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hung 01-02-2010 10:36 AM

Bionic 01 Video
One of these was used along with the FG80 by a friend and his partner to recover gold in a remote region in Brazil. He told me that tough the Bionic 01 had more range and was the first device to detect the target, it used to employ an old and awkward method of triangulation to determine the exact target's location, and for this reason the FG80 was the one device used to pinpoint it.
I believe the one featured in the video is the upgraded model featuring a laser as pinpointer and sensor directivity, something the earlier model did not have.

For those unfamiliar with this device, a ground and surface balance procedure signal input is required to be performed in order to set software and processor filtering.

Now I wonder, after watching videos of similar LRLs in action how many of you still feel like employing the insane method of sweeping a football stadium size field with a broom type standard MD toy?:lol:

You can watch the videos here:


And here:


Jim 01-02-2010 12:31 PM

pseudoscience babble

Originally Posted by hung (Post 103670)

Now I wonder, after watching videos of similar LRLs in action how many of you still feel like employing the insane method of sweeping a football stadium size field with a broom type standard MD toy?:lol:

After viewing the video, I would much rather sweep a football stadium sized field with an 8" coil than the dot size of a laser beam. This gimmick would take days and days to accomplish that task.

Oh yeah, the Bionic still uses pseudoscience babble

This gold detector includes two individual searching systems:
  • Bio-energy system (bionic mode)
  • Ionization system (ionic mode)

The bio-energy system interacts with the bio energy of your own body during the localization of gold and silver objects to observe minimum changes of object substances. Thereby the gold detector Bionic 01 is able to locate almost all metallic objects whereas the ionization system is a method to measure the ions radiation (ions absorbance). Therefore a metal-ion reaction chamber is integrated in the Bionic 01.
The bio-energy system is able to locate also fresh buried or not buried objects no matter which age they are. The ionic system is mainly used to find buried artefacts.

hung 01-02-2010 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jim (Post 103676)
After viewing the video, I would much rather sweep a football stadium sized field with an 8" coil than the dot size of a laser beam.

Hey dude, the laser is just the pinpointer modulated according to the reception frequency and not the detector itself.


Oh yeah, the Bionic still uses pseudoscience babble
If you mean this term is used to explain some technical data beyond your own knowledge, I tend to agree.
But if you keep on learning from the LRL guys in TNET, you will pass this stage eventually.

Tim Williams 01-02-2010 03:39 PM

Tell you what. I would like to see the calibration and then move the gold and see if the unit still picks it up. The reason I ask is it is possible that the unit has an internal 3 axis mag and is only triggering on the stored position.

So after you beep on the shelf with the gold ring move it to another place and see what the unit does.

By the way Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all here in geotech.

Jim 01-02-2010 03:46 PM

Give that man a cigar!

Originally Posted by Tim Williams (Post 103689)
Tell you what. I would like to see the calibration and then move the gold and see if the unit still picks it up. The reason I ask is it is possible that the unit has an internal 3 axis mag and is only triggering on the stored position.

So after you beep on the shelf with the gold ring move it to another place and see what the unit does.

By the way Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all here in geotech.

That's the ticket :thumb:

Qiaozhi 01-02-2010 03:57 PM

I think the most amazing thing about the videos is how the guy manages to keep a straight face during the whole test. :lol:

This is just more pseudo-scientific gobbledygook. Complete rubbish. :razz:

Theseus 01-02-2010 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 103694)
I think the most amazing thing about the videos is how the guy manages to keep a straight face during the whole test. :lol:

This is just more pseudo-scientific gobbledygook. Complete rubbish. :razz:

Still, there will be a small percentage of folks who will be completely taken in by the whole ruse. Hung The Debunker for one. :lol: :lol: :lol:

hung 01-02-2010 04:34 PM

Good grief...
That's why all the serious LRL discussions now have moved to the TNET forum.
Here, only a few among the comedy and the notorious comedians were left...

Sometimes just to relax a little I might show up just to join the fun with you people.
May 2010 be a funny year as always here in geoskepthic forums...:D

Jim 01-02-2010 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103696)
Good grief...
That's why all the serious LRL discussions now have moved to the TNET forum.
Here, only a few among the comedy and the notorious comedians were left...

Sometimes just to relax a little I might show up just to join the fun with you people.
May 2010 be a funny year as always here in geoskepthic forums...:D

Serious LRL discussion on TNET?

Surely you jest! (no...and don't ever call me Shirley again)

Hung...its the same cast of characters and same ole hoopla over there, as it is here. The same LRL manufactures swapping insults with skeptics

hung 01-02-2010 05:41 PM

Hey Jim, catfights between LRLers and skeptics are normal in every forum.
But in TNET, skeptics are more polite and are able to carry on a discussion with minimum logic, even when the LRL guys make them 'face the truth', what happens almost all the time by the way...:D
And you have to admit there are many experienced LRL users there. That's great.

But here in this forum, there's no discussion at all. Skepthics here are like the mambo boys who think they know how to dance that song without not even knowing which song or what rythm that is.:lol:

But come one, that's fair enough! What would you expect from a RS forum in Carl Skeptmoreland site??

Skepthics here are like: 'Hey there's this new LRL I would li...'
And even before the sentence is written they go... 'It's a scam!Rubbish!Gobbleydok(I like that one)! and etc. and etc.

So it's better to discuss there and come here to laugh a little, don't you think?8)

Carl-NC 01-02-2010 05:53 PM

I agree with Tim... the guy only moves the device up & down, never side-to-side. This would be really easy to fake. But it's probably enough of a demo to convince some people to buy one.

Jim 01-02-2010 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103701)

So it's better to discuss there and come here to laugh a little, don't you think?8)


hung 01-02-2010 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Carl-NC (Post 103702)
I agree with Tim... the guy only moves the device up & down, never side-to-side.

There's no problem to move it sideways at all. But if he did, I imagine you would come up with another bazooki.


This would be really easy to fake. But it's probably enough of a demo to convince some people to buy one.
Yes. It convinced my friend's partner and they found gold with it.
But he is a thunther who goes out in the field. Not the armchair, indoor electric fence tester typo.

See Jim, what I mean by mambo boys?:lol:

Tim Williams 01-02-2010 07:35 PM

Hung I'm not saying it does not work. I'm only saying one way to do the same thing I see in the video. I'm all for the work you and hung are doing. But it is hard to tell anything except at a certain position the lights flash and the bells sound. I have asked hung and other to share info so I can test here in the states and give feedback to the source. But no takers.

WM6 01-02-2010 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Tim Williams (Post 103710)

Hung I'm not saying it does not work.

Hi Tim.

You can be free to say "it does not work".
It is about cheap trick (but expensive sold).

Whole Principe was taken from IR laser alarm electronics.

On the box with some electronics are mounted
- in the centre the red laser pointer and
- next to him two tubes with IR sensors.

Now, we need only reflective surfaces like: mirrors, reflective foils, gold things, white paper bag (no black!!), glass vases, etc

In fact nothing inventive, but very primitive scaming idea.

Easy to prove that it does not work (for example, so that one in the background of gold ring put reflective plastic film, little crushed before or put gold in bag with same colour and surface texture as bag background, or put white bag at white background right angled to laser beam, etc).

putrechigi 01-02-2010 08:30 PM

HELLO TO ALL AND HAPPY NEW YEAR, had not seen the debate, I am personally acquainted with that person and will be contacting 'TOMORROW TO FIND OUT ALL INFORMATION POSSIBLE

Theseus 01-02-2010 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103696)
Good grief...
That's why all the serious LRL discussions now have moved to the TNET forum.

You have got to be joking! Well.... of course you are joking; you used the word serious and LRL in the same sentence.

Have you actually checked out what few postings are on TNET? The activity over there is all but nil because the TNET forums are way OVER-MODERATED. Also, the Dowsing Forum is definitely Pro-dowsing and whenever anyone tries to post something to question the Pro-dowsers; they are quickly warned and reminded about the biased rules. If they persist, their postings will be removed and they will be banned, never to return.

The TNET forums are a great place to visit about two or three times a year, because the activity is so low, there isn't anything of any consequence going on over there, and it only takes a couple of minutes to read a few postings from Art and Mike; and then you are done.

Although...... I can certainly see why you'd feel more comfortable over there. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mike(Mont) 01-02-2010 09:37 PM

I wouldn't be surprised if theseus was a tnet moderator. You know, that BTK guy. He's bribed his way onto several LRL forums.

Carl-NC 01-02-2010 10:36 PM

Hung, on TNet you mentioned Frank Casser... does he own a Bionic? If I can find someone who has one, I'm more than willing to visit them for some evaluation.

- Carl

Theseus 01-03-2010 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) (Post 103716)
I wouldn't be surprised if theseus was a tnet moderator. You know, that BTK guy. He's bribed his way onto several LRL forums.

Did you mean PBK guy? :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mike(Mont) 01-03-2010 03:54 AM

It was a Freudian slip. Yes, I know how you use the slight of hand--make people believe one thing when it's really just the opposite. You want people to think anyone who uses an LRL is "gullible" when in fact anyone who listens to you is the gullible one.

WM6 01-03-2010 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) (Post 103724)

when in fact


Not to demonstrable fact, as all others LRL phenomena, Mike.

But we all have right to working LRL. Where it is?

putrechigi 01-03-2010 09:00 AM

hi at hall and happy new ear
i have spoke at MARCO thi is the name of man in the video he said me that the test is only in the house because the weather is bad and the lrl is new and is the first time that he have. next time he will make other test ( in country) and put on youtube, in the test he move up and down because he said that the lrl work only up and down not left and right
reguards manolo

J_Player 01-03-2010 09:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Tim Williams
Tell you what. I would like to see the calibration and then move the gold and see if the unit still picks it up. The reason I ask is it is possible that the unit has an internal 3 axis mag and is only triggering on the stored position.

So after you beep on the shelf with the gold ring move it to another place and see what the unit does.

Hi Tim,
Excellent thinking. You could be right about that. But who's to know without checking it out?

Originally Posted by putrechigi
i have spoke at MARCO thi is the name of man in the video he said me that the test is only in the house because the weather is bad and the lrl is new and is the first time that he have. next time he will make other test ( in country) and put on youtube, in the test he move up and down because he said that the lrl work only up and down not left and right
reguards manolo

Maybe there is an internal mag that is only 2-axis?
Or maybe not a mag at all... maybe there is a precision level inside? :shocked:

It seems like we tried RF, and MFD, brass rods, IR and needles with thread....
So should we start using levels to find the "phenomenon" now?

Best wishes,

Qiaozhi 01-03-2010 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103706)
There's no problem to move it sideways at all. But if he did, I imagine you would come up with another bazooki.


Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 103728)
i have spoke at MARCO thi is the name of man in the video he said me that the test is only in the house because the weather is bad and the lrl is new and is the first time that he have. next time he will make other test ( in country) and put on youtube, in the test he move up and down because he said that the lrl work only up and down not left and right
reguards manolo

Strike one! :razz:

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