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Geo 02-11-2010 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 107370)
Girls prefer Ferrari.Better 5th hand Ferrari than 2nd hand Mercedes, except if you are old :razz:

Hi Fred
No, Morgan is a young man and sportive type


putrechigi 02-12-2010 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 107362)
Olá Manolo

This girl told me better invest the money in a second hand Mercedes...
Seems the BIONIC 01 is a bad investment ;)

Attachment 11203

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
i'm very happy to see that sombody want to joke moore and not offend. i can not test bionic 01 very bad weather in italy but i will said wath appen, now i waith a new bulgarian metal wery powerfull and very cheap if you want information abaout ask me
reguards geo and morgan

Fred 02-12-2010 05:38 PM

I give my best reguards to geo and morgan too.

Geo 02-12-2010 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 107563)
I give my best reguards to geo and morgan too.

And i to all of you:):)

bilneo 04-16-2010 03:18 PM

Hi all !!
Please i need the schematics and component list for BIONIC 01 If it's possible !!

many regards !! :)

Morgan 04-17-2010 01:19 AM

Bionic 01

Originally Posted by bilneo (Post 110511)
Hi all !!
Please i need the schematics and component list for BIONIC 01 If it's possible !!

many regards !! :)

Did you already try to ask this schematics to OKM ??? :rolleyes:

bilneo 04-17-2010 10:57 AM

I have found the schematic on another post here on geotech forum, but i have no idea if some one had built it else or not!!

so if some one has finished and tested this divice i wonder if he can post the result of witch deep can it detect gold underground !!

many thanks and regards !!:)

bilneo 04-17-2010 11:17 AM

Hiii !!
Hii !!

I have one Question !!!


thanks !!

Morgan 04-17-2010 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by bilneo (Post 110544)
Hii !!

I have one Question !!!


thanks !!

Hello Bill

Honestly i know the product,dont waist your time with this device,its proved not work as represented in the video,cant find any gold...


detectoman 04-17-2010 11:31 PM

morgan have tested all the new lrl show in the market, include dell product, confie en el

bilneo 04-18-2010 11:40 AM

thanks a lot for your clear answer morgan !!

did you test the BIOnic 01 GOLDY of DR. Best Lab ?? given in this thread


Kindly regards !! :)

Morgan 04-18-2010 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by bilneo (Post 110593)
thanks a lot for your clear answer morgan !!

did you test the BIOnic 01 GOLDY of DR. Best Lab ?? given in this thread


Kindly regards !! :)

I visit the OKM factory,and i have the report of some german friends who try this device.
The Dr.Best schematic i dont try,its not the Bionic 01,but maybe better,who knows ...

bilneo 04-19-2010 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 110608)
I visit the OKM factory,and i have the report of some german friends who try this device.
The Dr.Best schematic i dont try,its not the Bionic 01,but maybe better,who knows ...

many thanks morgan and best regards !! :)

Ronin 04-29-2010 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by bilneo (Post 110544)
Hii !!

I have one Question !!!


thanks !!

Hi bilneo,

Do you see any difference between Bionic and below given IR ? :D

Oops except beeps and cold ring :rolleyes:

All OKM devices are scams. I have many friends of mine, gave thousands of Euros to these toys and wasted their lifetime on mountains even without finding any rubbish. Exp 3000-4000-5000 are furnished brain washers and Bionic is a total IR thermometer with some beeps:lol:

Kind regards,

Morgan 04-30-2010 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin (Post 111115)
Hi bilneo,

Do you see any difference between Bionic and below given IR ? :D

Oops except beeps and cold ring :rolleyes:

All OKM devices are scams. I have many friends of mine, gave thousands of Euros to these toys and wasted their lifetime on mountains even without finding any rubbish. Exp 3000-4000-5000 are furnished brain washers and Bionic is a total IR thermometer with some beeps:lol:

Kind regards,

Its not the same as the IR thermometer ,but when searching for treasures is not better than this...

Ronin 04-30-2010 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 111125)
Its not the same as the IR thermometer ,but when searching for treasures is not better than this...

Dear Morgan, yep that's the point i want to say.. It is not IR, neither a treasure hunting device, but not more than IR :D

J_Player 04-30-2010 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by bilneo
Hii !!

I have one Question !!!


thanks !!

Hi bilneo,
The OKM videos look like fakes to me.
Everyone I know of who bought OKM treasure machines was unhappy because they cannot find treasure with them.
They spend a lot of money for a machine that does nothing to help them find gold.

But the OKM products have some sensors inside, with electronics that make beeps and words appear on the screen.
So what do these electronics do? The OKM treasure machines have been studied many times in the Geotech forums.
What we learned is OKM uses fluxgate magnetometers with electronics to connect them as a gradiometer.
These gradiometers sense variations in the earth's magnetic field, and can find places where there are metals that concentrate the magnetic field, such as a large buried iron tank, and in some cases it could locate a place where there is a cave a large buried non-iron object. I have heard no confirmed reports of anyone finding gold coins or other treasures with any OKM products. From what I have read in this forum, all OKM products are gradiometers with extra electronics to drive the display. The IR appears to be an enhancement that does not give any information about buried objects, but may tell something about the surface temperature of the object it is pointed at.

So how can you find buried gold and other treasures with a gradiometer and an IR sensor? Usually you can't unless the gold is very large and close to the surface. If there is enough gold to displace the ground minerals and cause an anomaly in the earth's magnetic flux, then maybe you could get a reading. -- maybe 20 liters of buried gold could be located from 5 feet distance. A 1-oz buried gold coin? Not possible with the sensors in the OKM detectors.

Here is the main sensor used in the OKM Rover C locator:


As you can see, this is not he most sensitive fluxgate magnetometer, but can be usefull when two of them are connected as a gradiometer. What this detector will find the best is buried iron objects that are close to the surface. Also, keep in mind you can build a gradiometer using better sensors than this for under $150 USD. Or you can buy a better gradiometer for about 1/10 of the cost of OKM.

We also can see one of the OKM videos here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akO1j...eature=channel
After watching this video, you will notice the detector only beeped when it was pointed at the shovel with an iron handle.
You never see it beep when it is pointed at the buried treasure. After you see the video, look here to see what I saw in this video:

This is the same video where Putrechigi said he would visit the man who made the video to see a demonstration for himself.
He did not tell us what he saw during his visit and demonstration, so we have no information from what he saw first hand.

An OKM treasure finder was fully studied in the geophysics forum section.
You should read all of this forum thread before you decide to buy any OKM machine: http://www.geotech1.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15985

Best wishes,

Funfinder 05-27-2010 12:09 PM

Geo wrote:

For a person that likes the coin hunting the PD is useless, but for a person that look for big treasures the LRL is Must.
Maybe, but if you are lucky even the cheapest detector can find jewelry with very precious stones or rare gold coins! :D

Funfinder 05-27-2010 12:32 PM

Wow, 20 pages and absolutly nothing technical about the OKM Bionic 01 at all...

But at least it's been entertaining.

Morgan 05-27-2010 11:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Funfinder (Post 112328)
Wow, 20 pages and absolutly nothing technical about the OKM Bionic 01 at all...

But at least it's been entertaining.

As i told you before,most of LRLs are electromagnetic field detectors...

Attachment 12278

Funfinder 05-28-2010 01:44 PM

@ Morgan
pm me the mail of this cuty girl and I'll find with here some treasures for sure! :cool:

And Morgan - electro is not magnetic is not gravity is not 4dimensional "Einstein field". For getting the most success we have always to select the right definitions. There are also theories out there about scalar waves and "remembering atomar particles" - see the Schroedingers Experiment and the behavior of light like wave and materie. This is a complex topic. Hell, what a complicated world? :shocked: And we should discover and handle it right to discover the most precious treasures! :D

@ xyz = "variable":
I really have something against that whole impution that all those LRL producers just built their LRLs to fool, rob and beass other people. Please think twice: Would YOU built such stuff just for making "easy n dirty money"? Would you really like to go that risky way?

Why you just can think those MD inventors try their best but the whole "LRL thing" is a real not easy topic?!

Do you really think everyone out there is a thief and goes over bodys for his own salvation? :nono: :nono: :nono:

@ Morgan
At least the Bionic Alpha or 01 can restrict the detection range or wideness degree of the searched target very good, or what do you think?

Morgan 05-29-2010 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Funfinder (Post 112387)
@ Morgan
pm me the mail of this cuty girl and I'll find with here some treasures for sure! :cool:

And Morgan - electro is not magnetic is not gravity is not 4dimensional "Einstein field". For getting the most success we have always to select the right definitions. There are also theories out there about scalar waves and "remembering atomar particles" - see the Schroedingers Experiment and the behavior of light like wave and materie. This is a complex topic. Hell, what a complicated world? :shocked: And we should discover and handle it right to discover the most precious treasures! :D

@ xyz = "variable":
I really have something against that whole impution that all those LRL producers just built their LRLs to fool, rob and beass other people. Please think twice: Would YOU built such stuff just for making "easy n dirty money"? Would you really like to go that risky way?

Why you just can think those MD inventors try their best but the whole "LRL thing" is a real not easy topic?!

Do you really think everyone out there is a thief and goes over bodys for his own salvation? :nono: :nono: :nono:

@ Morgan
At least the Bionic Alpha or 01 can restrict the detection range or wideness degree of the searched target very good, or what do you think?

The BIONIC 01 is not good LRL,this is for sure,and the BIONIC ALPHA i cant say nothing about,i never try and dont know people who try this OKM detector...

georgegino 06-02-2010 09:12 PM

Hi everybody...i'm new here and haven't read all the posts about BIONIC 01
BUT.....once i have it in my hands and i made many tests since today ,i have to give you the results and if somebody can explain be my guest..

So , i ve got 20 gold coins to callibrate it.I put the device to ionic mode and i point the coins using the laser (always from north to south).When the device autolocks a frequency from target (gold coins) i lock the frequency and it's ready.After that wherever i put the gold (on the surface) i find it even if it's behind huge rocks or woods or the other side of the hill and even if i can't see the place i put it to the other side of the hill.That's for sure...
I also put the gold into the soil about 30-40 cm depth.I found it again easy from 50m away and from many angles (but always having north to my back).

So... i don't say the device is good or not..afterall it's not mine (i wouldn't give so easy 13000euros)...but ..how can you explain all these...it could help me to understand if all this i get is true or something else that i don't have the technical knowledge to explain.
Anyway if somebody has a good explanation for this let me know ..i ve got the device and i can test it again .
The sure is that i find the gold anywhere around but i don't know if this is based on ionic or electromagnetic or fake targeting.
Thanks and waiting (sorry for the bad english)

WM6 06-02-2010 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by georgegino (Post 112684)

.... or fake targeting.

.... fake for sure (as your promotion too)

luciano furtado 06-02-2010 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by georgegino (Post 112684)
Hi everybody...i'm new here and haven't read all the posts about BIONIC 01
BUT.....once i have it in my hands and i made many tests since today ,i have to give you the results and if somebody can explain be my guest..

So , i ve got 20 gold coins to callibrate it.I put the device to ionic mode and i point the coins using the laser (always from north to south).When the device autolocks a frequency from target (gold coins) i lock the frequency and it's ready.After that wherever i put the gold (on the surface) i find it even if it's behind huge rocks or woods or the other side of the hill and even if i can't see the place i put it to the other side of the hill.That's for sure...
I also put the gold into the soil about 30-40 cm depth.I found it again easy from 50m away and from many angles (but always having north to my back).

So... i don't say the device is good or not..afterall it's not mine (i wouldn't give so easy 13000euros)...but ..how can you explain all these...it could help me to understand if all this i get is true or something else that i don't have the technical knowledge to explain.
Anyway if somebody has a good explanation for this let me know ..i ve got the device and i can test it again .
The sure is that i find the gold anywhere around but i don't know if this is based on ionic or electromagnetic or fake targeting.
Thanks and waiting (sorry for the bad english)

Georgino friend you could post your video tests to see us thank you good luck with your device...

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