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ANDREAS 01-13-2014 09:07 PM

Real clone Alonso-PD
2 Attachment(s)
Hi all and Happy new year
Many members knows few years ago i build a clone Alonso-PD
This old "amateur clone" i use many-many mods for find the best balance between all stage.
But is not enough for me. Last months i start again experiments. My "target is... I try work with the same method use by Alonso for calibration omega-coils and feritte all together with standard schematic publish here from qiaozhi without any extras.
I find this method and i build a "real alonso-PD clone" with all parts.
My prototype now can detect a very-very small magnet-piece 2 meters distance very easy and a micro transmitter 433MHZ more than 50 meters distance.
My clone has not false signals from South-north magnetics lines and with calibration knob i can calibrate machine very easy in search-area
In my test-area work perfect, but i need make tests with unknown area and ofcourse video's with unknown targets
This knob for calibration and very small mods (low-bat section, power supply section) are the only extra's
The truth is that the calibration is too difficult and now i understand why there were failures to construct a truly clone
Here some pics my prototype
Heltkit section and feritte section work together without extra selection switch. Output signal from feritte coils is very-very low and feritte section now, work without overload signal.
Next days if i have free time i publish here more infos and i start video's with prototype
I want to thank a forum member here ( very good electronic engeneer ) , because, with his help and testing , I managed to find all the problems encountered
best regards

folharin 01-13-2014 09:28 PM

andreas excellent job. you are using ferrite and omega coil together? can see the regulator calibration for the ferrite, it changes the position of the ferrite coil?

Geo 01-14-2014 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148144)
Hi all and Happy new year
Many members knows few years ago i build a clone Alonso-PD
This old "amateur clone" i use many-many mods for find the best balance between all stage.
But is not enough for me. Last months i start again experiments. My "target is... I try work with the same method use by Alonso for calibration omega-coils and feritte all together with standard schematic publish here from qiaozhi without any extras.
I find this method and i build a "real alonso-PD clone" with all parts.
My prototype now can detect a very-very small magnet-piece 2 meters distance very easy and a micro transmitter 433MHZ more than 50 meters distance.
My clone has not false signals from South-north magnetics lines and with calibration knob i can calibrate machine very easy in search-area
In my test-area work perfect, but i need make tests with unknown area and ofcourse video's with unknown targets
This knob for calibration and very small mods (low-bat section, power supply section) are the only extra's
The truth is that the calibration is too difficult and now i understand why there were failures to construct a truly clone
Here some pics my prototype
Heltkit section and feritte section work together without extra selection switch. Output signal from feritte coils is very-very low and feritte section now, work without overload signal.
Next days if i have free time i publish here more infos and i start video's with prototype
I want to thank a forum member here ( very good electronic engeneer ) , because, with his help and testing , I managed to find all the problems encountered
best regards

still you fiddle with this??:lol:

aft_72005 01-14-2014 06:53 AM

Hi Andreas
And happy new year
Congratulation. Seeing nice work , I hope more success for you .:)
Best regards

Nicolas 01-14-2014 01:53 PM

Alonso Scheme for PD is the best here. Thank you to all who have actually worked on and do some modification and updating. such as Qiaozhi Eteban and Morgan and other.

Good luck my friend Andreas. and I hope for you a good result in all the world.
the transmitteur and receiver 433MHZ and the right choice my friend. well you advance in this field. 433 MHz is used in the detection by the magnetometer.

Look this picture details and link




If you need help for higtech you know my email.

Qiaozhi 01-14-2014 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148144)
Hi all and Happy new year
Many members knows few years ago i build a clone Alonso-PD
This old "amateur clone" i use many-many mods for find the best balance between all stage.
But is not enough for me. Last months i start again experiments. My "target is... I try work with the same method use by Alonso for calibration omega-coils and feritte all together with standard schematic publish here from qiaozhi without any extras.
I find this method and i build a "real alonso-PD clone" with all parts.
My prototype now can detect a very-very small magnet-piece 2 meters distance very easy and a micro transmitter 433MHZ more than 50 meters distance.
My clone has not false signals from South-north magnetics lines and with calibration knob i can calibrate machine very easy in search-area
In my test-area work perfect, but i need make tests with unknown area and ofcourse video's with unknown targets
This knob for calibration and very small mods (low-bat section, power supply section) are the only extra's
The truth is that the calibration is too difficult and now i understand why there were failures to construct a truly clone
Here some pics my prototype
Heltkit section and feritte section work together without extra selection switch. Output signal from feritte coils is very-very low and feritte section now, work without overload signal.
Next days if i have free time i publish here more infos and i start video's with prototype
I want to thank a forum member here ( very good electronic engeneer ) , because, with his help and testing , I managed to find all the problems encountered
best regards

Your coil looks higher up than the original Alonso PD, and the ferrite appears to be placed in the null line (as described in Chapter 14 of ITMD). Is this correct?

Geo 01-15-2014 06:06 AM

With ferrite "out" of coil is more easy to null the signal of passive receiver. But original Alonso;s PD is different.

ANDREAS 01-15-2014 06:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 148175)
Your coil looks higher up than the original Alonso PD, and the ferrite appears to be placed in the null line (as described in Chapter 14 of ITMD). Is this correct?

I use scale via photo ( for example attachment pic). In this case i have false dimensions +/-2-3 mm. After study some photo's inside PD-Alonso, before start build omega-coils etc, i am sure for results and real dimensions using my PD.
...and the ferrite appears to be placed in the null line (as described in Chapter 14 of ITMD)
I have not your book, but feritte is not placed in the null line.
Please remember my old message, we have ONLY a "magic place". In this place, output feritte-coils has only 0,1-3mv output signal. For this results, i use a micrometric moving system and ofcourse need fine null omega together (move -null omega and again). This point is very difficult. We need repeating tests, before protection this place

Qiaozhi 01-15-2014 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148181)
Please remember my old message, we have ONLY a "magic place". In this place, output feritte-coils has only 0,1-3mv output signal. For this results, i use a micrometric moving system and ofcourse need fine null omega together (move -null omega and again). This point is very difficult. We need repeating tests, before protection this place

Does your ferrite coil have two cores with a gap (as per the original Alonso PD) or is it just one complete core?

ANDREAS 01-15-2014 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 148183)
Does your ferrite coil have two cores with a gap (as per the original Alonso PD) or is it just one complete core?

It's same about results, the gap is easier for calibration, but
the gap produce sometimes false signals. My opinion.
Never we have see a real photo, about feritte (gap or not). I think "the gap" is false infos for stoped some members build it or present a myth
I think "original feritte" work with complete core. I use complete core, because has stability out signal
Second i believe never members open the original coil in feritte. A x-ray photo yes, but destroy the place and open never
I have this sense, because.. if you have a unit and work , you don't touch :nono: somethink and stop work.
The interest for all is this "magic point" is +/- 0.1mm. Tell me Quiaozhi, can you find this point with your hands? Personally i cannot. In this case my clone with micrometric regulator i think is better original
Conclusion. Members that say they know or have opened or know exactly how is the original, i think say "guess - tales" and they publish bla-bla and dreams.
If they knows really , few years ago, they start build and sell units. This is only real true.

Qiaozhi 01-15-2014 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148186)
The interest for all is this "magic point" is +/- 0.1mm. Tell me Quiaozhi, can you find this point with your hands? Personally i cannot.

I was also unable to find the "magic point" by hand. The TOTeM unit uses a single ferrite core that is placed in the upper null line of the TX coil. This is easy to find by hand, and can be nulled to only a few mV.

If the original Alonso PD has a split core, then I suspect the ferrite nearest the TX coil is acting similar to the nulling coil in a concentric arrangement. Since it is not driven by the TX oscillator, and relies only on voltage induced into the coil, this would explain why it is very difficult to find the balance point.

ANDREAS 01-15-2014 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 148187)
I was also unable to find the "magic point" by hand. The TOTeM unit uses a single ferrite core that is placed in the upper null line of the TX coil. This is easy to find by hand, and can be nulled to only a few mV.

If the original Alonso PD has a split core, then I suspect the ferrite nearest the TX coil is acting similar to the nulling coil in a concentric arrangement. Since it is not driven by the TX oscillator, and relies only on voltage induced into the coil, this would explain why it is very difficult to find the balance point.

About totem is easy, the transmitter is very low power. I don't i build complet with transmitter, only i build receiver. Alonso PD has a strong transmitter and feritte core is very near. For all places we have 50-100mv output coils feritte, ofcourse overload feritte-receiver

folharin 01-15-2014 01:53 PM

see what esteban said:
I forgot! See in blue circle the sand. Pistol also is used as normal MD for to found the item in the sparzed sand or hole!http://www.longrangelocators.com/for...1&d=1262613997

folharin 01-15-2014 01:56 PM

bobina omega é md normal ,não encontra objetos longe
only part ferrite is lrl

Nicolas 01-15-2014 06:24 PM



ANDREAS 01-15-2014 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by folharin (Post 148190)
bobina omega é md normal ,não encontra objetos longe
only part ferrite is lrl

You have not exactly right. Need the part of MD receiver. But it is very unstable and soon i replace this stage. I see after experiments need a balance between MD receive and feritte receiver for best results
I make tests only MD section or only transmitter with ferrite, but I do not like the results.

Funfinder 01-19-2014 05:26 AM

> this "magic point" is +/- 0.1mm. Tell me Quiaozhi, can you find this point with your hands? Personally i cannot. In this case my clone with micrometric regulator

This whole ultrasensitivity adjustment way described here is for laboratory only.
Its useless because if the voltage will drop from 17,995v to just 17,985v it will be already out of balance again.

Same with temperature, moisture, electronic parts and especially harsh treasure hunting
conditions like weather, electro-smog and many other factors.

Under super stable conditions you also can built an usual metal detector
that is extremly sensitive. But at real treasure-hunting everything is anything else than super-stable.

btw. it would be much more clever to fix and construct the part with the 2 coils first on a extremly solid basis (melt it into plastic or resin etc.) and afterwards you find your needed zero or whatever EM-field window for the ferrite-coil by electronical adjustable components like variable capacitors, mini-coils or whatever. If this point is so critical and easy to bring out of "center" you must work with a programmed microcontroller which controls and readjusts the needed values automatically.

A lot measurement with a 10meter rope works perfekt, but only if there is no wind at all.

ANDREAS 01-19-2014 12:18 PM

Funfinder wrote
This whole ultrasensitivity adjustment way described here is for laboratory only.
Its useless because if the voltage will drop from 17,995v to just 17,985v it will be already out of balance again.

You are confused. We have drop or not if unit don't work lab this is correct. In this case i have put a microcalibration pot for setup again. Please study my pics. On panel i have a calibration pot for it. If you cannot understand me my method, don't worry
Funfinder wrote
it would be much more clever to fix and construct the part with the 2 coils first on a extremly solid basis (melt it into plastic or resin etc.) and afterwards you find your needed zero or whatever EM-field window for the ferrite-coil by electronical adjustable components like variable capacitors, mini-coils or whatever. If this point is so critical and easy to bring out of "center" you must work with a programmed microcontroller which controls and readjusts the needed values automatically.
I have not time for explain more. But you must be sure, if put a microcontroller this clone don't work

Funfider i build this clone for personal study and use. For me is a "pratform" for understanding method use by Alonso (if he.... build this machine). I am not interest search or find more about "Brasil method" detection for long range.
I am not interesting for sceptics if... this unit work etc etc or not
I am only happy, because after few years, i publish the first real clone.
Later if i finish my study with this unit i send this unit gift... a good friend mexico. Maybe if he want publish results with this myth. You knows, this is not my choice
For me is only a personal test for find method calibration.
My "cup" is many-many members says ".. i build it", but i am sure now, on they dreams ofcourse build it

Qiaozhi 01-19-2014 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148243)
For me is only a personal test for find method calibration.

TOTeM was constructed for similar reasons. I wanted to understand why other members were convinced the Alonso PD could detect targets at distances greater than a conventional metal detector. Then there was the technical issue concerning the ferrite coil balancing. In the end it turned out to be a very entertaining project, and the results were interesting enough to include in the book (ITMD).

On many occasions skeptics are accused of having no personal experience with LRLs, so this was also an opportunity to push that accusation to one side. All the information concerning TOTeM is provided in ITMD, and nothing is hidden or made purposely confusing. Other members here have built TOTeM, and one has even created a PCB to replace the original stripboard layout. It's an intriguing device to use in the field, and often you can appear to be following a "signal line". However, I leave it up to each experimenter to arrive at their own conclusions, and to modify the design as they wish. :nerd:

ANDREAS 01-19-2014 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 148244)
TOTeM was constructed for similar reasons. I wanted to understand why other members were convinced the Alonso PD could detect targets at distances greater than a conventional metal detector. Then there was the technical issue concerning the ferrite coil balancing. In the end it turned out to be a very entertaining project, and the results were interesting enough to include in the book (ITMD).

On many occasions skeptics are accused of having no personal experience with LRLs, so this was also an opportunity to push that accusation to one side. All the information concerning TOTeM is provided in ITMD, and nothing is hidden or made purposely confusing. Other members here have built TOTeM, and one has even created a PCB to replace the original stripboard layout. It's an intriguing device to use in the field, and often you can appear to be following a "signal line". However, I leave it up to each experimenter to arrive at their own conclusions, and to modify the design as they wish. :nerd:

Qiaozhi If TOTeM can detect a very small magnet 5mmX5mm 2 meters distance you are a "right way" . I find this tip after many experiments with small luck.
Few months ago, i build a greek-project name english-PD. I see the same results a small magnet detect 5 meters distance and a very small 433mhz transmitter very easy detect 50 meters distance.
We have the same results. Strange is .. if we have perfect calibration and detect only small piece magnet, units cannot detect magnetics lines from earth.
I try understand more about ferrites with coils. Maybe i find a theory for this, but is not time explain more

Qiaozhi 01-19-2014 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148245)
Qiaozhi If TOTeM can detect a very small magnet 5mmX5mm 2 meters distance you are a "right way" . I find this tip after many experiments with small luck.

Is this a neodymium magnet that you used?


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148245)
Few months ago, i build a greek-project name english-PD. I see the same results a small magnet detect 5 meters distance and a very small 433mhz transmitter very easy detect 50 meters distance.

Do you have a link to this "English-PD", or perhaps you can post the information here?


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148245)
We have the same results. Strange is .. if we have perfect calibration and detect only small piece magnet, units cannot detect magnetics lines from earth.

Yes ... interesting observation.

ANDREAS 01-19-2014 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 148246)
Is this a neodymium magnet that you used?

No! This is a very simple small- black magnet from a chenese- toy.


Do you have a link to this "English-PD", or perhaps you can post the information here?
This is a old cscope (maybe 950) with full modifications and a pink or purple ferrite length 20cm. This unit detect only gold fresh-buried-old on air... etc,without problem very easy. Later maybe i publish some infos about this very interesting modification, because here is a thread for clone alonso-pd
For me interesting is we have two units working with same philoshophy

Geo 01-19-2014 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 148246)
Is this a neodymium magnet that you used?

Do you have a link to this "English-PD", or perhaps you can post the information here?

Yes ... interesting observation.

Hi Qiaozhi.
Look the thread "STRANGE..." at RS forum

ANDREAS 01-19-2014 07:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is the better design PCB for this PD.
Later i publish full schematic (is same posting by Qiaozhi) and a pdf file PCB for all members wants build it for experiments. My mods are very small for stability.
If i have free time, i make some video's for look all members why i say "this is a real clone"

Fred 01-19-2014 08:49 PM

Thanks Andreas for sharing and posting this information, and continuing with constructive elements and experiments.
This is finally neutral and technical information, whatever are the results they will be useful and interesting. :)

Qiaozhi 01-19-2014 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 148252)
Thanks Andreas for sharing and posting this information, and continuing with constructive elements and experiments.
This is finally neutral and technical information, whatever are the results they will be useful and interesting. :)

Yes, I agree. This detection of a small magnet at 2m is intriguing, and a video showing this in operation would be most interesting.

Qiaozhi 01-19-2014 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 148249)
Hi Qiaozhi.
Look the thread "STRANGE..." at RS forum

Thanks Geo, It looks like this might be the same device. If Andreas can post some information, we should be able to check.

Geo 01-20-2014 06:02 AM

It is TR950D by Cscope.

nelson 01-20-2014 03:11 PM

Congratulations Andreas for this new project
I hope you can find how this realy works.
Best regards


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148144)
Hi all and Happy new year
Many members knows few years ago i build a clone Alonso-PD
This old "amateur clone" i use many-many mods for find the best balance between all stage.
But is not enough for me. Last months i start again experiments. My "target is... I try work with the same method use by Alonso for calibration omega-coils and feritte all together with standard schematic publish here from qiaozhi without any extras.
I find this method and i build a "real alonso-PD clone" with all parts.
My prototype now can detect a very-very small magnet-piece 2 meters distance very easy and a micro transmitter 433MHZ more than 50 meters distance.
My clone has not false signals from South-north magnetics lines and with calibration knob i can calibrate machine very easy in search-area
In my test-area work perfect, but i need make tests with unknown area and ofcourse video's with unknown targets
This knob for calibration and very small mods (low-bat section, power supply section) are the only extra's
The truth is that the calibration is too difficult and now i understand why there were failures to construct a truly clone
Here some pics my prototype
Heltkit section and feritte section work together without extra selection switch. Output signal from feritte coils is very-very low and feritte section now, work without overload signal.
Next days if i have free time i publish here more infos and i start video's with prototype
I want to thank a forum member here ( very good electronic engeneer ) , because, with his help and testing , I managed to find all the problems encountered
best regards

ANDREAS 01-22-2014 09:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Full schematic without transmitter (later i publish transmitter sch+pcb)
As you can see ,this is original schematic publish by Qiaozhi with very small modifications

Funfinder 01-22-2014 01:30 PM

All this tinkering, discovering, helping together here concerning electronical issues is ok.

As long as the info doesn't leads us "real results wanting" persons away from the serious track. I self built and tested one of those Zahori circuits which mainly are based on electrostatic so afterwards I knew with this stuff you can find electricity lines or rubbed air-ballons from a good distance but no treasures.

I like tinkering but it was still a waste of time and ressources - just because some people here suggested this "could work".

And the same it might be with the ToTeM or the Alonso Clone....

btw. I am not a "skeptic" which condemns everything completly. First some persons here thought I would be a LRL-believer and now some may think I am a skeptic. I am also nothing in the middle, I am a realist who controls everything exactly, compares how much truth a story really could contain and I work with very fair warrants.

This world or better the own personal life will always be full of decisions and judgments of what it is good for me or others and whats not. It is not just to make their lifes hard if doctors, judges or even politicians have to study first. Complex and sophisticated things need alot background- or special-knowledge otherwise people will fail with good work or correct results.

Shure, I could start to experiment with those circuits, too, but why I should find out completly the same as we know already?
And what we know is not really convincing if it comes to real treasure-hunting.

If we see the whole thing as a development-process then it's useless to test the same stuff over and over again. But the motivation to contribute to this kind of "not really promising stuff" would return if there should popup really promising results.

Do you know what is CW? It is "continuous wave". Do you know SSB? Its Single Side Band.
Why do I ask? Because with special ham amateur radio transceivers you can hear ultrashort bandwidths of just a few Hertz thousands miles away.

It is no big deal to create ultra-sensitive detectors - its pretty simple today.
But those must work for the intended purpose.

This micro-adjustment stuff shows already clearly that we have a very ultra-sensitive receiver of some sort. And of course ultra-sensitive detectors react on minimal EM-field chances, be it a magnet or a 1.5v spark 5 meters away.

Just the question is:
For what it is really ultra-sensitive and under what stability conditions?

This here is a forum about metal detection an not radio-station-LRL-detection.
It is not about the Hubble telescope which is ultra-sensitive for super far away stars.

So the question is: How useful is this kind of supersensitive-detector for metal?
For metal buried under ground, otherwise we may find it with some field-glasses, too. ;)

Or in other words:
Its wasted time to experiment with ultra sensitive radio-receivers if those are not good for metal-detection.

I'm pretty shure the ToTeM or Alonso is some kind of BFO which only reacts on metal or magnets because the coil-activity or inductivity is extremly very slightly changing (on a level of just a part of 1 Hz, it could be even just the shape of the wave-form which gets slightly disturbed or interrupted for some time), even passivly if a huge metal object already interacts with some long-wave frequency. Thats also the reason why those both coils have to be so extremly well adjusted.
To make it more clearly:

Those kinds of detectors may listen at the 50.000 Hz area but they could see the difference of 50.000,012 and 50.000,025 Hz at a certain frequency (the 50KHz was just an example).

btw. first it would be really important if you know on what kind of detection-principle this stuff is based before you experiment with it. I guess I gave you now the answer, so you know with what kind of supersensitive detection circuit you are dealing and now you can find a way to modify it until it's really useful for treasure-detection.

Perhaps it would be better to start with ultra-sensitive BFOs directly - making "tabula rasa" (clear table) and not messing with such "pre-ready-made" circuits which contain alots of disturbing and unneeded content.

And if you need a handholdable metal-detector better buy a Garrett Ace 250 including snipercoil an mount both on a just 30cm long pole.

As long as those "longer range detection" doesn't work reliable and on a clear level concerning on what kind of influence it really reacts, this 2in1 circuit is just hindering important improvements.

You also should input the schematics into some circuit simulating software so you may see under which kind of EM-influence the coils etc. will react on what level or intensity.

Or do we wanna have this whole riddle-guessing going on and on for years and years?

For the moment all those ToTeM-, Alonso- or PDK detectors seems to me like bad AM-Radios which will receive all kind of household-disturbances, too, because they are not shielded and designed the right way for only receiving what they should receive or detect!

But perhaps you're already on the right track and by clearing things up and improving stuff on the right area we finally get some reliable "more distance metal detection".

And without the possibility of receiving intense and highly directional buried metal signals - without radio-activity almost impossible, especially if those targets are very small - some kind of highly sensitive or for a certain area specialized detector would be an absolutly must!

Dell Winders 01-22-2014 05:26 PM

Funfinder, I agree with your assessment. As a Professional Treasure Hunter/Salvor When I first started testing and encouraging development of Frequency Discrimination methods in 1980 there was adequate hobbyist metal detectors on the market that would detect coins & jewelry at shallow depths. Not much was available for the Professional Treasure Hunter,or Salvor, so we would make modifications, or try to come up with innovative solutions of our own. This is when the Frequency Discrimination from a distance to detect deep buried Treasure Trove was born and implemented.

My interests is in detecting large Treasure Troves buried deep underground or under water where conventional Metal detectors lack the depth penetration to reach the targets I am seeking. Although technologically primitive by today's standards, the first MFD's I used throughout the 1980's were fully electronic, both transmit & receive. I was fortunate to have enough inventors interested to provide me models to Field, and comparison test. My intent and purpose for Frequency Discrimination was never for detecting small ,shallow depth targets, it never has been, and is not now. So I have no pony in this race for LRL shallow depth detection except to point out the Skeptic Con game the owners of this forum are playing on it's contributors and viewers.

I applaud those who are making an effort to discover, and share with others a viable method to make a workable, shallow depth, discriminating LRL, that has universal appeal to hobby metal detectorist. It's a huge market, but will not be won without a fight from those with a vested interest in the lucrative Metal Detector industry

It is understandable that those EE's & Techs embedded in the system that earn a substantial income from the hobbyist Metal detector industry would be concerned about the increased interest and growth of a concept they don't understand in a competing industry.

With all best wishes, Dell

WM6 01-22-2014 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dell Winders (Post 148289)

It is understandable that those EE's & Techs embedded in the system that earn a substantial income from the hobbyist Metal detector industry would be concerned about the increased interest and growth of a concept they don't understand in a competing industry.

Or vice versa.

Nicolas 01-22-2014 10:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Andreas you can use this PD without ferrite or change it by transmitter 433Mhz is better. I improve it.

Qiaozhi 01-22-2014 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dell Winders (Post 148289)
This is when the Frequency Discrimination from a distance to detect deep buried Treasure Trove was born and implemented.

Build your own MFD using these instructions -> http://www.geotech1.com/cgi-bin/page...mfd1/index.dat
Guaranteed to equal or exceed the performance of any other MFD available.


Originally Posted by Dell Winders (Post 148289)
It is understandable that those EE's & Techs embedded in the system that earn a substantial income from the hobbyist Metal detector industry would be concerned about the increased interest and growth of a concept they don't understand in a competing industry.

The fact is, we understand the LRL concept as well as the manufacturers who know what they're doing. The self-deceived LRL sellers ... well, we're way ahead.
In fact, we're so scared that LRLs will take over the market and make conventional metal detectors obsolete, that we operate a website dedicated to LRLs, and even freely publish designs such as the one above. :lol:

Dell Winders 01-22-2014 10:33 PM

Yes, I remember very clearly when Carl started that Con, to try to put me out of business. Dell

Nicolas 01-22-2014 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Dell Winders (Post 148296)
Yes, I remember very clearly when Carl started that Con, to try to put me out of business. Dell

Why ???? :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

ANDREAS 01-23-2014 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Nicolas (Post 148294)
Hi Andreas you can use this PD without ferrite or change it by transmitter 433Mhz is better. I improve it.

Hi Nicolas
No! The bad news is ... I can not present what exactly detecting.
In the original PD the engineer knew very well exactly and they used transmitter. The old engineer (maybe Alonso) don't care, if the receiver is good helthkit, but the whole all in all
I hope if a member can build it, he can understand me well

ANDREAS 01-23-2014 05:54 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here is the best PCB design for clone, bottom and silscreen sides.

ANDREAS 01-23-2014 06:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
For Qiaozhi
This is pic a real clone english-PD.

Sneshko 01-23-2014 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148300)
Here is the best PCB design for clone, bottom and silscreen sides.

Dear Andreas!
Thank you for sharing with us your effort!
Regards and all the best!

ANDREAS 01-23-2014 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sneshko (Post 148302)
Dear Andreas!
Thank you for sharing with us your effort!
Regards and all the best!

Sneshko Don't thank me. My gift is only a PCB, because some members here knows all, but they cannot draw a PCB. About schematic has not secrets.. this is classic with small mods. The big problem is that too difficult to configure. In the future I accept thanked by members can make this so difficult regulating . I fervently hope.

Goldmaxx 01-23-2014 06:28 PM

Hello Andreas

Bravo and congratulations to this beautiful project. :thumb:
I want to learn more about PDs and will try to build your PD project.
As a first project I built the TOTeM PD. Unfortunately I have a little problems with false signals in the north - south direction and contrary the same.
Your clone AlonsoPD will be my second project and hope something more to learn about PDs.
Maybe I can thereby transfer some mods in my TOTeM PD.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

Best Regards

Nicolas 01-23-2014 07:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148303)
Sneshko Don't thank me. My gift is only a PCB, because some members here knows all, but they cannot draw a PCB. About schematic has not secrets.. this is classic with small mods. The big problem is that too difficult to configure. In the future I accept thanked by members can make this so difficult regulating . I fervently hope.

Hi Andreas

Please check the Two Transistor it's proper?

The Correct: NPN transistors require a positive base signal to energize (forward bias).

ANDREAS 01-23-2014 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Nicolas (Post 148305)
Hi Andreas

Please check the Two Transistor it's proper?

Hi Nikolas
This is correct.
Original PD has D4,D6 diodes 1N4148. I replace with two NPN transistor work "as diode" if unconnect base
With this tip we have more temperature stability , because NPN protection inside plastic case and we have the same result.
R22 use for stability pot
C4 use tantalium. If you have not connect serial + - - + two electrolytic capacitors 22uF
U4 use only 78L05, because Lseries has more power supply out stability
Cx remove.. is not important
Led2 use a hight bright yellow LED is better for this stage
If you have not R6,R6A=680K you can replace 1M

Other tip. If you have note D2,D3=1N60 you can replace with RED LED!!!!!!!
Yes my friend, a poor Red Led (no high bright) work as diode perfect if frequency is < 3MHZ

Nicolas 01-24-2014 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148306)
Hi Nikolas
This is correct.
Original PD has D4,D6 diodes 1N4148. I replace with two NPN transistor work "as diode" if unconnect base
With this tip we have more temperature stability , because NPN protection inside plastic case and we have the same result.
R22 use for stability pot
C4 use tantalium. If you have not connect serial + - - + two electrolytic capacitors 22uF
U4 use only 78L05, because Lseries has more power supply out stability
Cx remove.. is not important
Led2 use a hight bright yellow LED is better for this stage
If you have not R6,R6A=680K you can replace 1M

Other tip. If you have note D2,D3=1N60 you can replace with RED LED!!!!!!!
Yes my friend, a poor Red Led (no high bright) work as diode perfect if frequency is < 3MHZ

Thank you dear Andreas for this details and tips

We will try to do it if I find the time.

I await your response to my email. Thou hast promised when you return from your trip

ANDREAS 01-24-2014 02:18 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Thank you Nicolas
I think today we finish with schematics and PCB
Here is transmitter without modification

Nicolas 01-24-2014 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148308)
Thank you Nicolas
I think today we finish with schematics and PCB
Here is transmitter without modification

Hi andreas thanks
But I cant understand these connection

J1 = ?
Trans = ?
JF = ?
P1 = Sens= ?

please explain good these connection because I think J1 is supply 18V is not for transmitter

ANDREAS 01-25-2014 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Nicolas (Post 148309)
Hi andreas thanks
But I cant understand these connection

J1 = ?
Trans = ?
JF = ?
P1 = Sens= ?

please explain good these connection because I think J1 is supply 18V is not for transmitter

J1= 2X9V Alkaline
Trans= power supply connector for transmitter
JF = connector feritte - coil
PI= 47K multiturn pontesiometer

Nicolas 01-25-2014 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148312)
J1= 2X9V Alkaline
Trans= power supply connector for transmitter
JF = connector feritte - coil
PI= 47K multiturn pontesiometer

Hi Andreas
Then J1 in Pcb for transmitter is connect to Trans +9V :rolleyes: and not in J1 for supply 18V dc it's for battery.:nono:

That is your error. I cant understand the two name for J1. sorry


ANDREAS 01-25-2014 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Nicolas (Post 148313)
Hi Andreas
Then J1 in Pcb for transmitter is connect to Trans +9V :rolleyes: and not in J1 for supply 18V dc it's for battery.:nono:

That is your error. I cant understand the two name for J1. sorry


Hi Nicolas
Is very clean
JI (on PCB) is for connection batteries (two serial 9V=18V)
Trans (on pcb) is for connection +/-9V transmitter
Later i publish all connection with a diagram

ayoni03 01-30-2014 06:36 AM

Dear Andreas!
Thank you for sharing ..
Regards and all the best!:)

iron1944 01-30-2014 12:11 PM

Can you help me?
How to do MV Alonso TX coil?
What will be the diameter of the coil, the coil wire diameter and number of laps will happen?
Thank you.

ANDREAS 01-30-2014 12:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi all
Next step is omega-coils
attachment PDF
Note1: Original schematic publish Qiaozhi has for Tx coils 12+5+3+12. If you seePDF my omega has 12+3+5+12turns. This is correct.
We need high peaks RF transmitter with low-level modulation signal for better calibration
If we work with 12+5+3+12 turns TX coil you have 100% modulation signal 400-800HZ
with 12+3+5+12 modulation signal has level 45%
Note2:The dimensions are critical , if you want a properly nulling

LRLMAN 01-30-2014 08:43 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Hi Andreas here the image of my omega coil and i have much images of my prototype but I need some help to finish this project I have done many tests with many types of omegas and ferrite coils but I can not achieve to detect a coin at 50 cms as morgan says so I would like might help a little, I think I'm just a bit close to it and I could make the PD detected a magnet at a distance but I need even more distance also able to detect the two components of the phenomena electric and magnetic components.

Here is a picture of the omega coil according to the ohmic resistance pointing by Morgan, I think I'm wrong on some things but I think the whole secret is in the type of turns of the ferrite and the omega maybe i think i am near of make work the Pd alonso.

LRLMAN 01-30-2014 09:02 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Nicolas 01-30-2014 10:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I think your problem dear wiliams are the location of your coils
Firstly you do not have the zero point between the coil they are almost in the same axis we must shift
second one must have a good calibration at the coil with ferrite. it must be adjustable and mobile

LRLMAN 01-31-2014 12:17 AM

Alonso PD
I do not understand what you mean with that william or axis of the coils.
and you observe a position at which the ferrites are with respect to each device omegas?:???:

I think this is the correct position as established by alonso pd.


Nicolas 01-31-2014 04:05 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148388)
I do not understand what you mean with that william or axis of the coils.
and you observe a position at which the ferrites are with respect to each device omegas?:???:

I think this is the correct position as established by alonso pd.


Hi, I mean with >>>>> Wiliams Tim Williams, but I did not write that wrong sorry

I do not think dear Tim becaufe the magnetic chapms are parallel
mean overlap. So to have a zero points must be moved one of them
is the omega coil low ferrite or down as I have represented on your photo

Look Pd Totem that is 100% correct
and this picture by andreas

and ferrite adjustable for calibration

LRLMAN 01-31-2014 04:58 AM

Are you sure?

let me experiment this again though I've done before and when separated much the ferrite antenna from the omega nothing magic happens, but I'll try again with omega coil did in a different way.

But I would also like the opinion of Andreas or someone else

For the confusion.... don't worry

I send you greetings and a strong hug


Nicolas 01-31-2014 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148390)
Are you sure?

let me experiment this again though I've done before and when separated much the ferrite antenna from the omega nothing magic happens, but I'll try again with omega coil did in a different way.

But I would also like the opinion of Andreas or someone else

For the confusion.... don't worry

I send you greetings and a strong hug


Yes dear I agree with you

However, Andreas already mentioned before in this topic see his talk here with Qiaohzi
since comments # 6 and later

I sent you an email before and I'm still waiting for your reply

you saw your inbox?? or you've ignored

I want to remind you again

Qiaozhi 01-31-2014 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148390)
Are you sure?

let me experiment this again though I've done before and when separated much the ferrite antenna from the omega nothing magic happens, but I'll try again with omega coil did in a different way.

But I would also like the opinion of Andreas or someone else

For the confusion.... don't worry

I send you greetings and a strong hug


What Nicolas is saying is that you have the ferrite in a position where it cannot be nulled. TOTeM has the ferrite placed in the null line of the TX coil, as described in ITMD Chapter 14. This null is quite easy to find, but Andreas says there is another null position which requires micro-adjustments to find. Whether this second null position has any benefits over the first, is something you would need to figure out.

hung 01-31-2014 10:17 AM

Ozzy, how come you expect your atari to work since your PD tentative was a complete failure and you know that? Do you think all members here are idiots or just the ones that you want to fool into buying your book?
Your desperate commercial gimmick to your book is pathetic.
Revise you schematic and honestly tell it that thing can possibly work as LRL for gold or whatever buried metal?
Besides, ask that dude who bravely took the chances to build it, if he found anything to date besides random noises?

Gotta go. See ya on tour with your 'black sabath'.:D

Nicolas 01-31-2014 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 148393)
What Nicolas is saying is that you have the ferrite in a position where it cannot be nulled. TOTeM has the ferrite placed in the null line of the TX coil, as described in ITMD Chapter 14. This null is quite easy to find, but Andreas says there is another null position which requires micro-adjustments to find. Whether this second null position has any benefits over the first, is something you would need to figure out.

Strongly agree
very sure he will understand, making experience
It is not Nicolas Tesla :lol::lol::lol:


Nicolas 01-31-2014 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 148396)
Besides, ask that dude who bravely took the chances to build it, if he found anything to date besides random noises?

Gotta go. See ya on tour with your 'black sabath'.:D


'black sabath'.:D
black sabbath
Black boot :lol::lol::lol::lol: :rolleyes::angry:

Qiaozhi 01-31-2014 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 148396)
Ozzy, how come you expect your atari to work since your PD tentative was a complete failure and you know that? Do you think all members here are idiots or just the ones that you want to fool into buying your book?

Hung - how can you comment on a subject you know nothing about?


Originally Posted by hung (Post 148396)
Your desperate commercial gimmick to your book is pathetic.

Anyway, even if you order one, we'll cancel your order. As we would hate you to actually learn something. :lol:


Originally Posted by hung (Post 148396)
Revise you schematic and honestly tell it that thing can possibly work as LRL for gold or whatever buried metal?

As it says in the book: "Unlike the original PD, the TOTeM project is easily replicated with a little care and attention. It easily passes all the laboratory-based tests used by LRL experimenters, and certainly appears to react in the same way as the device in the internet videos. Whether it will lead you to treasure or not is maybe another story, but at least you will have the opportunity to explore the pseudo-scientific world of long range locators for yourself, and make up your own mind on the matter."

There is nothing misleading in the chapter, or any false claims. It is what it is ... an experimental pistol detector ... and you make of it whatever you like. Just remember - here there be dragons!


Originally Posted by hung (Post 148396)
Besides, ask that dude who bravely took the chances to build it, if he found anything to date besides random noises?

Do you have to be brave to build an LRL?

I believe he enjoyed the experience and is still experimenting with the unit. Anyway, he has as much chance of finding something useful with TOTeM, as with any other electronic LRL (including Mineoro or your own Heath Robinson efforts).

An Ozzy Osbourne quote - from I am Ozzy (which somehow seems apt):
“They said I would never write this book.
Well, f**k ’em – ’cos here it is.
All I have to do now is remember something...
Bollocks. I can’t remember anything.”

LRLMAN 01-31-2014 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 148396)
Ozzy, how come you expect your atari to work since your PD tentative was a complete failure and you know that? Do you think all members here are idiots or just the ones that you want to fool into buying your book?
Your desperate commercial gimmick to your book is pathetic.
Revise you schematic and honestly tell it that thing can possibly work as LRL for gold or whatever buried metal?
Besides, ask that dude who bravely took the chances to build it, if he found anything to date besides random noises?

Gotta go. See ya on tour with your 'black sabath'.:D

Hi Mr. Hung, I would like to know your opinion on the exact position of the ferrrita regarding omega coil as I know you did the PD with much success, why do you not helpme a little with this project.

I also have a problem with green led, this does not turn, I do not know if the pcb is something wrong or has led the polarities reversed.

in the device of 6 pcb from alonso, I have dificults to increasing distance detection of a coin with switch in central position working ferrite-omega

but the PD of a single pcb as the Greek Forum, the problem to detect the coins to more distance is less with a distance of a 22 cms with good iron discrimination.

I have a videos i send to qiaozhi or someone else for upload.

Greetings Dr. Hung

ANDREAS 01-31-2014 06:06 PM

Please relax. We have time, step by step we can see all false infos present here from......, about this PD. For example extreme detection a coin. If healthkit receiver work with stability etc etc.
I publish this thread, because i believe is time open a myth and publish here the real possibilities.

Fred 01-31-2014 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148405)
Hi Mr. Hung, I would like to know your opinion on the exact position of the ferrrita regarding omega coil as I know you did the PD with much success, why do you not helpme a little with this project.

:lol: Funny post.

Actually I do have an idea to where Dr Hung would place the ferrite.

Qiaozhi 01-31-2014 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 148409)
:lol: Funny post.

Actually I do have an idea to where Dr Hung would place the ferrite.

I'm not sure it would be well balanced in that position. :oh:

Qiaozhi 01-31-2014 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148407)
Please relax. We have time, step by step we can see all false infos present here from......, about this PD. For example extreme detection a coin. If healthkit receiver work with stability etc etc.
I publish this thread, because i believe is time open a myth and publish here the real possibilities.

Very good. :thumb:

Fred 01-31-2014 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148407)
Please relax. We have time, step by step we can see all false infos present here from......, about this PD. For example extreme detection a coin. If healthkit receiver work with stability etc etc.
I publish this thread, because i believe is time open a myth and publish here the real possibilities.

Thanks Andreas. To find the normal detection as a regular "enhanced " detector, on the edge of stability, will be interesting too.


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 148410)
I'm not sure it would be well balanced in that position. :oh:


LRLMAN 01-31-2014 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148407)
Please relax. We have time, step by step we can see all false infos present here from......, about this PD. For example extreme detection a coin. If healthkit receiver work with stability etc etc.
I publish this thread, because i believe is time open a myth and publish here the real possibilities.

I like that Andreas

I really liked what you said is important to know all the details of this machine to see if in fact if it works or not, I need to finish this project.

I also want to tell you that I have been testing with the PD that which have a single pcb and I detected very erratic way an object buried beneath a planter at a distance of 10 mts, about it i checked the place with a normal metals detector on the spot where the buried object is that the object appears to be large.


LRLMAN 02-01-2014 12:01 AM

Ok Andreas and friends,

Where do we start? for the list of the components of each pcb? or the preparation and calibration of the ferrite, or for the preparation and calibration of omega antenna?

Want to do it here....... or in RS?

Please comment.


ANDREAS 02-01-2014 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148417)
Ok Andreas and friends,

Where do we start? for the list of the components of each pcb? or the preparation and calibration of the ferrite, or for the preparation and calibration of omega antenna?

Want to do it here....... or in RS?

Please comment.


I can present here place feritte with dimensions between omega place.
Anyone can confirm the maximum signal receiving feritte-coil in this place .
I will try to make videos to show that the signal actually becomes zero.
You can see that the position is not :nono: "TOTeM has the ferrite placed in the null line of the TX ...", as reported by Qiaozhi.
If we put feritte in the null line of TX, we have not stimulate omega coil via feritte. In this case we have not on condition regulate all together.
As you know i am not RSforum member, because old time i have many attack from "guru's members knows all :lol:" and they don't publish more infos, because they believe, with own informations i can build a commercial project.
This is a joke for me, then i delete me from RS
The true is, this members never build it, because, if they build it members start a commercial project.
In this case the best choice for me is publish here all infos about PD and your RS forum you can have help, by guru's for more infos about nulling and calibration feritte together with omega coils.
If you have not help in RS forum ( i am sure for it), i can start again.

folharin 02-01-2014 10:04 PM

Friend lrl man.you found object connected omega coil and ferrite or only omega coil?

LRLMAN 02-02-2014 02:47 AM

This sounds good to me andreas we need to start with this and see what happens.

I've seen the videos that you have exposed in your youtube channel about your PD and you can detect some objects and all this is very interesting, I see a video clearly showing the detection of a small magnet and I like a little since my PD also detect a magnet but just to low distance.



LRLMAN 02-02-2014 03:09 AM

Posision of ferrite regarding omega coil

Originally Posted by Fred (Post 148409)
:lol: Funny post.

Actually I do have an idea to where Dr Hung would place the ferrite.

Hello Fred,

Where you think that Dr. Hung would place the ferrite regarding omega coil???? which type of ferrite? because I believe that he was used a different ferrite that was used by Alonso in hes proyect, because the ferrite Alonso used was two flat ferrites and the used by Hung was rounds.


LRLMAN 02-02-2014 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by folharin (Post 148436)
Friend lrl man.you found object connected omega coil and ferrite or only omega coil?

I found some spots and one of them is a metal, i don't know what kind of metal it is, but also was detected by a normal metal detector, this is a big object because was detected by a garrett metal detector with a multipliers for depth Garrett Grand Master Hunter CX II

As I said, I can not know what kind of metal is because it is located below a large round planter and I can not destroy it.

And the PD, must be connected the ferrite-omega together.

The only position of omega working how a metal detector.


ANDREAS 02-02-2014 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148440)

And the PD, must be connected the ferrite-omega together.

The only position of omega working how a metal detector.


No!!! helthkit receiver is important. Later i replace receiver-helthkit with a very-stability new receiver, because, the original helthkit receiver is unstable:frown:.

ANDREAS 02-03-2014 04:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Dimensions between feritte - omega coil.
As you can see feritte is not in the null line of the TX. With experiment you can see feritte-coil has without nulling output signal 150-200mVpp minimum

Qiaozhi 02-03-2014 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148461)
Dimensions between feritte - omega coil.
As you can see feritte is not in the null line of the TX. With experiment you can see feritte-coil has without nulling output signal 150-200mVpp minimum

Are you saying there is another null point at that location, or is the ferrite being nulled by a separate coil?

ANDREAS 02-03-2014 07:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 148465)
Are you saying there is another null point at that location, or is the ferrite being nulled by a separate coil?

I work with your schematic. Attachment pic.
For specific feritte, I use turns in the Plan. I believe they need depending on the magnetic permeability of each feritte we must be experiment with turns. For my clone i use a chinese feritte from AMradio orthogonal 100mm. Yes with microcalibration horizontal axis actually finds a "dead hole" with zero signal. About y axis, i think we need small luck:rolleyes:
Now if we find the dead point and put a 4n7 capacitor pararell with L7 we can see omega coil need caps= 1n+6n8 and receiver coil need 1n+1n8 for best resonate all together in xxxKHZ
Upon verification of capacitors that have the same values as the original plan, we are confident that we have created a clone, working with exactly the same values ​​parts.
I repeat again, the big problem is find this "dead point". I believe Alonso knows exactly the frequency and made arrangements in the Act. I have this opinion, because the location has put feritte (real PD) is ....with hot glue.In this case, maybe he knows near zero-point area and he find the best with practice

Nicolas 02-03-2014 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148467)
I work with your schematic. Attachment pic.
For specific feritte, I use turns in the Plan. I believe they need depending on the magnetic permeability of each feritte we must be experiment with turns. For my clone i use a chinese feritte from AMradio orthogonal 100mm. Yes with microcalibration horizontal axis actually finds a "dead hole" with zero signal. About y axis, i think we need small luck:rolleyes:
Now if we find the dead point and put a 4n7 capacitor pararell with L7 we can see omega coil need caps= 1n+6n8 and receiver coil need 1n+1n8 for best resonate all together in xxxKHZ
Upon verification of capacitors that have the same values as the original plan, we are confident that we have created a clone, working with exactly the same values ​​parts.
I repeat again, the big problem is find this "dead point". I believe Alonso knows exactly the frequency and made arrangements in the Act. I have this opinion, because the location has put feritte (real PD) is ....with hot glue.In this case, maybe he knows near zero-point area and he find the best with practice


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148461)
Dimensions between feritte - omega coil.
As you can see feritte is not in the null line of the TX. With experiment you can see feritte-coil has without nulling output signal 150-200mVpp minimum

Good response Andreas this is the trust and real.
You are the best

ANDREAS 02-03-2014 08:32 PM

A note
Sorry for my false.
I see again schematic publish here #30. I write R50=39K:frown:, please replace R50=390k. Original schematic use R50=470K. I find is better work all together with 390K value

Fred 02-04-2014 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148439)
Hello Fred,

Where you think that Dr. Hung would place the ferrite regarding omega coil???? which type of ferrite? because I believe that he was used a different ferrite that was used by Alonso in hes proyect, because the ferrite Alonso used was two flat ferrites and the used by Hung was rounds.


Well, i think Hung has no clue whatsoever to where to put any ferrite, same as for any technical matter, so my idea about it is non-technical as well and is (perhaps) a secret place.
So to keep it technical, I can say he would probably put it on top of a calculator, or attached to a piece of string and "feel" it pointing to the golden ring or statues he planted nearby.
Nothing useful as you can see...

Fred 02-04-2014 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148467)
I work with your schematic. Attachment pic.
For specific feritte, I use turns in the Plan. I believe they need depending on the magnetic permeability of each feritte we must be experiment with turns.

Hi, Andreas,
what do you think about the final principle of it ?
The way you explain it, it look like you are building a very compact kind of two-boxes detector, finding an extremely tiny null, very close to the Tx loop.
Do you think it could be? And that a detector in such a configuration has something special?

Nicolas 02-04-2014 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 148476)
Hi, Andreas,
what do you think about the final principle of it ?
The way you explain it, it look like you are building a very compact kind of two-boxes detector, finding an extremely tiny null, very close to the Tx loop.
Do you think it could be? And that a detector in such a configuration has something special?

Only to tire people's hands. for both boxes nothing special. and only for gold. ansi we do not know what prices are
I think this is unitul unless it is at least a long range. So it becomes a bit special as traditional.
I'm with you Fred about this quetion

ANDREAS 02-04-2014 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 148476)
Hi, Andreas,
what do you think about the final principle of it ?
The way you explain it, it look like you are building a very compact kind of two-boxes detector, finding an extremely tiny null, very close to the Tx loop.
Do you think it could be? And that a detector in such a configuration has something special?

Hi Fred
Yes this unit has something special. With this special null, unit detect very easy magnetic piece. My first experiments, unit detect very easy aluminium piece 6 meters distance, 30cm depth (i don't know how old is this alu-piece) and the strange for me.. if detect magnetic-piece unit stop detect magnetic lines from earth.
Joke is ... with perfect calibration all together coils-housing detect one euro ONLY 12CM DISTANCE.
I remember some members say here.. unit can detect a coin 20,30,40..cm distance. Maybe detect capacitor-phenomenon via hands and believes detect coin, because if don't make fine calibration produce this capacitor phenomenon.
For me this unit has many interest points and work same method other unit "name englishPDfor gold"
I try find free time and fine weather for external tests

GOLDEN LILLY 02-04-2014 06:58 AM

Hi Andreas,

Between PD and the Crypton, which is better in terms of range of detection?


ANDREAS 02-04-2014 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by aulook (Post 148480)
Hi Andreas,

Between PD and the Crypton, which is better in terms of range of detection?


Hi aulook
we have two units with different philosophy. I cannot find something same, only alarm circuit is same
My opinion. Many -many engineers try build alonsoPD withouts results. Only a greek engineer build a PD (name magicPD), but he use only receiver helthkit with a big ferrite (without feritte-coils) and maybe have small results.
Few months ago, i build an other myth (name englishPD) with perfect results. In this case i use a special feritte, because englishPD the secret is the special feritte.
Now i can see AlonsoPD and english PD has same philoshophy (method detection).
If i understand well ..what happen inside , for me is possible 30% build a PD only for gold.
I have a personall theory, but sometimes i have not answers for my questions.. who knows!
I know only one now, this extreme units need special CAD labs for produce same results. In this case i understand well now, why amateurs cannot build, but only with luck sometimes build a real unit.

Fred 02-04-2014 01:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Thanks Andreas.
As I said before, and by your observations, it also looks like the PD could work on the fluxgate magnetometer principle...
Some said that the magnetometer effect should be nulled out to "work" properly.
However, the main question remains: What is "working" ...

Attachment 18784Attachment 18785


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148478)
Hi Fred
Yes this unit has something special. With this special null, unit detect very easy magnetic piece. My first experiments, unit detect very easy aluminium piece 6 meters distance, 30cm depth (i don't know how old is this alu-piece) and the strange for me.. if detect magnetic-piece unit stop detect magnetic lines from earth.
Joke is ... with perfect calibration all together coils-housing detect one euro ONLY 12CM DISTANCE.
I remember some members say here.. unit can detect a coin 20,30,40..cm distance. Maybe detect capacitor-phenomenon via hands and believes detect coin, because if don't make fine calibration produce this capacitor phenomenon.
For me this unit has many interest points and work same method other unit "name englishPDfor gold"
I try find free time and fine weather for external tests

Goldmaxx 02-04-2014 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148482)
I know only one now, this extreme units need special CAD labs for produce same results. In this case i understand well now,
why amateurs cannot build, but only with luck sometimes build a real unit.

Hello Andreas
I like your project and would like to add something.
I'm no electronics expert, but with CAD its not a probem and can help you.
If it is helpful, I can construct you a 3D model with exact data of the Clone AlonsoPD with all what you need and place at to disposal here in the forum.
So it could be everyone watch, or measure it himself.

What do you think, that would be a helpful?

Best Regards

ANDREAS 02-05-2014 11:23 AM

Hi Goldmaxx
I like your project and would like to add something.
This is not my project , i build only a real clone
I'm no electronics expert, but with CAD its not a probem and can help you.
Thank you very much about your help. I have not problem with CAD, because it's my job, the problem (not for me), but others members is.. they have not machines work via CAD for build materials
If it is helpful, I can construct you a 3D model with exact data of the Clone AlonsoPD with all what you need and place at to disposal here in the forum.
So it could be everyone watch, or measure it himself.

In this case i think you need a cdr file (corel) by me and with this file you can make a 3D model for. I think this 3D model can be helpful more members

Goldmaxx 02-05-2014 02:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Andreas

Thank you for the quick response.
I can construct 3D CAD model and create a 3D pdf file from this model.
A 3D pdf can anyone who has the adobe reader (latest version) installed open and watch it.
You can rotate the model, zoom, represent parts in show or noshow and the most important, measure the parts and distances.
I think it is helpful for anyone here in the forum.


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148512)
In this case i think you need a cdr file (corel) by me and with this file you can make a 3D model for. I think this 3D model can be helpful more members

Yes, to create a 3D model, I need cdr files or drawings with dimensions from you.
If it is helpful, and it's okay for you, I will send you my email, so can you send me the data.

At that time, I've made for the Totem casing one.
I post it here again, and you can test it.

If you open it, first click with the left mouse button on the image to activate it and then you can rotate it with the left mouse button and zoom with the right, or scroll wheel.
At the top of the screen is the toolbar, you'll find all the tools to measure, make cuts and everything else.

Have fun with it.


LRLMAN 02-06-2014 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148478)
Hi Fred
Yes this unit has something special. With this special null, unit detect very easy magnetic piece. My first experiments, unit detect very easy aluminium piece 6 meters distance, 30cm depth (i don't know how old is this alu-piece) and the strange for me.. if detect magnetic-piece unit stop detect magnetic lines from earth.
Joke is ... with perfect calibration all together coils-housing detect one euro ONLY 12CM DISTANCE.
I remember some members say here.. unit can detect a coin 20,30,40..cm distance. Maybe detect capacitor-phenomenon via hands and believes detect coin, because if don't make fine calibration produce this capacitor phenomenon.
For me this unit has many interest points and work same method other unit "name englishPDfor gold"
I try find free time and fine weather for external tests

Andreas, how many centimeters has a 1 euro coin?

one of the two units that I have built, only detected a silver coin of 3.5 cm diameter to 15 or 18 cm away from the coil in the single mode omega.

This unit is it only has a PCB because the 6 PCB alonso unit can't detects more distance for the coin.

LRLMAN 02-06-2014 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148542)
Andreas, how many centimeters has a 1 euro coin?

one of the two units that I have built, only detected a silver coin of 3.5 cm diameter to 15 or 18 cm away from the coil in the single mode omega.

This unit is it only has a PCB because the 6 PCB alonso unit can't detects more distance for the coin.

This is the type of the coin, that I say is the biggest on image in the left side

LRLMAN 02-06-2014 01:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This is the image:

LRLMAN 02-06-2014 04:12 AM

Andreas, Another thing, the omega coil that I did, have the followings sizes :

TX: 8.5 cm diameter with his small center of the omega have 4 cm diameter
magnet wire of 0.30 mm (0.29 mm here in mexico) with series 9+6+5+9 turns.

RX: 4 cm diameter, with magnet wire 0.20mm with 26+26 turns.

The turns that I put to the TX and RX antennas, was because morgan gave the values ​​measured in ohms and only with those amounts of turns and the measures of wire magnet i could get that values, I could never get those ohmic values ​​with the type of magnet wire and amounts of turns that morgan said.

Dave J. 02-06-2014 05:05 AM

Interesting post, Fred (fluxgate mag)
Back in the 1980's I build a bipolar pulse induction metal detector that worked fine with an air core searchcoil. I replaced it with a ferrite rod "probe" type searchcoil and was surprised to discover that it had become very sensitive to earth field-- I'd inadvertently constructed a fluxgate magnetometer.

--Dave J.

ANDREAS 02-06-2014 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148542)
Andreas, how many centimeters has a 1 euro coin?

one of the two units that I have built, only detected a silver coin of 3.5 cm diameter to 15 or 18 cm away from the coil in the single mode omega.

This unit is it only has a PCB because the 6 PCB alonso unit can't detects more distance for the coin.

If we have perfect regulation all together max detection one euro coin is 10-12cm distance

ANDREAS 02-06-2014 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148549)
Andreas, Another thing, the omega coil that I did, have the followings sizes :

TX: 8.5 cm diameter with his small center of the omega have 4 cm diameter
magnet wire of 0.30 mm (0.29 mm here in mexico) with series 9+6+5+9 turns.

RX: 4 cm diameter, with magnet wire 0.20mm with 26+26 turns.

The turns that I put to the TX and RX antennas, was because morgan gave the values ​​measured in ohms and only with those amounts of turns and the measures of wire magnet i could get that values, I could never get those ohmic values ​​with the type of magnet wire and amounts of turns that morgan said.

The turns coils on feritte depends on the magnetic permeability of feritte.
Need for experiments or more luck
About omega coil , this is a helthkit, my opinion need replace with a better stability schematic. I don't like it

ANDREAS 02-06-2014 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dave J. (Post 148550)
Back in the 1980's I build a bipolar pulse induction metal detector that worked fine with an air core searchcoil. I replaced it with a ferrite rod "probe" type searchcoil and was surprised to discover that it had become very sensitive to earth field-- I'd inadvertently constructed a fluxgate magnetometer.

--Dave J.

Hi Dave J.
Maybe you are correct, but is not exactly this. As i say few posts ago, i have a personall theory, but i have not answers for all my questions

LRLMAN 02-06-2014 06:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148378)
Hi all
Next step is omega-coils
attachment PDF
Note1: Original schematic publish Qiaozhi has for Tx coils 12+5+3+12. If you seePDF my omega has 12+3+5+12turns. This is correct.
We need high peaks RF transmitter with low-level modulation signal for better calibration
If we work with 12+5+3+12 turns TX coil you have 100% modulation signal 400-800HZ
with 12+3+5+12 modulation signal has level 45%
Note2:The dimensions are critical , if you want a properly nulling

Andreas, i have some doubts and confusions, I have a question about this drawing that you present here are the measurements of the small coil that goes inside the omega TX; in this picture I see a TX and if I'm seeing good, it appears that within the circle is the RX coil to 35 mm?

So where is the small circle of omega TX coil and what measures should have this regarding the large coil TX?

also should measure 35 mm in diameter?

because if so then from where the 27.56 mm distance?

Dave J. 02-06-2014 06:47 AM

The circuit block diagram of a bipolar PI is just about the same as that of the typical fluxgate.

LRLMAN 02-06-2014 07:06 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148556)
The turns coils on feritte depends on the magnetic permeability of feritte.
Need for experiments or more luck
About omega coil , this is a helthkit, my opinion need replace with a better stability schematic. I don't like it

Ok Andreas then you are saying here that the type of omega inside morgan present of the head PD Alonso should be replaced by another type of TX and RX coils? may be for 2 doble OO?

Like as showed Esteban in an ancient thread or such as you did in your prototype that worked better?

like next images:

Or change the schematic and components???

LRLMAN 02-06-2014 07:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)

I also have doubts about the position of the ferrites with respect to the direction where this points in cloned prototypes, if you look.... all ferrites are always pointing to the wires that going in the direction to the TX and RX omega coil,

electronically has something to do this for a good detection of this device?

see next image:

ANDREAS 02-06-2014 12:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148560)
Andreas, i have some doubts and confusions, I have a question about this drawing that you present here are the measurements of the small coil that goes inside the omega TX; in this picture I see a TX and if I'm seeing good, it appears that within the circle is the RX coil to 35 mm?

So where is the small circle of omega TX coil and what measures should have this regarding the large coil TX?

also should measure 35 mm in diameter?

because if so then from where the 27.56 mm distance?

Attachment pdf file.
Red lines is turns wires. Up for omega coil and down for receiver coil
Black lines is forms-driver for coils

Nicolas 02-06-2014 10:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
If I good understand Andreas mean this

the RX is in center of TX? If not correct me

LRLMAN 02-07-2014 02:23 AM

sizes of OMEGA
1 Attachment(s)
Hi Andreas Sorry for so many questions about, but the questions are many to finish this PD properly and to see if it work or not,.. if not then stop this project.

although the idea is to start make a different omega which that I have
to advance in this PD.

I have some more questions about the omega image:

LRLMAN 02-07-2014 02:27 AM

I think all these questions are very important for making a perfect omega with some accuracy in order to give the PD a high performance.

ANDREAS 02-07-2014 07:13 PM

Today (nw i am out my base), i export a PDFfile scale 1:1 via CAD. You need only print this and you have real dimensions for omega coil and Rx coil

LRLMAN 02-07-2014 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148623)
Today (nw i am out my base), i export a PDFfile scale 1:1 via CAD. You need only print this and you have real dimensions for omega coil and Rx coil

Hey Andreas that sounds much better,

Yesterday I connected to PD an Omega coil equal that which morgan exposed in RS for his device but not detected little more distance than the omega I did, only 12 or 15 cms distance for coin similar diameter to 1 Euro

OMEGA MORGAN: TX: 5-2-2-5 and RX: 14+14 or 30+30 all magnet wire was to 0.15mm

handling this wire is very difficult, this is very thin

ANDREAS 02-08-2014 02:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148627)
Hey Andreas that sounds much better,

Yesterday I connected to PD an Omega coil equal that which morgan exposed in RS for his device but not detected little more distance than the omega I did, only 12 or 15 cms distance for coin similar diameter to 1 Euro

OMEGA MORGAN: TX: 5-2-2-5 and RX: 14+14 or 30+30 all magnet wire was to 0.15mm

handling this wire is very difficult, this is very thin

Attachment PDF files. Print this and you have real dimensions about coils
About magnet wire don't need is a myth. Simple coil-wire is enough.
On information in the RS forum you believe there is truth;
I don't think. I'm sure Morgan and his friends, he gave affairs and opinions, just because .... don't know or they don't build this PD by members (Especially for my person, fear units production:lol:). I think they knows only the operating frequency of the original PD and I say this, because, using the same frequency in PDK

ayoni03 02-08-2014 03:15 PM

Hi Andreas Sorry for so many questions about AlonsoPD.
Can you explain please how to connected omega tx coil for transmiter. Transmitter board on the 3 pole for Omega coil ,this is 5 pole 12+3+5+12 :frown:
Best regards..

Nicolas 02-08-2014 06:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ayoni03 (Post 148641)
Hi Andreas Sorry for so many questions about AlonsoPD.
Can you explain please how to connected omega tx coil for transmiter. Transmitter board on the 3 pole for Omega coil ,this is 5 pole 12+3+5+12 :frown:
Best regards..

I think same this

ayoni03 02-09-2014 02:32 PM

Hi Nicolas ,
Thank you very much for reply...İt is same vlf detector..maybe..
All the best....:)

reza vir 02-10-2014 07:22 AM

Thanks ANDREAS and Friends :)

folharin 02-10-2014 11:37 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18815Attachment 18816

frequency l1[uh] L1 L2

40KHZ-100KHZ 60MH 4500TURNS 45turns
150khz-450khz 4mh 550turns 20turns
1mhz=3mhz 100uh 65turns 7turns

Goldmaxx 02-11-2014 07:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Andreas
I wanted start to produce the PCBs and have a question for the transmitter PCB.

In the schematic, is a resistor R7 drawn, but on the PCB is it not available.
Is that right?

Best Regards


ANDREAS 02-11-2014 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Goldmaxx (Post 148720)
Hi Andreas
I wanted start to produce the PCBs and have a question for the transmitter PCB.

In the schematic, is a resistor R7 drawn, but on the PCB is it not available.
Is that right?

Best Regards


Yes is correct. I put out R7, because, sometimes need value R7=10K or R7=6K8. With this tip i can make replace very easy this resistor, before i am sure the standard value R7=8K2
Please wait small time. I need free time and fine weather for video's for publish here more infos

folharin 02-11-2014 08:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18820

omega coil

detect coin 20cm

Qiaozhi 02-11-2014 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by folharin (Post 148723)

omega coil

detect coin 20cm

That's not an omega coil. It's an OO coil with the loops having different diameters.

folharin 02-11-2014 08:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18822

circuit signal generator 68 khz pistol detect 3,4 meters

Goldmaxx 02-11-2014 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148721)
Yes is correct. I put out R7, because, sometimes need value R7=10K or R7=6K8. With this tip i can make replace very easy this resistor, before i am sure the standard value R7=8K2
Please wait small time. I need free time and fine weather for video's for publish here more infos

Okay, very good Andreas. Many thanks for your quick reply and tip, I'll be waiting for your new infos.
Wish you all the best

Nicolas 02-11-2014 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by folharin (Post 148726)
Attachment 18822

circuit signal generator 68 khz pistol detect 3,4 meters


Hi dear what you said???? is not trust:nono::nono::nono::nono: please

May i ask what is the purpose of the circuit, (except scaring mosquitoes) ?


DrTech 02-12-2014 04:22 AM

The Generator
Andreas, A signal generator can be used with the PD locate a treasure. or Pulse Induction Detector may make stronger the phenomenon that can be detected for PD..

ANDREAS 02-12-2014 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by DrTech (Post 148734)
Andreas, A signal generator can be used with the PD locate a treasure. or Pulse Induction Detector may make stronger the phenomenon that can be detected for PD..

I don't know if alonsoPD need a external signal generator or PI for stimulate a target.
I think don't need.

folharin 02-12-2014 09:30 AM

I did this circuit just to see how it behaves pd with a sign around 68 khz

LRLMAN 02-16-2014 02:56 AM

Hi Friends, Hello Andreas,

I tell you that i did the coil exposed by Andreas but without good results
this detects much less distance than the omega coil I made ​​earlier,

I've been looking a lot of information about how to make an omega coil and reviewing many images and found in my papers a document to Andy Flind where is the way to make a bobin omega compensated for a metal detector and catches my attention because this omega Andy has other features elaborate and I think this could help us develop even on a smaller scale an omega coil but need help from someone here on the forum who can do calculus to make it equal to that of andy but in a smaller size perhaps about 8 or 9 cms. diameter

this is important because the omega coil exposed by Andy I think this well balanced in its measures as should be a real coil omega because maybe this can work well in the Alonso PD.


ANDREAS 02-16-2014 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148830)
Hi Friends, Hello Andreas,

I tell you that i did the coil exposed by Andreas but without good results
this detects much less distance than the omega coil I made ​​earlier....................
this is important because the omega coil exposed by Andy I think this well balanced in its measures as should be a real coil omega because maybe this can work well in the Alonso PD.


As you can see #89 ......with perfect calibration all together coils-housing detect one euro ONLY 12CM DISTANCE..
Alonso PD don't work as a real MD detector, but as LRL
If you replace C4 (see #116) with value <10nF, you have more distance detection.
Ofcourse with C4=100pF... 470pF you have best distance detection.
I made this clone with the true values ​​of the components posted here few years ago.
I saw this is real "distance detection" of omega-coils when everything configured correctly. In this case we have a real LRL and a "poor" MD.
You can ask the morgan. He has the original PD, he know well the real distance detection and measurement real frequency tune. If he publish real infos (Rs forum), i don't know, because, i am not member
My opinion... he never publish real infos or he cannot build a real clone (i am sure for this)
If we want a better MD section, ofcourse we can replace with other schematics.
I think later i replace this section

detectoman 02-16-2014 04:04 PM

hello guys, put the tx in lrl detection, help for a little most distance range, and most directional precision, too for most centre habilities, but any persons say, the tx near of the metals point, due hig tension oscillations can null the field of electrons around the objetive buried, how a short circuit, then you see all signal dissapared, morgan say the tx help for can be detected in minor size objects

LRLMAN 02-16-2014 05:31 PM

Hi Detectoman, how are you man, tienes toda la razon hacerca de lo que dices y que milagro que te veo aqui, que hay de nuevo hombre ya terminaste tu PD? he visto algunos videos tuyos en you tube de un equipo que hiciste se ve muy curioso pero bien, un saludo

You're right in your said, a miracle for me see you here, what's new man, finish your PD? I've seen some of your videos on you tube of a device that you did, this looks very funny but good


detectoman 02-16-2014 05:36 PM

hello lrlman, regards today i have a medium" range in right function, and other one in succes vies and 4 others in process, sayme what you from, may be we interchange opinions

detectoman 02-16-2014 08:43 PM

ups lrlman: where you from * :)

LRLMAN 02-16-2014 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by detectoman (Post 148846)
ups lrlman: where you from * :)

Detectoman Excuse me, I from here Mexico, Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan.

and you?

LRLMAN 02-16-2014 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148831)
As you can see #89 ......with perfect calibration all together coils-housing detect one euro ONLY 12CM DISTANCE..
Alonso PD don't work as a real MD detector, but as LRL
If you replace C4 (see #116) with value <10nF, you have more distance detection.
Ofcourse with C4=100pF... 470pF you have best distance detection.
I made this clone with the true values ​​of the components posted here few years ago.
I saw this is real "distance detection" of omega-coils when everything configured correctly. In this case we have a real LRL and a "poor" MD.
You can ask the morgan. He has the original PD, he know well the real distance detection and measurement real frequency tune. If he publish real infos (Rs forum), i don't know, because, i am not member
My opinion... he never publish real infos or he cannot build a real clone (i am sure for this)
If we want a better MD section, ofcourse we can replace with other schematics.
I think later i replace this section

Ok Andreas,

Well then where we start again?

I need you to know some things about my experiences with the developing of my PD'S before starting with all this.

1 - I have two PD, one with six PCB’s and the other with a single PCB as presented in the Greek forum ok?

2 - The single PCB PD is more stable than the six PCB’s.

3 – In the PD single PCB I put two flat ferrites Alonso identical to his PD pistol.

4- In the PD six PCB’s, I put two round ferrites of 6 cms. long each one by 1 cms thick.

5 - The schematic I used for the two PD’s was exactly the same in RS by Qiaozhi version 1.20 because it had corrected the polarity of the capacitor # 33 uF 10.

6 - the omega coil and ferrite were made with almost the same omhics resistance just with different calibers magnet wires (for coil omega only) because the coil ferrite I put the same type of wire 0.30 mm but with a different turns quantity to that exposed in RS ;

It is important to say that the way that I did for winding ferrite was different from that presented in RS because with the turns exposed in RS never detect a small magnet or just to 1cm away from the ferrite, but with the new way of laps that I put on a ferrite, this detected the small magnet to 20 Cms. away from the ferrite, and only when the PD is working together Omega-Ferrite; I've also noticed that the magnet is detected by the omega, in only omega mode, but only in a shorter distance away maybe about 7 cms.

7- When I adjust the two PD's and pointed toward the ground, the pistol beeps in direction to the soil detect the capacitance of the soil and I don’t know if this is normal or how can I fix this, I've been seeing information exposed by Esteban about it but i don’t understand what he says of how to correct this detail; Esteban says: We can find a good compromise between the both (sky and soil)” and he say that
I have to change wire the ends of the RX: Invert extremes of receiver coil and put your hand in both sides of rec. coil, time by time. You note in one extreme capacitive effect (a kind of null) when you put your hand. If the capacitive effect is produced in down part (this is, a kind of null), invert the connections of the extremes of the rec. Coil. Is better the increasing of audio in the down part when you put your hand, this is, the part of rec. Coil near the soil”.

This efect is normal or not? Is good or bad?????

8- I notice that in the two PD's green LEDs do not light at any time and in any way and I think that something is wrong may be reversed polarity of these, could you help me a little on this? maybe with some schematic correct, and as I was saying I have no knowledge of electronics I understand very little I'm no EE here in México I'm just business manager or public accountant but I am very interested in completing these projects, not for sale of devices but for personal use because I know many places here, which might have some interesting things to discover.

I have seen with my own eyes what they can do the Alonso lrl’s when he was here a few years ago
I am sure that these well calibrated equipment can do good things

9- The PD one PCB have a potentiometer multiturn 50 k.

10- The PD Six PCB’s have a potentiometer one turn 50 k.

All this is to begin to get an idea of ​​what I did, I would like you to show the full Schematic in one piece or as exposed by Qiaozhi since I have some confusion regarding the schematic that you exposed in the area of the coil connections to omega, because the RX of Qiaozhi Schematic of 1.20 has three wires and i see only two in your schem., and TX coil has 5 wires which I can’t see on your schematic, i only see 3 connections.
Anyway I will try to analyze it with the schematic of Qiaozhi.



detectoman 02-16-2014 11:19 PM

lrman and all, the sky-ground effect was for me a big problem when i building the pd whit rx & omega, the original pd circuit are very versatile, whit other coil recipes, then also you have a great diversity of present phenomens whit each distinct maners of make your circuits or power measures, lrman i am in chihuahua mexico but today no have very much time for my lrls or experiments due my busy particular works, the sky effect can dissapared changing whit other coils recipes, also the sky effect automatic dissapared when the pd go at stabilzed function, then came devenue sensitive stabilized lrange detection, the pd have very much secret of operations semms easy but isnt sometimes

folharin 03-12-2014 08:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18880
this scheme published by max morgan and that made reverse engineering are changed schema components made ​​by quiaozhi version 1.19

folharin 03-12-2014 08:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18881

this scheme has changed the components and coil omega I believe that number is not correct to aspire
12 +3 +5 +12 is Heathkit gd 348.small diameter coil requires a greater number of turns of wire

folharin 03-19-2014 02:44 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18908Attachment 18909

pd alonso 6 pcb correction circuit omega coil original heathkit gd 348

folharin 03-19-2014 02:46 PM

I am part ferrite to build

folharin 03-19-2014 02:48 PM

can someone help me on the original mica capacitors 348 gd hard to find may be replaced by capacitor polyester?

folharin 03-19-2014 03:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18910

this key seems strange!, does she lack terminal connects only ferrite and only omega or connect two together?

folharin 03-19-2014 05:51 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18911Attachment 18912

tests done on the same key used in 3 positions pd show that omega loop and ferrite are always linked in position 1 and 3.This key is the same as dch not change anything

brs 03-20-2014 02:48 PM


folharin 03-23-2014 07:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18920
can someone tell me if this is correct? orange and yellow wire?

folharin 03-24-2014 07:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
maybe this is correct...Attachment 18930

ANDREAS 07-29-2014 07:01 AM

Last year i have a mail by seden if is possible drawing a PD only for gold.
This is a point very interest for me and ofcourse i try find solution for this.
For experiments i use my real clone alonsoPD with full modifications (for example change MD section with other circuit stability), build a new sensor via lathe and laser cutter.
After two months study and build many-many prototypes sensors, i think find solution. The big problem again is calibration all together. In this case i use other way for find delicate for all work together.
Joke !!! i know very well what i need for calibration and all steps for fine tune, but in practice after three days without results, i find solution (very difficult)

Please look video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1alv...ature=youtu.be
This is not dream, but real. No ground or sky effects. No detections earth lines
The unit is very-very stability and silence for other metals.
Interest is PD work without motion or very-very slow motion

Nicolas 07-29-2014 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 149711)
Last year i have a mail by seden if is possible drawing a PD only for gold.
This is a point very interest for me and ofcourse i try find solution for this.
For experiments i use my real clone alonsoPD with full modifications (for example change MD section with other circuit stability), build a new sensor via lathe and laser cutter.
After two months study and build many-many prototypes sensors, i think find solution. The big problem again is calibration all together. In this case i use other way for find delicate for all work together.
Joke !!! i know very well what i need for calibration and all steps for fine tune, but in practice after three days without results, i find solution (very difficult)

Please look video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1alv...ature=youtu.be
This is not dream, but real. No ground or sky effects. No detections earth lines
The unit is very-very stability and silence for other metals.
Interest is PD work without motion or very-very slow motion

Great work my friend. I wish you good luck and too much improvement in your project. If we can detect from distance 5m we can detect also from 50 m and maybe 5 km or over:D.

DrTech 08-05-2014 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 149711)
Last year i have a mail by seden if is possible drawing a PD only for gold.
This is a point very interest for me and ofcourse i try find solution for this.
For experiments i use my real clone alonsoPD with full modifications (for example change MD section with other circuit stability), build a new sensor via lathe and laser cutter.
After two months study and build many-many prototypes sensors, i think find solution. The big problem again is calibration all together. In this case i use other way for find delicate for all work together.
Joke !!! i know very well what i need for calibration and all steps for fine tune, but in practice after three days without results, i find solution (very difficult)

Please look video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1alv...ature=youtu.be
This is not dream, but real. No ground or sky effects. No detections earth lines
The unit is very-very stability and silence for other metals.
Interest is PD work without motion or very-very slow motion

Congratulations Andreas for your project, the new modification is in the RX or TX, I'm working with a LED transmitter but has not given me good results, such as a magnet detects 30cm.

ANDREAS 08-05-2014 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by DrTech (Post 149730)
Congratulations Andreas for your project, the new modification is in the RX or TX, I'm working with a LED transmitter but has not given me good results, such as a magnet detects 30cm.

Thank you for your wishes.
Modifications has all circuits. In practice don't need calibration by electronics via potentiometers alarm windows etc, but calibration via tune every new searching place. I need a final big test 15 august (of course with video), before i am sure for stability this unit.
Of course need more experiments for find minimum buried time a sample for detection.
I know PD can detect three very small gold-ring and a gold coin two months old buried, but is not enough
Notes here.
I understand now , why some members (top engineers for me) cannot build one. Here we have a mix electronic and cad with critical setting all together.
Please look again video. My prototype has many external mechanics regulators for find best points in practice
I understand now why never build a real clone by members. Sometime i believe the original PD has not a perfect calibration, because with hands and a electronic lab cannot make this.
Αbout detecting magnet. This is not really criterion, because a perfect calibration PD has low SENSITIVITY for all external sources
The second half august. I send prototypes for full testing other countries.
If they have success, this is a first real world long range detector only for gold.
best regards

FrancoItaly 08-05-2014 10:10 AM

Hi Andreas

Very good work, I followed another path for my LRL and I do not have many opportunities to tune only the gold, I have already changed the internal oscillator frequency from 3 to 10Mhz without appreciable changes. But I have a question, are you sure that the revelation of gold is only a general decrease in sensitivity as the gold emits a signal of greater intensity than other metals?

Best Regards

ANDREAS 08-05-2014 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 149732)
Hi Andreas

But I have a question, are you sure that the revelation of gold is only a general decrease in sensitivity as the gold emits a signal of greater intensity than other metals?

Best Regards

Hi Franco
Thank you very much
Negative! gold don't emits a greater signal. I am sure now, this signal is lowest, But if i understand well, we have here a "tuning fork" in a very small range band frequency.
In practice, my PD have not low sensitivity, but reject all no interesting bands via a strange filter design by me.
I know well all members try find a formula with experiments to false or not false.
But here need more. The time is near after ten days i can know more.
best regards

FrancoItaly 08-05-2014 11:53 AM

Hi Andreas

If I understand correctly your filter passes only the "phenomenon" generated by gold. Do you think your filter also works with other types of lrl? For example my LRL? I have tried different filters on my LRL placed between the antenna and the input of lrl, I tried different types of diodes, silicon, germanium (even the old style contact tip called a cat's whisker) and also the Schottky type, I also tried various capacity capacitors in series with the antenna but I had no results. Surely you have made a breakthrough in the understanding of the phenomenon.

Best Regards

ANDREAS 08-05-2014 01:44 PM

If I understand correctly your filter passes only the "phenomenon" generated by gold.

Correct, but i need more time , before i am sure. In this case i have program send prototypes other countries for more experiments

Do you think your filter also works with other types of lrl?

I don't know. Logical don't work. LRL with passive receiver cannot use this method, but later i try.. maybe i find solution if is possible

For example my LRL? I have tried different filters on my LRL placed between the antenna and the input of lrl, I tried different types of diodes, silicon, germanium (even the old style contact tip called a cat's whisker) and also the Schottky type, I also tried various capacity capacitors in series with the antenna but I had no results.

Correct . As i write last posts, we have a mix electronics and mechanics design. Critical is micro setting dimensions. For example +/- 0,01mm.

Surely you have made a breakthrough in the understanding of the phenomenon.

Interesting for me is... phenomenon work with full discrimination. Sometimes i think ... this is a dream. Sometimes i think .. my eyes "see" false results. In this case i play again video and i try find my false. I have "lost my sleep" before i make a final test date 15 august for sure.
best regards

FrancoItaly 08-05-2014 04:07 PM

Hi Andreas

Should know something more about the "phenomenon" in order to distinguish gold from other metals. I also spent a lot of time to try to learn more. Since the phenomenon is revealed by Lrls that work with different principles you may think that it is acting on "broadband", that his energy has magnetic properties, electrical and optical properties, or perhaps more. Which known energy has these features? You talk about micro setting dimensions and this suggests to microwaves and infrared, and also to radioactive isotopes. On the other hand the low frequencies of operation of Lrls suggest also to a low-frequency component of the phenomenon. The isotopes gun of Dr. Bickel was based on the principle that the metals buried many years emitt isotopes that can be detected at a distance. Maybe he was talking about isotopes because he did not know or did not want to reveal the nature of the phenomenon. His instrument was very similar to a magnetometer and could be used by an aircraft in flight, so it was very sensitive. Moreover, each metal has an emission of isotopes that is different from the other metals, it is a sort of signature that allows to discriminate eg gold from other metals. If this is true it is no doubt that even a LRL can do the same thing.

Best Regards

hung 08-05-2014 04:11 PM

My friend Andreas.
I believe that what you have done was building a mechanical filter nulling adjustment to position the ferrite in a similar way the front loop RX coil is required, to avoid ferrous metals in relation to the omega TX coil. Tough this might work at some extent and reject ferrous and some non ferrous metals, if you do not employ an added bias filtering specific for gold, it will be very hard for you to eliminate silver, copper or bronze. This mechanical adjustment of ferrite is a primitive way of selecting only gold, when a much better and hassle free procedure is to electronically 'trap' its 'magnetic signature', if you know what I mean.
Also, since a LRL is to be taken in the field under hard conditions and subject to bumps, a mechanical adjustment of key components might well get ruined very easily.

My schedule is still too tight but I hope soon I will be able to show here the couple of devices I have been developing including the MX8, with a kind of technology I still have not seen in any LRL so far.

WM6 08-05-2014 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 149737)

.... a much better and hassle free procedure is to electronically 'trap' its 'magnetic signature', if you know what I mean.

Do you know what you mean?

Bill512 08-05-2014 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 149736)
Hi Andreas

Should know something more about the "phenomenon" in order to distinguish gold from other metals. I also spent a lot of time to try to learn more. Since the phenomenon is revealed by Lrls that work with different principles you may think that it is acting on "broadband", that his energy has magnetic properties, electrical and optical properties, or perhaps more. Which known energy has these features? You talk about micro setting dimensions and this suggests to microwaves and infrared, and also to radioactive isotopes. On the other hand the low frequencies of operation of Lrls suggest also to a low-frequency component of the phenomenon. The isotopes gun of Dr. Bickel was based on the principle that the metals buried many years emitt isotopes that can be detected at a distance. Maybe he was talking about isotopes because he did not know or did not want to reveal the nature of the phenomenon. His instrument was very similar to a magnetometer and could be used by an aircraft in flight, so it was very sensitive. Moreover, each metal has an emission of isotopes that is different from the other metals, it is a sort of signature that allows to discriminate eg gold from other metals. If this is true it is no doubt that even a LRL can do the same thing.

Best Regards

Hi Franco,
according to some old posts, here in this forum, the "isotopes gun of Dr. Bickel" , was a very sensitive gamma spectrometer, which is a well known instrument.

ANDREAS 08-05-2014 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 149737)
My friend Andreas.
I believe that what you have...... LRL so far.

Hi Hung
Nice to see you
it will be very hard for you to eliminate silver, copper or bronze.
Please look again video. I have not signals from silver,copper or bronze. You must be sure, before buried gold rings and gold coins i buried some foils from silver and many scraps from copper and bronze. I make a real test place with all parasitics and scraps and of course very near 220V ac camples
... is a primitive way of selecting only gold,
Of course you are correct. The best way is hot-glue as we can see inside orginal PD by Alonso. In this case use lathe , lazer, cad ,pcb program are primitive
when a much better and hassle free procedure is to electronically 'trap' its 'magnetic signature', if you know what I mean.
Few years ago try esteban with this. I think there is a better way
Also, since a LRL is to be taken in the field under hard conditions and subject to bumps, a mechanical adjustment of key components might well get ruined very easily.

About this you must be sure i solved 100%
best regards

ANDREAS 08-05-2014 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 149736)
Hi Andreas

Should know something more about the "phenomenon" in order to distinguish gold from other metals. I also spent a lot of time to try to learn more. Since the phenomenon is revealed by Lrls that work with different principles you may think that it is acting on "broadband", that his energy has magnetic properties, electrical and optical properties, or perhaps more. Which known energy has these features? You talk about micro setting dimensions and this suggests to microwaves and infrared, and also to radioactive isotopes. On the other hand the low frequencies of operation of Lrls suggest also to a low-frequency component of the phenomenon. The isotopes gun of Dr. Bickel was based on the principle that the metals buried many years emitt isotopes that can be detected at a distance. Maybe he was talking about isotopes because he did not know or did not want to reveal the nature of the phenomenon. His instrument was very similar to a magnetometer and could be used by an aircraft in flight, so it was very sensitive. Moreover, each metal has an emission of isotopes that is different from the other metals, it is a sort of signature that allows to discriminate eg gold from other metals. If this is true it is no doubt that even a LRL can do the same thing.

Best Regards

Hi Franco
You are confused (please this is not attack your person, but a opinion, because you try strong about LRL detection). It's simple, but i cannot publish more. Please open mind remove all about electronics and maybe you find solution.
Please read wikirota, there are interesting threards about buried metal.
Only one you are correct 100% the solution is microwave or IR fasma

FrancoItaly 08-06-2014 10:11 AM

Hi Andreas

It's very interesting the work of Louis Rota, thankyou.

ANDREAS 08-06-2014 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 149745)
Hi Andreas

It's very interesting the work of Louis Rota, thankyou.

It's my pleasure.

ANDREAS 08-18-2014 07:35 AM

The second video, for those who study the phenomenon and they trying to build a detector for gold.
Interestingly, PD if calibration precisely for the detection of gold, cannot detected a magnet more than 10 cm distance and are not affected by any transmission frequency
Best regards

FrancoItaly 08-18-2014 09:50 AM

Hi Andreas
It 's very interesting especially the revelation of the gold bracelet to more than 1m or 2m. This means that the "phenomenon" is also active for gold that is not underground. Also in this case the sensitivity is greater in the direction south north?

Best Regards

mustefa ubram 08-18-2014 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 149808)
The second video, for those who study the phenomenon and they trying to build a detector for gold.
Interestingly, PD if calibration precisely for the detection of gold, cannot detected a magnet more than 10 cm distance and are not affected by any transmission frequency
Best regards

very good dear andreas

ozanmelih 08-18-2014 03:12 PM

Does it find gold in metal box?

ANDREAS 08-18-2014 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 149809)
Hi Andreas
It 's very interesting especially the revelation of the gold bracelet to more than 1m or 2m. This means that the "phenomenon" is also active for gold that is not underground. Also in this case the sensitivity is greater in the direction south north?

Best Regards

Best direction is north-south.

ANDREAS 08-18-2014 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by mustefa ubram (Post 149810)
very good dear andreas

Thank you. Need more time and extra modification before is ready

ANDREAS 08-18-2014 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by ozanmelih (Post 149811)
Does it find gold in metal box?

I believe cannot find gold in a metal box, but if.... the box is destroyed from humidity etc maybe is possible, because gold has a contact with ground. We will know in the future by the users if this is likely

mustefa ubram 08-18-2014 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 149813)
Thank you. Need more time and extra modification before is ready

dear andreas
I wish you success .:)

fmnotes 08-19-2014 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 149814)
I believe cannot find gold in a metal box, but if.... the box is destroyed from humidity etc maybe is possible, because gold has a contact with ground. We will know in the future by the users if this is likely

Dear Andrea hι
Do you think deserves to construct the PD;
Is it difficult to work it?

ANDREAS 08-19-2014 12:13 PM

Do you think deserves to construct the PD;
Yes deserves, but it's very difficult. Original by Alonso is the base, but calibrate together all is difference.
I explain more. My first results and experiments i "see", few years ago, before build the first real clone and publish here. If you remember i publish here ,my first posts this thread "....i am sure this is clone and later i start experiments outside lab..." but my firsts experiments outside all setting positions don't work and PD need again calibration, the other place need again calibration and again and ....etc etc. In practice we have a unit with other setup for all places and don't erase magnetic lines by earth. Now this problem solved.
My opinion original PD is best of best LRL for all old buried metals without discrimination, but all steps for perfect calibration need long time and ofcourse you know well what do you want about calibration. Maybe this is the true "why never this PD start mass production" by first designer if is Alonso.
Modifications for Gold is other. Need filters, ferrite with special specification etc etc
Now about some amateurs for example our country they say "i build it and work and i find gold etc etc...." i believe fantasy is perfect for ....mind
Is it difficult to work it?
It's easy with standard steps-calibration on place by user
Να εισαι καλα

fmnotes 08-19-2014 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 149821)
Do you think deserves to construct the PD;
Yes deserves, but it's very difficult. Original by Alonso is the base, but calibrate together all is difference.
I explain more. My first results and experiments i "see", few years ago, before build the first real clone and publish here. If you remember i publish here ,my first posts this thread "....i am sure this is clone and later i start experiments outside lab..." but my firsts experiments outside all setting positions don't work and PD need again calibration, the other place need again calibration and again and ....etc etc. In practice we have a unit with other setup for all places and don't erase magnetic lines by earth. Now this problem solved.
My opinion original PD is best of best LRL for all old buried metals without discrimination, but all steps for perfect calibration need long time and ofcourse you know well what do you want about calibration. Maybe this is the true "why never this PD start mass production" by first designer if is Alonso.
Modifications for Gold is other. Need filters, ferrite with special specification etc etc
Now about some amateurs for example our country they say "i build it and work and i find gold etc etc...." i believe fantasy is perfect for ....mind
Is it difficult to work it?
It's easy with standard steps-calibration on place by user
Να εισαι καλα

Thank you very much for your answer and your time.
We believe that the FG80 or FG90 not work in relation to the PD?
A talking about the same manufacturer.

ANDREAS 08-19-2014 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by fmnotes (Post 149822)
Thank you very much for your answer and your time.
We believe that the FG80 or FG90 not work in relation to the PD?
A talking about the same manufacturer.

If you want my opinion, i believe this is not Alonso PD. I have sense about who is designer, but i don't right publish here.
My sense is strong. In this case i am "free" use some parts without license.
But if i am false about my opinion, we have only one "brake" for mass production. This is the long time for calibration. For example i want (PD without discrimination) minimum 10 days for calibration. This long time need for calibration all together and choice between many-many ferrite (same parts-number) the best for use. In this case need small luck for find the best parts for one PD.

aft_72005 08-25-2014 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 149711)
Last year i have a mail by seden if is possible drawing a PD only for gold.
This is a point very interest for me and ofcourse i try find solution for this.
For experiments i use my real clone alonsoPD with full modifications (for example change MD section with other circuit stability), build a new sensor via lathe and laser cutter.
After two months study and build many-many prototypes sensors, i think find solution. The big problem again is calibration all together. In this case i use other way for find delicate for all work together.
Joke !!! i know very well what i need for calibration and all steps for fine tune, but in practice after three days without results, i find solution (very difficult)

Please look video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1alv...ature=youtu.be
This is not dream, but real. No ground or sky effects. No detections earth lines
The unit is very-very stability and silence for other metals.
Interest is PD work without motion or very-very slow motion

Hi Andreas
nice work . i say you "congratulate ":thumb::thumb::thumb:
best regards.

belalhpc 08-26-2014 12:46 PM

Does this product is in the market. And how much the price?

fmnotes 08-29-2014 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 149829)
If you want my opinion, i believe this is not Alonso PD. I have sense about who is designer, but i don't right publish here.
My sense is strong. In this case i am "free" use some parts without license.
But if i am false about my opinion, we have only one "brake" for mass production. This is the long time for calibration. For example i want (PD without discrimination) minimum 10 days for calibration. This long time need for calibration all together and choice between many-many ferrite (same parts-number) the best for use. In this case need small luck for find the best parts for one PD.

Dear Andrea Thank you for your answer.
some questions
calibration of ferrites do by moving up and down the ferrite
through the screw?
The commuters ferrite front back?
Led1 is the low battery indicator?

If you replace C4 (see #116) with value <10nF, you have more distance detection.
Ofcourse with C4=100pF... 470pF you have best distance detection.

that the tantalum capacitor're replaced c4 10uf
thanks in advance

fmnotes 09-10-2014 11:53 AM

a question
who knows how to answer me.
The ferrite coil creates oscillation in the passive receiver input?

ANDREAS 09-10-2014 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by belalhpc (Post 149889)
Does this product is in the market. And how much the price?

Now i am interested only in stability and modifications

ANDREAS 09-10-2014 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by fmnotes (Post 149912)
Dear Andrea Thank you for your answer.
some questions
calibration of ferrites do by moving up and down the ferrite
through the screw?
The commuters ferrite front back?
Led1 is the low battery indicator?

If you replace C4 (see #116) with value <10nF, you have more distance detection.
Ofcourse with C4=100pF... 470pF you have best distance detection.

that the tantalum capacitor're replaced c4 10uf
thanks in advance

I think are very clean. The first one i use a copy from original Alonso. Without mods i see the first results. Try with this or... better use opinions from Greek electronic engineers. We have best team our country and forums with realistic opinions
best regards

daniel 09-15-2014 11:53 AM

Hi Andreas,

thanks very much for the effort and great information here. I want to build this Alonso-PD clone and spent many hours in this forum to collect all that spread info. Its really a pity because some information is confusing and messed up and also sometimes contains erros. Therefore many beginners don't know how to build the device and get frustrated. I want to try to fix it but I need a little bit of your help. I want to put the whole project into 1 Zip file for everyone to understand and build the device.

First here is the partlist from both schematics (Mainboard & Transmitter Board):

MAINBOARD (Real Clone Alonso-PD)

LED1 =
LED2 = high bright yellow
LED3 =


C11, C22, C32, = 1n
C23, = 3n3
C24, C27, C29, C30, C38, = 10n
C19, C34, = 22n
C12, C16, = 47n
C15, C20, C31, C33, C35, C36, C37, = 100n
C14, = 220n

C4, = 10mF tantalium. If you don't have connect serial + - - + two electrolytic capacitors 22µF
C3, = 10µF
C6, C7, C9, C22A, = 100µF
C1, C2, C8, = 220µF

Cx = 470pF

R1, = 47R
R20, R39, = 100R
R16, = 150R
R8, = 220R
R21, R51, = 470R
R30, R33, = 560R

R5, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R22, R35, R36, = 1K
R48, = 1K2
R4, = 2K2
R18, R31, = 2K7
R37, R40, R44, = 4K7
R2, R3, R29, R34, R42, = 10K
R14, R17, R19, R47, R53, = 12K
R38, = 18K
R7, R32, = 33K
R15, R28, R45, R49 = 100K
R52, = 220K
R50, R54 = 390K
R6, R6A = 680K (If you don't have 680K you can replace with 1M)
R41, R43, = 1M

PI, = 47K

U1 = LM7809
U2 = LM555
U3 = 741
U4 = LM78L05

D4, D6, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q9, Q13, Q15, Q17, Q18, Q20, = BC548
Q6, Q11, Q12, Q16, Q19, = BC558

D5, = 7V5
D1, D8 = 1N4148
D2, D3, = 1N60 (If you dont have 1N60 you can replace with poor RED LED - no high right - work as diode perfect if frequency is < 3MHZ)


R1, = 22R

R6, = 3K9
R7, = 8K2
R5, = 10K
R4, = 18K
R2, = 27K
R3, = 82K

Q1, = BC558
Q2, = BC548

C3, C4, = 10n
C2, = 47n
C1, = 100µF

daniel 09-15-2014 12:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok and here I've done an overview of all the components I know for this project. Can you please let me know how everything is connected correctly? Thank you very much.



reza vir 09-18-2014 07:16 PM

Okay Daniel
Have you built this circuit.
Share photos of your circuit.
Show new and old metal keys are enabled and disabled Sense
2 display wiring circuit, and display and explain their side of the coil.

Alonso wins the circuit in 7 build
And those were the circuit changes
1 out of every 10 people who make up this circuit concluded
Set the ferrite coil to coil transmitter must be exact
Capacitors are all high quality and resistance should be no tolerance
The volume of high-quality multi-layer used
Otherwise, you may not even feel the metal
Or that feeling of depth below 80 cm

ban1345 09-18-2014 11:47 PM

hi all
hi andreas thank you for this project
please post picture of coil's
best regard

daniel 09-19-2014 04:35 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by reza vir (Post 150157)
Okay Daniel
Have you built this circuit.
Share photos of your circuit.
Show new and old metal keys are enabled and disabled Sense
2 display wiring circuit, and display and explain their side of the coil.

Alonso wins the circuit in 7 build
And those were the circuit changes
1 out of every 10 people who make up this circuit concluded
Set the ferrite coil to coil transmitter must be exact
Capacitors are all high quality and resistance should be no tolerance
The volume of high-quality multi-layer used
Otherwise, you may not even feel the metal
Or that feeling of depth below 80 cm

Yes I've built the circuit and it makes sounds like a geiger counter. It does not react to any metal or magnets. But Im not sure how to connect the coils, main pcb and transmitter pcb correctly. There is no diagramm/schematic with everything connected together therefore Im confused.

Can you please connect the lines in my post 184 with the picture "How to connect everything correctly?".


Thanks very much

Nicolas 09-19-2014 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by daniel (Post 150186)
Yes I've built the circuit and it makes sounds like a geiger counter. It does not react to any metal or magnets. But Im not sure how to connect the coils, main pcb and transmitter pcb correctly. There is no diagramm/schematic with everything connected together therefore Im confused.

Can you please connect the lines in my post 184 with the picture "How to connect everything correctly?".


Thanks very much

Nice work but you need much times to calibrate and make it work

look here here in this comment



reza vir 09-19-2014 08:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
see pic

daniel 09-19-2014 10:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Calibration is not the problem. I don't know how to connect the parts correctly. Im also really confused I've found error on Transmitter PCB versus schematic.
Capacitor C4 is placed wrong on PCB and R7 is not existent. We really need a diagramm with all parts connected together to locate any possible errors.

I will try to complete the connections in the picture from post 184 but I need help because Im not sure if thats correct.

Here is the error I found on transmitter board PCB:

brs 09-19-2014 11:30 PM

The pcb true image


daniel 09-19-2014 11:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay here I've made a connecting diagram of this project. Its not complete because I don't know how to connect the RX coil and Ferrite (Please help).

Please check for errors and let me know how to connect the missing parts.


daniel 09-20-2014 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by brs (Post 150198)

Thanks brs,

your're right it's much easier that way.

Finally I've found out how to connect everything together. I will try to update my post with new diagram or post a new one in 1 hour.

daniel 09-20-2014 11:43 AM

Final wiring diagram
1 Attachment(s)
After digging through all the posts and threads on this forum I've found the answers.

This is my final wiring diagram Rev. 1.1 2014.
If someone finds any errors please let me know and I will update it.


folharin 09-22-2014 01:25 PM

I had good results with alonso 5 pcbs combination with coil heatkit gd 348..estou working on it

GOLDEN LILLY 09-23-2014 12:41 AM

I made this lrl last year with the same configuration above but does not give a promising result. True, this lrl is very sensitive to the phenomenon but is not stable, it drifts from time to time. So the operator should re adjust the sensitivity oftentimes.


FrancoItaly 09-23-2014 09:58 AM

This is the fault where we have so much amplification in DC. As with the metal detectors you need a button for retune or a motion amplifier.


fmnotes 09-23-2014 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 150223)
This is the fault where we have so much amplification in DC. As with the metal detectors you need a button for retune or a motion amplifier.


you have an idea for improving the pd and better performance?

FrancoItaly 09-24-2014 10:49 AM

Sorry but I don't know well this lrl.
Best Regards

fmnotes 09-24-2014 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 150234)
Sorry but I don't know well this lrl.
Best Regards

thanks Franko

daniel 09-24-2014 09:30 PM

PDK Housing
2 Attachment(s)
Here is my PDK housing for the Alonso Clone. I needed some good housing to do the calibration exactly. I've designed my own housing in AutoCad Light and used my DIY CNC Router to create the parts. Now I have to search for an approriate Ferriterod.

fmnotes 09-24-2014 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by daniel (Post 150244)
Here is my PDK housing for the Alonso Clone. I needed some good housing to do the calibration exactly. I've designed my own housing in AutoCad Light and used my DIY CNC Router to create the parts. Now I have to search for an approriate Ferriterod.

Very nice work.
You might have problems with coordination.

daniel 09-24-2014 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by fmnotes (Post 150245)
Very nice work.
You might have problems with coordination.

Thanks. What do you mean by coordination? Each coil can be moved by small increments for adjusting.

WM6 09-24-2014 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by daniel (Post 150244)
Here is my PDK housing for the Alonso Clone. I needed some good housing to do the calibration exactly. I've designed my own housing in AutoCad Light and used my DIY CNC Router to create the parts. Now I have to search for an approriate Ferriterod.

Very nice design, daniel. You can teach Alonso in many ways.

Probably ferrite coil should be more center pointed in regard to omega coil.

fmnotes 09-24-2014 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by daniel (Post 150246)
Thanks. What do you mean by coordination? Each coil can be moved by small increments for adjusting.

There is the case ferrite having to move either left or right of the center of the coil . Not sure that 's the best placement in the center .
You tried to do something that can be moved left or right to do what your settings correctly.

paku 09-25-2014 08:46 AM

is that have someone finish successfully this project

daniel 09-25-2014 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by fmnotes (Post 150249)
There is the case ferrite having to move either left or right of the center of the coil . Not sure that 's the best placement in the center .
You tried to do something that can be moved left or right to do what your settings correctly.

No, the ferrite cannot be moved left or right in this design. But if it is absolutely necessary I can modify the design of the ferrite holder and cnc new parts in a couple of minutes. I used the measurements from Andreas's post 81:


fmnotes 09-25-2014 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by daniel (Post 150251)
No, the ferrite cannot be moved left or right in this design. But if it is absolutely necessary I can modify the design of the ferrite holder and cnc new parts in a couple of minutes. I used the measurements from Andreas's post 81:


I've made ​​the pd,
and therefore I tell you some things.
It will help a lot in this coordination.
And as far as possible fixed structures,
because easily detuned.
I will recommend you for the reason that you have the technology in your hands, and you can do a good job,
I will recommend to the ferrite to create a micro coordination.
so that you can restore the coordination Assists per moment where it should.

daniel 09-25-2014 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by fmnotes (Post 150252)
I've made ​​the pd,
and therefore I tell you some things.
It will help a lot in this coordination.
And as far as possible fixed structures,
because easily detuned.
I will recommend you for the reason that you have the technology in your hands, and you can do a good job,
I will recommend to the ferrite to create a micro coordination.
so that you can restore the coordination Assists per moment where it should.

Thanks very much! I wll then implement a X/Y adjustment in the ferrite holder. But first I have to get a ferrite from old radio somewhere.

fmnotes 09-25-2014 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by daniel (Post 150253)
Thanks very much! I wll then implement a X/Y adjustment in the ferrite holder. But first I have to get a ferrite from old radio somewhere.

This is not difficult.
You can buy a ferrite.
There is no need to look old radios.
I hope to have good results.

daniel 09-25-2014 04:24 PM

Omega Coil finished
1 Attachment(s)
Omega Coil finished :)

Qiaozhi 09-25-2014 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by daniel (Post 150244)
Here is my PDK housing for the Alonso Clone. I needed some good housing to do the calibration exactly. I've designed my own housing in AutoCad Light and used my DIY CNC Router to create the parts. Now I have to search for an approriate Ferriterod.

Nice. :thumb:

Did you design the CNC router yourself, or is it from a kit?

daniel 09-25-2014 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 150257)
Nice. :thumb:

Did you design the CNC router yourself, or is it from a kit?

Thanks! Actually it's a kit I've bought many years ago. I did also design my own CNC router but that complete kit with controller was much cheaper. Nowadays you get full CNC router incl. software for smaller price because competition is very high.

Geo 09-26-2014 05:35 AM

Hi Daniel.

Congratulation for your fantastic design:thumb:.
You must know that at original Alonso's PD, Omega coil looks at top of housing (you must turn it 180 degrees).

paku 09-26-2014 04:09 PM

ET on The Earth

daniel 10-13-2014 12:29 AM

The ferrite coils from Alonso PD could be exactly in one of these atomic clocks. They are already tuned for 60 kHz.



reza vir 10-14-2014 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by daniel (Post 150354)
The ferrite coils from Alonso PD could be exactly in one of these atomic clocks. They are already tuned for 60 kHz.



yes my dear .
for http://www.geomag.bgs.ac.uk/research/modelling/WMM.jpg

ANDREAS 10-27-2014 02:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi all
Sorry for delay send about more infos for PD. After experiments, three months ago, i see PD need new circuits design. I make new design with new extra circuits for more stability , filters etc. Attachment inside PD a photo. I hope next week i have final experiments of course video etc.
About reject magnetics or soil lines, ground effects, full rejection all metals except Gold, rain, AC camples 220v, temperature etc, has been solved.
About searching without motion or very slow motion PD work has been solved.
best regards

ouiarabe 10-27-2014 11:48 PM

hi all
thank you very much Professor Andreas for sharing your projects, I realized your pd but I encountered some problems
1- my setup works as a Pulse induction because it detects all metal 50 mm
2- both led blinking but no sound only if I connect the Q4 collector to the resistance R40,maybe the 555 timer is blown I do not know
please help me
thank you in advance

ANDREAS 10-29-2014 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by ouiarabe (Post 150457)
hi all
thank you very much Professor Andreas for sharing your projects, I realized your pd but I encountered some problems
1- my setup works as a Pulse induction because it detects all metal 50 mm
2- both led blinking but no sound only if I connect the Q4 collector to the resistance R40,maybe the 555 timer is blown I do not know
please help me
thank you in advance

Hi ouiarabe
PCB and schematic have not error. I am sure 100%, before publish here and of course first prototype work with this. I think you have put "bad part" or put "invert" 555
My opinion.
Check botom side pcb with your eyes, step by step for problems
Check soldering if are correct
and final replace 555 and Q4 with new
The best choice is .. use osciloscope and check all sections if you have a friend electronic engineer
best regards

ouiarabe 10-29-2014 07:46 AM

accept my respectful greetings ANDREAS teacher and thank you I'll check and change the IC 555 and T4 and attach images and video of the printed circuit

stergeol 10-29-2014 10:26 PM

hello!! congratulation andrea.

ouiarabe 10-31-2014 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150461)
Hi ouiarabe
PCB and schematic have not error. I am sure 100%, before publish here and of course first prototype work with this. I think you have put "bad part" or put "invert" 555
My opinion.
Check botom side pcb with your eyes, step by step for problems
Check soldering if are correct
and final replace 555 and Q4 with new
The best choice is .. use osciloscope and check all sections if you have a friend electronic engineer
best regards

hi professor ANDREAS
I checked all the welds and change the NE555 and Q4 but its same problem I will attach a video
thank you for your help and I await your recommendations with pacience
thank you in advance.


ANDREAS 10-31-2014 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by stergeol (Post 150467)
hello!! congratulation andrea.

Thank you stergie

ANDREAS 10-31-2014 06:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ouiarabe (Post 150476)
hi professor ANDREAS
I checked all the welds and change the NE555 and Q4 but its same problem I will attach a video
thank you for your help and I await your recommendations with pacience
thank you in advance.


Via a video i cannot find solution, but maybe...
Unconnect C15 and connect power supply. If you have the same tic-tic on buzzer, replace buzzer with other attchment pic.
best regards

ouiarabe 11-01-2014 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150478)
Via a video i cannot find solution, but maybe...
Unconnect C15 and connect power supply. If you have the same tic-tic on buzzer, replace buzzer with other attchment pic.
best regards

hi all
thank you very much professor ANDREAS
I executed your recommendation and it seems that the problem is solved
I'll get a real field because I do not have a test field
another question please is it normal for the PD detects all ferrous materials at 20-40 cm and 1m the LCD television
thank you

ANDREAS 11-01-2014 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by ouiarabe (Post 150479)
hi all
thank you very much professor ANDREAS
I executed your recommendation and it seems that the problem is solved
I'll get a real field because I do not have a test field
another question please is it normal for the PD detects all ferrous materials at 20-40 cm and 1m the LCD television
thank you

It's my pleasure can help you. About PD. Real Alonso clone can detect materials and detect a small magnet from >50 cm distance.PD for gold cannot detect materials or magnet
best regards

ouiarabe 11-01-2014 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150480)
It's my pleasure can help you. About PD. Real Alonso clone can detect materials and detect a small magnet from >50 cm distance.PD for gold cannot detect materials or magnet
best regards

once again thank you very much for your help
this is the result but do not make fun of my modest presentation


RS_Phil 11-02-2014 10:27 AM

Is it ok to use plastic casing for this PD? or it is necessary to use a plywood or ply-board...

ANDREAS 11-13-2014 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Saromines_R (Post 150482)
Is it ok to use plastic casing for this PD? or it is necessary to use a plywood or ply-board...

I have 3d Printer. It's better and easy via this machine build everything via plactic ABS, but here i see the best choice is wood. Calibration is extreme.
I think plastic produce electrostatic phenomena. We don't need parasitic signals
best regards

RS_Phil 11-13-2014 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150542)
I have 3d Printer. It's better and easy via this machine build everything via plactic ABS, but here i see the best choice is wood. Calibration is extreme.
I think plastic produce electrostatic phenomena. We don't need parasitic signals
best regards

Thanks a lot master Andreas,..

ouiarabe 11-14-2014 10:00 AM

hi teachers andreas
I finished my PD after your help, it's true calibration is very difficult but ultimately this circuit detects all materials and unfortunately he can not discriminate
* anyway thank you for your cooperation and support.
and if you could, there he has a solution for discrimination ??
Thank you in advance
and please accept the most respectful greetings to your student

ANDREAS 11-14-2014 12:49 PM

First for all
I am not master-teacher-proffessor etc. Simple Andreas is enough
About discrimination is simple. Remove receiver coil and invert back-front. Now if start again fine null you can see you have discrimination. That's all
best regards

RS_Phil 11-14-2014 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150551)
First for all
I am not master-teacher-proffessor etc. Simple Andreas is enough
About discrimination is simple. Remove receiver coil and invert back-front. Now if start again fine null you can see you have discrimination. That's all
best regards

It's a big honor for us.,,to get a fast response from you sir (Mr. Andreas) and I'm bit follower of your project like PD,and I would like to build some of those. But I don't know which one of your best PD..,.can you give me and some other here a circuit with PCB layout?

ANDREAS 11-14-2014 08:47 PM

PD pistol is not my design. First present here from morgan few years ago.
Qiaozhi finish full schematic after opinions and studies from many-many members.
I must send a thank for members j-player, esteban, Qiaozhi, Aft etc present info without secrets. This PD has a magic for me, because, few members try build it complete without results.
Morgan is the first member, build working only ferrite stage.
Men in my country Greece build the MD section without fine results.
Of course many members build complete this in their fantasy.
It was a personal challenge to finish it complete. Only one member with substantially help me and I will again send a big "thank you".
This is generally the story.
After first really experiments and full modifications a suprise for me is.. PD detect only Gold. This is a big chapter, but i cannot publish more.
The lesson is one. If you try, you can build your dreams. It's easy if you can study with open mind. Please don't forget with OPEN MIND
best regards

RS_Phil 11-14-2014 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150555)
PD pistol is not my design. First present here from Morgan few years ago.
Qiaozhi finish full schematic after opinions and studies from many-many members.
I must send a thank for members j-player, esteban, Qiaozhi, Aft etc present info without secrets. This PD has a magic for me, because, few members try build it complete without results.
Morgan is the first member, build working only ferrite stage.
Men in my country Greece build the MD section without fine results.
Of course many members build complete this in their fantasy.
It was a personal challenge to finish it complete. Only one member with substantially help me and I will again send a big "thank you".
This is generally the story.
After first really experiments and full modifications a surprise for me is.. PD detect only Gold. This is a big chapter, but i cannot publish more.
The lesson is one. If you try, you can build your dreams. It's easy if you can study with open mind. Please don't forget with OPEN MIND
best regards

Ok sir thank you,..for a lot of information..,

brs 11-15-2014 08:13 PM

Is it possible to explain more
Remove the receiver coil and reverse-back front.

ANDREAS 11-15-2014 09:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by brs (Post 150562)
Is it possible to explain more
Remove the receiver coil and reverse-back front.

attachment pdf file

brs 11-16-2014 02:07 PM

Thank you Andreas

ouiarabe 11-16-2014 06:46 PM

thank you Alonso on thé issue of discrimination, it is an impressive solution
big hat

ouiarabe 11-29-2014 10:23 AM

hi all
after several attempts setting my clone pd detects only the ferrite and graphite
continuous tests still

ANDREAS 11-30-2014 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by walkman (Post 150589)
I make to DD or concentric coil. How to make?.

Is your choice if use DD or concentric coils. I use omegac coil ONLY, because, i build a clone
best regards

stergeol 12-12-2014 06:43 PM

hello Antrea pls help how is the correct ??


stergeol 12-18-2014 12:05 PM

[QUOTE=stergeol;150635]here is my PD version

all pieces


WM6 12-18-2014 03:39 PM

Really nice design, stergeol. Congratulations.

Qiaozhi 12-18-2014 08:47 PM

Looks like it was cut out with a milling / engraving machine.
Nice work. :thumb:

ouiarabe 12-20-2014 10:48 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by stergeol (Post 150635)

congratulations it's a beautiful work I hope it gives good results
please what is the correct position of the ferrite and coil Omega 1 or 2

mohandes 12-20-2014 11:55 AM

hi any body can put here all correct file in zip file .

ANDREAS 12-20-2014 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by stergeol (Post 150629)
hello Antrea pls help how is the correct ??


Hi Stergie, use No2. 150 turns is front place on feritte.

stergeol 12-22-2014 12:32 PM

many thanks andrea....

ANDREAS 01-13-2015 07:56 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Hi all
PD only for Gold it's ready. Need only final test this month, of course with videos.
I use only one stage from original PD Alonso nothing more.
Very small size and weight, full stability without humidity problems or sky-grounds effect.

Now need only fine weather and small free time.
Note: For now it remains a prototype, I have not decided yet what I'll do
best regards

ouiarabe 01-13-2015 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150777)
Hi all
PD only for Gold it's ready. Need only final test this month, of course with videos.
I use only one stage from original PD Alonso nothing more.
Very small size and weight, full stability without humidity problems or sky-grounds effect.

Now need only fine weather and small free time.
Note: For now it remains a prototype, I have not decided yet what I'll do
best regards

hi alonso
Excellent device and without complications
As for me, I still have not succeeded in the first device manufacturing, is still the problem of discrimination
He works as a pulse induction
He also works with a transmitter as in this Annex video


ANDREAS 01-14-2015 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by ouiarabe (Post 150779)
hi alonso
Excellent device and without complications
As for me, I still have not succeeded in the first device manufacturing, is still the problem of discrimination
He works as a pulse induction
He also works with a transmitter as in this Annex video


I am not Alonso
I saw your video. I don't use your method
best regards

ouiarabe 01-14-2015 09:04 AM

Please Excuse me Andreas on this unintended fault
Thank you to the spaciousness of your chest

LRLMAN 01-14-2015 07:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148315)
Hi Nicolas
Is very clean
JI (on PCB) is for connection batteries (two serial 9V=18V)
Trans (on pcb) is for connection +/-9V transmitter
Later i publish all connection with a diagram

Hello Andreas do you have all conections?, when you put the interconnections of all the elements of PD to see where I'm wrong.

Already I conected all pd elements but does not work as I interconnects.

how do you see the image of the interconnections present here of the wires going to the receiving antenna seems that there are good?

what about the zero point calibration must be done first of all of the transmitting and receiving antennas if everything is connected directly and in conjunction with the ferrite? that is where I have the problem.


ANDREAS 01-15-2015 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 150787)
what about the zero point calibration must be done first of all of the transmitting and receiving antennas if everything is connected directly and in conjunction with the ferrite? that is where I have the problem.


Need fine tune all coils a central frequency by Tx coil and next step zero all together. If you find the best point setting ferrite coil (this is so difficult), you must try find the place for Rx coil and ferrite together for same output signal via ferrite circuit and MD circuit. If you can see my first video i use screws calibration for finding the place. It's difficult, because need critical place +/-0,5mm up-down front -back for all coils
best regards

LRLMAN 01-15-2015 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150789)
Need fine tune all coils a central frequency by Tx coil and next step zero all together. If you find the best point setting ferrite coil (this is so difficult), you must try find the place for Rx coil and ferrite together for same output signal via ferrite circuit and MD circuit. If you can see my first video i use screws calibration for finding the place. It's difficult, because need critical place +/-0,5mm up-down front -back for all coils
best regards

And what about the interconections of all elements?? are fine?? respect to the image???

I don't know how interconnected the TX and RX, for me it's not good the image, i have a problem mi PD not work.

And what about the ferrite?, how can work the ferrite? do you think if i make a short circuit with a 1.5 v, should detect it the ferrite? to know if this is working?

May be tomorrow I upload a video of my Pd Working.



ANDREAS 01-15-2015 12:15 PM

All my posts are very clean. All my schematics are correct. Read again all posts and try.

LRLMAN 01-22-2015 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150794)
All my posts are very clean. All my schematics are correct. Read again all posts and try.









ANDREAS 01-22-2015 08:21 PM

I build clone with all parts, all stages as you know and publish here.
Calibration is very-very difficult and critical
If you have not tune all together this PD cannot work.
i see clone can detect a spark only 40cm distance , a magnet near 50cm distance and ofcourse metals on air maximum 20 cm distance.
TV control i think detect 20 cm distance
Now if you want work with only feritte, if you want detect a spark xxx distance, this is your choice build it.
For me is a pratform for better results
About if i am clear or not
Ofcourse i am clear. ofcourse i publish my first unit here and i say this is a real clone with small mods for better stability. ofcourse i publish here a fine PCB for all members if they want build and experiment with this.
Now if you want method for full calibration or more, i think some members publish here can build this. In this case you can ask there
Now about PD only for Gold
I use only one preamp stage by clone alonso and new circuits by me (you can see my last photo inside PD only for Gold)
Pd only for gold cannot detect metals, cannot detect sparks, cannot detect magnetic lines etc
I am very clear. I publish here a thread "real clone alonso PD". I don't publish here a thread " how you can calibrate and build a clone alonso for your step by step".
In this case some extra infos via my posts is a gift for every one try build one
Best regards

humhum 01-25-2015 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150858)
Now about PD only for Gold
I use only one preamp stage by clone alonso and new circuits by me (you can see my last photo inside PD only for Gold)
Pd only for gold cannot detect metals, cannot detect sparks, cannot detect magnetic lines etc
I am very clear. I publish here a thread "real clone alonso PD". I don't publish here a thread " how you can calibrate and build a clone alonso for your step by step".
In this case some extra infos via my posts is a gift for every one try build one
Best regards

Hi Andreas , maybe Now I understand what is Secret for this PD narrow band gold filter for very high frequency.


king40 01-29-2015 08:28 AM

this pd is free or for sale ?

ANDREAS 01-29-2015 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by king40 (Post 150881)
this pd is free or for sale ?

Alonso PD is free to manufacturers or anyone who wants to try construct it.
My presentation of this PD was done in same box shape as much as possible dimensions is what properly, with the original schematic and very small mods for more stability. Of course I use the same box as "platform" for my PD only for gold.
After finish all experiments and anything need more, i put PD only for gold in a new design box . PD only for Gold is not free

king40 01-30-2015 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150882)
Alonso PD is free to manufacturers or anyone who wants to try construct it.
My presentation of this PD was done in same box shape as much as possible dimensions is what properly, with the original schematic and very small mods for more stability. Of course I use the same box as "platform" for my PD only for gold.
After finish all experiments and anything need more, i put PD only for gold in a new design box . PD only for Gold is not free

Ok Thanks
for users like me , that no have any experience in pd , build this pd is very hard
best way is by pd

paku 02-15-2015 08:14 PM

how much the price you sell this pd

ANDREAS 02-23-2015 01:36 PM

2 Attachment(s)
A fine circuit, need and special case, for ergonomic search and easy calibration by user. In this case i must draw a new box for put all electronics circuits, ferrite etc. I think after ten months am ready with new design circuits as you can see, my post #218.
I don't use the original PD box, because i don't like this classic design and more ,because i have problem with with vibration between base "coils housing" and main box.
Need only fine weather for external tests.
Inside lab PD can detect very easy Gold if put a place after 30 minutes. Very delicate unit, produce a "trust" by user via calibration and see with eyes the real detection Gold.
Need small time for solve all small problems

Qiaozhi 02-23-2015 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150976)
A fine circuit, need and special case, for ergonomic search and easy calibration by user. In this case i must draw a new box for put all electronics circuits, ferrite etc. I think after ten months am ready with new design circuits as you can see, my post #218.
I don't use the original PD box, because i don't like this classic design and more ,because i have problem with with vibration between base "coils housing" and main box.
Need only fine weather for external tests.
Inside lab PD can detect very easy Gold if put a place after 30 minutes. Very delicate unit, produce a "trust" by user via calibration and see with eyes the real detection Gold.
Need small time for solve all small problems

Very nice looking instrument, and it's tall (like TOTeM). However, the handle on your PD is better positioned for stability. :)

ANDREAS 02-24-2015 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 150978)
Very nice looking instrument, and it's tall (like TOTeM). However, the handle on your PD is better positioned for stability. :)

Many times i have in my thought your design-box, because is stronger for use and better protection coils vs vertical setting ferrite.
You are right. If you think my design-box make a "confused" or you think... i make it without your license, please inform me for change it.
I like the clean solutions and i don't want make any problems

Qiaozhi 02-24-2015 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150979)
Many times i have in my thought your design-box, because is stronger for use and better protection coils vs vertical setting ferrite.
You are right. If you think my design-box make a "confused" or you think... i make it without your license, please inform me for change it.
I like the clean solutions and i don't want make any problems

Hi Andreas,

Absolutely no problem with your design. There is no conflict with TOTeM.
I was just admiring the way you repositioned the handle for better stability.

Nicolas 02-28-2015 11:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 150979)
Many times i have in my thought your design-box, because is stronger for use and better protection coils vs vertical setting ferrite.
You are right. If you think my design-box make a "confused" or you think... i make it without your license, please inform me for change it.
I like the clean solutions and i don't want make any problems

Very nice looking instrument, and it's tall (like TOTeM). However, the handle on your PD is better positioned for stability. :)

Well as for the center of Gravitate if the handle is in the center and not in the face is so easy.

Not be worried Andreas do as you like without recourse to the permission. I even thought to divide your box into two, but you did it before me. OPS Then again i need ask permission from you.? I know you not give it purpose I build it without problem .... thank you Andreas this is life :D:D

brs 03-30-2015 11:30 AM

Just a question
Hi Andreas
What's New on your machine Are there videos Are Showing copies of it for sale

folharin 04-21-2015 02:51 PM

an electronic design engineer told me to get on the frequency 60 kHz.. 65 khz ,l8 50 turns and l8 350 .wire 0,20

folharin 04-21-2015 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by folharin (Post 151206)
an electronic design engineer told me to get on the frequency 60 kHz.. 65 khz ,l8 50 turns and l8 350 .wire 0,20

what you guys have to say about it?

aress 05-11-2015 03:58 PM

I would like to receive greetings Andreas pain pda device just does find gold or Other precious metals also sensitive Can you give me information on what is the price? thanks

taxma1981 10-23-2015 11:54 AM

With full sensitive today i detect the dcf77station from 40 km distance :lol::lol:

saber 02-26-2016 11:33 AM

nice work ANDREAS, i like it

can you put your new pcb for us here to try it? :frown:

ROJ 03-26-2016 09:55 PM

Hello Andreas.
I tested my PD on real object from 4 years ago in 2m depth.
It can detect signal from 7 m away from target .
See it from here.

ROJ 03-27-2016 12:29 PM

LDX is designed for gold but it can detect other materials like LEAD too.
You can see my test from here.
Also i tested PD,Mole prospector,ldx with the same results
LEAD is about 5kg in 2m depth and from 4 years ago.
thanks for your cooperation and helps

okantex 03-27-2016 06:25 PM

Is LDX static field locator like zahori
or radio frequency reflections like PD
or termal locator like LZR kaabi

ROJ 03-27-2016 08:31 PM

Dear Okantex
1and2 close but not the same. In addition there is earth magnetic comparator for better results

aft_72005 03-28-2016 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by ROJ (Post 153080)
Hello Andreas.
I tested my PD on real object from 4 years ago in 2m depth.
It can detect signal from 7 m away from target .
See it from here.

I saw movie but there wasn’t any proof which your device work as :|long rang!!!!!!

aft_72005 03-28-2016 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 153093)
I saw movie but there wasn’t any proof which your device work as :|long rang!!!!!!

So simple only small transmitter underground can produce signal for long range detecting .
ROJ ,don’t worry

aft_72005 03-28-2016 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 153094)
So simple only small transmitter underground can produce signal for long range detecting .
ROJ ,don’t worry

Movies contain Proof for long range detectors , first must detect target , second while camera on dig and show target and again show the empty hole without signal . ;);););)

aft_72005 03-28-2016 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 153095)
Movies contain Proof for long range detectors , first must detect target , second while camera on dig and show target and again show the empty hole without signal . ;);););)

Movies contain Proof for long range detectors , first must detect target , second while camera on dig and show target and again show the empty hole without signal . :cool::cool::cool:

ROJ 03-28-2016 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 153093)
I saw movie but there wasn’t any proof which your device work as :|long rang!!!!!!

See it again.pls
the level of the signal starts to increase gradually from7m away from target
when the device is exactly on the desired object the sound disappears.

ROJ 03-28-2016 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 153094)
So simple only small transmitter underground can produce signal for long range detecting .
ROJ ,don’t worry

Dear AFT.
You are right,but but we want to share our test ONLY.

aft_72005 03-28-2016 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by ROJ (Post 153098)
Dear AFT.
You are right,but but we want to share our test ONLY.

ROJ , personally I don’t any problems with you . happy Iranian new year, happy Nowruz

aft_72005 03-28-2016 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by ROJ (Post 153097)
See it again.pls
the level of the signal starts to increase gradually from7m away from target
when the device is exactly on the desired object the sound disappears.

Yes , I saw for several times . nice work . good VCO and MCU work . but I don’t believe it is working as
Long range .as I saying I don’t have problems with you . there are other movies in forum which also didn’t proof any more.

ROJ 03-28-2016 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 153100)
Yes , I saw for several times . nice work . good VCO and MCU work . but I don’t believe it is working as
Long range .as I saying I don’t have problems with you . there are other movies in forum which also didn’t proof any more.

Dear AFT.
Thanks for your opinion and idea.
I will do more tests and let you know.
Max range on big object is about 20m and max depth is 6m.
My best wishes

edwgold 03-28-2016 10:57 PM

Dear ROJ,

Since you have a Mole Prospector, it has proven near some appliances (refrigerator, TV) to see if it also reacts?

Using the Mole Prospector as sensor? is an elongated antenna?

You've opened?



ROJ 03-29-2016 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by edwgold (Post 153102)
Dear ROJ,

Since you have a Mole Prospector, it has proven near some appliances (refrigerator, TV) to see if it also reacts?

Using the Mole Prospector as sensor? is an elongated antenna?

You've opened?



Dear Edward.
I have tested MOLE Prospector on WI-FI.
It reacts to wi-fi signals from 5m away .also it reacts to TV and Refrigerator too.
Warm Regards.

pigeon 04-10-2016 10:15 PM

hi all

I search pcb for Real clone Alonso-PD

thank you

saber 04-21-2016 02:06 PM


I can't find 1n8 cap. can anyone help me for made this cap (with 2 cap in parallel) ?

thank you

fmnotes 04-21-2016 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by saber (Post 153218)

I can't find 1n8 cap. can anyone help me for made this cap (with 2 cap in parallel) ?

thank you

You can put two or three or more capacitors in parallel. And create whatever your capacitor value needed.

ROJ 04-25-2016 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by ROJ (Post 153104)
Dear Edward.
I have tested MOLE Prospector on WI-FI.
It reacts to wi-fi signals from 5m away .also it reacts to TV and Refrigerator too.
Warm Regards.

My new test on gold


brs 04-25-2016 07:47 PM

hi RO
JWell done amazing results Is it possible to share project images from inside the machine how much is the frequency

WM6 04-25-2016 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by ROJ (Post 153241)

Nice design. Congratulations.

Pity, that it can detect mercury fillings in your teeth only.

saber 04-26-2016 06:48 AM

Hi everyone
I made this circuit. When the battery is connected to the circuit The red LED lights up. What is the reason?
can i use it when this red led is on?

reza vir 09-06-2016 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by saber (Post 153218)

I can't find 1n8 cap. can anyone help me for made this cap (with 2 cap in parallel) ?

thank you

1.2 nf = 122
0.6 nf = 601


1 nf =102
0.8 nf =801

If you can not find this range of capacitors
You can remove the old radio

reza vir 09-06-2016 03:09 PM

buy this link:

niku shop







mokkethon80 10-09-2016 01:54 PM

the pcb...is this real...? i don no can work our not

eurkas 10-16-2016 05:54 PM

any body know if the clone Alonso-PD work for gold only ?

eurkas 10-18-2016 09:08 AM

Thank you Andreas ,, please need the parts name list


eurkas 10-19-2016 03:09 PM

Real PD-Alonso clone printed board
hi ,,, can any one send me the printed board for the Real PD-Alonso Clone with actual size to print it

thankx in advance


AurumKid 10-20-2016 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 153980)
hi ,,, can any one send me the printed board for the Real PD-Alonso Clone with actual size to print it

thankx in advance


just read the whole forum thread and you will find the schema and printed board layout. and also for better understanding of calibrating the ferrite and omega coil.

eurkas 10-20-2016 02:13 PM

Hi Aurumkid ,,, I do but need the PCB with actual size and the black and white board for print >>>

eurkas 10-20-2016 03:43 PM

Is this printed board Real Pd-Alonso Clone correct
1 Attachment(s)
Is this printed board Real Pd-Alonso Clone correct

Geo 10-21-2016 06:54 AM

This is a pcb for PD but not the original. Alonso's PD had inside 6 small pcbs

ouiarabe 10-21-2016 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 153983)
Is this printed board Real Pd-Alonso Clone correct


yes my friend, this is the PCB clone pd Alonso by Andreas Christi.
but it is not only gold detector.
Andrias Christi developed another printed card for the only gold detector but he did not share.

look here in post 47 :http://www.longrangelocators.com/for...t=18956&page=2

ouiarabe 10-21-2016 01:30 PM

excuse me my friend,
look here in post 39 and 47 and you can follow the other pages to see the connectionhttp://www.longrangelocators.com/for...t=18956&page=2[/QUOTE]

eurkas 10-22-2016 01:48 AM

Hi ouiarabe
Thank you my friend for answering me .

eurkas 10-24-2016 02:39 PM

any one know the correct size for the PCB board because i make one and doesn't match with the parts size

AurumKid 10-26-2016 05:40 PM


eurkas 10-28-2016 05:53 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here My PCB is this correct

ouiarabe 10-28-2016 08:43 AM

Yes that is correct :thumb:

do not forget this detail on the transmitter for R7


good luck

eurkas 10-28-2016 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by ouiarabe (Post 154018)
Yes that is correct :thumb:

do not forget this detail on the transmitter for R7


good luck

Sure ouiarabe Thank you my friend

eurkas 11-03-2016 10:52 AM

Q10 is not listed in the parts list
1 Attachment(s)
q1 is missed from the part list

ouiarabe 11-03-2016 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 154064)
q1 is missed from the part list

the Q1, = BC558 is in the TRANSMITTER BOARD

eurkas 11-03-2016 12:06 PM

Q10 is not listed in the parts list
q1 is missed from the part list

AurumKid 11-03-2016 01:25 PM

Always check and extract part list from the schema.

eurkas 11-03-2016 02:52 PM

ouiarabe Thank you
1 Attachment(s)
ouiarabe Thank you a lot my Friend but i make mistake i ment Q10 not Q1

sorry its my fault


eurkas 11-03-2016 03:05 PM

Q10 missed from the list
1 Attachment(s)
Q10 missed from the list


eurkas 11-03-2016 03:55 PM

Which schema ????????

eurkas 11-03-2016 10:29 PM

no one know what the Q10 is ????????????????????????????????????????????

dojranski 11-04-2016 06:22 AM

Q 10 = BC558

eurkas 11-04-2016 08:23 AM

Thank you

Originally Posted by dojranski (Post 154086)
Q 10 = BC558

Thankx my Friend

eurkas 11-04-2016 08:32 AM

is this correct ?
1 Attachment(s)
is this correct ?

eurkas 11-07-2016 06:59 AM

R46 Not listed in the parts
1 Attachment(s)
Need to know R46 what Equal ????????

ouiarabe 11-07-2016 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 154114)
Need to know R46 what Equal ????????

hi my friend R16= 150R and R50 = 390K is not 39k
best regard

eurkas 11-07-2016 10:51 AM

Thanks but i asked for R46

eurkas 11-07-2016 10:54 AM

R46 Plz ????????????????????

eurkas 11-07-2016 11:00 AM

Any one know the Values of R46

ouiarabe 11-07-2016 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 154117)
R46 Plz ????????????????????

excuse me R46=820k

eurkas 11-07-2016 11:12 AM

Thank you my friend ...

ouiarabe 11-07-2016 11:13 AM

2 Attachment(s)
hi eurkas

here is the complete list

do not forget that original R50 is 470k but modified by Mr Andreas =390K not as in the diagram 39k

eurkas 11-07-2016 02:53 PM

thank you my friend
I stuck again in the RX TX coil i cannat understaned what meaning 12+3+5+12 or 12+5+3+12

and if its numbers of turns so which one of this can please explain to me

eurkas 11-07-2016 03:24 PM

is the RX TX have a relation with the Country Frequency

ouiarabe 11-07-2016 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 154129)
is the RX TX have a relation with the Country Frequency

- TX= 12-3-5-12
- Effectuer l'ajustement sur un champ d'essai

eurkas 11-09-2016 05:29 AM

what is 12 - 3 - 5 - 12
1 Attachment(s)
is this numbers of turn and if yes the 2nd 12 where ????

ouiarabe 11-09-2016 10:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 154142)
is this numbers of turn and if yes the 2nd 12 where ????

no it's not like that
look good sketch attached below

eurkas 11-11-2016 07:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
You are the best m friend Ouiarabe

Thank you

mokkethon80 11-11-2016 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by reza vir (Post 150193)
see pic

can u show me picture the coil tx and rx ..u made..

mokkethon80 11-12-2016 12:40 PM

Please my frend show me,,,

daniel 11-13-2016 10:11 AM


I built it and it was a HUGE WASTE OF TIME because it doesn't work. You can find your Radio, TV and lightning when it rains outside but no gold :-) no matter how you configure it. Better get a normal metal detector and have fun.

mokkethon80 11-13-2016 02:30 PM

soo...this clon alonso PD is not work..if i made..so tell me is true is work or not.thank

Qiaozhi 11-13-2016 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by mokkethon80 (Post 154173)
soo...this clon alonso PD is not work..if i made..so tell me is true is work or not.thank

Honestly, I would forget about the Alonso PD. There are too many unanswered questions for you to be sure that you've made an exact copy.

I would suggest building TOTeM, which is fully documented here ->

At least you will be able to determine if it works as designed or not.
As stated in the Conclusion:
"Unlike the original PD, the TOTeM project is easily rep-
licated with a little care and attention. It easily passes all the
laboratory-based tests used by LRL experimenters, and cer-
tainly appears to react in the same way as the device shown
in the internet videos. Whether it will lead you to treasure or
not is maybe another story, but at least you will have the
opportunity to explore the pseudo-scientific world of long
range locators for yourself, and make up your own mind on
the matter."

Geo 11-14-2016 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by mokkethon80 (Post 154173)
soo...this clon alonso PD is not work..if i made..so tell me is true is work or not.thank

Alonso's PD works for sure, i made tests at it (the prototype), but there are some hiden secrets. So nobody measured the coil of ferrite coil, the frequency of passive receiver and the distance between two ferrites.

abdou2014 11-14-2016 07:39 AM

We don't know these secrets and nobody will share them with us, so why get tired .

Geo 11-14-2016 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 154178)
We don't know these secrets and nobody will share them with us, so why get tired .

I agree

Geo 11-14-2016 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 154177)
Alonso's PD works for sure, i made tests at it (the prototype), but there are some hiden secrets. So nobody measured the coil of ferrite coil, the frequency of passive receiver and the distance between two ferrites.

When i wrote "distance between two ferrites" i meant the gap between the ferrites.

mokkethon80 11-15-2016 10:00 AM

LRL toTem ..goldmaxx said is not work..what about the clon alonso secret some body no that..please show then the omega coil..

mokkethon80 11-15-2016 10:04 AM

my tresure city will be come to ***.the missing gold isu from the japan WW2 in the borneo indo..if the clon alonso can work may be we can fine that tresure

Geo 11-15-2016 12:04 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by mokkethon80 (Post 154185)
LRL toTem ..goldmaxx said is not work..what about the clon alonso secret some body no that..please show then the omega coil..

Here it is...
The first photo is from the original Alonso's PD

Milad.salsa 11-16-2016 10:00 AM

hi my friends.i am amateur.how can fix the omegA COIL with Oscilloscope.sorry for bad english

mokkethon80 11-16-2016 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 154180)
I agree

thank..Geo. but the pcb no schema .and the coil in the middle how can i see that..please show to me this picture in compliet

mokkethon80 11-24-2016 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 154180)
I agree

please geo..show to me how made this coin by clone alonso.pleas e show me to detail

WM6 11-24-2016 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Milad.salsa (Post 154199)

how can fix the omegA COIL with Oscilloscope.

The same way as you tune DD or OO coils at VLF/IB detectors.

Read about such coil tunning at Geotech forum (TGSL project par example).

You you need to search zero signal at scope (coil nulling) by carefully mowing small middle coil (RX) over "inner ear" part of bigger coil (TX).


mokkethon80 12-07-2016 02:27 PM

not work...just 1cm..distane damm

mokkethon80 12-11-2016 03:52 PM

i think this projek not all succes

Milad.salsa 12-16-2016 08:14 AM

1 Attachment(s)
hi tnx WM6
how to connect scope to circuit for veiw waveform to nulling rx and tx coil?

WM6 12-16-2016 10:09 AM

3 Attachment(s)
What sort of scope do you have?

In general, with signal tip of scope probe you check certain circuit test points (I propose you 6 specific test point in bottom attached PD circuit)
to check individual circuit stages on working status (red line is of scope probe tip - ground probe clamp is always at the same point/ground).

Ground clamp of scope probe should go to circuit ground for check of all marked test points.

You need to set proper vertical sensitivity (voltage per division) in scope channel used and proper scanning time.

You should follow the same test logic (test on working specific circuit stages) with all circuits/schematics.

Milad.salsa 12-16-2016 12:51 PM

i want found zero signal in rx coil

WM6 12-16-2016 01:49 PM

CH1 probe to RX coil wire (probe tip to blue wire, ground clamp to black(ground)) wire.

Tunning (nulling) perform by carefully small mowing coils sections apart to each other.

CH2 probe can be attached to TX coil wire to mutual control of TX stage working.

Milad.salsa 12-16-2016 02:04 PM

tnx alot:):):):):)

ANDREAS 03-13-2017 12:07 PM

Hi all

After three years of testing experiments etc. PD only for Gold is available on the market. This PD have two models.
1. PDGOLD for detection only for gold and Gold-alloys.
2. PDSILVER for detecting only silver and silver-alloys.
For more information you can visit our site www.crypton.com.gr
You can see official presentation video

best regards

LRLMAN 03-22-2017 07:49 PM

Hello Andreas I have a question about Alonso PD'S....do you know if the alonso pd must be a Magnetic??? or magnetic receptor???

If it must detect magnets or magnetic fields and at what distance should detect small magnets and if the electrostatic ionic phenomenon has a strong magnetic component to be detected at a certain frequency and some distance by the Pd ??

Best regards.


ANDREAS 03-22-2017 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 155089)
Hello Andreas I have a question about Alonso PD'S....do you know if the alonso pd must be a Magnetic??? or magnetic receptor???

If it must detect magnets or magnetic fields and at what distance should detect small magnets and if the electrostatic ionic phenomenon has a strong magnetic component to be detected at a certain frequency and some distance by the Pd ??

Best regards.


A real PD must be not detect magnets , ofcourse must be not detect screens or AC signals, earth magnetics lines etc.
Best regards

LRLMAN 03-22-2017 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 155092)
A real PD must be not detect magnets , ofcourse must be not detect screens or AC signals, earth magnetics lines etc.
Best regards

OK thank you very much; I ask you all this because I have some doubts regarding the true LRL of Alonso which has brought to sell to mexico to some friends searchers and which we have tried with success in some searches in Mexico and I have seen and I have tried these devices and i put a magnet in front of them... they can detect any magnet at close distance and can also detect any source of energy at a short distance with the exception of the Tesla coil which is more an HV emitter and infrared receiver.

Best regard.

lykian 03-31-2017 04:21 PM

i want to know somethings
1 Attachment(s)
Hi Mr Andreas, i want to ask a question to you, The yellow area on this Picture is secret? Won't you share it in this forum?

Thank you already..

GOLDEN LILLY 04-01-2017 05:45 AM

Maybe Andreas put a different pcb when he take pictures of his PD. Take note that His PD is already for sale at high price. Do you expect him to give us the correct modification? I'm sure not. The picture is not the original Alonso PD but a general modification.

putrechigi 04-11-2017 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by GOLDEN LILLY (Post 155131)
Maybe Andreas put a different pcb when he take pictures of his PD. Take note that His PD is already for sale at high price. Do you expect him to give us the correct modification? I'm sure not. The picture is not the original Alonso PD but a general modification.

how much it cost?

ANDREAS 04-11-2017 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by lykian (Post 155129)
Hi Mr Andreas, i want to ask a question to you, The yellow area on this Picture is secret? Won't you share it in this forum?

Thank you already..

Ofcourse no.
I think is enough all my info about original Alonso PD
Best regards

lykian 04-19-2017 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 155151)
Ofcourse no.
I think is enough all my info about original Alonso PD
Best regards

sorry for late reply, if it is correct clone alonso, can you share at here all abaut it?
Because there are many projects at here and i dont know which one is true one..

Thank you very much.

DrTech 06-10-2017 01:23 AM

I can not calibrate coils, I need ideas, comment ...

GOLDEN LILLY 06-12-2017 03:19 AM

According to Andrea's calibration procedure, you have to move the ferrite first to find the null, then null or adjust the Rx of the omega until both the ferrite and the Rx nulls. Repeat this procedure to obtain the best position of the null. I do not know if this is the correct procedure but this is the tips he gave us. I do not even know if which either the rx coil or the ferrite are responsible for the long range detection.

HaFar2010 07-10-2017 10:44 AM

dear all.
Is there anyone here that have bought andreas's PDGold or have experimental information about the machine?
For exp. Testing the PD in a real target or any successful news.

If yes, please share it.

ford 07-18-2017 08:48 AM

final correct design
Hi all
Please put here final correct design as one zip file include:
Part list
Box design
And any thing and tips we need to build it.

if anybody build it please share experience.


folharin 07-21-2017 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by ford (Post 155336)
Hi all
Please put here final correct design as one zip file include:
Part list
Box design
And any thing and tips we need to build it.

if anybody build it please share experience.


Place instead of normal output on a preamplifier, and you will hear the ferrite signal, which is an am receiver.

folharin 07-21-2017 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by folharin (Post 155337)
Place instead of normal output on a preamplifier, and you will hear the ferrite signal, which is an am receiver.

Move or close the coils l1 and coil l2 of the ferrite! ... Approaches the field test....

DrTech 08-11-2017 04:13 AM

ground/sky effects
Hi, how can I solve the ground / sky effect?

1. Adjusting the coil.?

ford 08-14-2017 04:54 PM

after build!
1 Attachment(s)
I build it.
When we connect power and before calibration what is reaction of PD?
Can we hear any sound from speaker or lighting led(s)?

Best Regards

DrTech 08-15-2017 02:31 AM

Error PD
The problem I have is when I point it to the ground it beeps and when I point it to the sky it beeps. Detects a coin in front of the omega coil, the ferrite antenna can detect a TV. The circuit is correct but I think I have some error that I can not correct.:angry:

ouiarabe 08-15-2017 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by DrTech (Post 155360)
Hi, how can I solve the ground / sky effect?

1. Adjusting the coil.?

It is very simple , decrease the sensitivity

good luck

ford 08-15-2017 11:19 AM

U4 is wrong on Andreas Christi pcb!
Reverse pins.

ford 08-16-2017 09:11 AM

This circuit don't work.
Don't waste your time

ouiarabe 08-16-2017 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by ford (Post 155401)
This circuit don't work.
Don't waste your time

I built this device there is more a year after the plans provided here by Andreas (without any modification) and here is a video with a transmitter of 433mhz

DrTech 08-17-2017 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by ford (Post 155401)
This circuit don't work.
Don't waste your time

I think Andreas is sharing much of his knowledge and research he has done with the LRL, it is true that he does not share 100% but we have to investigate and test. Resonating coils is very complex, you need to do mathematical calculations and help test meters, coil ferrite is more complex because it Slug type coupling coil (coil resonances / main coil), of course we need sometimes a help To advance our projects. This is a hobby and I would like to finish it.

brs 08-18-2017 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 155092)
A real PD must be not detect magnets , ofcourse must be not detect screens or AC signals, earth magnetics lines etc.
Best regards

Mr Andreas I have a friend who bought you Krypton 4, but the device does not produce a sound but the last rotation variable resistance Kalk reveals the television screen and mobile voice on them! Does the device need a balance like this? Also, do not reveal the gold bracelet of the caliber 21 to close to him or not hope to send me or put a video showing how to balance and thank you

brs 08-18-2017 07:51 PM

I am sorry, my English is weak. I use the translator. I mean, it shows the sound, but in the last rolls of variable resistance to the right, and when the sound is heard, I go back until the device calms down and in this case the TV screen and the mobile phone and the palm of the hand are detected if I approach the front shell to detect the gold and when I return the resistance to the left more Silent and do not reveal anything I ask perhaps he needs to balance it, but we did not watch a video of how to balance the correct

folharin 08-18-2017 11:08 PM

Was the best lrl i built ... it detects a power transformer within 100 meters

folharin 08-18-2017 11:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
very sensitive!

ford 08-19-2017 05:52 AM

Andreas not answering questions!

DrTech 08-22-2017 03:46 AM

PD Alonso
1 Attachment(s)
PD Ready.... after 1546 test

bell 09-05-2017 11:58 AM



Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148247)
This is a old cscope (maybe 950) with full modifications and a pink or purple ferrite length 20cm. This unit detect only gold fresh-buried-old on air... etc,without problem very easy. Later maybe i publish some infos about this very interesting modificatio

Please more info.....

brs 12-10-2017 08:29 PM


Geo 12-13-2017 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by bell (Post 155461)

Please more info.....

All the story is a radioactive ferrite.
If you have it then all are ok...
The project "plays" with many schematics.
I have it for many years.

Geo 12-13-2017 03:22 PM

Btw... it is the No1 of attached photo.


aft_72005 01-18-2018 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by ANDREAS (Post 148251)
Here is the better design PCB for this PD.
Later i publish full schematic (is same posting by Qiaozhi) and a pdf file PCB for all members wants build it for experiments. My mods are very small for stability.
If i have free time, i make some video's for look all members why i say "this is a real clone"

Hi ANDREAS and every body
After many times I am here now .
Regards .

jokoboko 02-05-2018 05:31 PM

frequence antenna
What is the frequency of the ferrite antenna???
What is the frequency of others????

lupen 09-19-2018 07:24 AM

ANDREAS has left the building!!!!!!!!!! axaxaxaxa

brs 09-25-2018 07:20 PM

I want to help my friends and help me as well. I will publish the plans the next day from Krypton 4 because Andreas refuses to help

brs 09-25-2018 07:23 PM

A project supplement that he started to help others

abdou2014 09-25-2018 07:57 PM

Thank you BRS :)

abdou2014 09-26-2018 11:29 AM

I think Andreas made a mistake in the IR configuration, so the correction is in the Forum ;)

abdou2014 09-26-2018 11:31 AM

my Andi flind LRL work well , Thank you Geo :)

stergeol 09-26-2018 05:24 PM

Krypton 4 is goldPD or obmd?

brs 09-26-2018 08:32 PM




stergeol 09-26-2018 09:14 PM

Do you build this machine with this shematic ?? And what is the frequency to calibration ?? How khz ferrite and other coil..

Pahom 09-28-2018 09:25 PM

Funny scheme turned out. Cloned the clone . I wonder who invented it ???

ouiarabe 09-29-2018 11:20 AM


thank you for your collaboration but in this scheme there is no adjustment of sensitivity is this normal ???

Bill512 09-30-2018 04:33 PM

Hi brs,
I see that the RX part is the well known "passive receiver" with the 555 beeper.
The RX coil probably is based on the Alonso PD ferrite configuration.

Pahom 10-01-2018 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bill512 (Post 157150)
Hi brs,
I see that the RX part is the well known "passive receiver" with the 555 beeper.
The RX coil probably is based on the Alonso PD ferrite configuration.

Parsing the scheme, it is. The clone turned a Totem just for the transistors. But brs mentions krypton 4

brs 10-01-2018 03:11 PM

Sensitivity is the convergence and spacing of the gold sample of ferrite

stergeol 10-01-2018 06:51 PM

This is the best advertising for this machine
The post is in the correct time for start sales

Pahom 10-07-2018 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by brs (Post 157153)
Sensitivity is the convergence and spacing of the gold sample of ferrite

An interesting solution is a magnet with a gold sample. It turns out if you put a magnet on the sample with silver then the search will be only of silver. For more information would be how it work

Geo 10-22-2018 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 157136)
my Andi flind LRL work well , Thank you Geo :)

Your welcome.....

Farid 04-23-2019 02:12 PM


More info on our telegram

Mail: isaac308gsxr@gmail.com

Farid 04-23-2019 02:17 PM

This device (izaac pistol detector) was built on the basis of Alonso's PD and we were the first to succeed in this project.


More info on our telegram

Mail: isaac308gsxr@gmail.com

folharin 04-23-2019 04:21 PM

seems to be interesting, but does it discriminate against non-ferrous metals?

Farid 04-23-2019 07:19 PM

Yes, it's a lot better than non-ferrous metals. In this case I will publish a new movie.
If the ferrite is not adjusted properly, it does not make any difference between the metals, but if properly adjusted, the non-ferrous metals will have the best reaction and will react to poor ferrous metals.
Come to see our videos on our telegram channel.

HaFar2010 04-26-2019 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Farid (Post 157746)
Yes, it's a lot better than non-ferrous metals. In this case I will publish a new movie.
If the ferrite is not adjusted properly, it does not make any difference between the metals, but if properly adjusted, the non-ferrous metals will have the best reaction and will react to poor ferrous metals.
Come to see our videos on our telegram channel.

See the Link

teo 06-24-2019 06:02 PM

Alonso-PD you are working:)

kostask 08-13-2019 09:33 AM

files for alonso pd
Hi to all
Please put here a link for alonso pd final correct design as one zip file include:
Part list
Box design
And any thing and tips we need to build it, thanks.

zakari 08-16-2019 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by HaFar2010 (Post 157751)

Hi all
mr hafar20 this video belong to the mr mehdi(m.a.m)'s pd not for your pd
please share your pd clip if you have succeed to make that

Best regards

abdou2014 08-16-2019 08:41 AM

it's the TOTEM in the video not alonso pd , and you have a complet project of TOTEM in the forum

zakari 08-16-2019 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 158004)
it's the TOTEM in the video not alonso pd , and you have a complet project of TOTEM in the forum

Hi abdou how are you my habib friend?
Yes you are right .in the video is totem device
mr mehi tested that and share in the net for the first time
Best regard

abdou2014 08-16-2019 10:48 AM

i'm fine thanks :)

bureaupro2000@yahoo.com 08-31-2019 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by LRLMAN (Post 148440)
I found some spots and one of them is a metal, i don't know what kind of metal it is, but also was detected by a normal metal detector, this is a big object because was detected by a garrett metal detector with a multipliers for depth Garrett Grand Master Hunter CX II

As I said, I can not know what kind of metal is because it is located below a large round planter and I can not destroy it.

And the PD, must be connected the ferrite-omega together.

The only position of omega working how a metal detector.


Okay, with this look! But what is the permeability of the coils?

bureaupro2000@yahoo.com 09-06-2019 09:07 AM

Does anyone know the inductance of the ferrite coil?

humhum 09-06-2019 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by bureaupro2000@yahoo.com (Post 158028)
Does anyone know the inductance of the ferrite coil?

Inductance of the ferrite coil and paralel capasitor to him You will set for around ( the nearest ) Radio station

for example : ( the nearest ) XX Radio station transmitt in 59.941 KHz , now you will set your Receiver coil for him with this calculator.


abdou2014 09-06-2019 04:12 PM

you mean we set our LRL near Time signal frequencies ?
and how for those who are very far from Time signal broadcast ?
can we set our LRL on LW radio station ?

humhum 09-06-2019 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 158030)
you mean we set our LRL near Time signal frequencies ?
and how for those who are very far from Time signal broadcast ?
can we set our LRL on LW radio station ?

Yes, if you can receive Radio station with your radio device in your around , for LW if, signal is wery strong also , Yes .

abdou2014 09-06-2019 06:31 PM

I think we do not need stimulation if we have the ability to detect a radio station with our LRL, do you have the same opinion?

humhum 09-06-2019 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 158032)
I think we do not need stimulation if we have the ability to detect a radio station with our LRL, do you have the same opinion?

No , I not think so ,Stimulator is other story .

abdou2014 09-06-2019 06:39 PM

I built a very sensitive LF LRL, I can search with a variable capacitor between 50 and 100 kHz, it captures any station a hundred miles away or very weak electric phenomenon :cool:

abdou2014 09-06-2019 06:41 PM

I know that the stimulator increases the sensitivity, but if your LRL is very sensitive, no need

humhum 09-06-2019 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 158034)
I built a very sensitive LF LRL, I can search with a variable capacitor between 50 and 100 kHz, it captures any station a hundred miles away or very weak electric phenomenon :cool:

But Received signal of any Radio station is only part of PD, after this you will need set many critical adjust with it.
And LW radio signal is with very noisy , it's hard to work on it.

abdou2014 09-06-2019 06:53 PM

not LW , it work 50-100Khz

humhum 09-06-2019 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 158037)
not LW , it work 50-100Khz

You Can be works with it.

abdou2014 09-06-2019 07:04 PM

i have other version with stimulator , it react near ferrite freash gold and silver , and not reaction to iron

humhum 09-06-2019 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 158039)
i have other version with stimulator , it react near ferrite freash gold and silver , and not reaction to iron

Good result , may be works PD .

abdou2014 09-06-2019 07:48 PM

it's new version not yet tested outside , it does not react to the spark, I think it's a disadvantage :frown:

abdou2014 09-08-2019 04:55 PM

is it necessary to work to react a spark ????

humhum 09-09-2019 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 158043)
is it necessary to work to react a spark ????

You test it outside, it will be the most satisfying result.

abdou2014 09-09-2019 08:38 PM

Thank you my friend !!!!

abdou2014 09-12-2019 07:10 AM

I have a problem :frown: , when I bring the stimulator closer to my alonzo receiver the LED goes off , but when i try with my receiver it stay on ,
I think I need a faster stimulator for alonzo receiver ? can you post a schema ?

humhum 09-13-2019 09:40 AM

Which model with Alonso PD you build .

abdou2014 09-13-2019 09:50 AM

The ferrite receiver :


abdou2014 09-13-2019 09:53 AM

without coil paralelle capacitor and without stimulator it detect sparck 1.5 battery from 1.2 meter

humhum 09-13-2019 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 158052)
without coil paralelle capacitor and without stimulator it detect sparck 1.5 battery from 1.2 meter

spark from 1 meter is good , but You test it around one buried metal , if you not have so place , You can buried of your garden one precious metal and will wait for many time for test with it. This will be Real Test of your Device.

abdou2014 09-14-2019 07:47 AM

why without parallel capacitor the distance is 1.2 meter and with the capacitor it decreases?
I need a stimulator schematic ???

abdou2014 09-14-2019 09:33 AM



humhum 09-14-2019 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 158054)
why without parallel capacitor the distance is 1.2 meter and with the capacitor it decreases?
I need a stimulator schematic ???

Very Stimulator schematic have in this forum search for it,
When you take cap from paralell Coil . Your coil not is without Cap. , Input of your Device have self capasitor . pf . and with it have on high Freq. Resonant . Khz , Mhz.

abdou2014 09-15-2019 02:56 PM

Thank you !

abdou2014 09-25-2019 09:40 AM

2 meters from 1.5 battery spark without stimulator , passive receiver modified :D:D:D

shahrayar 11-17-2019 08:26 AM

Thank you good project


shahrayar 11-22-2019 02:47 PM

Why use a 5V voltage regulator?

shahrayar 11-22-2019 02:49 PM

Why use a 5V voltage regulator?

Geo 11-22-2019 04:20 PM

For better stability.
This project has very critical adjusment so we need very good stability.

shahrayar 11-22-2019 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 158248)
For better stability.
This project has very critical adjusment so we need very good stability.

Thank you
I see a C12 capacitor connected to the ground has nothing to do:lol::lol::angry:
The capacitor C4 inverted electrodes:lol::lol:

Geo 11-22-2019 08:41 PM

Was not me who designed this schematic :lol:

shahrayar 11-23-2019 08:26 PM

Do 50UH coils are good

Geo 11-24-2019 06:21 AM

I never constructed this version by Andreas so i don't know what coils he used or what mods he made.

shahrayar 11-24-2019 06:35 AM

Thank you so much
I do not mean reception coils 56T 56T
Coil 433MHZ !!

shahrayar 11-24-2019 06:07 PM

Calibration is very difficult, maybe just put the coil in the middle:lol::lol:

behnamvp 06-17-2020 09:50 AM

Good day
As many, interested in ? Alonso PD ? which is modified and dedicated by Mr.andreas Christi
Built one and studied.

Above all, I must say that Mr.anreas Christi from Greek is an honest, hardworking, social person and his device works, but I think works regionally. Depends on conditions.

Here is the result:

Alonso-Andreas PD can NOT detect either old buried or fresh gold target from far in any regions or area.
There is NOT any zero or magic or golden point which can be tuned by plastic screw or other micro stepping adjustment technic.
Ferrite rod and a coil, obviously result a radio signal receiver and Mr.christi accidentally
Is receiving some sort of signal (probably UHF) which has effect on Gold target. PD transmitter has NOT effect.
What does it mean? If you notice to recent product by Christi (pocket gold detector), it is just a receiver In UHF band and has no transmitter.
Means, if you live in an area which there is not any UHF band signal transmitter, your PD can not detect any gold target from far.

PD transmitter produces approx. 180 KHz sinusoidal frequency. (it is much like damped wave)

Receiver by capacitor value in schematic, tuned to approx. 77 KHz. (75 KHz to 79 KHz variable by moving coil on the rod)
Do you see any relation between those numbers? (personally I do not)

also there is a 15 Hz low-band-pass filter in the receiver circuit which does not let other higher signals pass to detection part.

Overall, do not know what UHF frequency has effect on fresh and old gold target and why this Contact produces 15Hz and below. (beat frequency or ?.)
But I think without UHF in your area, no hope to your PD able to detect gold.
as myself in iran-shiraz city, which since several years ago, UHF signals stopped by TV channels and all became digital.
Also, I informed that there is no UHF TV transmitter in the middle east. at my country very limited Still in the capital. Other area is empty. So, not only your home-made PD will not work in all regions but also factory-made may not work.

Important: UHF concept and effect, borrowed from andreas Christi videos published on youtube.

Any comment, appreciated and welcome.
Please correct it if I am wrong. Thank you

Here is a few pictures:

behnamvp 06-17-2020 12:38 PM


behnamvp 06-17-2020 12:40 PM


behnamvp 06-17-2020 12:42 PM


behnamvp 06-17-2020 12:44 PM


behnamvp 06-17-2020 12:46 PM


behnamvp 06-17-2020 12:47 PM


humhum 06-17-2020 08:36 PM

'' product by Christi (pocket gold detector), it is just a receiver In UHF band and has no transmitter. ''

Hi Behnamvp , My interest is for Pocket GD, does You have Photos from it . ;)

GOLDEN LILLY 06-18-2020 11:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
PGF170 Gold Detector by Andreas...

humhum 06-18-2020 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by GOLDEN LILLY (Post 159502)
PGF170 Gold Detector by Andreas...

So like only Receiver in UHF Band , Does works good or Find any Buried ?
You Try this device?

humhum 06-19-2020 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by GOLDEN LILLY (Post 159502)
PGF170 Gold Detector by Andreas...

Does anyone have inside Photos from PGF 170, for analyzing Works method or prencibe ??

Can share here ...

abdou2014 06-19-2020 10:53 AM

according to its size , I'm sure it's an IR optical system !

behnamvp 06-19-2020 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 159513)
according to its size , I'm sure it's an IR optical system !

according to a the video that andreas presented and showing device performance,
it is not IR optical detector. he says device uses UHF band and by noticing to video,
it is clear that the detector is just a receiver which i think it uses available transmitted
radio signal in the environment. TV stations transmitter signals or other sources, i do not know. but it seems to be RF receiver.

behnamvp 06-19-2020 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by humhum (Post 159512)
Does anyone have inside Photos from PGF 170, for analyzing Works method or prencibe ??

Can share here ...

unfortunately, couldn't find any picture.
but we can guess some
there is a knob on the box and first he turn it until tune device
the position of knob is seems to be variable capacitor such as available in MW or SW radio.
also he says if gold target is less than 5 gram, device can not find it
seems density of target is matter and size of surface is not important
also he says it is short range detector something around 2 or 3 meters from target
when put these signs together, i think the result is a kind of RF detector which uses
high power signals which transmitting by radio or TV stations

humhum 06-19-2020 07:27 PM

Why You thinks that use UHF freq. , can also use so like RF receiver MW or SW band ,

İf this Detector is from only UHF Receiver , then will use any UHF fix Freq. and special Filter only for precious Metals , I think so .
And knob can Variable Cap or Potans for Threshold gain .

behnamvp 06-22-2020 10:44 AM

good day

Here are a few measurements. hope to be useful for who interested to study Alonso-andreas PD.
Please notice that written values are all approx. values depends on ?measurement device?, ?how to wind coils? and ?what size of wire used to?.
Anyway, in any condition, I do not think the result will be out of the ?given range?.
It seems presence of ? UHF ? signal is vital for device to work as a long range gold detector and Just by making and assembling, device just works such as normal metal detector and not as LRL.

Once again: the UHF influences is taken from a video by Mr.andreas Christi, which is about ? pocket-size remote gold detector ?. This video available on youtube at his channel.

Here I must say: many thanks to Mr.andreas Christi from Greece also special thanks to Daniel for wiring diagram.

Here are a few pictures:

behnamvp 06-22-2020 10:45 AM


behnamvp 06-22-2020 10:46 AM


behnamvp 06-22-2020 10:48 AM


behnamvp 06-22-2020 10:49 AM


behnamvp 06-22-2020 10:51 AM


Morgan 06-22-2020 11:13 AM

Adreas new pocket LRL

Originally Posted by GOLDEN LILLY (Post 159502)
PGF170 Gold Detector by Andreas...

this LRL is working with IR/UV LEDs ???

Morgan 06-22-2020 11:35 AM

I see video now, its other system LRL


Bill512 06-23-2020 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 159551)
I see video now, its other system LRL

Morgan, some questions about your famous original Alonso PD.
The PD detects massive metal targets (like cars) from a medium distance? say 3-5 meters.
Also when it finds a good old target, if you hold it stationary, has signal?

Morgan 06-23-2020 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Bill512 (Post 159560)
Morgan, some questions about your famous original Alonso PD.
The PD detects massive metal targets (like cars) from a medium distance? say 3-5 meters.
Also when it finds a good old target, if you hold it stationary, has signal?


Bill512 06-26-2020 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 159561)

thanks Morgan.
so in conclusion ,the Alonso PD is no-motion and detects very big metal sheets etc.
I'm asking this because I had this "strange detection distance" with the ToTem (tuned in limits as you say).

folharin 06-27-2020 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by behnamvp (Post 159545)

l1..45...l2 380.......58and68khz

folharin 06-28-2020 12:23 AM

those who manage to calibrate at 66khz will have success

folharin 06-28-2020 12:25 AM

two ferrites..
adjustable between them

behnamvp 06-28-2020 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by folharin (Post 159571)
those who manage to calibrate at 66khz will have success

Good day
66 KHZ receiver or transmitter?
if you notice to values given and written on the schema, by calculation other frequencies
will appear. practically as i measured by oscilloscope, not much difference in calculation
and in performance.
something is missing in alonso-andreas PD. there must be an "extra factor" which has crucial
influence that PD need it to work and detect even fresh gold under ground.



here you can see 181 khz which measured by oscilloscope.my device


Bill512 06-28-2020 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by behnamvp (Post 159574)
something is missing in alonso-andreas PD. there must be an "extra factor" which has crucial
influence that PD need it to work and detect even fresh gold under ground.

I'm not really a big fan of the Alonso PD , and I know the basic info about this detector ,
but I don't remember Morgan or Esteban saying that this PD detects fresh gold.
(is here, in this forum, or elsewhere, such a statement from them?)

Morgan 06-29-2020 01:21 PM

the Alonso PD locate a gold sovering 8gr in air test 30 cm

Bill512 06-30-2020 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 159581)
the Alonso PD locate a gold sovering 8gr in air test 30 cm

thanks for the info Morgan.
Personally ,for sure, I would not classify this 30 cm, as a long range detection.

Morgan 06-30-2020 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bill512 (Post 159586)
thanks for the info Morgan.
Personally ,for sure, I would not classify this 30 cm, as a long range detection.

this is AIR TEST on a gold coin, if the same coin was buried in the ground for 10 years ,get 3meter, 100years maybe 10meters,

see distance I get in a silver bracelet buried at 40cm 7 years ago, 6 meters


Bill512 07-01-2020 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 159588)
this is AIR TEST on a gold coin, if the same coin was buried in the ground for 10 years ,get 3meter, 100years maybe 10meters,

see distance I get in a silver bracelet buried at 40cm 7 years ago, 6 meters


I'm talking also for the air test.
To be more clear, 30cm detection distance on air test, it's not a long range detection for this "fresh" gold coin.
Simply it's the expected distance from a typical metal detector.
In my opinion, Alonso PD is not a "fresh gold" detector, regardless of the advertisement of some clone makers.

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