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ivconic 01-11-2010 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 104318)
According to the original article the Zahori was designed as an electronic version of a dowsing rod for finding underground water. In fact, the word "zahori" means "dowser". As a reminder, I have attached the article that I translated from Spanish into English.

No it is not true. That text was written much later by who knows who? Most probably some dowser.
I adopted also name "Zahori" to easilly talk with people here. But "Zahori" name was added much later....some 20 - 30 years later after original schematic was published. Ahhahahahah!
Even you Qiaozhi? Seems you are also confused with LRL mumbo jumbo empty talks!?

Qiaozhi 01-11-2010 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by ivconic (Post 104320)
No it is not true. That text was written much later by who knows who? Most probably some dowser.
I adopted also name "Zahori" to easilly talk with people here. But "Zahori" name was added much later....some 20 - 30 years later after original schematic was published. Ahhahahahah!
Even you Qiaozhi? Seems you are also confused with LRL mumbo jumbo empty talks!?

The Elektor article was published in October 1987. Therefore, if you saw this circuit in the 70s, perhaps the author adapted it to become an electronic dowsing rod. :shocked:

ivconic 01-11-2010 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 104322)
The Elektor article was published in October 1987. Therefore, if you saw this circuit in the 70s, perhaps the author adapted it to become an electronic dowsing rod. :shocked:

Hey Qiaozhi i am very Sorry! I missinformed you and others in my posts regarding to Zahori's origin and history.
I just checked my docs and found out that i was wrong! :frown:
All the time i was thinking on something else pretty similar to Zahori.
S O R R Y !

ivconic 01-11-2010 02:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This provoked me to check some docs in details...

Personaly i doubt that German Elektor ever posted this article under "Zahori" name.
I think that spanish publisher took freedom to change original title to "Zahori electronico". Most probably the rest of text in article was changed also (to attract more attention or some other reason...?).
Would be nice to see original german Elektor from 10. 1987.

sweatofglory 01-11-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by ivconic (Post 104306)
LRL idealists can become obsessive in time. More you experiment - more you have impression that "it is it". Terrible trick of the mind! Horrible! After years of practicing and experimenting with LRL man is completely lost. He lives and die in conviction that LRL is real thing but "only one step left to make it real".
I know few LRL'st who already aged and died in hard convictions that LRL is real thing. Only problem is that those actually never located NOTHING with their numerous LRL designs. I am not joking here at all. Take this very seriously. I just tried to give my humble contribution on these forums, hoping that it will have some influence and turn few people away from such stupid ideas. Life is short. Use it smarter. LRL (the way it is understood here) is 100% waste of time. Waste of time, energy and money.
I tried....have nothing to regret for.

Hi Ivconic,

Thanks for your concern. Next month, I will be testing my LRL using program that I had been installed in my laptop computer. If I could not find something of value, I guess, that is the time for me to discontinue my research & experiment and do something productive, instead of wasting my precious time in the fantasy world of LRL's.:):):)

ivconic 01-11-2010 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by sweatofglory (Post 104327)
Hi Ivconic,

Thanks for your concern. Next month, I will be testing my LRL using program that I had been installed in my laptop computer. If I could not find something of value, I guess, that is the time for me to discontinue my research & experiment and do something productive, instead of wasting my precious time in the fantasy world of LRL's.:):):)

Cool! You better try to find a way how to use laptop in conjuction with some descent I/B design.
Use earphones output as part of TX stage (add stronger output on it) and use mic or line input as RX (also can add front end on it). Write softvare which will do some tasks:

* Simple signal generator, sinus, square, 2-20kHz, adjustable amplitude..
* Direct view (on monitor) and momentary controls over TX signal..
* RX signal analysis. Amplitude, phase, phase shifts...
* Presets with phase shifts..
* Various indications....VDI numbers, sounds, bells....


g-sani 01-11-2010 03:41 PM

Nobody knows better than my pocket if LRLs work or not.
Well unless I am not in my trousers alone.:lol::lol::lol:

Infamy 01-11-2010 07:36 PM

The only LRL that I know works is the nose of a dog.

WM6 01-11-2010 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by ivconic (Post 104326)

Would be nice to see original german Elektor from 10. 1987.

Hallo ivconic

Ist nicht zu finden in Oktober Heft:


Qiaozhi 01-11-2010 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by WM6 (Post 104358)
Hallo ivconic

Ist nicht zu finden in Oktober Heft:


The link is broken. :frown:

ivconic 01-11-2010 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by WM6 (Post 104358)
Hallo ivconic

Ist nicht zu finden in Oktober Heft:


I wonder why? :lol::lol::lol:

Fred 01-11-2010 08:26 PM

It´s not broken just wrong,(look at it) here is the right one:


Geo 01-11-2010 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by g-sani (Post 104335)
Nobody knows better than my pocket if LRLs work or not.
Well unless I am not in my trousers alone.:lol::lol::lol:

Hi G-Sani.
Don't try to convince the other people!!!!!
J_P wrote it.... "It is not your job to convince other people".
But is it job of the other people to convince us that the LRL don't work????
Or the other people can say their opinion but we can't say our opinion.


g-sani 01-11-2010 09:23 PM

Hi Geo, sorry I cannot keep my mouth shut my friend.
You see when somebody tries to give us his valueable knowledge in a subject(LRL) that otherwise you need a lot of money to spend to understand things on yourself then you cannot come back to him saying that he was using remote controlled devices in his video to fool us.
Lets be fair and respect a few things.
Even if it is so I don't think this is the right behaviour anyway.:nono:


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 104247)
Hi J_P.
I wrote my position with my experience from Bionic Alfa. I am not sure about Bionic01, but the Japan laser that i saw, worked very easy compared to Bionic. It did not like the beam to be exactly on the object, but if the "line" was up of the object then you had a strong beep.


Can you tell me anything more about the Japaneese Laser that you have mentioned in your post above?
Is it something out in the market?Can I see it in internet?

Many regards

J_Player 01-11-2010 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Geo
Hi G-Sani.
Don't try to convince the other people!!!!!
J_P wrote it.... "It is not your job to convince other people".
But is it job of the other people to convince us that the LRL don't work????
Or the other people can say their opinion but we can't say our opinion.


Hi Geo,
I think you do not understand what I said. Here is the what I posted:

What you did is exactly what other people should do. You should go to see the machine working with your own eyes, and test it with your own hands. After you try it with your own hands, if you become convinced it is helping you to find treasure, then you should use it for finding treasure. It is not your job to convince other people. If others want proof, then they can try it with their own hands the same as you did. This is the only proof. No video can prove it will work for you on a treasure hunt the same as if you try it yourself.
My meaning is you are not required convince people. It is the responsibility of each individual to find their own proof that they consider suitable to convince themselves. If you decide you want to convince people that something works or does not work, then you are free to speak as you please.

Anybody can post their opinion here. But I will not take posted opinions to be the same as proof I see with my own eyes and in my own hands... the same as you did not take it to be the same. :)

Best wishes,

WM6 01-11-2010 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by ivconic (Post 104362)
I wonder why? :lol::lol::lol:

Deutsche Ausgabe ist nicht immer (im Regel ueberhaupt nicht) das gleiche als other language edition.

In full year 1987 & 1988 German editions I can find only one similar article named: Kontaktlose Hochspannungskontrolle in Elektor Doppelheft 7/8 1988 (but no one word about dowsing or "Zahori").

Here photos phenomenon of the best "Zahori" schematic:


ivconic 01-12-2010 06:20 AM

Yes i saw that one. Use of BF981 is most interesting to me there (not expected to see it in such design).

Geo 01-12-2010 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by J_Player (Post 104368)
Hi Geo,
I think you do not understand what I said. Here is the what I posted:
My meaning is you are not required convince people. It is the responsibility of each individual to find their own proof that they consider suitable to convince themselves. If you decide you want to convince people that something works or does not work, then you are free to speak as you please.

Anybody can post their opinion here. But I will not take posted opinions to be the same as proof I see with my own eyes and in my own hands... the same as you did not take it to be the same. :)

Best wishes,

Hi J_P.
Sometimes we say some more words....


Geo 01-12-2010 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by g-sani (Post 104367)
Hi Geo, sorry I cannot keep my mouth shut my friend.
You see when somebody tries to give us his valueable knowledge in a subject(LRL) that otherwise you need a lot of money to spend to understand things on yourself then you cannot come back to him saying that he was using remote controlled devices in his video to fool us.
Lets be fair and respect a few things.
Even if it is so I don't think this is the right behaviour anyway.:nono:

Can you tell me anything more about the Japaneese Laser that you have mentioned in your post above?
Is it something out in the market?Can I see it in internet?

Many regards

Σου τηλ 3 φορες και δεν το σηκωσες (Τωρα στις γιορτες).
Ισχυει το παλιο σου κινητο??


g-sani 01-12-2010 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 104383)
Σου τηλ 3 φορες και δεν το σηκωσες (Τωρα στις γιορτες).
Ισχυει το παλιο σου κινητο??


Nαι Γιωργο ισχυει.Πιθανως να το ειχα στο αθορυβο αν ημουν στη δουλεια η και μερικες φορες μπορει να μιλαω με καποιον και εσυ να μην το καταλαβαινεις οποτε μετα βλεπω αγνωστο νουμερο και υποθετω πως θα ξαναπαρουν.
Στειλε μου ενα μηνυμα με το δικο σου νουμερο στο κινητο μου.
Σου ξαναστελνω το δικο μου με πμ τωρα.

Esteban 01-12-2010 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by sweatofglory (Post 104327)
Hi Ivconic,

Thanks for your concern. Next month, I will be testing my LRL using program that I had been installed in my laptop computer. If I could not find something of value, I guess, that is the time for me to discontinue my research & experiment and do something productive, instead of wasting my precious time in the fantasy world of LRL's.:):):)

Is not fantasy... but you can wasting also your time in other things...

Esteban 01-12-2010 12:42 PM

1920's radio LRL device
1 Attachment(s)
Popular Science Monthly, 1928

Geo 01-12-2010 12:51 PM

Hi Esteban.
Nice photo!!!
Can you attach some photos yet, especially for us the LRL believers :lol:


Esteban 01-12-2010 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 104406)
Hi Esteban.
Nice photo!!!
Can you attach some photos yet, especially for us the LRL believers :lol:


The article refers was found with similar device treasure in Panama at 8 feet depth. Read since page 45.


Fred 01-12-2010 01:13 PM

This is not esoteric LRL , it works on known and explained basis.
And yes, interesting picture.

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