View Full Version : New pot for Mini Eliminator II

10-31-2017, 10:14 PM
Finally broke down and forked out $20 for a new tuning pot for the MEII. Once I removed the old one and compared the play with the new one could not see a big difference. But the new one does tune quite a bit sharper. Dirt, age, whatever, wish they had something like that for my brain. :lol:

Oh yeah, the mod I made for it a while back, it does work but the cheap signal generator I used was, well, cheap. Wrong voltage, too. So now I got it back to the original configuration with new IC and precision pot. I can live with it, now.

11-01-2017, 01:55 PM
I'm certainly not claiming this locator is the end-all. The lower frequencies are still not that easy to tune exactly. But once into the kHz range it is much easier to tune. And you have to bring along a frequency counter. That's kinda old fashioned. But that said, it does have a nice signal, quite a bit better than your basic signal generator. That includes the DDS type. But the price tag is the deal killer. I have about $150 into it with shipping and replacement parts. Of course most know by now i am no fan of L-rods. I used them for over thirty years and I doubt I have two hours on them in the past two years. Don't get me wrong, I can use L-rods but I say they are obsolete.