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FrancoItaly 08-12-2014 03:31 PM

Hi Nicolas

You say that your LRL reveals 100g of gold at 800m away?

Best Regards

WM6 08-13-2014 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 149779)
Hi Nicolas

You say that your LRL reveals 100g of gold at 800m away?

Best Regards

Even more, if you know where those gold target is buried.

If not, we have tons of excuses ready to explain, why no one of such devices can detect gold better than regular metal detector.

Probably list of such excuses are well known and we do not need to repeat it again.

FrancoItaly 08-13-2014 10:37 AM

Hi WM6

In this case, I agree with you it is virtually impossible to detect an object at a distance of 800m even if it was on the soil surface and as small as 100 grams of gold, even if it was also buried 10,000 years. this kind of statement discredits the reputation of this forum and its members. Morgan and Andreas who certainly more experience than me can confirm that it is difficult to get a sensitivity greater than 20 or 30m.

Best Regards

Nicolas 08-19-2014 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by WM6 (Post 149780)
Even more, if you know where those gold target is buried.

Hi dear my Device is not dosing LRL is electronic totally not spin with handle then show you signal and sound if detect something

we have detect tomb from 600m and depth 1.80 m with 195 coins. I not remember exactly it. but I have share it in my topic.

Nicolas 08-19-2014 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by FrancoItaly (Post 149779)
Hi Nicolas

You say that your LRL reveals 100g of gold at 800m away?

Best Regards

Yes my Friend you can detect also from over 5 km and over 15 km but my device only 2 km .this is the high point of my King LRL

Exist IR detect from 1.5 km !!!!!! not 8 m or 18 m

you can build him and try is cost only 500 $ the program.

This is sample build by our friend


Nicolas 09-09-2014 05:38 PM

Passive receiver from our student in Algeria this is for skeptics


abdou2014 09-16-2014 12:03 AM


Nicolas 09-16-2014 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by abdou2014 (Post 150112)

Hi you can send message for my email ridha.nick@gmail.com

Nicolas 03-02-2015 09:07 PM


I not sell corrupted MCU

You can ask from peoples build my LRL. I not know peoples then i send your MCU worked if you pay to me. and i cant give you my guaranty if you broken it or not work is at your responsible not me. but read my advice and you can consult me and ask help from. only i promise it.




Thanks for all believer to me an for my devices.

Nicolas 03-02-2015 09:20 PM

This is new update by Yunes from Turkey



mustefa ubram 03-03-2015 05:42 PM

hi to all freind I missed you
nicolas.how are you?
very good project ;)

iam_7up_gamer 07-14-2015 09:08 AM

impossible lrl can work wituout oscillator . LC oscillator is in box . yes nicolas ?;)

FrancoItaly 07-14-2015 10:07 AM

In my LRL the oscillator does not transmit anything, only serves as a reference signal for the amplifier stage, all right any frequency in the range 3 -10Mhz. The only communication with the outside is through the whip antenna.

iam_7up_gamer 07-14-2015 05:02 PM

Franco you frequency is very high , come down

iam_7up_gamer 07-14-2015 05:19 PM

More time don't need to transmitt , transmitt is for 2 style.
1. Detect fresh gold
2.more detect distanc
But also transmitter create some time noise and some time unstable for system , passive mode is more stable.

Nicolas 07-18-2015 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by iam_7up_gamer (Post 151482)
impossible lrl can work wituout oscillator . LC oscillator is in box . yes nicolas ?;)

Yes right I agrre with this. But i not use LC oscillator I use the oscillator for Microship

you can get over 300 khz with PIC18F877 or PIC16F677

Nicolas 07-18-2015 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by iam_7up_gamer (Post 151489)
More time don't need to transmitt , transmitt is for 2 style.
1. Detect fresh gold
2.more detect distanc
But also transmitter create some time noise and some time unstable for system , passive mode is more stable.

Yes I agree in this but you can use the comparator and timers for Microship you can transmit first sample for 20 second and after the mode change automatically passive
then you can work at two mode active with TX and passive with RX

Also you can use one antennas by this way i find it so so better for more distance sure that.

Nicolas 07-18-2015 09:19 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by iam_7up_gamer (Post 151488)
Franco you frequency is very high , come down

It's is true I have tested it I find that sure.

I noticed in my first test and my first LRL

you can see that at my video and picture here.


iam_7up_gamer 07-19-2015 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Nicolas (Post 151506)
Yes I agree in this but you can use the comparator and timers for Microship you can transmit first sample for 20 second and after the mode change automatically passive
then you can work at two mode active with TX
and passive with RX

Also you can use one antennas by this way i find it so so better for more distance sure that.

Yes is true i use before by timer betwen transmitter and receiver , i use timer betwen ir led and radio fm and is good , when transmitter get active phenomenon target get stimulate and remain 1 minute , nicolas how much is phenomenon remain time for you ?

iam_7up_gamer 07-19-2015 08:51 AM

[QUOTE=Nicolas;151505]Yes right I agrre with this. But i not use LC oscillator I use the oscillator for Microship

you purpose by micro pic oscillator is write program and make pulse with micro pic ?

iam_7up_gamer 07-19-2015 09:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
your pd get out 59 khz by this pin ?

you dont'n use L betwen transmitter ant and gnd ?

and you dont'n use L betwen receiver ant and gnd ?

Nicolas 07-19-2015 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by iam_7up_gamer (Post 151512)
your pd get out 59 khz by this pin ?

you dont'n use L betwen transmitter ant and gnd ?

and you dont'n use L betwen receiver ant and gnd ?


i use this system


iam_7up_gamer 07-20-2015 06:50 AM

nicolas i don't see any system same you'r system .
say me you'r system is ion detector ?

because impossible you can absorption signal with free antenna. :nono::nono::nono:

except . ion . electric ac .

esteban know better

dsltrip 07-23-2015 03:34 PM

i want to ask somethnikg about kinglrl v4.1,
if the gold is inside in metal box and the box is closed ,can be detectable the gold???

Astrodetect 07-29-2015 07:47 AM

Hi Nicolas
Can you please explain how your LRL is working and on what principle?

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