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Theseus 01-04-2010 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by J_Player (Post 103824)
Should also hold onto the idea that there is a possibility I will see meaningful evidence of gold DNA and that substance it produces to inhibit corrosion?

Best wishes,

It's one thing to keep listening with an open mind, and consider various possibilities for proposed theories and claims. However, I think as listeners we also have a personal responsibility to ourselves, to separate (filter) the ridiculous from the sublime, and not waste a lot of time or resources evaluating that which was presented in jest or pure silliness. Of course that's just my opinion... :D

J_Player 01-04-2010 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Theseus
It's one thing to keep listening with an open mind, and consider various possibilities for proposed theories and claims. However, I think as listeners we also have a personal responsibility to ourselves, to separate (filter) the ridiculous from the sublime, and not waste a lot of time or resources evaluating that which was presented in jest or pure silliness. Of course that's just my opinion... :D

That sounds like a good plan. Maybe somebody will provide some substantial information to show whether the Bionic 01 is really locating gold items at a distance or not.

Best wishes,

g-sani 01-04-2010 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103753)
That's normal when some people share the same awareness.
It's the same for you, ozzy here and aft 1733 for instance. Very similar and lookalikes.

But you can't compare the discussions that happen here with the ones over TNET. They not even compare.
TNET discussions are deep with real experienced LRL users.
Here the skepthics don't even know of what they are talking about. We can't pass from page 1.

Don't feel bad when you feel you think you 'lost a battle' in discussions with Art and Dell for instance. This is not a war... On the contrary, try to learn something from them. I am positive that it's just a matter of time for you to become an ex-skeptic. This will happen sooner or later.

Of course everybody will be an ex-skeptic sooner or later.
That's destiny, but I have to say that there is a limitation that is different from person to person.Time!
If time would be the same for everybody then we would have the same experiences, we would agree to everything and probably we wouldn't be here making discussions.
In other words somebody realises something today and somebody else does it tomorow.Yesterday their thoughts were different and today are the same.
It is like if we say that all people are the same.Of course they are not.
I have to admit it and I am enjoying doing it that some years back I was a skeptic myself.
So what? Now I am not.
Time is the best doctor arround.This is what they say over here and I believe that this is the truth we like it or not. :)

putrechigi 01-05-2010 01:17 PM

new video in country

if there aren't joke i think that every metal industries is finished;);)

putrechigi 01-05-2010 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 103867)
new video in country

if there aren't joke i think that every metal industries is finished;);)

hung you are right

Tim Williams 01-05-2010 02:06 PM

I would like you to try something if you don't mind. Have the user put gloves on and repeat the test. I am not trying ti disprove but prove it may work.

hung 01-05-2010 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 103868)

I knew it. There was simply no reason why the laser would not work in the horizontal axis, since a simple pentaprism aproach makes it work both in the X and Y axis.

The indoor video clearly shows the laser modulated to the gold frequency and it does not reflect any other target at the wall when moved sideways.
Congratulations to OKM for the evolution regarding the previous model. Now it's easy to pinpoint the target. Maybe my team will get one to team up with the MIDAS.:D

The outdoor videos show the device detecting at distance in normal mode. Notice how the laser is turned off.
I will talk to Alonso about maybe employing a laser beam in substitution to the IR leds for pinpointing in the Mineoros. Let's see what he says.

Putrechigi, thanks very much for posting the videos. You were faster than OKM's support regarding a reply to my querie.
Now everything is clear.

Best regards.

Theseus 01-05-2010 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103878)
I knew it. There was simply no reason why the laser would not work in the horizontal axis, since a simple pentaprism aproach makes it work both in the X and Y axis.

The indoor video clearly shows the laser modulated to the gold frequency and it does not reflect any other target at the wall when moved sideways.
Congratulations to OKM for the evolution regarding the previous model. Now it's easy to pinpoint the target. Maybe my team will get one to team up with the MIDAS.:D

The outdoor videos show the device detecting at distance in normal mode. Notice how the laser is turned off.
I will talk to Alonso about maybe employing a laser beam in substitution to the IR leds for pinpointing in the Mineoros. Let's see what he says.

Putrechigi, thanks very much for posting the videos. You were faster than OKM's support regarding a reply to my querie.
Now everything is clear.

Best regards.

Take a real close look at this video. Pause the video and watch where the laser pointer is when the light starts flashing. There is a point of reflection from the shelf; not the target, and the light starts blinking before the laser is even on the gold.

Suppose there is a pushbutton switch or trigger switch that is activated by the operator when the laser is on (or near the target).

To prove that is not the case; tune the device to be activated by the gold target. Then place the device on a table, not held by an operator. Then at some distance away, move a gold target into the laser beam and show the lights flashing only when the target is in the beam.

That still doesn't prove it is only detecting gold, just that the operator is not pressing a switch to activate the lights.

Next would be to try and move a small dental inspection mirror into the beam, or perhaps other shiny metal objects.

Fred 01-05-2010 05:04 PM

This is why i wrote it could be distance related.

J_Player 01-05-2010 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Fred
This is why i wrote it could be distance related.

You mean like a laser range-finder?

Best wishes,

Morgan 01-05-2010 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103739)
Hi Manolo.
Sorry, but your sentence in bold is wrong information. Either you misunderstood it or your friend misexpressed himself.
The Bionic 01 mode of searching is performed as an horizontal axis scan.
The early model did not feature the laser pinpointer and the target always had to be pinpointed by triangulation.
So this information is not correct.

Now, if the new model features a laser pinpointer that can be only used in the vertical axis, this simply does not make sense. Scanning the laser in both axis would be very simple by using a pentaprism for instance and it would just plain absurd having one axis limitation in the pinpointing after the device has detected a long distance target.

Imagine if this happened to the IR leds in the FG80...

I'll be in contact with one of the tech guys in OKM Germany and have him clarify this.


Happy new year for all forum members

Hello Hung

Let me tell you that i visit OKM in Germany some years ago,when the LRL production center was near the feunf minuten strass (five minute stret).
After the OKM lrl field demonstration i come to the conclusion this products are not good. They fail completly,not found 1kg of silver objects (i buried 30 cm near the OKM factury), They said its becouse ground conditions...:nono:

J_Player 01-05-2010 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Theseus
...That still doesn't prove it is only detecting gold, just that the operator is not pressing a switch to activate the lights.

Next would be to try and move a small dental inspection mirror into the beam, or perhaps other shiny metal objects.

I know of ways to cause a detector with a laser to respond only to gold seen in the air. It is not necessary to cause the laser illuminator to operate at the "gold frequency" or any other frequency designated for a particular metal. The laser is only an illuminator, while discrimination is done by processing signals that are returned from receiving optics.

A more important question for this locator is "Can it find buried treasures?"
To see if this locator can detect buried gold, you would need to bury a gold item at least a few inches under the ground, wouldn't you?

Best wishes,

Morgan 01-05-2010 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 103750)
[quote = appeso; 103.739] Hi Manolo.
Ci dispiace, ma la tua frase in grassetto è l'informazione sbagliata. O si frainteso o il tuo amico misexpressed stesso.
The Bionic 01 modalitÃ* di ricerca è effettuata come un asse di scansione orizzontale.
Il modello iniziale non ha la funzione di pinpointer laser e il bersaglio doveva essere sempre individuato con una triangolazione.
Quindi questa informazione non è corretta.

Ora, se il nuovo modello dispone di un pinpointer laser che può essere utilizzato solo in verticale, questo semplicemente non ha senso. Scansione laser in entrambi gli assi sarebbe molto semplice utilizzando un pentaprisma, ad esempio, e sarebbe semplicemente assurdo che un asse di limitazione della individuazione dopo che il dispositivo ha rilevato un obiettivo a lunga distanza.

Immaginate se questo è accaduto per il led a infrarossi in FG80 ...

Sarò in contatto con uno dei ragazzi tech OKM in Germania e hanno lo chiarire questo punto.

Saluti. [/ Quote]
hello hung as you know I believe in lrl and I just said what I said to my friend Mark, 01 bionic 'a new lrl in Italy as soon as anyone has proven the poster' results, I also believe he can 'do errors since it has not done many tests
reguards manolo

Hi Manolo

Yes,but the first big error he have done, was to buy this useless and expensive device...
Many of my TH friends from Germany know bionic is a fraud.


Morgan 01-05-2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by J_Player (Post 103887)
I know of ways to cause a detector with a laser to respond only to gold seen in the air.
A more important question is "Can it find buried treasures?"

To see if this locator can detect buried gold, you would need to bury a gold item at least a few inches under the ground, wouldn't you?

Best wishes,

Hi J_P

I know how it works OKM,some products are resonable if ground conditions are good,but this bionic is worst than mineoro,i have friends who try this near HOT places and find nothing,this is expensive LRL for rich people,not TH tool.


J_Player 01-05-2010 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan
Hi J_P

I know how it works OKM,some products are resonable if ground conditions are good,but this bionic is worst than mineoro,i have friends who try this near HOT places and find nothing,this is expensive LRL for rich people,not TH tool.


Hi Morgan,
I don't know what electronics are in this detector, but I am speculating it will detect gold you place in plain sight, and not detect any buried metal that is under the ground more than a few cm. Maybe it is useful for finding the gold necklace mixed in with junk metal that you have spread out on the table.

Best wishes,

Morgan 01-05-2010 06:01 PM

B-01 and the challenge

Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 103867)
new video in country

if there aren't joke i think that every metal industries is finished;);)

Hi Manolo
Tell to your friend Marco, to go to America and get the Karl´s Mega price,the Challenge...

I fell sorry for your friend in desperate atempt to prove Bionic works as LRL,i´m sure he wants to sell this device,videos are to impress people...


hung 01-05-2010 06:27 PM

Think again Morgan

Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 103886)
Happy new year for all forum members

Hello Hung

Let me tell you that i visit OKM in Germany some years ago,when the LRL production center was near the feunf minuten strass (five minute stret).
After the OKM lrl field demonstration i come to the conclusion this products are not good. They fail completly,not found 1kg of silver objects (i buried 30 cm near the OKM factury), They said its becouse ground conditions...:nono:

Hi Morgan,

A few points to clarify.

1 - I had the proof that the Bionic 01 works when a thunter here told me he had been in an expedition with a peruvian friend who had one. My friend had his FG80 with him. They located several pounds of gold at long range. The Bionic 01 apparently in that occasion detected it first and then the FG80 followed it making my friend conclude the OKM device had more range. The FG80 was used to pinpoint the target as the Bionic at that time could not except by employing triangulation as their site shows.
Even with this apparent limitation, my friend was impressed at the detecting capabilities of the device.
Well, this was the old model.

2 - The device appearing in the videos is obviously an upgrade model with several enhancements, such as a more stable and precise circuit, for what I could see and a laser pinpointer.
The detector now features the laser pinpointer to overcome the limitation it had for pinpointing the object. The laser is absolutely not the detector itself.
It is modulated at the receiver's probes same frequency to be used in the pinpointing process.

3 - It's easy claim some detector does not work if you have not found anything with it.

I trust my friend and got a detailed report of the device behavior.
So although I'm not familiar with the device itself, I'm familiar with the technology it might employ and based on that, I can safely say they have made their homework and there is no reason at all to think that the person in the video is making everything up.

So, please change your mind.
The PD is a reality. So is the OKM's BIONIC 01.

Morgan 01-05-2010 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 103892)
Hi Morgan,

A few points to clarify.

1 - I had the proof that the Bionic 01 works when a thunter here told me he had been in an expedition with a peruvian friend who had one. My friend had his FG80 with him. They located several pounds of gold at long range. The Bionic 01 apparently in that occasion detected it first and then the FG80 followed it making my friend conclude the OKM device had more range. The FG80 was used to pinpoint the target as the Bionic at that time could not except by employing triangulation as their site shows.
Even with this apparent limitation, my friend was impressed at the detecting capabilities of the device.
Well, this was the old model.

2 - The device appearing in the videos is obviously an upgrade model with several enhancements, such as a more stable and precise circuit, for what I could see and a laser pinpointer.
The detector now features the laser pinpointer to overcome the limitation it had for pinpointing the object. The laser is absolutely not the detector itself.
It is modulated at the receiver's probes same frequency to be used in the pinpointing process.

3 - It's easy claim some detector does not work if you have not found anything with it.

I trust my friend and got a detailed report of the device behavior.
So although I'm not familiar with the device itself, I'm familiar with the technology it might employ and based on that, I can safely say they have made their homework and there is no reason at all to think that the person in the video is making everything up.

So, please change your mind.
The PD is a reality. So is the OKM's BIONIC 01.

In this video we can see Manolo´s friend detect at considerable distance one gold item previously buried,this means the new BIONIC is able to locate fresh buried gold at several meters distance. And if Marco is a serios person,he have one amazing LRL device,superior than my PD.
But we need to know if its all true...Yes i can change my mind

J_Player 01-05-2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan
In this video we can see Manolo´s friend detect at considerable distance one gold item previously buried,this means the new BIONIC is able to locate fresh buried gold at several meters distance. And if Marco is a serios person,he have one amazing LRL device,superior than my PD.
But we need to know if its all true...Yes i can change my mind

Hi Morgan,
I see a video that has the appearance of detecting a shovel handle in the air at considerable distance.
Wouldn't it be better to see the OKM detect only the buried gold with nothing else on the surface nearby?

Best wishes,

putrechigi 01-05-2010 07:41 PM

hi morgan
hi morgan nice to see you again in the forum next saturday if MARCO can go at my house i test bionic two hears ego i tell him if is possible to buy bionic and he said me that was not good lrl now is different with dis bionic 01 he tell me is very simple to find gold i not watc personali bionic at work and i said only what he said me but is serious man ha sel metal fro many ears and if wrong in italy he stopped his work you know what i want to said

P.S. in october you tell me that go in italy for to find a treasure you was?

Fred 01-05-2010 07:52 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by J_Player (Post 103884)
You mean like a laser range-finder?

Best wishes,

Yes, or ultrasound , could be also an IR thermometer :

Attachment 10763

Non-Contact IR Infrared Thermometer Laser Gun

Attachment 10764

Qiaozhi 01-05-2010 08:30 PM

There is no indication in the video that it is able to detect a target using a horizontal sweep. In fact, an vertical sweep is used on the two gold targets, but then to "prove" that no other targets on the shelf are detected, a horizontal sweep is employed. Very suspicious.

Also, during "calibration", the user cannot keep the laser steady and it often misses the target. So what is it "calibrating"?

During "target detection" the blue LED illuminates before the laser hits the target. What's that about then? :lol:

Even if this gadget was actually capable of detecting gold at a distance, could you imagine scanning a large terrain using a small laser beam. It would take forever! :nono:

Theseus is correct. A better test would be to keep the device stationary while moving selected targets in front of the beam.

Morgan 01-05-2010 08:39 PM

Travel to Germany

Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 103898)
hi morgan nice to see you again in the forum next saturday if MARCO can go at my house i test bionic two hears ego i tell him if is possible to buy bionic and he said me that was not good lrl now is different with dis bionic 01 he tell me is very simple to find gold i not watc personali bionic at work and i said only what he said me but is serious man ha sel metal fro many ears and if wrong in italy he stopped his work you know what i want to said

P.S. in october you tell me that go in italy for to find a treasure you was?

For personal reasons i could not go to Germany in the last october.My friends found the treasure,it was hidden during the WW II.

Well,if your friend Marco tell the true about this new BIONIC,its time for you to tell us about HOW IT WORKS, DISTANCE(single gold coin) and Depht,its very good that you can see this device working,no need to pay for plain tickets ;)

J_Player 01-05-2010 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 103900)
Yes, or ultrasound , could be also an IR thermometer :
Non-Contact IR Infrared Thermometer Laser Gun

Originally posted by Qiaozhi
...Even if this gadget was actually capable of detecting gold at a distance, could you imagine scanning a large terrain using a small laser beam. It would take forever! :nono:

Theseus is correct. A better test would be to keep the device stationary while moving selected targets in front of the beam.

Hi Fred,
Sure, Ultrasonic rangefinders use laser pinpointers to show what you are aiming at. But there are also laser rangefinders that do not use ultrasound. These work by measuring time of flight of laser pulses, with the advantage of better range and penetration through haze and fog. Some laser rangefinders come equipped with a monocular so you can see your target while reading the distance. The more advanced versions can display the distance of several objects at the same time. Some can even measure the distance of moving targets. These are popular with hunters, and with and golfers who want to know how far away their golf ball is.
Hmmm... If there are laser ranging optics that can identify a moving target in the OKM, then moving a gold target in front of the OKM would not show a change in its response when the target is moved.. :shocked:

Does the OKM use laser ranging electronics?
Maybe... didn't you see how the user kept it pointed at the top of the shovel handle right up to the final steps when he turned it off?

But suppose it is more advanced than simple laser rangefinding... Maybe it is identifying the material that the laser beam strikes. If this is the case, then we can see it identified the material in the shovel handle from at a considerable distance. It certainly was not pinpointing at the ground where the gold was buried. The video clearly shows him pinpointing the shovel handle, conveniently placed a few feet above the ground where the laser beam could hit it.


I think I can locate all treasures buried below a shovel in the air without using a laser to help me.
I wonder if the OKM can identify buried gold when there is no shovel to aim at?

Best wishes,

Morgan 01-05-2010 09:05 PM

Bionic 01-for TH dreamers
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 103905)
For personal reasons i could not go to Germany in the last october.My friends found the treasure,it was hidden during the WW II.

Well,if your friend Marco tell the true about this new BIONIC,its time for you to tell us about HOW IT WORKS, DISTANCE(single gold coin) and Depht,its very good that you can see this device working,no need to pay for plain tickets ;)

This girl,owner of BIONIC 01,said i can find TREASURE 15 Km distance and buried 20 m . Its amazing :D I think the TH Odissey need this new device
Attachment 10767

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