View Full Version : Mike's theory on solar magnetic interference

03-14-2016, 08:41 PM
Dell Winders talked about the charged particles that hang around for a couple days after a solar magnetic disturbance. He said the wind blows them around. So I was thinking maybe the magnetic storm is like a large magnet rubbing against an iron bar so it become magnetized. All the small pieces of iron in the soil or even the meteor dust particles that are everywhere, these become randomly magnetized. I've heard people talk about burning it off by using a large amount of power on the frequency generator. I've even heard of people wiping the work area with a magnet before map dowsing. I guess it's the same thing. The idea is to get all the particles uniformly magnetized. Some of these belt receivers have a magnet in them and I can only assume this is the purpose.

03-14-2016, 08:49 PM
And if you didn't notice, we got hit pretty good today. Check the GOES Magnetometer.

03-14-2016, 09:34 PM
According some theories the whole material world consist from vibrations only.

There is no material world - all matter are vibrations. We consist out of vibration too.

This not mean that if LRL constructor rely to vibration theory, it is like proof that his creation really works as LRL. All such claim should be proven without excuse. If someone is not able to prove that his LRL works in valid scientific tests, then it not works. Practically all nowadays commercial LRL devices does not work, no matter what theory is behind.

So we are still at begin.

03-14-2016, 11:39 PM
and if a lrl detects buried objects from long distance but can't prove it at theory then what does it means??? that it don't work????:???:

03-15-2016, 02:24 AM
I think he means--For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who do not believe, no amount of proof is sufficient.

Put another way, never try to convince a skeptic.

BTW WM6, I am sorry you have not had any success with LRL's. They all work to some extent, even if it's just due to the placebo effect like the calculator taped to an antenna with a swivel handle. :lol: Christopher Hills wrote that about 20% of people cannot use a locator because they can't overcome their negativity. That's why i preach about learning some form of meditation, even something as simple as yoga breathing where you count to five on inhale and on exhale--not too difficult but it still takes lots of practice for several weeks. The idea is to remove your conscious mind from the locating process.

There's no question that today my locator was not locking on to the target. I would get a signal here, then it would move one direction, then move another direction, then another. The earth's magnetic field was in motion. (Do a search for GOES Magnetometer and you will see a big spike. That's big enough to shut down most any locator.) Yesterday it was hitting my test target every time. I mean sometimes I don't even believe it, but like this morning I know it wasn't on the target even after ten minutes.

03-15-2016, 04:26 AM
I think he means--

For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who do not believe, no amount of proof is sufficient.


Problem is that there (using commercial LRL devices) we cannot see any amount of proof. Promos (tale stories or scam videos) are not a proof. Coincidences are not a proof (really working expensive devices should not be based on coincidences - we do not need expensive crap for coincidental findings). Blind believing is not a proof - except for believer.

Of course someone religious belief should not be a problem.

Problem with blind believers is that they are trapped in world of their beliefs and this way blind for other possibilities and blocked from acknowledge and left unsuccessful ways for totally new approach. Who is not able to admit mistake, would not be able to correct it. Blind beliefs (no matter, if it is about LRL or Lottery) is mistake, which blocked common sense.

But all this is old discussion, that, as we know, lead to nowhere.

We all are here to research new ways and new approach to remote detection. Research on basis of existing human knowledge and not on basis of someone blind beliefs. Believers already answered himself all questions instead to search for new answers, cause they need so, - to be (un)happy. But we should admit that we have not all answers and still be in search for new answers. Hope so.

BTW WM6, I am sorry you have not had any success with LRL's.

On contrary, I am very successful dowser.
The only difference is that I never use commercial LRL crap, which is not working and which cannot work in any way.
I am using most sensitive dowsing means and at the same time cheapest possible: my middle fingers.
This way I am successful searching for underground water - cause water is everywhere.
Using free and cheap middle finger, I am more successful in searching for old coins and other relic, than those with most expensive LRLs.
OK, I can admit, that there is a lot of meditation and contemplation needed, cause there is not easy to unconscious free rotate middle fingers dowsing rod. Of course, as all other LRL dowsers I am using metal detector for pinpoint targets too, but this is not a problem if you believe in your dowsing rod.

03-15-2016, 05:03 AM
If you are such a successful dowser why do you bother with all the do-nothing electronics?

03-15-2016, 07:51 AM
If you are such a successful dowser why do you bother with all the do-nothing electronics?

Cause I am skeptic believer.

03-15-2016, 08:04 AM
Maybe this year i"ll visit Slovenia. If yes, will make a demonstration to you.

After it we wil have another lrl believer :lol:

03-15-2016, 09:48 AM
Geo, it would be hard to demonstrate something on real assets.
Bank vault of our National Bank is empty clear of gold.

03-15-2016, 01:05 PM
Hell, you'd make a good politician. :lol: Now there's an oxymoron for you. Hillary needs your help. Yeah, and another one is "successful dowser". Well, at least you gave me a good chuckle this morning.

03-15-2016, 03:44 PM
WM6, seems I gave you much more credit than you ever deserve. If you really claim to be a a student I will teach you something.

Dell Winders said that for the frequency discriminators (with L-rods) operator skill and knowledge is about 80% of the equation. I would say for a locator rod, that number is much closer to 95%. For something like the calculator taped to an antenna, it's over 99%. Obviously deviceless dowsing is 100%. For the All-Electronic device I am working on that number is under 50%. As you see, it still requires some operator skill and knowledge.

The term "skeptic" demands that the person is heavily biased in a negative way. One of my rules is locating is try not to blame the equipment because you can see from the above percentages you are blaming yourself. It's like the mother who calls her son a Son of a b!tch. :lol:

03-15-2016, 04:01 PM
Personally I don't think the frequency discriminators should be that much operator skill, but it's still up there maybe 50%. In which case the locator rod might be closer to 75% and the calculator I'll be generous and say 98% operator skill, and that's being EXTREMELY generous. :lol: Of course the deviceless is still 100%.

03-15-2016, 04:19 PM
I know very well about skeptics. I was raised by one. You cut yourself off and your bias' blinds you from the truth. All in the blink of an eye, it's gone. And I know I'll never change any skeptic. Like the saying goes "If you think it's easy to change someone, just try to change yourself." I put this out so people who have not been hardened might see the way, the light, and the truth. I've said it before it's what many perceive as the difference between Heaven and Hell or Cain and Abel.

And something else, anyone who boasts about their dowsing is in direct conflict with what is required. You have to lose the ego, or like Jimmy Buffett sings in the Zach Brown song "Knee Deep", "When you lose yourself...you find the key to paradise."


03-15-2016, 05:45 PM
:lol: Now there's an oxymoron for you. Hillary needs your help.

Wall Street backed one? No. Never. I already support Sanders.

..... requires some operator skill and knowledge.

The term "skeptic" demands that the person is heavily biased in a negative way. One of my rules is locating is try not to blame the equipment because you can see from the above percentages you are blaming yourself. It's like the mother who calls her son a Son of a b!tch. :lol:

"requires ...skill" is one of most heard excuse why commercial LRL contraptions don't work.

We can meet everywhere poor LRL buyers that already "requires ...skill" for years - till they learned a final excuse at the end, that they landed on wrong continent or even on wrong planet.

Maybe there are blind skeptic, that refuse any debate about LRL, without asking for arguments and evidence on working possibilities. Those are in the same class as blind believers. No one of those needs proof and evidence.

Asking for proof and evidence in everything, especially in "market-thing", is not matter of blind skepticism, it is matter of common sense. When instead of strong proof and evidence we got in return "requires ...skill" argument and different self-delusion hokum-pokes, it is better to stay in world of common sense and take things skeptical.

Existence of forum like this, driven by proven skeptical owner and administrators are proof that skeptics support all sort of research in field of long range detection. What skeptics does not support is to scamming naive people with high overpriced fraudulent LRLs that work for sellers pocket only.

Apart from naive seekers, skeptics are not satisfied with arguments of someone beliefs, instead they are asking for arguments of correct scientific based proof and evidence how something works in real world (apart from wishing and dream world).

So, back to work (experiments, testing and research), there is no doubt that with real working device we all meet us at the same side, on right (humid) continent, along with correct Earth-magnetic lines, without negative senses or vibrations and without much of "requires ...skill".

Time is only asset we (still) have. To vaste it does not "requires ...skill".

"When you lose yourself...you find the key to paradise."

I hope so (to meet us, lost of ourself, in paradise), for all of us.

03-15-2016, 06:18 PM
Save your keystrokes. A skeptic is a skeptic is a skeptic, no matter what alias they use. :nono:

03-15-2016, 08:22 PM
These skeptics have a huge inflated ego and a pompous attitude. All this blinds them to the truth. And they have their own phony belief system.

03-15-2016, 10:16 PM
Why should truth to have problems with someone character, be skeptic or believer?

Truth is truth, no matter of peoples character.

We only need to identify (to detect in our usual terms) real truth.

Who is now scared of truth?

03-16-2016, 11:10 PM
Well, I gotta admit my mistakes when I catch them. I thought I was wrong but I was right. :lol: Okay, that was not this time. This time I was wrong and i admit it. That GOES Magnetometer is not for on earth it's just for in space. But whatever happened the other day on the GOES also there was some effect on earth. And when you get the unstable magnetic field the frequency discriminators do not work and that goes for most any other type locator and deviceless, too.

Things are looking really good right now for my project.