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Douglass 02-20-2021 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by humhum (Post 160288)
Ok , maybe You say about Metaphysical Energy , that when we open this door , it will be witout countrol for We ??
But how we can open this Door without Know, How is this making ??

Maybe when we using Dowsing Rod so mixing with Human Energy and poke or goading this Anomaly energy , because in Word have very different energy . ;)

A common antenna is transformed with this system, marking only objects buried for many years. You enter the world of the phenomenon and come to understand what happens with this energy, perhaps not all because it is complex. I am still learning since I discovered all this. I just want to make it clear believe in the antennas they can do a lot more than we think. Ordinary science cannot explain

humhum 02-20-2021 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Douglass (Post 160296)
A common antenna is transformed with this system, marking only objects buried for many years. You enter the world of the phenomenon and come to understand what happens with this energy, perhaps not all because it is complex. I am still learning since I discovered all this. I just want to make it clear believe in the antennas they can do a lot more than we think. Ordinary science cannot explain

All is Reaction of Aethers wave .


taxma1981 02-21-2021 01:28 PM

I have experimented a lot with the dowsing and my conclusion is that it always takes you to metal, the fact that you may not find something if you put a metal detector on the end point does not mean that you did not catch metal with the dowsing,can be next to or at a greater depth .... Frequency also for me does not matter because it has to do with the earth's magnetic field which changes per point....Maybe combining a magnetometer with dowsing will work perfectly to create a code that will change the frequency with each change of magnetic field.:)

Douglass 02-24-2021 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by taxma1981 (Post 160303)
I have experimented a lot with the dowsing and my conclusion is that it always takes you to metal, the fact that you may not find something if you put a metal detector on the end point does not mean that you did not catch metal with the dowsing,can be next to or at a greater depth .... Frequency also for me does not matter because it has to do with the earth's magnetic field which changes per point....Maybe combining a magnetometer with dowsing will work perfectly to create a code that will change the frequency with each change of magnetic field.:)

Gold quartz ores microscope, invisible, forms phenomena, strong that can deceive any operator, without its proper calibration. Even good electronic directionals.

humhum 02-25-2021 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Douglass (Post 160341)
Gold quartz ores microscope, invisible, forms phenomena, strong that can deceive any operator, without its proper calibration. Even good electronic directionals.

How is this proper calibration for not find Gold quartz minerals .

Douglass 02-25-2021 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by humhum (Post 160354)
How is this proper calibration for not find Gold quartz minerals .

Whoever handles the antenna knows how annoying these quartz signals are. This generates very strong fields. But with a common antenna you can't eliminate these signals, friend. The system I use eliminates:lol:

humhum 02-26-2021 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Douglass (Post 160358)
Whoever handles the antenna knows how annoying these quartz signals are. This generates very strong fields. But with a common antenna you can't eliminate these signals, friend. The system I use eliminates:lol:

Ok Dear , I understand , Your system for eliminate of unwanted gold minerals for Dowsing Rod is Secret . :Д
I know so that , many people connected serial Carbon to Dowsing Rod for this Elimination .

Douglass 02-26-2021 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by humhum (Post 160364)
Ok Dear , I understand , Your system for eliminate of unwanted gold minerals for Dowsing Rod is Secret . :Д
I know so that , many people connected serial Carbon to Dowsing Rod for this Elimination .


Douglass 02-26-2021 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by humhum (Post 160364)
Ok Dear , I understand , Your system for eliminate of unwanted gold minerals for Dowsing Rod is Secret . :Д
I know so that , many people connected serial Carbon to Dowsing Rod for this Elimination .

As Esteban said in this forum, experimenting you discover a lot. This works as simple doping maybe closes some energy. But always leave other doors open, the thing is more (Complex)

humhum 03-12-2021 06:14 PM

Finging with one Rod
Hi Douglass , Today I make different test with one Rod and with one sample Metal , in this test I find one phenomenon place from 100 meter with one Rod , after , in this place I make test also with my PD from 200m and I see that also find same phenomenon place , this was very interesting test for me . So was test of one Rod instead PD , without any wrong finding .
No Minerals , No Oxidation . Only Big phenomenon . 8)

Douglass 03-13-2021 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by humhum (Post 160515)
Hi Douglass , Today I make different test with one Rod and with one sample Metal , in this test I find one phenomenon place from 100 meter with one Rod , after , in this place I make test also with my PD from 200m and I see that also find same phenomenon place , this was very interesting test for me . So was test of one Rod instead PD , without any wrong finding .
No Minerals , No Oxidation . Only Big phenomenon . 8)

Very good um how did you set up your antenna? PD scored 200 meters you don't need a selective antenna your PD does the job:lol:

humhum 03-13-2021 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Douglass (Post 160523)
Very good um how did you set up your antenna? PD scored 200 meters you don't need a selective antenna your PD does the job:lol:

Setting of Rod is simple it use human energy for find .

taxma1981 03-14-2021 10:05 AM

Good evening, they could work on the rodscopes frequencies from 100 khz to 1 mhz;?I located a larger piece of lead old with 100khz


liudengyuand 07-06-2021 09:45 AM

After reading all the comments, I did not see the specific schematic diagram of the production method of the LrL circuit and the L rod. Can anyone share a circuit and production method? Thank you

humhum 07-11-2021 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by liudengyuand (Post 160874)
After reading all the comments, I did not see the specific schematic diagram of the production method of the LrL circuit and the L rod. Can anyone share a circuit and production method? Thank you


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