from about 100m. But this cave was behind a waterfall and only became barely visible when the water level at the pond was lower.i This was one of the occasions he detected it. This site was left untouched for many years while he was making arrangements with the land owner. Finally in 2006 I joined him and the crew to head that location. During the trip, his PDC210 (I had left mine home) got smashed and all that was left were a couple of FG80s. Early FGs had trouble in the calibration. The capactior charged too much and when the knob was reduced, it used to loose gain. So when we pointed one for the first time, it did not beep at the cave. Then I readjusted, scanning 360 deg and all of a sudden it fired intermintent beeps. Then again I reduced the knob and again... silence. If I did not know the treasure was there, probably I would think this was false beepings... It was hard finding the best calibration, but when I did, it finally stabilized. I thank this 'little fella' because, after we have managed to build a detour for the water flow from above and I dressed my diving suit going floating inside the cave with the FG in hands, it promptly indicated the exact location.Not on the ground, but at the wall, precisely. Good times.... Best of luck Morgan. |
it is not field, you forgot that his body do not resonate proper on second dimension frequency of 6.57 Hz. He has to be tuned at those frequency before searching. Some nose piercing potentiometer of obout 37k will do a good job. |
Fred wrote: As far as i know, you made no experiments, only observations of an apparent phenomenon.
Everything in science needs observation AND scientific explanation. I wonder why the ones convinced LRL work cannot prove it - even if only with a good video. * * * * * * * * * The experiments are made outdoor, no indoor, and all the conditions in outdoor you can't reproduce in the labo, like some natural process. I explain it many times... If you post a process in wich you "show" the digging and "finding" a supossed treasure, this is not proof that you find a treasure. You can plant for to demonstrate that you and your MD "found" the "treasure". Even if MD is based in scientific principles. In the same way, pistols are based in electrical/magnetic principles... but your position against it is more strong than it. |
Regards. |
For that , i need some scientific evidence.Outdoors , indoors or whatever. A good video, made scientifically and neutrally, with no intention to convince but only to show, could be enough. Hung, interesting story.But my advice is you go back to your Tintin and the Incas reading. |
I suggest two choices. See which one fits your budget better. One choice is go buying any LRL of your taste, I do mean any of them. Move your *** from your chair and go get the gold. You need to find gold at least once or you will have a serious nervous breakdown. The other is arranging a package deal of consultations with the best psychiatrist in your town to see if he can cure you in a given number of sessions. Again, I am not kidding. Your sentence above is the real evidence that you suffer from high insecureness and gets affected bad psychologically speaking. I just don't know how you still have a job. Or maybe you don't anymore. But don't panic yet. There's still hope. Follow my advice above and quickly go treat your health. As for me, sorry, I promise I will not waste my time bothering you anymore. Clearly it's not worth it. And I think also Esteban is getting in the limits of his patience. Go get help now while still in time! |
This is you answer just because i just asked for a simple video for a "phenomenon" you claim to exist, year after year, but you could never demonstrate ??!! :lol: Look like you´re getting.... nervous ??:shrug:. Good luck ! |
hi at everibody
yes morgan maitbe marco want only sell the 01 and this is the best negative mode to make this,i don't said you must buy this because he work very well or he find gold at many meters but if i find some picture or video i post for everibody
last sanday i'm not with him because ha doesn't came near at my village i promise at forum that i don't give my test with him because if he work or not many people not belive me not belive at hall and this is not the spirit of the forum but if i find some pieces of gold wen i test it i will said, only this at now i give only what i find in web sites ero youtube best reguards |
Confused about Hudimidty
Actually there are times during the day, the fields are not built yet, and depending on this, you may not able to pick it up. Like early in the morning for instance. During the night, humidity generally raises and kills the electrostatic fields.:| SO if the humidity is high it kills off the field....... :frown: [quote=hung;105135] I dressed my diving suit going floating inside the cave with the FG in hands, it promptly indicated the exact location.Not on the ground, but at the wall, precisely. But inside a cave behind a waterfall it the humidity is low enough for the FG80 to work?? Can you explain how the humidity inside a water covered cave could that low. :shocked: |
:lol: be prepared for an evasive condescend answer
I've always said that Hung is a masochist. |
Just explain to me what Tsaritsa suppose to mean because you might be of great help for something I have in my mind for a long time. May be is just a synonymous word and nothing more. I am waiting your post to see if it is one or another. Thanks in advance, g-sani |
You said Hung,
Humm...No Morgan, that's not the cause. Actually there are times during the day, the fields are not built yet, and depending on this, you may not able to pick it up. Like early in the morning for instance. During the night, humiditiy generally raises and kills the electrostatic fields. Well Hung, you are giving away treasure explaining reality my friend. I strongly agree that it is certain times of the day or certain weather conditions that somebody should go out in order to detect from a distance.And I am talking for both dowsing or LRLs(to the ones known today). No matter what and no matter the LRL the phenomenon is always there applied but whith certain limitations. I am not willing of saying anything more because this time my post is up for all these that can understand. Hung said enough and more than me anyway.;) |
There is no secret to the daily cycles you are talking about. I have made posts telling the hours many times. hung has historically disagreed about the times I posted, but in this post I hear some times more similar to what I have been saying. I know the times that work where I am from experience and the experience of others who use very sensitive electronic equipment. The fact is the exact hour of the day is not the same in different locations on the earth. You will find they are not the same for South America as they are where you are. And the times in South America are not the same as what has been mapped for North America. This is why hung finds different times than I do. The time cycles you are referring to are caused by natural movement of ionospheric layers as the earth revolves. Radio engineers are aware of these cycles, and adjust their transmitter antennas accordingly so people can receive their signals as the ionospheric layers change. Any specific times you post are only good for your area or other areas that happen to have the same time cycles. Best wishes, J_P |
I agree with you,i share the same ideias(about taxes) Unfortunatly most of the people think diferent from us,they like to be slaves of the modern society... Lets go again to the BIONIC 01 ,each unit they sold for 10K euro,part of this money go to government as taxes (IVA) .So they believe in LRL´s :D |
There is humidity and "humidity". In case of hung we are speaking of "humidity" that suit buyers of crappy thigs stupidity. Not only behind waterfalls, but 100 m deep in the ocean also. At the same time humidity in desert are too high if "humidity" suit scamer excuse why crappy things is not working. |
I wanted to ask you something. Do you say there are intervals during daytime that metals stop emiting this sort of energy that gives us the signal for an LRL to work? Regards, g-sani |
Ohhhh Great Esteban, now you will learn us story. Congratulation:) Regards:) |
I think "tsar" or "car" are generally slavic (russian,serbian etc..etc..) words for king. Although russian and serbian language differs much, still there are lot of words exaclty the same in both languages. |
Stalingrad , Volgograd
grad is city :lol: Stalincity, Volgocity..... Beograd (Belgrade - serbian capital) = Beo (white) grad (city) = Whitecity! ..... Washington = to wash "ington" !!! (btw what was "ington" ???) :lol::razz::p NewYork = new York (better than OldYork!) :razz::lol::p |
In high humidity, with the lack of electrostatics, the device can't work at long range but it will detect gold from a short distance exclusively due to the ionic activity. Of course the bigger the mass, the better. From outside the cave in sunny days I could get the signal from about 300-400 feet average with the FG80. Inside it, being a high humidity environment and only a few feet from it, I had no trouble in pinpointing it. That's why I succeeded. If you have read Damasio's explanation in Mineoro's site you know that electrostatics is the transportation mean to the gold ions and the reason it can be detected from large distances. Best regards. |
As WesP never asked me anything I cared to answer his doutbt. I hope he understands it the first time, because I will not repeat myself again. Regards. |
Best wishes, J_P |
Regards |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_III_of_Bulgaria |
Bogus LRL devices
Red Square
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I already visit Moscow many times,its amazing all the curch in gold :shocked: And the Armory museum in Red Square(tons of gold in jewllery) :shocked::shocked::shocked: Lets return to BIONIC-01 ;)Attachment 10899 Attachment 10900 |
for esteban and hung, can you make a video for youtube about your lrl, i know many person will said that not work:frown::frown: but i want to see fg80 and other lrl at work for one time please:):)
reguards |
Tsaros in Greek means also King, and Tsaritsa you could call the Queen.
There is an old script talking about where the Great Alexander is burried. They say that this ancient code is kept in the orthodox patriarchate of Moscow. It is saying something about mountain Tsaritsa. |
I have a rule for detecting times myself which from experience I know is right. It applies for both dowsing and also to the LRLs I used up to now. (Gold gun, Mineoro, generator-L rods, electroscope and just yesterday RT like pistol) I will try to explain the code I have when I am going out for distant Treasure Hunting It has to be daytime whith low humidity and whith no much water on earth.If it rained the previous day and we now have lots of sun drying the soil is one of my best times to go out treasure hunting.Too many dry sunny days is allright but not that good.I always stop 1hour before sunset and usually I start after 9 oclock summer time and after 10.00am during winter.This depends upon temperature rising different hours every day or season.I found out that best time no matter the season is when temperature is close to get its highest value for this certain day. And finally I always visit a place at least no more than twice choosing on purpose different times and different weather conditions. I do that even when I am sure that it is something there even from the first time because this adds up to my experience.Digging a target doesn't teach you much as using it to learn more since it is still there in the most real and non imitating conditions. |
I think you are right. If you dig a target, this is only good for one time to prove to other people you can recover the target. But if you don't need to prove anything, you can use the target for testing. The problem is you don't know what the target is that you are testing. Maybe it is only a hot spot on the ground. Morgan has a good target because he buried it himself a long time ago. He knows for sure what his target is. From what you say, the times sound reasonable and similar to what other people have found. I cannot verify what signals you are detecting because I don't know exactly what signals you are detecting. But I can give you an opinion based on what I have learned about the behaviour of some signals. You say your signals are found when the air is dry. This suggests that what you are detecting a signal that depends on an electrical differential between the atmospheric charge and the ground to be detected. The hot temperatures can help to improve the insulating property of the air so the charge can he higher. Wet soil after a rain that is beginning to dry is still very wet below. But much of the surface moisture is gone so there is not so much moisture evaporating into the air as before the surface dried. Theoretically, this should bring a condition where the ground is conductive, but the air has lost a lot of its conductivity from the previous rain. It should result in a better charge difference between the air and the ground after the surface is drying. We know there is a voltage gradient in the air above the ground that usually varies between 100-300v/meter depending on weather conditions and seasons. In normal conditions, this will become stronger when the air is dry and the soil is conductive. But there are anomalies in this charge gradient. if you have a plant growing, it acts like a grounding rod that moves the ground potential up into the air where the plant is. So you see the voltage in the air more when you move away from the plant. This is also true for some locations in flat ground without tall plants. Some ground is more conductive than other ground. Mineralised ground is more conductive than ground that is not mineralised. The mineralised ground will have an anomaly in the charge to the air above it so you see less voltage above the mineralised area. The reason is because the current leaking to the atmosphere will favour the places in the ground that are more conductive. When there is more current leaking from the ground, the voltage in the air will become less than nearby areas with less current leaking. In addition to mineralised ground, there are telluric currents flowing through the ground that fluctuate on a daily cycle. These currents often follow conductive ground paths, but not always. The currents move in specific directions because of the magnetic field of the earth, and they change because of the movement of ionosphere layers and atmospheric voltage gradient changes as the earth revolves. These currents can contribute to anomalies that are seen in the charge of the air above. One theory is that buried metals cause chemical activity in the soil that make it more conductive the same as if it was mineralised. You can measure the greater mineralisation in the soil near rusting iron. But not for all metals. So the theory continues that it is chemical activity that improves the soil conductivity for most buried metals. This also suggests that there is corrosion of these metals, which has also been measured in small amounts. But the signal you are measuring? I never measured any signal from a dowsing rod or LRL pistol coming from a target yet. So I don't know what kind of signal it is. I only know claims of molecular frequencies, ions shorting, VLF etc, but no facts to verify. However, the signals I have measured are influenced by the things you are talking about like time of the day, weather, soil conditions etc. From what you described, it sounds like whatever you measured probably depends on a static charge in the air, as well as good ground conductivity to be seen best. This is only my guess from the things you said. Here is one thing you could try if you think you have a target that is not too deep. You can dig it without actually removing it. I mean maybe it is possible to pinpoint the target location, then put a long blade into the ground to contact the target. Then move the soil only enough to make a crevice where you can see what the target is. Then you could close the soil without disturbing it other than the incision you made. With some luck, the closed incision would keep the same soil conditions at the target so it will be still good to use for testing after you know what you are detecting. A second thing you should do soon is to bury some metal things in a place where you can test. It will take some time for chemical action to start creating soil anomalies, but the clock will never start until put something into the ground. Best wishes, J_P |
The only LRL that I trust most is a frequency generator sending signals to both ground and air and this is what I am using when serious treasure hunting is taking place. But this one has an advantage comparing to other similar LRLs in the market.
Before the time to use my rods to go on target I have a received back signal in a simple measuring instrument(normal Voltage meter) telling me if the metal in search is present.If it is so then and only then I use the rods to find the target. I can even get the distance on the same meter but whith a big tolerance, may be even 25% in a 500m distance.All this again whith just turning one knob in the meter. Up to know I have never had a ghost target and I mean that I could always pick up the metal that gave me the signal.Also I never had a case of getting gold on the meter and then go there and see that it is another metal instead of gold. This is an LRL of not known manufacturer.A guy made it for us but it was paid a lot of money which I very well know that it was not for its electronics for sure.But believe me you don't mind if it does its job. It paid back after short time anyway. I know that it is too good to be true but it is. So I am using this first and then I try going there whith my other LRLs practising and most of the times even before confirming the target using my DFX or Deepmax X3.Mind you that wherever I can I always dig the target at the end. |
Is this a sine wave? a square wave? What duty cycle? what frequency? Best wishes, J_P |
Than you search inside this circle of 125m dia by DFX or DeepMax X3. And find something, but never find gold. And you say LRL is working for you? |
You can say everything you want:lol: BUT, you must know, that Gsani has found a Big treasure:lol:. He don't speak on "air" Regards:) |
At my opinion the problem is not the form of the signal but the way that a simple multimeter measure the receiving system. If there is the desired metal near the generator the a multimeter gives a reading:rolleyes:. Regards |
I see no problems. Only a question of what is being measured. If a meter is showing a DC microvolt measurement, it would not be measuring the same signal as if it was measuring an AC volt signal. And if you had an analog meter, it may not be able to measure the same frequencies as a digital meter. This is why I ask what is the frequency, and wave type, as well as the amount of signal that is seen on the meter scale. Best wishes, J_P |
And the other thing is that when we have the metal in search in the area we are searching then we get a meter reading that is always changing. It is a four digit number that goes up quickly from zero to a thousand(may be even more for a strong signal) and then comes back again to zero and then up again quickly and so on. When we open our meter to see the receiving signal and it stays at zero that means that there is no such a target in our searching area as the one we are looking for. I am curious to check some things like the ones you are asking J_P but I do not want to try and open it because I know that this LRL patent is secured and then I might loose the service as well.This is what we agreed whith the person we paid when we bought it. You see there was no guarantee whith it and the guy promised us that he can always do a free service if needed but only if nobody else had put a hand on it. This LRL paid back its money although it looked like a risk at the begining. |
when you will stop thinking with so much mischief ??? |
I saw a photo of a similar generator so this is the reason that i speak about it. Regards |
Ok i did not know you were talking about the LRL. I thought you also used a signal generator and simple voltmeter from your workshop. I was reading your earlier post: Quote:
The meter on your LRL is modified, and is no longer a simple voltmeter. If this is a multimeter, then maybe it is measuring milliamps from the circuit, or maybe AC millivolts, or DC microvolts other setting. When you say it is a signal generator, and simple voltmeter, you know this only because the builder of the pistol told you these things, not because you tested for the signal frequency with a frequency counter. Is this correct? You also said this LRL sends a signal to the air and to the ground. How is the signal put to the ground? Are there ground probes to push in the ground? Can you show a photo of this this LRL with the meter so we can see it? Best wishes, J_P |
It is nothing to see there J_P since it is not something they sell in the market.
If you are that curious Geo can always send you the photo through a pm and you can have a look at it but I think this means nothing. Regards, g-sani |
Not for the purpose to buy one, only to see if there are ground probes to push in the ground, or if it uses an antenna or a coil. Nobody knows these things because you did not say except it makes a frequency and has a simple volt meter. No idea if there are ground probes or antenna or LEDs to see. No idea of what scale the simple volt meter is reading. This means we also have no idea what kind of signal is measured... magnetic, electric, IR, heat, light, RF, AF, current, voltage, AC, DC? We cannot learn anything about what is measured except "secret phenomenon". Maybe a photo will help for learning. But I don't think PM can work for sending photos. Best wishes, J_P |
Check your e-mail J_P. Regards, g-sani |
Only secret scam is safe scam. |
There is no images from the PMs, but from what you described, this is similar to the project carl shows for making an MFD detector that uses brass ground probes. Maybe a little different. This sounds like probably a standard MFD detector. Best wishes, :) J_P |
What are you mean :cool: |
Congratulation Esteban! This is your 100 appeal with the same content. YOU WIN !!!! last model of LRL CALCULATOR! http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/jeffzycin...ges/abacus.jpg Technical data: - 100 bite of dynamic memory - color touch display - portable - accu free work - can represent graphic - work at night by touch & click - usable as foot massage - wire guide resonate at gold frequency - humidity protected - work on all continents - scientific functions in normal format (not stamp sized) - can calculate between gold hunting - and much much more Give us your full name and addresse to ship imediatelly. |
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Try this Qiaozhi !! no need any patent for frequency Generator from "RAMSEY" plus two Rod. Attachment 10920 |
Hi gibon.
What about the coil?? is there anything else in the wooden box???? Also very strange rod. Gongratulation, looks good work:). |
Best wishes, J_P |
Thank you J_P:) |
The interesting thing is this dowsing rod can easily be balanced by adding non-metallic weight to the front or back so it will not swivel when tilted. Maybe it can have a plastic weight added so gravity has no effect when it is not perfectly level. This could allow some interesting experiments to see if there is some other force different from gravity to make it swivel. Best wishes, J_P |
It is been made from somebody selling other LRLs as well. I can not remember the page now but I remember it was somebody well known.I will check and let you know. It was for sale alone and this is for sure.I remember the price was 125$ plus postage. |
But not until after you finish checking it with the balanced dowsing rod to see if it is doing anything useful. Mike(Mont) invented the perfect rod that can be balanced to check if there is a mysterious force pulling it toward treasure. Think about it... Once you add a non-metallic counterweight so no tilting will cause gravity to swivel the rod direction, then you can test without even digging the target. It will test false signals as well as treasure signals. Any signal whether a good signal or a bad signal, or even an idea-motor signal can no longer rely on gravity to help. We must see the signal line use the mysterious force to cause the rod to move. This will clearly indicate whether the signal generator is helping to make the rod move. Best wishes, J_P |
High sensitivity even in a dowsing rod can help one get more accurate results especially when testing or practicing because parameters as friction go aside in a much greater level.
I liked this fresh idea myself and I think it is fair priced. See the video in the page below where you can understand how sensitive this rod is. http://www.lrlman.com/Pages/MikeRod/...ocator_rod.htm |
Nice video. Neodymium magnets?
It is not LRL it is compass! Anyway...good toy for playing! :lol: |
Greed can easily block the brain. |
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So this makes it a compass as you say. I wonder how it can be used to locate treasure if the earth's magnetic field causes it point only to north? Maybe you need to stand on the south side of where you know there is a treasure? :???: Maybe it would be more convienient to use a compass ring. Then no need to carry the special rod assembly, with problems of wind moving the needle. Simply point your finger to your favourite compass direction to locate treasure.... |
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Way much better than MikeRod and worth their price. Imune to Earth magnetic field, but sensitive to anomalies in soil if you change position and directions. In addition, they assist in orientation and help you to come back home. In few words: ideal LRL (need only to add pistol handle): |
Will this device also locate a shovel? Best wishes J_P |
Then the geographical coordinates shown on the display can be used as proof of locating treasure. Best wishes, J_P |
the only thing you need is to take a picture of the screen :p |
Just another useless dowsing gadget driven by the ideomotor response. :razz: |
Tritium Option
Now there is an option you could hardly do without. I mean if the dowsing rod itself wasn't a big enough joke, why not go the extra $25 and get the Tritium Power Load. :lol: :lol: Certainly a bent coat hanger will work as well as this expensive dowsing contraption, WITH or WITHOUT the tritium power load. Also, I wonder if Mike(Mont) and Tim Williams (LRLman) is aware of the US Export Laws concerning the shipment and carriers involved in transporting Tritium? I wonder also if he is aware of the Health Hazards associated with Tritium? Do you suppose he iterates those to his customers before offering them the "tritium power load"? Oh, and BTW, what exactly does a tritium power load do to enhance ones ideomotor response? |
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I am sure the tritium has a strong psychological effect, which is all is necessary for dowsing.
This is tritium: Attachment 10934 I wonder what are the effect if you already use a watch with tritium... |
What is the similarity between crows and skeptics?
They move around in bunches. :) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D |
If tritium used in a watch helps to show a good reading, then tritum in a compass should also help to get a good reading. The difference is.... For the watch it helps only to find the time of day. But for the compass, it helps to find the direction where the treasure machine is pointing. P.S. Tritium would also have the same effect on the ring compass. Best wishes, J_P |
But if you did coat certain parts of the rod with tritium and phosphors, it could improve a user's ability to see where it is pointing at night without carrying extra lights, whose metal parts and current flow could interfere with the forces from the magnets. Also the improved visibility when using triitium at night could be proven by demonstrating it in a repeatable way. And if this rod was well balanced, It's ability to always align toward the magnetic north pole could also be demonstrated on a windless night. Best wishes, J_P |
http://www.lrlman.com/Pages/MikeRod/...ocator_rod.htm He does not say here, if it is used to produce better visibility. I'm just guessing a "power" load would be something to enhance the locating properties of the dowsing rod. (a sales gimmick to further fool the "gullible") It would be most interesting to know how Tritium does that. If it's for visibility, then that is a different issue, and would not be unlike the sights on my 9mm. :lol: |
From the advertising I read from other sellers of power loads, the purpose is connected with small amounts of radiation causing unknown effects to be come more activated. What effects were never explained very well. These could be connected with the target, or the sample, or the user's biological response. Since there is no real explanation what a tritium power load does, I was able to see a real-science based application in Fred's photo, which could also be applied to a dowsing rod with a magnet configured as a compass by balancing it. The tritium, when used in the manner shown in Fred's photo could be used to demonstrate repeatable results of improved visibility in low light scenarios. Best wishes, J_P |
Yes, I understand it is Tim's ad, but wouldn't Mike have had to agree to the content of it? :rolleyes: |
Go back and read again: 1. "The source of the tritium power loads seems unclear to me". I cannot conclude Mike would have to agree with it, because it is possible this is a power load that is offered by LRL-Man as an accessory he added independently to Mike's dowsing rod. Or it is possible it is offered by Mike and simply passed on in LRL-Man's advertisement. Ordinary logic without adding prejudice would suggest we do not draw conclusions until we know what the facts are. We simply state the source of the tritium power load seems unclear. 2. "Since there is no real explanation of what a tritium power load does, I could see a real-science application in Fred's photo..." Haven't I stated there is no real explanation given of what it does? The application I saw did not come from the dowsing rod advertisement or other power load advertisements. It came from Fred's photo... an unrelated source that happens to have a basis in real explainable science. My implication is I found an alternate real-science use for tritium in the absence of any explanation of it's intended function in the advertising. Of course you are free to draw whatever erroneous inferences you want as long as you don't try to present them as my belief (interpretation). Best wishes, J_P |
Seems to be a lot of drama involved for what started out to be a simple comment about a tritium power load. Whatever.... :rolleyes: I'll be glad when the rains stop in your area, things dry out some, and you can get out and get some fresh air again. |
You didn't make a simple post about tritium power loads. You posted an innuendo that I believe things which I do not, dredged from your inferences: "So, is it your honest belief (interpretation) the tritium is strictly for visibility enhancement, based on what you read in the ad?" Why not try something useful to attain your goals... For example, contact an aquaintance in the Southern California area and convince them to come and try out the examiner to see how it works in person. This will do a lot to help show you what it actually does instead of speculating. They can report back to you so you can compare what they tell you to what I post about it. Can you think of a better practical way to find the facts? No need to interject drama... just do it. Maybe you will find this actually helps to arrive at your goals. Really. Best wishes, J_P |
Problem is, I don't have any acquaintances that live anywhere close to you. And, that's not the only problem I have. How could I be sure they wouldn't be wasting their time if; 1). your schedule and coordination of timing for a visit might never coincide with theirs and 2). if you are never able to "adjust" the trimmer cap to the satisfaction of yourself or R-T, then there may NEVER be anything to test in the first place. Now is that being melodramatic, or just realistic? I think it is a legitimate concern based on the amount of info you've released so far. And remember, you have the "whole enchilada" to look at, all I've had are the tidbits you've been placing here. So, admittedly I have had to make some guesses, some read between the lines and probably some inferences. While we are on the subject of inferences... When I said; "So, is it your honest belief (interpretation) the tritium is strictly for visibility enhancement, based on what you read in the ad?" I was NOT trying to put words in your mouth, OR state that you believed somethinig that you do not believe. I WAS HONESTLY TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU BELIEVED ABOUT THE TRITIUM POWER LOAD! That's all. If you will notice, the statement was in the form of a QUESTION. Now, why would I have a problem understanding anything you might be talking about? Because, Graham, for about the last two or three months here on this forum, you have changed the way you speak about LRLs and the LRL manufacturers; that's why. You have gone into this mode that I could only describe as Hyper-Condescending speech patterns. Are you aware you've done that? The change had to be a conscious effort on your part; I'm just really unclear why. Perhaps a PM would help me to understand. I used to think I knew your stance on these subjects. I don't think that anymore. Your stance may not have changed at all, but it certainly is no longer clear to this reader/observer. Finally, let's get all the cards face up on the table here. If I have made any inferences concerning the RT Examiner, the theory of operation, what it can do, and what it basically is; it is because of one very important piece of information that I hold as Fact and Truth in my own mind and past experience. That is; I BELIEVE Carl and everything he has posted about the Examiner(S) he has examined and tested. Further I do not believe the one you have, or any future ones you might get will be any different from or produce any different results from the ones Carl has examined. I'm very sorry you didn't see any humor in my little jingle. I thought it injected a little levity at a time when that thread could use a little. :lol: Take care... and happy fishing. |
Just to be clear. Mike sent me what he wanted to say about his rod. I make nothing on the sales of his rod. Just helping him.
you already knew my honest belief (interpretation) because you quoted my previous answer in the same post where you asked this question. How can you expect me to think you were honestly trying to figure out what I believed about the tritium power load after I already told you? I see your post where you show my answer, then rephrase it to appear I believe the tritium is strictly for visibility enhancement. This does not look like you were trying to find out my answer. It looks like you already knew my answer from reading it, and rephrased it to appear as a different answer than what I said: http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showp...&postcount=429 What you describe as Hyper-Condescending speech patterns is not something that changed in the past few months. I generally use that manner of speech pattern when anyone misquotes a post I make, or does something else I disagree with strongly. I have used this speech pattern since my earliest posts when people were misquoting what I posted to arrive at meanings I did not express. Especially when I suspected they have an agenda to promote that is not the same as what I am saying in a post. Here is an example of me correcting a forum poster who misquoted some things I said to suit his purposes back in 2006. You will recognize a speech pattern in my response that you described: http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showpost.php?p=43481&postcount=262 You can check a lot more of my posts from that time to present to get a clear idea of where my cards are. You will find the same attitude you described when I had a purpose to use it, and you will find I don't follow any particular party line in the LRL-believer/Skeptic debate, I just follow what makes sense to me. But most consider me to lean generally toward the skeptical side of the spectrum. If you haven't heard, my main interest is to see people who claim to have working LRLs to demonstrate them recovering treasure live in front of me. I also am interested in learning some facts instead of just believeing what other people say. This has not changed since I joined this forum. It doesn't bother me to ask questions about theoretical signal lines or details of dowsing, even though I never saw any live proof that they exist as working methods. I also liked reading Carl's Rangertell article and other articles about LRLs. But instead of jumping blindly on the safety of some bandwagon, I'm taking Carl's advice.... to not believe what others tell me. See for myself. My cards have been on the table since I joined this forum. You will find many of my posts shortly after joining this forum in 2006 show me asking these same questions here: http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11046 You can also read my 2006 posts when I debated with Carl-NC and Jim about my belief there are gold ions dissolving in the soil here: http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showp...&postcount=105 And you can read all about my participation in an LRL project and discussion with a number of LRL supporters and skeptics here: http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11392 Then continue on in a forum search to see tons of condescending posts I made, LRL believer posts I made, skeptic posts I made, ions-in-the-soil posts I made, science posts, and even stupid posts. Currently you are seeing the effects of what happens when I feel like I am being misquoted or being manipulated in some other cheesy manner. My cards haven't changed. Best wishes, J_P |
My cards have not changed either, at least not since about 1995, when I became aware of "exactly" how all ideomotor-based dowsing contraptions work. And yes, I came to my conclusions, NOT through another investigator's experiences, but MY OWN. My knowledge did not come FREE, but involved some significant time and expense. Yes, I have first hand knowledge with a great many LRLs, all the way from the most simple to the highly complex containing a multitude of do-nothing appendages. No, I've not seen or tested an Examiner, but as I have iterated before; I take the word of Carl, basically because his findings on several others I've seen match my own completely. I think it is very admirable of you to want to give everything under the sun a fair chance to work, as advertised, and to experience it with your very own eyes. I have myself tried to remain completely opened minded about this topic, with the idea that perhaps something will come along that actually works according to real science. However, at the same time, I AM NOT going to throw away all the knowledge and experience I have gained so far, and in combination with pure logic and common sense; will form any new opinions accordingly. But then, that's just my approach... YMMV. :) |
"No, that is not my belief or what I said. I doubt it is even what you infered unless you have a prejudiced point of view. Go back and read again....." The lengthy post you just read was not made for that particular incident. It was my answer to a number of comments you made in your new post stating you noticed a recent change that you were unclear about, and you don't know my stance on some topics. Since your forum user settings were set to not accept PMs, I decided to post a forum reply instead. This way is probably better anyway, because it will also clear up any misconceptions in case others are wondering. But don't worry, I haven't thrown anything away. I believe what I can prove to work, not just anecdotes. I just prefer to see it first-hand instead of taking others word for it. Carl agrees with this and even urges it. I think he knows there are some rare cases when he can be wrong, and doesn't even mind doing some checking in person himself to see if he's right or wrong. If I didn't agree with Carl's advice, then I may never have looked to see the evidence of gold corroding in the ground and sending ions up to the surface in trace amounts. Seems like a long shot, but sometimes it happens. Also don't worry, I don't care what anybody thinks about whether the examiner and other LRL works or not. I wouldn't expect anyone to believe anything that they were not convinced of -- for or against. But I also expect others won't expect me to believe or disbelieve unless I feel convinced by my own methods, not theirs as well. You see me making some strong posts when I see a lapse of logic used to arrive at a conclusion that looks wrong when LRL enthusiasts are trying to convince people a particular LRL works, but the same yardstick should also apply to skeptics at times when they jump to conclusions, including myself. Best wishes, J_P |
how do you know that trace amount of gold ions originate from buried gold and not from planetary eroded gold found in traces everywhere in soil and even in sea water and vegetables. For instance there is more gold in a ton of sea water than in a ton of good to average gold ore. Gold ions are everywhere. If not, you maybe discover anti-gravity gold ions. |
I don't know any thing about anti-gravity gold ions. I only know about gold ions that are proved by scientists measuring them. The way I know the source of the gold ions is not from the ocean or the air is because scientists measured the anomalies of higher concentrations of gold ions in the soil above buried metals. When they found these high concentration of metal ions, they followed the path of the anomaly and found there are ions concentrated in a column of soil that can be traced down to the metal buried below the anomaly. Thousands of tests were performed to determine the source of metal of ions of gold and other metals which led to buried metals below. The research done at universities around the world shows that even deep buried metals including gold corrode under the ground by the action of bacteria and other microbes that are found on the surface of the metal. Some of these microbes produce cyanide and thiosulfate that dissolves gold and releases gold ions into the soil, suspended in the sulfur complex as well as organic acids produced by these microbes. Through a number of mechanisms, the ions move upwards in a column toward the surface where they can be measured as an anomaly that marks the location of metal below the surface. Many of these studies show that microgold particles are produced by similar microbes that are able to chemically precipitate the dissolved gold ions into solid gold. They have even shown many gold nuggets near the surface that were precipitated by microbes depositing gold dissolved from a source some large distance below. These ions moved up near the surface and were precipitated as new nuggets above, which is a chemical mechanism of moving gold without digging. But most of the gold transported by this method is in the form of tiny particles. The studies further suggest that much of the tiny particles of gold in the oceans originally began as natural gold deposits that were not eroded, but were transported by similar microbal action from metallic gold under the ocean floor. Is it possible that microscopic gold ions in the air or water in trace amounts is the source of ions in the soil? Maybe, but this is not what the scientists who measured the anomalies found. They found that the source was a gold deposit below. They are so sure of their findings that they developed soil sampling methods to make geochemical surveys at mine sites to pinpoint the location of gold and other metal deposits for the mines to extract. There are reports of successsful mine exploration all over the world for the past 17 years using this method called MMI (Mobile Metal Ion) surveys. These surveys take soil samples to see where there is a stronger metal ion concentration so they can pinpoint the metal ore deposits below. But the scientist aslo proved the source of metal ions in the soil is from buried metal by conducting experiments with fresh gold pellets that were placed in sterilized soil samples, then the same natural microbes that naturally attack gold were placed in some of the samples. They found that after 30-60 days, the shallow samples with the gold-attacking microbes developed a concentration of gold ions more than 10 times stronger than the concentrations they find from deeper natural gold deposits in the ground that have been buried for thousands of years. So to answer your question, I know the source of the gold ions comes from buried gold metal because I believe what the scientist and technicians measured. But even if somebody can prove these scientists were all wrong, I really don't care, because we have found from thousands of geologists soil surveys showing these anomalies in dissolved gold ions happen in locations where gold is below the anomaly. So regardless of the source, finding the anomaly will still will be useful for treasure hunting to find the buried gold below. Here are some of the reports you can read that were made by scientists who proved gold and other metals dissolve in soil after microbes attack it, and also reports of methods to find buried gold below these ion anomalies using MMI surveys: http://www.geochem.sgs.com/mmi-orientation-surveys.htm http://www.geochem.sgs.com/mmi-theory.htm http://www.sciencedirect.com/science...e54ceb8221ec30 http://www.nature.com/ismej/journal/...ej200775a.html http://crcleme.org.au/Pubs/Monograph...2002/Reith.pdf http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Gold+C...am-a0128214628 http://books.google.com/books?id=L8B...age&q=&f=false http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...0818101731.htm http://books.google.com/books?id=L8B...A495&dq=microb# http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...0802103513.htm http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...0523075914.htm http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...1007103034.htm http://www.gwrresources.com/s/NewsRe...Completion-Res... http://www.sciencedirect.com/science...08c5fb73cb4c82 http://aris.empr.gov.bc.ca/ArisReports/28541.PDF Actually there are hundreds of thousands of reports. Maybe easier to look at them on a google search instead of listing them: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&r...f&aql=&aqi=&oq= Best wishes, J_P |
You explained very well, thank you, I have only commented on the erosion, this is not just a mechanical or physical, but also electro-chemical and biological. So for detecting buried gold we need only extra sensitive GIN (Gold Ions Nose) and voilÃ*! For now, this can be the best non-electronic GIN solution: http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showp...7&postcount=14 |
Plants only concentrate gold when they are growing in soil that has dissolved gold in it. (This implies there is gold metal below the ionised gold in the soil). See this report where plants were found to concentrate gold from when growing above gold in the ground: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...0818101731.htm The ions become bound with other constituents of the soil in the top 10-30cm below the surface. At these depths, the ions are no longer ions. For gold, the ions become mostly microscopic gold particles, which are estimated to account for most of the gold that is moved in the top layers of the soil in nature. This 10-30cm is also the depth at which erosion is likely to happen on large scale to wash tiny metallic gold particles into streams or to blow into the air. But no magic is needed to locate the gold ion concentrations. This is done by digging holes and taking soil samples to measure the amount of gold ions or other metal ions. This is all normal science. No Jinns or antimatter is needed. Why do you look for magical ways when we have good knowledge of the actual way this happens measured by scientists? Best wishes, J_P |
Thanks for explaining it. Now I understand. :) Best wishes, J_P |
Again...unless I missed it in one of those links...there is no evidence of airborne gold ions, that can be captured and analyzed from the surface. Especially using random air samples. Difference between treasure hunting and mining |
The ions become bound with other constituents of the soil in the top 10-30cm below the surface. From my understanding of what J_P is expounding on here, there are NO air-born ions rising up from buried gold. Apparently, "certain" scientists and mining exploration folks are using soil samples to discover buried gold deposits, by analyzing and detecting these migrating ions in the top layers of soil only. Since J_P has recently, and emphatically, indicated to me; "I also am interested in learning some facts instead of just believeing(sic) what other people say." ....then I would, by his own remarks, have to believe that he has actually witnessed these gold discovery techniques in operation. |
Yes, the MMI testing is done by digging samples of soil from below the top layer of dirt where gold ions will show a representative concentration. But mining companies use a lot of other methods to indicate what is below the ground besides MMI testing. Some of these methods are not done from below the ground, but above. In most cases, these tests are not detecting gold ions. Capturing gold ions from the surface doesn't sound easy to me. To start with, the concentrations they measure below the ground are in the parts per trillion and sometimes less. By the time they reach the surface, they become bound with other elements or become metallic gold particles. Maybe a few ions of the parts per trillion could somehow escape into the air, but how would you collect them? Wouldn't a single ion blow away in the wind, or quickly neutralise with a charged particle or molecule in the air? The whole reason why they cease to be ions after they rise from the lower layers of soil is because they no longer are in an environment that has active electrolytes and complexes that support gold ions. They are moving to the surface that is rich in a large array of materials and particles that will bind the ions. This is true of the air as well, which has charged gas molecules as well as particles with molecules that can combine with metal ions from salts or other complexes. In the case of gold, when it loses it's supporting chemical complex, it usually combines with itself to form a metallic gold molecule, that can grow into a particle if other molecules attach. The gold in the air I read about is metallic microparticles, not ionic. From what I read it was measured at less than 0.003ng/kg for air on average. Because of the wind action, I doubt these measurements would be useful for locating buried gold. Best wishes, J_P |
You can believe whatever you have to believe as long as you don't try to represent your beliefs and conclusions as things that I said. But to give you some help in what to believe, yes, I have witnessed gold exploration techniques being used by geologists in operation. And no, not the technique of digging a hole and putting dirt in a plastic bag bound for the MMI lab in Canada. Best wishes, J_P |
Rather, just pay attention to the actual words he speaks; "I also am interested in learning some facts instead of just believeing(sic) what other people say." ;) |
Best wishes, J_P |
My intent is to watch very carefully exactly what you say, from now on, and that is how I will decide WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM! No inferences, feelings, or "read between the lines" will enter into it. However, NO! Seeing for myself is NOT necessarily how I will gain knowledge and insight into things I choose to research. It could be, but wouldn't have to be "seeing for myself". To my way of thinking, that is like taking a giant leap backwards, and akin to reinventing the wheel, or rope. Rather, if I get data from a source I am comfortable is valid and trustworthy, that is what I will use to gain additional knowledge, when I can't experience things for myself. If in past decades, all scientists worked under the adage that all principles and axioms would need to be experienced with their own eyes before acceptance, I would guess we might still be in the early 1700s, technology-wise. If you want to conduct your research under your own set of constraints, have at it. (So far... your research appears to be on some kind indefinite hold, so rather a moot point.) :| |
It looks like you have an excellent outlook on how to do your research. As an opinion, I think you will find the answers that are suitable to you with your method. My method is actually the same except I like to see some things with my own eyes instead of relying only on what I read or hear from others. And I do form opinions and talk about them as being my opinions, not other people's opinions. An interesting exception the concept that most science facts are pretty well known and do not need to be checked by seeing it in person is the discovery of the Americas by Columbus. This is one example where accepting the best known science of the day instead of going to see for himself could have led to us being still back in the 1400s, not the 1700s. Maybe that is why I like Carl's suggestion that we don't need to believe him, we should see for ourselves. Best wishes, J_P |
The option, to see for oneself, is always available to every investigator. The trick is to let logic enter into determining when and if it is prudent to "see with ones own eyes". :) |
But there is no trick, just a personal choice of what you want to do. Best wishes, J_P |
The ions corroding from gold was only something I offered as an example of how using Carl's suggestion to not believe what he says, but to check for yourself resulted in discovering even Carl can be wrong. I guess anybody can. I already knew Gold ions could form at buried gold in trace amounts, but I had no clue they followed the path of a column in the soil that moves up above buried metal. I thought the Mineoro pages that show gold ions rising in the soil were only something they speculated about and published as facts. But after checking it the best way I had at hand, I saw how a lot of scientist also found this same column of gold ions rising in the soil. And I found the ion concentration anomalies in the soil were being used by geologists to map the location they expect to find buried metals and ores. Wow! Carl's advice sure showed me he was right about the way to verify what you believe is true or not. :) Best wishes J_P |
I was reading that link I posted about dead tree stumps concentrating gold.
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/08/070818101731.htm Then I read it again, and it hit me.... "The researchers found native gold, silver and platinum salts in the dust of decayed stumps. A ton of their ashes contains 3 kilograms of silver, nearly 200 milligrams of gold and 5 grams of platinum". Now, lemme see.... what does treasure metal cost at this moment? Gold = $35.33 USD/gm silver = $0.5514 USD/gm platinum = $35.035 USD/gm 1 ton of decayed tree stump dust measured by researchers: Gold = 200mg = $7.07 USD Silver = 3Kg = $1654.20 USD Platinum = 5 Gm = $175.18 USD Total treasure metal = $1836 USD (1296 EUR) treasure measured in one ton of decayed tree stump dust. So how much is a ton of decayed tree stump dust? It should come between one and two cubic meters depending on the dust. :) <-- always loved trees. Best wishes, J_P |
Cool! What do you suppose happened to that philosophy and the Examiner? :lol: |
Best wishes, J_P |
It's a really fine line we walk, isn't it. :D What do you suppose happened to that "observation" and the Examiner? |
Best wishes, J_P |
About bionic and ions, read post # 16 in the link posted. Now you can imagine that ions can be "sniffed" with this technique also. In the past we used this technique AFTER many scientific, but not the same method showed in the pic. We called this molecular detection. So, you have in the block diagramm how you can use this info for to build your RS machinery. ;)
http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showt...d=1#post105922 |
1 Attachment(s)
The problem with the Bionic sniffing ions is it uses magnetometers for sensors, not a piezo crystal with materials glued on it. It senses changes in magnetic field gradients, not signals from a vibrating crystal or ions. This was shown in the geophysics forum. You can read what the people found there when they posted the data sheet for the sensors used in the Bionic detector at post #17. http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15985 |
The method describes for xtal. is not for to sense iron. I'm not refering magnetometer use. :nono:
Maybe I don't understand why you say about bionic and ions for your post #16. Best wishes, J_P |
I ws confused to think you were talking about the principle of the Bionic 01. Best wishes, J_P |
If you leave the pistol detector fixed on something, the target is not detected. It is only detected when the person carries, seems that also the human being is like an antenna. |
An other kind of Bionic from maxfind !! Any suggestion about that stuff ?
:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMW4GsSGN7M |
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Olá Manolo This girl told me better invest the money in a second hand Mercedes... Seems the BIONIC 01 is a bad investment ;) Attachment 11203 |
Girls prefer Ferrari.Better 5th hand Ferrari than 2nd hand Mercedes, except if you are old :razz:
No, Morgan is a young man and sportive type Regards:) |
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: i'm very happy to see that sombody want to joke moore and not offend. i can not test bionic 01 very bad weather in italy but i will said wath appen, now i waith a new bulgarian metal wery powerfull and very cheap if you want information abaout ask me reguards geo and morgan |
I give my best reguards to geo and morgan too.
Hi all !!
Please i need the schematics and component list for BIONIC 01 If it's possible !! many regards !! :) |
Bionic 01
Did you already try to ask this schematics to OKM ??? :rolleyes: |
I have found the schematic on another post here on geotech forum, but i have no idea if some one had built it else or not!!
so if some one has finished and tested this divice i wonder if he can post the result of witch deep can it detect gold underground !! many thanks and regards !!:) |
Hiii !!
Hii !!
Hello Bill Honestly i know the product,dont waist your time with this device,its proved not work as represented in the video,cant find any gold... Regards |
morgan have tested all the new lrl show in the market, include dell product, confie en el
thanks a lot for your clear answer morgan !!
did you test the BIOnic 01 GOLDY of DR. Best Lab ?? given in this thread http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showt...ghlight=bionic Kindly regards !! :) |
I visit the OKM factory,and i have the report of some german friends who try this device. The Dr.Best schematic i dont try,its not the Bionic 01,but maybe better,who knows ... |
many thanks morgan and best regards !! :) |
Do you see any difference between Bionic and below given IR ? :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsasCc7BA6M Oops except beeps and cold ring :rolleyes: All OKM devices are scams. I have many friends of mine, gave thousands of Euros to these toys and wasted their lifetime on mountains even without finding any rubbish. Exp 3000-4000-5000 are furnished brain washers and Bionic is a total IR thermometer with some beeps:lol: Kind regards, |
Its not the same as the IR thermometer ,but when searching for treasures is not better than this... |
The OKM videos look like fakes to me. Everyone I know of who bought OKM treasure machines was unhappy because they cannot find treasure with them. They spend a lot of money for a machine that does nothing to help them find gold. But the OKM products have some sensors inside, with electronics that make beeps and words appear on the screen. So what do these electronics do? The OKM treasure machines have been studied many times in the Geotech forums. What we learned is OKM uses fluxgate magnetometers with electronics to connect them as a gradiometer. These gradiometers sense variations in the earth's magnetic field, and can find places where there are metals that concentrate the magnetic field, such as a large buried iron tank, and in some cases it could locate a place where there is a cave a large buried non-iron object. I have heard no confirmed reports of anyone finding gold coins or other treasures with any OKM products. From what I have read in this forum, all OKM products are gradiometers with extra electronics to drive the display. The IR appears to be an enhancement that does not give any information about buried objects, but may tell something about the surface temperature of the object it is pointed at. So how can you find buried gold and other treasures with a gradiometer and an IR sensor? Usually you can't unless the gold is very large and close to the surface. If there is enough gold to displace the ground minerals and cause an anomaly in the earth's magnetic flux, then maybe you could get a reading. -- maybe 20 liters of buried gold could be located from 5 feet distance. A 1-oz buried gold coin? Not possible with the sensors in the OKM detectors. Here is the main sensor used in the OKM Rover C locator: http://www.geotech1.com/forums/attac...1&d=1264434002 As you can see, this is not he most sensitive fluxgate magnetometer, but can be usefull when two of them are connected as a gradiometer. What this detector will find the best is buried iron objects that are close to the surface. Also, keep in mind you can build a gradiometer using better sensors than this for under $150 USD. Or you can buy a better gradiometer for about 1/10 of the cost of OKM. We also can see one of the OKM videos here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akO1j...eature=channel After watching this video, you will notice the detector only beeped when it was pointed at the shovel with an iron handle. You never see it beep when it is pointed at the buried treasure. After you see the video, look here to see what I saw in this video: http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showp...&postcount=106 This is the same video where Putrechigi said he would visit the man who made the video to see a demonstration for himself. He did not tell us what he saw during his visit and demonstration, so we have no information from what he saw first hand. An OKM treasure finder was fully studied in the geophysics forum section. You should read all of this forum thread before you decide to buy any OKM machine: http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15985 Best wishes, J_P |
Geo wrote:
Wow, 20 pages and absolutly nothing technical about the OKM Bionic 01 at all...
But at least it's been entertaining. |
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As i told you before,most of LRLs are electromagnetic field detectors... Attachment 12278 |
@ Morgan
pm me the mail of this cuty girl and I'll find with here some treasures for sure! :cool: And Morgan - electro is not magnetic is not gravity is not 4dimensional "Einstein field". For getting the most success we have always to select the right definitions. There are also theories out there about scalar waves and "remembering atomar particles" - see the Schroedingers Experiment and the behavior of light like wave and materie. This is a complex topic. Hell, what a complicated world? :shocked: And we should discover and handle it right to discover the most precious treasures! :D @ xyz = "variable": I really have something against that whole impution that all those LRL producers just built their LRLs to fool, rob and beass other people. Please think twice: Would YOU built such stuff just for making "easy n dirty money"? Would you really like to go that risky way? Why you just can think those MD inventors try their best but the whole "LRL thing" is a real not easy topic?! Do you really think everyone out there is a thief and goes over bodys for his own salvation? :nono: :nono: :nono: @ Morgan At least the Bionic Alpha or 01 can restrict the detection range or wideness degree of the searched target very good, or what do you think? |
The BIONIC 01 is not good LRL,this is for sure,and the BIONIC ALPHA i cant say nothing about,i never try and dont know people who try this OKM detector... |
Hi everybody...i'm new here and haven't read all the posts about BIONIC 01
BUT.....once i have it in my hands and i made many tests since today ,i have to give you the results and if somebody can explain be my guest.. So , i ve got 20 gold coins to callibrate it.I put the device to ionic mode and i point the coins using the laser (always from north to south).When the device autolocks a frequency from target (gold coins) i lock the frequency and it's ready.After that wherever i put the gold (on the surface) i find it even if it's behind huge rocks or woods or the other side of the hill and even if i can't see the place i put it to the other side of the hill.That's for sure... I also put the gold into the soil about 30-40 cm depth.I found it again easy from 50m away and from many angles (but always having north to my back). So... i don't say the device is good or not..afterall it's not mine (i wouldn't give so easy 13000euros)...but ..how can you explain all these...it could help me to understand if all this i get is true or something else that i don't have the technical knowledge to explain. Anyway if somebody has a good explanation for this let me know ..i ve got the device and i can test it again . The sure is that i find the gold anywhere around but i don't know if this is based on ionic or electromagnetic or fake targeting. Thanks and waiting (sorry for the bad english) |
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