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Morgan 01-05-2010 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by J_Player (Post 103907)
Sure, Ultrasonic rangefinders use laser pinpointers to show what you are aiming at. But there are also laser rangefinders that do not use ultrasound. These work by measuring time of flight of laser pulses, with the advantage of better range and penetration through haze and fog. Instead of using a separate visible laser to show where you are pointing, they have a monocular that you can see your target with while reading the distance. The more advanced versions can measure several objects in the distance at the same time, and display all of them. Some even measure the distance of moving targets. These are popular with hunters, and with and golfers who want to know how far away their golf ball is. Hmmm... If there are laser ranging optics that can identify a moving target in the OKM, then moving a gold target in front of the OKM would not show it changing its response when the target is moved.. :shocked:

Does the OKM use laser ranging electronics?
Maybe... didn't you see how the user kept it pointed at the top of the shovel handle right up to the final steps when he turned it off?

But maybe it is more advanced than simple laser rangefinding. Maybe it is identifying the material that the laser strikes. If this is the case, then we can see it identified the material in the shovel handle from at a considerable distance. It certainly was not pinpointing at the ground where the gold was buried, he was pinpointing the shovel handle conveniently placed a few feet above the ground where the laser beam could hit it.


I wonder if it can identify buried gold when there is no shovel to aim at?

Best wishes,

Manolo told this man is a MD dealer,so maybe he is trying to introduce Bionic-01 using black magic(hope not) ,but i will wait for Manolo field test report,we will see if this device is realy good or not...

J_Player 01-05-2010 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan
Manolo told this man is a MD dealer,so maybe he is trying to introduce Bionic-01 using black magic(hope not) ,but i will wait for Manolo field test report,we will see if this device is realy good or not...

Manolo will not be fooled by a test that shows the OKM finding a shovel in the air, will he?
He will only believe when he sees it find the ground above buried gold with no other laser targets near the gold. Right?

Best wishes,

Jim 01-06-2010 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 103898)
hi morgan nice to see you again in the forum next saturday if MARCO can go at my house i test bionic two hears ego i tell him if is possible to buy bionic and he said me that was not good lrl now is different with dis bionic 01 he tell me is very simple to find gold i not watc personali bionic at work and i said only what he said me but is serious man ha sel metal fro many ears and if wrong in italy he stopped his work you know what i want to said

P.S. in october you tell me that go in italy for to find a treasure you was?

Is this over in Italy? Is Marco the OKM dealer in that area?

Also notable on the indoor test, it about the 54 second mark when Marco is moving horizontal back to the target, he lowers the device before it reaches the target, then moves the device up...passing over the target...and it does not beep....then when he lowers it...it beeps and the light flashes.

Why didn't the device beep on the horzontil sweep and why didn't it beep on the upward sweep

putrechigi 01-06-2010 08:28 AM

hi my frends i'm not here for to sell metal ot lrl but only to know if at last we are at a turning point regarding the lrl just possibile if Mark has not yet sold all the pieces will go in an old abandoned village to see if in the really condition find gold and silver

Jim 01-06-2010 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 103927)
hi my frends i'm not here for to sell metal ot lrl but only to know if at last we are at a turning point regarding the lrl just possibile if Mark has not yet sold all the pieces will go in an old abandoned village to see if in the really condition find gold and silver

Isn't Mark the OKM dealer in Italy? I think the US rep said he was

hung 01-06-2010 09:03 AM

Skeptics Favorites
Skepthics here in this forum are hilarious.
They usually watch LRL video demonstrations as they are watching a David Copperfield or Chris Angel show tryng to figue out where the tricks are...:lol::lol:

From the Series 'skepthics favorite quotes' Vol 1:

'It's a trick'
'It's obviously a scam'
'Why did he not do this?'
'He could have done that'
'Ah.. It's a trick of the mind' - this one is my favorite 'heavy metal quote'.:lol:
'Ah... Suppose there's a pushbutton switch...'
'Hummm...extraordinary claim calls for extraordinary poohh'(pun intended)

There are a bunch more but I will leave those for Vol 2 .. Hey, this is boring...

Manolo, even if you and Marco do detect gold with the device and video tape it, people here will not believe you and will use some of their favorite quotes above.
You know, skepthics already found out that the real inventor of LRLs is Chris Angel.:ninja:

Qiaozhi 01-06-2010 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103929)
Skepthics here in this forum are hilarious.
They usually watch LRL video demonstrations as they are watching a David Copperfield or Chris Angel show tryng to figue out where the tricks are...:lol::lol:

From the Series 'skepthics favorite quotes' Vol 1:

'It's a trick'
'It's obviously a scam'
'Why did he not do this?'
'He could have done that'
'Ah.. It's a trick of the mind' - this one is my favorite 'heavy metal quote'.:lol:
'Ah... Suppose there's a pushbutton switch...'
'Hummm...extraordinary claim calls for extraordinary poohh'(pun intended)

There are a bunch more but I will leave those for Vol 2 .. Hey, this is boring...

Manolo, even if you and Marco do detect gold with the device and video tape it, people here will not believe you and will use some of their favorite quotes above.
You know, skepthics already found out that the real inventor of LRLs is Chris Angel.:ninja:

There are many anomalies with both videos. Your ability to accept such "evidence" at face value is highly unscientific. :D

hung 01-06-2010 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 103930)
There are many anomalies with both videos.

Actually there are 5 available videos to watch so far.

But I may agree with you on the anomalies...
Since you are in this subject, what about the anomalies found in the man on the moon videos in '69? Very suspicious eh? Those shades... I think it was a bad trick of the light... A hoax. What about you?

WM6 01-06-2010 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103929)

You know, skepthics already found out that the real inventor of LRLs is Chris Angel.:ninja:

In fact there are two inventors Chris & Angelina.

Fred 01-06-2010 11:45 AM

Not only there is plenty of anomalies on those videos, but also there is absolutely nothing that shows something being really "detected".
So, based on those videos we would have to be particularly stupid to buy such a device or just believe it does something usefull.

J_Player 01-06-2010 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Fred
Not only there is plenty of anomalies on those videos, but also there is absolutely nothing that shows something being really "detected".
So, based on those videos we would have to be particularly stupid to buy such a device or just believe it does something usefull.

It sure looked like he detected that shovel handle to me.
I guess I don't need to find lost shovels stood up in the air, so I won't be buying one.

Best wishes,

putrechigi 01-06-2010 12:27 PM

Manolo, even if you and Marco do detect gold with the device and video tape it, people here will not believe you and will use some of their favorite quotes above.

i think before saying if it works or not must attend in person and in real-world research, many people start with a negative thought I can respect but not share, from mature person I am, without starting with jokes and mocking forum
best reguardsI

Qiaozhi 01-06-2010 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103931)
Actually there are 5 available videos to watch so far.

But I may agree with you on the anomalies...
Since you are in this subject, what about the anomalies found in the man on the moon videos in '69? Very suspicious eh? Those shades... I think it was a bad trick of the light... A hoax. What about you?

The subject of the moon landings is completely off-topic ... but as someone once said about this particular conspiracy theory: "The mass media catapult these half-truths into a kind of twilight zone where people can make their guesses sound as truths. Mass media have a terrible impact on people who lack guidance."

Sound familiar?

g-sani 01-06-2010 01:18 PM

Qiaozhi wrote
....Even if this gadget was actually capable of detecting gold at a distance, could you imagine scanning a large terrain using a small laser beam. It would take forever!......

If the laser acts as a sensor and doesn't just show the possible spot where gold is then I strongly agree whith Qiaozhi and this is the only possibility of what could have happened.
In my opinion the laser is just a help to show the spot but a question to OKM will give us light.The previous model was not based in such a principle anyway.

Watching the videos and talking about when light flashes or when and where the signal comes up relating to where the laser was spotting that time says nothing at all to me.
Slightly movement of the hand equals to meters away where the target is and apart from that you must be familiar to the speed you are using when operating an LRL from side to side and this I believe is a different factor for every LRL and in some way it is also proportional to size and distance.
Time needed for the ccts to produce results(flashing leds,sound) also might be different from one to another so somebody must be trained to make an LRL working even when it is capable of doing so.
For me the case is that this guy used the shovel standing up where the ring was hidden because otherwise it would be very difficult to get a signal from such a small target thus very difficult to detect it in real conditions.Watch how slowly he moves bionic using both his hands.
Then by saying something like that it is like myself admitting that Bionic 01 is very directional.
To tell you the truth this is the only thing that came up to my mind by watching the videos and when we are talking for LRLs I think that this is a quality factor.
Well I don't know and may be the new bionic 01 is so directional and I cannot say anything more about this since I have never had one in my hands.
Anyway my opinion is that the guy in the video shows a tendency to prove that bionic 01 is working.And this is because I am sure that while he was trying to test it he had also some misses under may be some other conditions or some cases that the results where not that nice as in these ones.
Well to be more believable he should put those videos on youtube as well and not only the successfull ones.

Fred 01-06-2010 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 103947)
Manolo, even if you and Marco do detect gold with the device and video tape it, people here will not believe you and will use some of their favorite quotes above.

So, this is not what happened on the video ? :shocked:

g-sani 01-06-2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103931)
Actually there are 5 available videos to watch so far.

But I may agree with you on the anomalies...
Since you are in this subject, what about the anomalies found in the man on the moon videos in '69? Very suspicious eh? Those shades... I think it was a bad trick of the light... A hoax. What about you?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was good!

Jim 01-06-2010 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 103947)
Manolo, even if you and Marco do detect gold with the device and video tape it, people here will not believe you and will use some of their favorite quotes above.

i think before saying if it works or not must attend in person and in real-world research, many people start with a negative thought I can respect but not share, from mature person I am, without starting with jokes and mocking forum
best reguardsI

Isn't Mark the OKM dealer in Italy? I think the US rep said he was...and this is the third time I've asked this question

humhum 01-06-2010 08:42 PM

how works
Hi to All , how work this Bionic and Please open inside box or pipe for showing.

lonelyWOLF 01-07-2010 01:10 AM

hi humhum ..I think that this device light gun :D

look at the page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_gun

(pek inandırıcı gelmedi bana selamlar E.A )

hung 01-08-2010 09:30 AM

OKM's Response
OKM has sent me a reply and confirmed what I had observed since the very first video.
Just like the Mineoros use the IR Led for pinpointing the new Bionic uses the laser beam for this.
So as I had previously claimed here, there's no such thing as a 'laser detector' as some here erroneously suggested.

Also OKM confirms that it can be swept in both axis (horizontal and vertical) because if not, it would never make sense and sure it would be more than a limitation to it.
The north-south aproach is mentioned as it's known as the best orientation for max ionic broadcast and discovered a long time ago by Damasio-Alonso.

It's clear that OKM evolved the inner ionic circuit/ionic mode aproach to be able to detect also fresh items from a distance as the Tyon for instance already does.

Let's wait for Manolo in his field test with Marco to confirm OKM's inputs.
Here's OKM's reply at my inquiry:


with the Bionic 01 you can do vertical and horizontal movements. Important in the ionic mode is that you try to scan from north to south direction.

The test inside a house is very limited because there is a lot of metal around, which can influence the measurement.

The laser pointer on the device is used for orientation in the field. So you can better locate the spot when scanning outside in long distances.

Best Regards
Julia Bessel
OKM Ortungstechnik GmbH
Am Fünfminutenweg 6
04603 Windischleuba / Germany

PS. Bolds mine.

WM6 01-08-2010 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 104079)

So as I had previously claimed here, there's no such thing as a 'laser detector' as some here erroneously suggested.


Hi Hung

Incorporated Laser detector is not suggestion, this is fact.

You do not need to ask Julia, which answer what they have to answer, you need only to take some look inside box and all is clear.

Fred 01-08-2010 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 104079)
It's clear that OKM evolved the inner ionic circuit/ionic mode aproach to be able to detect also fresh items from a distance as the Tyon for instance already does.

So long for the long-time burried metals theory.No more gold ions floating around ? :frown:

hung 01-08-2010 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 104093)
So long for the long-time burried metals theory.No more gold ions floating around ? :frown:

Sorry. I used the term 'at a distance' in a wrong way refering to the laser and IR led detection.
The term should actually be at a 'short' distance, since in the case of Mineoro and possibly the Bionic 01, they are pinpointers modulated at the receiver's probe frequencies.

The ionic emissions behave exactly like before and 'captured' by ionic chamber in Mineoro and apparently also by an ionic chamber type sensor in the BIonic 01 since this is what they claim in the manual.

J_Player 01-08-2010 02:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by hung
Sorry. I used the term 'at a distance' in a wrong way refering to the laser and IR led detection.
The term should actually be at a 'short' distance, since in the case of Mineoro and possibly the Bionic 01, they are pinpointers modulated at the receiver's probe frequencies.

The ionic emissions behave exactly like before and 'captured' by ionic chamber in Mineoro and apparently also by an ionic chamber type sensor in the BIonic 01 since this is what they claim in the manual.

Well, that explains it all!

Now that we know for a fact the Bionic 01 is detecting gold ions, it will no longer be necessary to place a shovel or anything else at the spot where the laser is pointing. The Bionic 01 will respond perfectly to the air above the ground where gold is buried, without a shovel or anything else to pinpoint before digging the gold below it. This will prove it detected gold ions floating in the air, not the shovel or anything else placed conveniently where the laser is pin-pointing.

Best wishes,

Fred 01-08-2010 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 104097)
The ionic emissions behave exactly like before and 'captured' by ionic chamber in Mineoro and apparently also by an ionic chamber type sensor in the BIonic 01 since this is what they claim in the manual.

This is disturbing.
Untill now i was understanding that gold was releasing ions slowly after being burried 10 or more years.
Now you tell me that every piece of fresh gold laying around is evaporating and releasing an heavy fux of ions.- and the bionic01 and mineoros rely on this principle to detect it...

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