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abdou2014 02-10-2017 09:33 AM

Can you give us an overview on the Mr Hung's device ?

Nicolas 02-13-2017 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by pablo72 (Post 154922)
He sent me bad MCU. But, even I had comit mistake, he treated me very bad as customer.
Mr. hung helped me in this case and sent me new circuit and MCU program.
I have detected gold many times.

All people I see in videos only detect TV signal. nothing more.
Good luck.

This man also i send him bad MCU ?????



Nicolas 02-13-2017 02:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by pablo72 (Post 154922)
He sent me bad MCU. But, even I had comit mistake, he treated me very bad as customer.
Mr. hung helped me in this case and sent me new circuit and MCU program.
I have detected gold many times.

All people I see in videos only detect TV signal. nothing more.
Good luck.

This man also i send him bad MCU ?????

Nicolas 02-13-2017 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by pablo72 (Post 154922)
He sent me bad MCU. But, even I had comit mistake, he treated me very bad as customer.
Mr. hung helped me in this case and sent me new circuit and MCU program.
I have detected gold many times.

All people I see in videos only detect TV signal. nothing more.
Good luck.

This man also i send him bad MCU ?????


Nicolas 02-13-2017 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by pablo72 (Post 154922)
He sent me bad MCU. But, even I had comit mistake, he treated me very bad as customer.
Mr. hung helped me in this case and sent me new circuit and MCU program.
I have detected gold many times.

All people I see in videos only detect TV signal. nothing more.
Good luck.

What I do for you if you are not good technical also i say to you is your responsibility to built it.

Then not come here and cry for 275 dollars I sell it with 500 Dollars

look here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oG451lepsk

I test before to send for my clients



Also not give 2 MCU for same member OK :nono: Bye bye

Nicolas 02-13-2017 03:13 AM

4 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by pablo72 (Post 154922)
He sent me bad MCU. But, even I had comit mistake, he treated me very bad as customer.
Mr. hung helped me in this case and sent me new circuit and MCU program.
I have detected gold many times.

All people I see in videos only detect TV signal. nothing more.
Good luck.

This man also i send him bad MCU ?????

And other many peoples if find times i upload here

Really you made for me advertise free thank you.

Nicolas 02-13-2017 03:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by pablo72 (Post 154922)
He sent me bad MCU. But, even I had comit mistake, he treated me very bad as customer.
Mr. hung helped me in this case and sent me new circuit and MCU program.
I have detected gold many times.

All people I see in videos only detect TV signal. nothing more.
Good luck.

I m polite man and you not respect me and. You are bad an then not respect you

Go to hell you have do Mistake with this error i have say to you to be attention.

I not send gift second MCU you would pay to me again before to ask

Also i have give you open version of my old hex. King Version 3.1
If i know to make this Topic to insult me I not give nothing. But I m polite man and I send you old hex gift to help you.
Who trat her friend bad me or you???? let member say that then.

Nicolas 02-13-2017 03:33 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by vabis144 (Post 154934)
Thank you very much for your informatio. I have already read this site you sent me about your differences with mr Nicolas. You claim that the device can not detect gold but in the forum i noticed that others have constructed the same devices and nobody had wrote the same results as you. However I did not see any positive comments. I wonder if there was technical error during the construction time of your device. I would really like to know from our friends in this forrum, that already have this device, its results because I' m interested in buying LRL King V8.0
Thank you very much.

P.S.: for personnal messages e-mail: vabis144@ yahoo.gr
Τέλος συζήτησης

Hi dear Vabis

I hope to not be same this member

:D:D:D:D:D:razz::razz::razz::lol::lol::lol: He want detect Ring gold from 1 m depth :angry::angry::angry:

Nicolas 02-13-2017 03:36 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I hope to not be same this member

:D:D:D:D:D:razz::razz::razz::lol::lol::lol: He want detect Ring gold from 1 m depth :angry::angry::angry:



eurkas 04-26-2017 02:14 PM

I would like to Make your LRL
I Would Like to bulid your LRL project the latest ver so can please send me all the details and the parts list and information about buying the pic and how i can send the mony .

Thankx in advance


eurkas 04-28-2017 03:58 PM

No Answer

Nicolas 04-29-2017 06:50 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 155195)
No Answer

We have answered you lie.
also you have reply all our e-mail.





Nicolas 04-29-2017 06:52 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Look here

eurkas 04-29-2017 11:26 AM

Why not be visible to all
The answer here is seen by all and has more credibility. Because prices are given to each person who makes up the other.

Nicolas 04-30-2017 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 155202)
The answer here is seen by all and has more credibility. Because prices are given to each person who makes up the other.

Hi you please don't be stupid :nono: I m free to do wish i want and sell or not sell its clear.





Anyone who wants to make this copy himself is in the following this forum

Files can be downloaded from there for free

Beyond programming, it is unprofessional

To contact, please send an email to the following account


abdou2014 04-30-2017 07:02 AM

It is a very nice version With pot sensitivity , can i get same device with my old MCU ?

Tino-Italy 05-04-2017 11:34 AM

Seems like a nice project

Nicolas 05-05-2017 01:56 AM

5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Tino-Italy (Post 155212)
Seems like a nice project

The news Version

eurkas 05-05-2017 01:16 PM

What is the difference between King Lr v4.1 and King New v 4.6

eurkas 05-07-2017 01:41 PM

Γεια σου Nicolaς , ειμαι σοβαρος και θελω να αγοραζω ,παρακαλω απαντσε μου , kai πες μου πωs μπορω να στειλω τα λεφτα .

Qiaozhi 05-07-2017 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 155223)
Γεια σου Nicolaς , ειμαι σοβαρος και θελω να αγοραζω ,παρακαλω απαντσε μου , kai πες μου πωs μπορω να στειλω τα λεφτα .

Please make your posts in English -> Basic Rules of the Forums

Nicolas 05-07-2017 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by eurkas (Post 155223)
Γεια σου Nicolaς , ειμαι σοβαρος και θελω να αγοραζω ,παρακαλω απαντσε μου , kai πες μου πωs μπορω να στειλω τα λεφτα .

By bank transfer or WESTERN union
You know my Email and you have previously sent me a request.

Wish your country Jordan or Greece? !!!!! :shocked:

Nicolas 05-07-2017 11:13 PM

4 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 155226)
Please make your posts in English -> Basic Rules of the Forums

Hello dear Qiaozhi.

Please this man is not serious:nono:.

look here video and jer name and here email ......


eurkas 05-08-2017 07:28 AM

Done ,,, I'm Sorry

eurkas 05-08-2017 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Nicolas (Post 155227)
By bank transfer or WESTERN union
You know my Email and you have previously sent me a request.

Wish your country Jordan or Greece? !!!!! :shocked:

Yes I know But i think western ask full name

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