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Bill512 07-01-2020 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 159581)
the Alonso PD locate a gold sovering 8gr in air test 30 cm

A copper coin with similar diameter, is detectable from Alonso PD and from what distance?

Morgan 07-01-2020 05:44 PM

PD is made with metal detector, mixed with electromagnetic/electrostatic passive receiver,thats the circuit who play has LRL in buried objects.

behnamvp 07-02-2020 04:22 PM

Good day

here is the measurement of double 45 Turn coil of receiver in alonso-andreas PD.
please notice that the value is approx but within the range
you must position this coil on omega TX coil and nullify the received signal using oscilloscope.
however, it's function is disputable. is it necessary? does it have a role in remote detection? or it is just for IB detection part? can i omit it? ( seems possible)
anyway, here is the approx value.



humhum 07-02-2020 06:15 PM

Hi to All , Does here Alonso Passive Receive Coil is 2x45 Tour in same Way , and in Total will be 90 tours ? OR
45 tours to one Way , other 45 tour is in Reverse Way ?

folharin 07-03-2020 04:59 AM

you are all wrong on the laps

humhum 07-03-2020 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by folharin (Post 159601)
you are all wrong on the laps

Ok , What is Correct for this Laps ?

aft_72005 07-05-2020 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by behnamvp (Post 159574)
Good day
66 KHZ receiver or transmitter?
if you notice to values given and written on the schema, by calculation other frequencies
will appear. practically as i measured by oscilloscope, not much difference in calculation
and in performance.
something is missing in alonso-andreas PD. there must be an "extra factor" which has crucial
influence that PD need it to work and detect even fresh gold under ground.



here you can see 181 khz which measured by oscilloscope.my device


you did nice work . Alnso PD in hi sensitivity is unstable .

behnamvp 07-10-2020 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 159603)
you did nice work . Alnso PD in hi sensitivity is unstable .

Thank you for admiration. Thank you
About instability in Alonso-andreas PD, I disagree with you. In my experience, it is stable.
As picture below, I made transmitter and ferrite rod receiver in blocks and separately.
Despite andreas that said transmitter is powerful, I say no.it is not powerful also it seems
Does not have influence on task or to say it does not have role in target detection.
Anyway, it is discussable.



behnamvp 07-10-2020 11:23 AM

good day

here are a few pictures that shows 3.5 cm receiver coil
it works just in IB detection section and i think it can be omitted. also its receiver part can be ignored.

i think,not necessary to have weak normal metal detector here.

obviously,for many, it is very easy to make this coil but perhaps for a few is unclear from schema.
just took pictures to illustrate it. hope to be useful.

important: please notice that for adjusting this coil (receiver) on omega coil (transmitter),
you need oscilloscope.



















aft_72005 07-11-2020 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by behnamvp (Post 159617)
Thank you for admiration. Thank you
About instability in Alonso-andreas PD, I disagree with you. In my experience, it is stable.
As picture below, I made transmitter and ferrite rod receiver in blocks and separately.
Despite andreas that said transmitter is powerful, I say no.it is not powerful also it seems
Does not have influence on task or to say it does not have role in target detection.
Anyway, it is discussable.



I disagree with you. In my experience, it is stable.

What I said you was my experiment some years ago .
From what distance your PD can detect small coin ??

behnamvp 07-17-2020 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 159621)
I disagree with you. In my experience, it is stable.

What I said you was my experiment some years ago .
From what distance your PD can detect small coin ??

good day
as you know, alonso-andreas PD with such small coil and using low power, obviously
is a weak IB metal detector if using as a normal metal detector.

i don't have standard, international coin such as euro coin or US cents
therefore i used a one-gram 21 C gold coin with diameter of 1 cm also a 9 volt standard battery. both as indicator to be at least international

mentioned gold coin from 2 cm at max sensitivity and 9 volt battery from 5 cm to 6 cm
are detectable by alonso-andreas PD as a normal IB metal detector

here are a few pictures



behnamvp 07-17-2020 07:53 AM

Good day

i measured alonso-andreas PD current consumption for each part individually

despite Mr.andreas said that alonso PD has powerful transmitter, i disagree with him

it is a weak transmitter. and in my opinion, transmitter has a quite a low influence in remote sensing. would like to say, it does almost nothing.

i mentioned before that another factor is playing main role and perhaps it is UHF signals
transmitting by some stations at Greece also at some other countries

it is clear in the picture that the transmitter uses just approx 3 mAh

you can imagine what is the power of 180 Khz relaxation oscillator that uses 18 volts, 3 mAh. also it produces damped-wave, each pulse has 125 micro second length

so the alonso transmitter is weak and not powerful

here are a few pictures.hope to be useful






humhum 08-05-2020 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by behnamvp (Post 159626)

at max sensitivity and 9 volt battery from 5 cm to 6 cm
are detectable by alonso-andreas PD as a normal IB metal detector


Hi behnamvp , I see that when is in noulling position some Alonso PD locating Fresh IRON : Ядосан: (for example Your 9V Battery) from small distance , but so not find buried IRON ,
İf we use Filter with signature of metal or electronic filter , so may be will reject Fresh IRON finding ??

Morgan 08-08-2020 10:38 PM

has you know the iron underground stay rusty very quikly, the PDK or the PD locate conductive metals that not rust or create the patina when underground for many years,noble metals...

humhum 08-09-2020 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 159709)
has you know the iron underground stay rusty very quikly, the PDK or the PD locate conductive metals that not rust or create the patina when underground for many years,noble metals...

Dear Morgan , When situation is So this is very Good info for PD that locating only buried
precious Metals (Silver, Gold, Copper, Aluminyum and etc ...) and reject Ferrous metals (iron , nickel and etc... ) , Thanks for your Test infos .

Morgan I make Test with my PD , that it also Can locate Fresh 3 - 5 gram Silver and Gold
alloys from 1 to 2 meter distance (when PD adust is in very critical position) I'm in shocked .

Also with modification not locating Fresh IRON .

Dubulumach 08-12-2020 09:03 AM


Turn the omega upside down or 180 deg.
Tune Tx 120 KHz.
Passive receiver must catch spark from 1.5v battery at 2-2.5 m. Find correctposition,which is very hard. You need umetric slide mechanism for moving ferrite only 1 axis to catch exactly 1 point with respect to omega.

aft_72005 08-12-2020 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Dubulumach (Post 159737)

Turn the omega upside down or 180 deg.
Tune Tx 120 KHz.
Passive receiver must catch spark from 1.5v battery at 2-2.5 m. Find correctposition,which is very hard. You need umetric slide mechanism for moving ferrite only 1 axis to catch exactly 1 point with respect to omega.

when omega tx on then PCB5 cannot catch 1,5 v battry from 2.5 meter .
if you relay built it please upload movie .

Dubulumach 08-12-2020 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 159738)
when omega tx on then PCB5 cannot catch 1,5 v battry from 2.5 meter .
if you relay built it please upload movie .

First it's not nice answering on mails which aren't addressed you!
Second I don't owe you anything and I doesn't need make proof for anybody!
Third I have said: Passive receiver must catch spark from 1.5 battery ant minimum 2-2.5m. This is possible only when it's properly tuned in respect to omega coil.

I don't build lrl for selling, not selling and speading technology and secrets and don't uploading videos for anybody.
I think i was clear!

aft_72005 08-12-2020 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dubulumach (Post 159740)
First it's not nice answering on mails which aren't addressed you!
Second I don't owe you anything and I doesn't need make proof for anybody!
Third I have said: Passive receiver must catch spark from 1.5 battery ant minimum 2-2.5m. This is possible only when it's properly tuned in respect to omega coil.

I don't build lrl for selling, not selling and speading technology and secrets and don't uploading videos for anybody.
I think i was clear!

First it's not nice answering on mails which aren't addressed you!

Go and see my profile . you can see my email address clearly
Again here my email : aft72005.1@gmail.com

Second I don't owe you anything and I doesn't need make proof for anybody!

I built Alnso clone some years ago and try more with it . when omega tx on pcb5 can detect 1,5 volt short circuit from 60 cm . also I try micrometric mechanical system . there isn?t magic point !!!!!!!!! .
Then you said you can try it from 2.5 meter !!!!!!! . also you said no movie no proof !!!!!
Also there isn?t radio active ferrite road I asked you and you didn?t reply .

I don't build lrl for selling, not selling and speading technology and secrets and don't uploading videos for anybody.
I think i was clear!

Also I am not PD seller . I research several years about some PD .there are here many fake data .
clear is when speaking then must proof what was said .

aft_72005 08-12-2020 08:59 PM

my question from all people having Alnso clone PD . when omega TX/RX and PCB5 is on ,
what is detection rang for 1.5 volt batt, short circuit ?? . use 30 cm wire long .

humhum 08-12-2020 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 159742)
my question from all people having Alnso clone PD . when omega TX/RX and PCB5 is on ,
what is detection rang for 1.5 volt batt, short circuit ?? . use 30 cm wire long .

1.5 V Bat with 40cm wire my PD sens from 2.50m (when is in max critical adjust)
also with max critical adj , Locating FRESH Gold or Silver from 1.50 meter .


aft_72005 08-13-2020 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by humhum (Post 159743)
1.5 V Bat with 40cm wire my PD sens from 2.50m (when is in max critical adjust)
also with max critical adj , Locating FRESH Gold or Silver from 1.50 meter .


please upload movie show that test . when omega tx /rx and PCB5 is on and work active mode .

humhum 08-13-2020 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by aft_72005 (Post 159749)

please upload movie show that test . when omega tx /rx and PCB5 is on and work active mode .

my Tx and Rx Coils not is Omega type this is with Different method ,
but When I have time , I will make Video with 1.5V Bat. Spark for You .

Regards .

behnamvp 08-15-2020 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Dubulumach (Post 159737)

Turn the omega upside down or 180 deg.
Tune Tx 120 KHz.
Passive receiver must catch spark from 1.5v battery at 2-2.5 m. Find correctposition,which is very hard. You need umetric slide mechanism for moving ferrite only 1 axis to catch exactly 1 point with respect to omega.

Thank you for advice. Much appreciation for trying to help.
Well, many years ago, I had some experiment in making omega-coil
First made one for magnum metal detector ( andy flind)
Then by modification, used it for chrome-2 metal detector
Again by modification, used it for quasar-arm metal detector
Anyway. Technically I do not see difference between straight or upside-down placement
Of omega-coil. Technically there is no reason to turn coil 180 degree or move the ferrite above the coil
In my opinion, no difference in function. At least I cannot find technical reason
About your advice to tune ferrite to 120 kHz and spark test, I disagree with you
I googled and found out that frequency of signal which produced by spark depends to wire and connection length of spark-making circuit. I mean antenna.
So, your 1.5-volt battery spark will produce frequency that obviously is different than others
But according to Wikipedia, by estimation, almost 1.5-volt battery test may produce frequency
Between 50 kHz to 150 kHz. Depends on a few factors.
As I measured ferrite coil value regarding to capacitor shown on schema, it can receive 70 to 80 kHz
All can tune ferrite to receive 1.5 volt-spark. Not hard. Just by changing capacitor and moving coil on rod
But there must be a source or good reason to consider a specific frequency and I could not find
I suspect to beat frequency. When passive-receiver has low-band pass filter which does not allow
Frequency above 15 Hz (practically 18 to 20 Hz) to pass and when you and mr.andreas say mechanical
Micro-movement adjustment, then I suspect to beat frequency.
It should be something between 50 to 200 kHz.
I must study more.


Dubulumach 08-15-2020 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by behnamvp (Post 159757)
Technically I do not see difference between straight or upside-down placement. Of omega-coil. Technically there is no reason to turn coil 180 degree or move the ferrite above the coil

But according to Wikipedia, by estimation, almost 1.5-volt battery test may produce frequency Between 50 kHz to 150 kHz. Depends on a few factors.

Hello behnamvp
120KHz is correct freq.for Alonso PD.

If you havent seen it doesnt matter its no exist difference. There exist a big difference in near field configuration. In addition of magnetic component of Tx from the ferrite passive receiver there are involved complex configuration of superpimposed Mag. and Elec. fields.

Dont look at Wiki as releable source of info. Its MSM controlled internet media. They write what they want.

Spark gap transmitter is a Tesla discovery. Its HV device where many factors were involved in one short time frame.

1.5V battery is low power, low voltage sourc of extremelly weak mag.field. Its preliminary test for your build. Real test need to be done at your personal test poligon on a real targets. We have deal with EPR of gold, silver and other metalls.

No move ferrite above the coil but center it at bottom line of turned for 180 deg. omega. Correct distance between omega and ferrite should be found experimentally.

For playing with pulses and lenght of wire as function of waveguide only reliable method is TDR or time domain reflectometry. You need very quality DSO and low capacitance probes aslo HV type for playing with this kind of circuit.


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