View Full Version : Bob Fitzgerald and the BBB

02-12-2017, 06:18 AM
Doing a little research tonight, and ran across a recent posting on the Better Business Bureau web site. It is copied here verbatim, including redactions:


Problems with Product/Service

Complaint Attention to the BBB.
To whom it may concern. I bought two Long Range Locators from a Bob F**********. Address *** ***** **** *** ********** ****** *****.
My credit Union sent Mr. F********* 3.290. Dollars. In the mean time I had run across a Carl MoreLand. Who got the... machines I had ordered. and took them apart. He proved that they were scams. He worked for Geotech metal Detectors. and made a challenge to Mr. F********* that if his two machines worked. Mr, Moreland would give him 25.000 dollars. Mr. F********* never took the challenge. and when the Long Range detectors came to my house. I never opened them. and had sent them back. Bob F********* wrote me and told me that he didn't give refunds. and that he had told me so. Which He never did.
I had bought the machines from his Daughter. Who never told me any such thing. I bought the machines in the frrst part of2014.
I only got your address a month ago. and the person who I gave the paper work too. never gave me my paper work back. the person that was helping me. Told me that Mr, F********* had been shut down. And that 61 complaints had been brought against Mr. F*********' and that F*********s Money had been frozen in his account. Being not computor Literate I only just got your address a week ago.
I have not been well or I would have tried to take care of this before now. I also ask a Treasure hunter and tour guide about Mr. F*********s Long Range Detectors. and he highly recomended them. Or I never would have bought the machines in the first place.
The mans name is White and lives in Truth Or Consequences New Mexico and gives tours in the Caballo Mountains. I hope you can help me in this matter. 3.290.00 isn't chicken feed.


Consumer Business Dialog Business
We have responded to this complaint and offered resolution for over two years. Locators were delivered and we explained to customer many times our policy. The accusations in his report are false and we responded many times with... solutions. (Certified letters on file)
We have been in business for many years and never had this type of issue as we do everything possible to please our clients. This man has threatened our office staff via phone – email and postal letters.
We have these threats on file and have been told by local authorities that if it continues that we have the right to litigate.
He has filed this false report on several websites in an attempt to cause damage to the staff and our business .We are in full compliance and have closed this matter.
Thank You-F*********’s

02-12-2017, 01:18 PM
Certainly not my job to defend Bob Fitz. I got that used Mini Eliminator II and it's a hot locator. But you gotta know how to use the L-rods. I've been through that about a thousand times,--you need to learn some form of meditation to block out the outside influences so you can sense the subtle energies. No doubt the skeptics have had some success in influencing people towards the negative side. The Holy Bible talks about people doing that. But WTH, everybody does it to "the other guy", their competitor. I guess that makes it okay? I don't know what Carl really thinks about the frequency discriminators. Tell us, Carl, do frequency discriminators work like Dell Winders said they do? Go ahead and stick your foot into your mouth.

02-12-2017, 11:02 PM
Tell us, Carl, do frequency discriminators work like Dell Winders said they do?

How does Dell say they work?

02-13-2017, 03:10 AM
How does Dell say they work?

I think you know...sorta like the ToTEM is SUPPOSED to work. :D The L-rods thing was a redneck hack modification, not the original all-electronic version. I know you don't believe it. I have trouble myself. Pretty close to a miracle, but it's man-made so it ain't perfect. Don't ask me why it devolved to L-rods. Probably at the time it was a way to market it to the masses. Something more portable. I think he said the original weighed 90 pounds.