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WM6 01-17-2010 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 104970)

....... he will even bring some inca gold from Machu Pichu on the way back.:p

Please, note cargo restrictions on aircraft for the gold.

hung 01-17-2010 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104972)
Hi Manolo

I´m afraid your friend Marco is trying to make promotion on the Bionic-01 for sales. In reality this model and the early BIONIC OKM models are useles for treasure hunting. I have the confirmation,i talk with people from Germany who have this device on hands,not work for them,sorry...

Hey Morgan, could be.

But the previous B1 worked very, very well in detecting large gold here in Brazil.
I don't care what your german friends might think about the device, but it worked fine in Brazil!

Maybe because we are a blessed country?:cool:

Morgan 01-17-2010 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 104975)
Hey Morgan, could be.

But the previous B1 worked very, very well in detecting large gold here in Brazil.
I don't care what your german friends might think about the device, but it worked fine in Brazil!

Maybe because we are a blessed country?:cool:

I dont know,maybe Brazil is blessed country...But what about the 17 tons of precious metal the americans take from Faro ocean??? MINEORO cant make a single beep,i was near the place !!! :angry:

hung 01-17-2010 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104976)
I dont know,maybe Brazil is blessed country...But what about the 17 tons of precious metal the americans take from Faro ocean??? MINEORO cant make a single beep,i was near the place !!! :angry:

Details, please...

Morgan 01-17-2010 08:42 PM

Nostra Senora De Las Mercedes

Originally Posted by hung (Post 104977)
Details, please...


We use one medium size boat with motor,also magnetometer(this one give some signals but we didnt check the spots underwather becouse MINEORO not give any beep,so we work 1,2,3,4 miles from Faro beach...The reference was some spanish gold coins(Carolus IV)found by one person.
Nostra Senora de las Mercedes sank 1804,the brithish navy make this galeon to explode.
Its amazing how the portuguese marines not see the U S Divers activity in this place,it take many days to get all this GOLD from underwater shipwreck.

Morgan 01-17-2010 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 104977)
Details, please...

you can have a look on my thread #270 for more details

Fred 01-17-2010 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Esteban (Post 104910)
First, the persons must read opinion of persons with real experience in this field, who made many experiments and study the behavior of buried metals and detected at certain distance by its manifestations.

So, if these persons doesn't learn from the experience of others, what are they doing here?

As far as i know, you made no experiments, only observations of an apparent phenomenon.
Everything in science needs observation AND scientific explanation.

I wonder why the ones convinced LRL work cannot prove it - even if only with a good video.


Originally Posted by g-sani (Post 104938)
What do I need scientific proofs when I can go out finding treasures whith my LRL?
Well may be I need them in order to convince you.

Actually yes if your intention is to convince people more than just your word wilkl be needed.

Originally Posted by hung (Post 104944)
Watch out.
You are in the process of turning your mind in a damaging-non reversible state for learning such as very well known characters here such as c..., q...,m... and so on.
I warn you. If you keep going this way there will be a point of NO return and it will be too late to abort it without severe mind and nervous breakdown when unbiased data is input back in.

Like you are still in trance Hung, this has nothing to do with mind state or spirit...By the way , WHEN will unbiased data will be released ? :razz:


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104954)
Hello Geo

The PD is a good coin locator,but this depends on the critical adjustment,not everybody as the skill to adjust PD in the limits. I HAVE THIS SKILL.
Pistoldetectors are not for everybody...


so they are not real electronic detectors based on real physic phenomenon?


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104957)
...O MINEORO modelo DC2006 falhou completamente na busca do tesouro (...) 17 toneladas de ouro e prata,avaliados em 500 milhões de dolares.

I am sure hung will find a good explanation for this total failure of the mineoro. I hope it will not be the size of the treasure :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104972)
Hi Manolo
I´m afraid your friend Marco is trying to make promotion on the Bionic-01 for sales. In reality this model and the early BIONIC OKM models are useles for treasure hunting. I have the confirmation,i talk with people from Germany who have this device on hands,not work for them,sorry...

Be carefull Morgan, they will call you "closed mind sceptic " and that you don´t have the special ability to use it, or you are in the wrong region.

Fred 01-17-2010 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104980)
Its amazing how the portuguese marines not see the U S Divers activity in this place,it take many days to get all this GOLD from underwater shipwreck.


J_Player 01-17-2010 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan

We use one medium size boat with motor,also magnetometer(this one give some signals but we didnt check the spots underwather becouse MINEORO not give any beep,so we work 1,2,3,4 miles from Faro beach...The reference was some spanish gold coins(Carolus IV)found by one person.
Nostra Senora de las Mercedes sank 1804,the brithish navy make this galeon to explode.
Its amazing how the portuguese marines not see the U S Divers activity in this place,it take many days to get all this GOLD from underwater shipwreck.

Hi Morgan,

This is a great treasure! If you can recover a treasure like this one, then you will no longer need to continue working or treasure hunting except when you want to for fun. :)

Best wishes,

Fred 01-17-2010 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by putrechigi (Post 104967)

It is very clear now with this last video that the device beeps when hold in horizontal position.In other words, it´s an electronic level.
as long as the target is in the same plan it will beep when pointing at it.
hope you will buy it and see by yourself.Then you can think of the people here trying to warn you about scam.
with some regards.


Originally Posted by J_Player (Post 104985)
Hi Morgan,
This is a great treasure! If you can recover a treasure like this one, then you will no longer need to continue working or treasure hunting except when you want to for fun. :)
Best wishes,J_P

J_P, i think this treasure has already been recovered by the US ,apparently it would not be the case if the mineoro had not failed so miserably.

J_Player 01-17-2010 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Fred
It is very clear now with this last video that the device beeps when hold in horizontal position.In other words, it´s an electronic level.
as long as the target is in the same plan it will beep when pointing at it.

Maybe it will be better to check it with your own hands to verify what it is detecting. You could set a simple laser level to mark the places on the ground that are the same level, and turn it off while you test the Bionic 01. But you could also see if it works when making other tests of your own that are in the kind of locations you normally hunt for treasure. Maybe some treasue hunters live near the Germans who have this model, and can go to borrow it to run thier own tests to see if it finds treasure for them.

Best wishes,

hung 01-17-2010 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104980)

We use one medium size boat with motor,also magnetometer(this one give some signals but we didnt check the spots underwather becouse MINEORO not give any beep,so we work 1,2,3,4 miles from Faro beach...The reference was some spanish gold coins(Carolus IV)found by one person.
Nostra Senora de las Mercedes sank 1804,the brithish navy make this galeon to explode.
Its amazing how the portuguese marines not see the U S Divers activity in this place,it take many days to get all this GOLD from underwater shipwreck.

Hey Morgan,

Sometimes I really don't understand you...
First you said that Mineoro was crap and you were going to sell your devices.
Then, you told that your friend found gold with one of the Mineoro models and you were not going to sell it anymore.
Later you said that DC2008 did not beep at your medal but in the day the video was shot it actually beep. Then you said the Mineoros do work but they only would detect large gold, not small one...

Well, which Morgan I am talking to this time?

Regarding what you told about the Mineoros not beeping, it might have dozens of reasons, such as heavy generators, magnetometers, underwater machinery and even small handheld subaquatic detectors working for a long time, do contribute to completely kill the ionic fields at the target area.

If the detector did not emit signals, assure yourself there was a very good reason for this.
It's just silly to insinuate the detection did not happen exclusively due to the device's fault. This is ridiculous.

You know as well as I do, if the right conditions are met, the detector will beep because the fields are there to be detected.

So what's your point anyway?:shrug:

modaljar 01-17-2010 09:25 PM

real video
I think real videos should be like this one :


and if you watch carefully you can see his real machine in the background without and mean to show up.

Fred 01-17-2010 09:29 PM

You see morgan? exactly as i said: everything is fine while you say the stuff is working.as long as you emit doubts, you are a fool and rejected.
It´s not a religion, it´s a sect...

The result is that there are dozens of reasons for the mineoro not to detect 17 tons of gold and silver. :shocked:

hung 01-17-2010 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 104874)
I have been listening for years and i learnt close to nothing.

You've said it... We could never agree more, pal.

Qiaozhi 01-17-2010 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104957)
Olá Hung

Desculpa dizer isto mas é a realidade...O MINEORO modelo DC2006 falhou completamente na busca do tesouro do galeão espanhol "Nuestra Senora De Las Mercedes" naufragado no Cabo de Santa Maria (Faro).
Eu e mais um amigo que tem barco fizemos exaustivas buscas com o Mineoro muito perto do local do naufragio em 2006 sem obter qualquer sinal. Mas é frustante saber atraves da U S ODISSEY que a companhia americana resgatou desse mesmo local a 30 m de profundidade 17 toneladas de ouro e prata,avaliados em 500 milhões de dolares.
É muito frustante,eu penso que se tivesse usado o modelo DC2008 o resultado seria diferente,creio mais fiavel...

That's because the Mineoro DC2006 couldn't detect gold ... even if it was 1cm from the sensor. :rolleyes:

WM6 01-17-2010 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104980)

Its amazing how the portuguese marines not see the U S Divers activity in this place,it take many days to get all this GOLD from underwater shipwreck.

It is easy to explain: Portuguese marines are not equipped with minestrone pistols.

Fred 01-17-2010 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 104992)
You've said it... We could never agree more, pal.

I am glad you recognise once again your failure in demonstrating anything.

hung 01-17-2010 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104957)
Olá Hung

Desculpa dizer isto mas é a realidade...O MINEORO modelo DC2006 falhou completamente na busca do tesouro do galeão espanhol "Nuestra Senora De Las Mercedes" naufragado no Cabo de Santa Maria (Faro).
Eu e mais um amigo que tem barco fizemos exaustivas buscas com o Mineoro muito perto do local do naufragio em 2006 sem obter qualquer sinal. Mas é frustante saber atraves da U S ODISSEY que a companhia americana resgatou desse mesmo local a 30 m de profundidade 17 toneladas de ouro e prata,avaliados em 500 milhões de dolares.
É muito frustante,eu penso que se tivesse usado o modelo DC2008 o resultado seria diferente,creio mais fiavel...

Oi Morgan, desculpe, não tinha visto esse seu post.
E se o ouro estivesse bloqueado por metais pesados?
E se a regulagem do DC2006 estivesse fora?
Eu poderia ficar aqui conjecturando mil e uma razões para tentar explicar.
Isso nunca aconteceu aqui comigo.
Tanto o DC2006 quanto o 2008 teriam detectado. Cabe somente ao voce tentar saber o que houve. Eu não estava lá.
Só acho que voce 'levantando essa poeira', só deixa os céticos aqui mais alvoroçados e enlouquecidos. Voce sabe...:lol:

WM6 01-17-2010 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104976)

MINEORO cant make a single beep,i was near the place !!!


Hmh, Morgan, or you haven't this skill or Mineoro is total crap. What is your chose?

WM6 01-17-2010 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 104996)
Hi Morgan, sorry, did not see that your post.
And if gold were blocked by heavy metals?
And if the regulation of DC2006 was out?
I could stay here conjecturing thousand and one reasons to try to explain.
That never happened with me.
Both DC2006 and the 2008 would have detected. It is only when you try to know what happened. I was not there.
I just think that you 'raising the dust, "just let the skeptics here alvorçados and more crazed. You know ...

No need to comment, all big mouths are total de-bunkered.

Morgan 01-17-2010 10:00 PM

Las Mercedes
3 Attachment(s)
Attachment 10882

Attachment 10883

Attachment 10884

Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 104981)
you can have a look on my thread #270 for more details

Morgan 01-17-2010 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by hung (Post 104988)
Hey Morgan,

Sometimes I really don't understand you...
First you said that Mineoro was crap and you were going to sell your devices.
Then, you told that your friend found gold with one of the Mineoro models and you were not going to sell it anymore.
Later you said that DC2008 did not beep at your medal but in the day the video was shot it actually beep. Then you said the Mineoros do work but they only would detect large gold, not small one...

Well, which Morgan I am talking to this time?

Regarding what you told about the Mineoros not beeping, it might have dozens of reasons, such as heavy generators, magnetometers, underwater machinery and even small handheld subaquatic detectors working for a long time, do contribute to completely kill the ionic fields at the target area.

If the detector did not emit signals, assure yourself there was a very good reason for this.
It's just silly to insinuate the detection did not happen exclusively due to the device's fault. This is ridiculous.

You know as well as I do, if the right conditions are met, the detector will beep because the fields are there to be detected.

So what's your point anyway?:shrug:

Well,that´s true i know people who have found treasures with mineoro models both DC2006 and DC2008,but i dont understand why my DC2006 not emit a single beep in the treasure place,MINEORO its impredictable device...

J_Player 01-17-2010 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan
Attachment 10882

Attachment 10883

Attachment 10884
you can have a look on my thread #270 for more details

What a great treasure!
I like the photos you posted.

Best wishes,

WM6 01-17-2010 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 105000)
i dont understand why my DC2006 not emit a single beep in the treasure place,


Someday you will understand. I hope you are pronounced your right to money back.

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