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J_Player 01-20-2010 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by g-sani
The only LRL that I trust most is a frequency generator sending signals to both ground and air and this is what I am using when serious treasure hunting is taking place. But this one has an advantage comparing to other similar LRLs in the market.
Before the time to use my rods to go on target I have a received back signal in a simple measuring instrument(normal Voltage meter) telling me if the metal in search is present.If it is so then and only then I use the rods to find the target.
I can even get the distance on the same meter but whith a big tolerance, may be even 25% in a 500m distance.All this again whith just turning one knob in the meter.
Up to know I have never had a ghost target and I mean that I could always pick up the metal that gave me the signal.Also I never had a case of getting gold on the meter and then go there and see that it is another metal instead of gold.
This is an LRL of not known manufacturer.A guy made it for us but it was paid a lot of money which I very well know that it was not for its electronics for sure.But believe me you don't mind if it does its job.
It paid back after short time anyway.
I know that it is too good to be true but it is.
So I am using this first and then I try going there whith my other LRLs practising and most of the times even before confirming the target using my DFX or Deepmax X3.Mind you that wherever I can I always dig the target at the end.

What signal is the LRL sending?
Is this a sine wave? a square wave? What duty cycle? what frequency?

Best wishes,

WM6 01-20-2010 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by g-sani (Post 105321)

I can even get the distance on the same meter but whith a big tolerance, may be even 25% in a 500m distance.All this again whith just turning one knob in the meter.

..... before confirming the target using my DFX or Deepmax X3.

So, you get first circle of surface with diameter of 125 m by using LRL.

Than you search inside this circle of 125m dia by DFX or DeepMax X3.

And find something, but never find gold.

And you say LRL is working for you?

Geo 01-20-2010 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by WM6 (Post 105327)
So, you get first circle of surface with diameter of 125 m by using LRL.

Than you search inside this circle of 125m dia by DFX or DeepMax X3.

And find something, but never find gold.

And you say LRL is working for you?

You can say everything you want:lol:
BUT, you must know, that Gsani has found a Big treasure:lol:.
He don't speak on "air"


Geo 01-20-2010 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by J_Player (Post 105322)
What signal is the LRL sending?
Is this a sine wave? a square wave? What duty cycle? what frequency?

Best wishes,

Hi J_P.
At my opinion the problem is not the form of the signal but the way that a simple multimeter measure the receiving system. If there is the desired metal near the generator the a multimeter gives a reading:rolleyes:.


J_Player 01-20-2010 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Geo
Hi J_P.
At my opinion the problem is not the form of the signal but the way that a simple multimeter measure the receiving system. If there is the desired metal near the generator the a multimeter gives a reading:rolleyes:.


Hi Geo,

I see no problems. Only a question of what is being measured.

If a meter is showing a DC microvolt measurement, it would not be measuring the same signal as if it was measuring an AC volt signal.
And if you had an analog meter, it may not be able to measure the same frequencies as a digital meter.
This is why I ask what is the frequency, and wave type, as well as the amount of signal that is seen on the meter scale.

Best wishes,

WM6 01-20-2010 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 105329)
You can say everything you want:lol:
BUT, you must know, that Gsani has found a Big treasure:lol:.
He don't speak on "air"

Geo, if g-sani sell LRL-s, I belive, he found a Big treasure.

g-sani 01-20-2010 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by J_Player (Post 105322)
What signal is the LRL sending?
Is this a sine wave? a square wave? What duty cycle? what frequency?

Best wishes,

The only thing I know is that I put 5300 in the freq.generator for gold.
And the other thing is that when we have the metal in search in the area we are searching then we get a meter reading that is always changing.
It is a four digit number that goes up quickly from zero to a thousand(may be even more for a strong signal) and then comes back again to zero and then up again quickly and so on.
When we open our meter to see the receiving signal and it stays at zero that means that there is no such a target in our searching area as the one we are looking for.
I am curious to check some things like the ones you are asking J_P but I do not want to try and open it because I know that this LRL patent is secured and then I might loose the service as well.This is what we agreed whith the person we paid when we bought it.
You see there was no guarantee whith it and the guy promised us that he can always do a free service if needed but only if nobody else had put a hand on it.
This LRL paid back its money although it looked like a risk at the begining.

g-sani 01-20-2010 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by WM6 (Post 105335)
Geo, if g-sani sell LRL-s, I belive, he found a Big treasure.

I don't sell LRLs my friend but to tell you the truth I am still wondering why I never did it.:D

Geo 01-20-2010 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by WM6 (Post 105335)
Geo, if g-sani sell LRL-s, I belive, he found a Big treasure.

The same again......
when you will stop thinking with so much mischief ???

Geo 01-20-2010 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by J_Player (Post 105332)
Hi Geo,

I see no problems. Only a question of what is being measured.

If a meter is showing a DC microvolt measurement, it would not be measuring the same signal as if it was measuring an AC volt signal.
And if you had an analog meter, it may not be able to measure the same frequencies as a digital meter.
This is why I ask what is the frequency, and wave type, as well as the amount of signal that is seen on the meter scale.

Best wishes,

I believe that the signal is sine.... and the multimeter is a digital multimeter but not at volt range. They have delete the cantran of the multiswitch, so who knows?????
I saw a photo of a similar generator so this is the reason that i speak about it.


J_Player 01-20-2010 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by g-sani
The only thing I know is that I put 5300 in the freq.generator for gold.
And the other thing is that when we have the metal in search in the area we are searching then we get a meter reading that is always changing.
It is a four digit number that goes up quickly from zero to a thousand(may be even more for a strong signal) and then comes back again to zero and then up again quickly and so on.
When we open our meter to see the receiving signal and it stays at zero that means that there is no such a target in our searching area as the one we are looking for.
I am curious to check some things like the ones you are asking J_P but I do not want to try and open it because I know that this LRL patent is secured and then I might loose the service as well.This is what we agreed whith the person we paid when we bought it.
You see there was no guarantee whith it and the guy promised us that he can always do a free service if needed but only if nobody else had put a hand on it.
This LRL paid back its money although it looked like a risk at the begining.

Hi g-sani,
Ok i did not know you were talking about the LRL. I thought you also used a signal generator and simple voltmeter from your workshop.
I was reading your earlier post:

Originally Posted by g-sani
The only LRL that I trust most is a frequency generator sending signals to both ground and air and this is what I am using when serious treasure hunting is taking place.

It is not necessary to open and take a chance of breaking the pistol.
The meter on your LRL is modified, and is no longer a simple voltmeter. If this is a multimeter, then maybe it is measuring milliamps from the circuit, or maybe AC millivolts, or DC microvolts other setting.

When you say it is a signal generator, and simple voltmeter, you know this only because the builder of the pistol told you these things,
not because you tested for the signal frequency with a frequency counter. Is this correct?

You also said this LRL sends a signal to the air and to the ground.
How is the signal put to the ground? Are there ground probes to push in the ground?

Can you show a photo of this this LRL with the meter so we can see it?

Best wishes,

g-sani 01-21-2010 12:31 AM

It is nothing to see there J_P since it is not something they sell in the market.
If you are that curious Geo can always send you the photo through a pm and you can have a look at it but I think this means nothing.
Regards, g-sani

J_Player 01-21-2010 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by g-sani
It is nothing to see there J_P since it is not something they sell in the market.
If you are that curious Geo can always send you the photo through a pm and you can have a look at it but I think this means nothing.
Regards, g-sani

Sure it means something.
Not for the purpose to buy one, only to see if there are ground probes to push in the ground, or if it uses an antenna or a coil.
Nobody knows these things because you did not say except it makes a frequency and has a simple volt meter.
No idea if there are ground probes or antenna or LEDs to see. No idea of what scale the simple volt meter is reading.
This means we also have no idea what kind of signal is measured... magnetic, electric, IR, heat, light, RF, AF, current, voltage, AC, DC?
We cannot learn anything about what is measured except "secret phenomenon".

Maybe a photo will help for learning. But I don't think PM can work for sending photos.

Best wishes,

g-sani 01-21-2010 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by J_Player (Post 105387)
Sure it means something.
Not for the purpose to buy one, only to see if there are ground probes to push in the ground, or if it uses an antenna or a coil.
Nobody knows these things because you did not say except it makes a frequency and has a simple volt meter.
No idea if there are ground probes or antenna or LEDs to see. No idea of what scale the simple volt meter is reading.
This means we also have no idea what kind of signal is measured... magnetic, electric, IR, heat, light, RF, AF, current, voltage, AC, DC?
We cannot learn anything about what is measured except "secret phenomenon".

Maybe a photo will help for learning. But I don't think PM can work for sending photos.

Best wishes,

You send signals to both ground and air using two bronze probes for ground and a small telescopic antena for air.I don't want to put a photo here in the forum and please accept my apologies.You see it was quite some money involved tax free and I am sure that the guy sold it doesn't want this type of advertisement.If it was made from a manufacturer it could be no problem at all.
Check your e-mail J_P.
Regards, g-sani

WM6 01-21-2010 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by g-sani (Post 105391)

You see it was quite some money involved tax free and I am sure that the guy sold it doesn't want this type of advertisement.


Only secret scam is safe scam.

Qiaozhi 01-21-2010 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by g-sani (Post 105363)
I am curious to check some things like the ones you are asking J_P but I do not want to try and open it because I know that this LRL patent is secured and then I might loose the service as well.

Please can you tell us the patent number issued for this device?

g-sani 01-21-2010 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by WM6 (Post 105392)
Only secret scam is safe scam.

Scam or not did the job WM6.

g-sani 01-21-2010 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 105394)
Please can you tell us the patent number issued for this device?

Of course there was no patent number Qiaozhi.When I said above ..he patented I just waned to say it was his private design or idea.Sorry for the missunderstanding.

J_Player 01-21-2010 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by g-sani
You send signals to both ground and air using two bronze probes for ground and a small telescopic antena for air.I don't want to put a photo here in the forum and please accept my apologies.You see it was quite some money involved tax free and I am sure that the guy sold it doesn't want this type of advertisement.If it was made from a manufacturer it could be no problem at all.
Check your e-mail J_P.
Regards, g-sani

Ok g-sani, thank you for answering questions.

There is no images from the PMs, but from what you described, this is similar to the project carl shows for making an MFD detector that uses brass ground probes. Maybe a little different. This sounds like probably a standard MFD detector.

Best wishes, :)

Qiaozhi 01-21-2010 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by g-sani (Post 105397)
Of course there was no patent number Qiaozhi.When I said above ..he patented I just waned to say it was his private design or idea.Sorry for the missunderstanding.

Thanks. I thought that might be the answer. ;)

Geo 01-21-2010 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 105416)
Thanks. I thought that might be the answer. ;)

What are you mean :cool:

Esteban 01-21-2010 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by g-sani (Post 105396)
Scam or not did the job WM6.

Don't expend time in discussion with this guy.

WM6 01-21-2010 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Esteban (Post 105428)

Don't expend time in discussion with this guy.

Congratulation Esteban!
This is your 100 appeal with the same content.

YOU WIN !!!! last model of LRL CALCULATOR!

Technical data:

- 100 bite of dynamic memory
- color touch display
- portable
- accu free work
- can represent graphic
- work at night by touch & click
- usable as foot massage
- wire guide
resonate at gold frequency
- humidity protected
- work on all continents
- scientific functions in normal format (not stamp sized)
- can calculate between gold hunting
- and much much more

Give us your full name and addresse to ship imediatelly.

Qiaozhi 01-21-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Geo (Post 105425)
What are you mean :cool:

Although I read ane re-read the post several times, I couldn't decide whether g-sani was saying that the device was patented, or whether this was a misuse of the word "patent". I was expecting the latter. Nothing mysterious ... or even mischievous. :D

Geo 01-21-2010 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Qiaozhi (Post 105451)
Although I read ane re-read the post several times, I couldn't decide whether g-sani was saying that the device was patented, or whether this was a misuse of the word "patent". I was expecting the latter. Nothing mysterious ... or even mischievous. :D


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