View Full Version : locator new generation
01-08-2016, 09:27 PM
I present to you my vision of the demand for the metal from a distance with electronic locator - generators and L sticks. All my colleagues know that to capture metal from a distance should not cause resonance with the radiation of the atomic nucleus of the metal. But such resonance occurs only in the laboratory in a Faraday cage. Why then sticks again show what is the reason?
01-09-2016, 02:12 AM
I made a post on another forum about L-rods and pendulums. I called them MITAS which stands for Medieval Implements of Torture And Superstition. :lol: Of course that's a bit of a joke but I am certain that many people feel that way about them. At times I do. They are extremely difficult to learn and use. Very few people ever really learn how to use them. It takes years of practice to be good and even then there are so many distractions and obstacles. But yes, they do work if you know how and are extremely tenacious.
I've worked with L-rods for about the last thirty-five years nearly every day, usually at least one hour er day. That's a lot of hours if you add them up. I am not rich. Since I really got going with the electronic locator I have pretty much hung up my L-rods. I don't use them maybe once a month now. Don't need them and they are difficult and a big cause of stress I don't really need. Last time I tried to find my test target I missed it by a long ways. Sure, I picked up some small micron gold no doubt. I can give you many reasons why the electronic receiver is so much better, but don't care to right now.
A friend of me (and my dowsing teacher) has find many thousends of silver and copper coins only with l-rods. He never used generator. He had the ability to go near to a place with buried coins from 2+ km far.
I never located an object with L-rods more far than 10...15 m. As Mike wrote it needs exercise every day (at least 5 .. 10 minute) if you want to be good.
01-09-2016, 07:04 PM
Good luck on that one. I've designed and built all sorts of dowsing devices. I'm not going to waste my time selling them and I don't want to see people unhappy when they fail to do the necessary work involved to learn and keep in shape. They say it's human nature to be lazy and man is that trait ever brought out in wannabe dowsers/locators. I really think some people think they can learn it while out in the field searching for treasure! And I have to say a lot of people just think they are smarter than someone who has done it. That's total ignorance to the truth and dowsing/locating is all about the truth. Everyone's bias' blind them from the truth. That's what they talk about original sin. You gotta burst the ego bubble. And about 99.999% of everyone never accomplish this.
There's a lot more to it than learning how to use the L-rods. It's all about self-mastery. And like the saying goes, "If you think it is easy to change somebody else, just try to change yourself first." That's why i say it is imperative and essential to learn some form of meditation, and that's why people say you don't need it. :lol: Well, i don't feel like getting on this subject. I could spend weeks discussing it and barely scratch the surface.
01-09-2016, 08:28 PM
You probably know Professor Turenne. If you read his books there he makes a characteristic wavelength. For him it has three components - the carrier, carrier wave and wave information vlnata electric, magnetic and informative and all these components can resonate in their own way. I managed to get rid of electrical and magnetic component and allow it to broadcast only information. Caused only pure information resonance.
01-09-2016, 09:10 PM
electric and magnetic components causing problems. They reduce the rate of spread, causing an impact on the weather, solar flares and biofield operator causing absolute uncertainty in the measurements.
01-09-2016, 10:53 PM
If you are using a swivel handle device, your bio-state or whatever you want to call it, emotional and mental state, is all important. That's why I have suggested people get some sort of GSR Galvanic Skin Response unit and learn about yourself. "Know Thyself" is lesson number one. You'll find out it takes twenty minutes to settle down if you can at all. Some people actually have the reverse response and get more excited when they try to meditate. I ain't no guru and can't help on that one.
I have to laugh I saw one rod with a swivel handle on ebay said it was guaranteed. Ain't nobody can guarantee a swivel handle rod, just phony advertising gimmick, sucker bait.
01-10-2016, 09:40 AM
we actually perceive the information wave and the electric and magnetic components hinder us. When we remove everything becomes different.
after many years of work I realized this truth and built such a locator. It has great features and accuracy in detection. I was able to isolate small weak signals and dropped only big as I can adjust them to a certain extent. I can understand from a distance whether what I detect is there or has been removed. I was able to determine from a distance the depth and volume of the metal. No longer hunt and rust
01-10-2016, 09:49 AM
Mental state is very important.We need to learn relaxation techniques and use many times to automatically on a subconscious level to be included to make the brain work in the alpha rhythm - from 8 to 13 Hz. Then the brain is at rest and can safely work.
01-10-2016, 01:31 PM
First it was the calculator taped to an antenna, then it was frequency generator on a swivel handle, then the psychic binoculars, now it's the camera with the X-ray glasses filter, and a few others in between. :nono: If any of them worked there would be no need to keep selling new junk.
01-10-2016, 10:14 PM
Special devices such as omnitron never worked because they emit electromagnetic waves. there is a problem . other frequencies are not those who use omnitron.
01-14-2016, 09:10 AM
With my equipment demand is very easy. You only need to walk around with L branches around the generator to capture the signal. He rarely gives signals but if you detect something leads me to the right place without any deviations both omnitron. Do not use any additional Static eliminator. Thanks to the system to remove residual radiation and old rusty irons chance to discover something very big. Yesterday I did the tests and was fascinated.
01-14-2016, 02:13 PM
Special devices such as omnitron never worked because they emit electromagnetic waves. there is a problem . other frequencies are not those who use omnitron.
You mean you refuse to admit you haven't done what is necessary to learn it properly.
One of my favorite sayings: "If your heart is in it you will find a thousand ways to achieve your goal. If your heart is not in it, you will find a thousand excuses."
01-14-2016, 02:37 PM
Omnitron can detect an object only if you are very close to him. From a distance accuracy is no. Omnitron catch small things mineralization impede him, picks rust and mirror images. If it was so good people would like it. I do not know the owners of omnitron and similar generators that have had success and some manufacturers justify by saying that you have not learned to work and not your heart. I do not know if you know but unhappy customers omnitron condemned the company and then omnitron produce Static eliminator to wash their eyes.
01-14-2016, 04:33 PM
Bravo Draomir - you have hit upon the truth. The em wave has 3 components. - when the em electric and magnetic are cancelled only the scalar or information component. Its characteristics are totally different, speed of light goes away as well as a number of other
things. I have built several of these type of detectors and they do work as you say. Cancellation of the em portion is quite simple.
Goldfinder h
01-15-2016, 03:20 AM
Just remember the longitudinal wave is all about resonance. That IS the frequency discriminators. Go read Konstantin Meyl
01-15-2016, 11:44 AM
scalar waves have a pulse character. the pulse frequency causes resonance.
01-15-2016, 08:51 PM
What's pulse got to do with it?
01-16-2016, 07:56 AM
changing the frequency of pulses causes the different resonances
01-16-2016, 08:19 AM
must we calibrate the receiver on same fréquency of pulse transmitter ?
01-16-2016, 09:43 AM
man with L sticks in hands broadband receiver. it only has to register resonant line.
01-16-2016, 05:06 PM
Yes, you are talking about an Omnitron (frequency discriminator). But I think you mean square wave, not pulse.
01-16-2016, 05:45 PM
is does the resonant frequency is equal to the frequency of the pulse emetteur ?
01-16-2016, 07:22 PM
Short answer, No.
01-16-2016, 08:02 PM
can you explain please , it's very important for me to know , i will build pulse emitter for my VLF receiver .
01-16-2016, 08:24 PM
Sorry, I am no expert. I say a pulse wave will not work for the frequency discriminators, but I could be wrong...again.
01-16-2016, 09:44 PM
Thank you !
01-16-2016, 09:48 PM
one more time I'll say it - scalar waves have impulsive character. pulse frequency causes resonance. As electromagnetic waves resonate so resonate and information, but these properties are close to the properties of light.
01-16-2016, 10:24 PM
I'm not saying a pulse cannot possibly work, just that it is not going to work like a frequency discriminator. Look at the way a pulse metal detector works--it detects all metals but it's most sensitive to iron. So maybe you are talking about something totally different. Maybe you are talking about dowsing?
01-16-2016, 10:54 PM
01-17-2016, 06:50 AM
What I see is a frequency generator and scalar antenna. I've built the Mobius type coil. Not much difference than plain old ground/air probes. But never tried this design and didn't use an amp. Been a long time ago.
01-17-2016, 02:15 PM
That guy says use at your own risk. Scalar waves are absorbed by the human body and Meyl talks about it. I would say that amplifier is where the danger is. So be very careful because it probably is dangerous to your health. Read up on it first so you know what you are getting into.
01-17-2016, 06:23 PM
Here's some more info on that device.
Here is more info:
01-18-2016, 03:57 AM
Here's a video about how scalar waves can affect human cells. This is just a starting point for your research on the safety of scalar waves. After watching this video I think that jnaudin device looks very dangerous--way too power.
01-18-2016, 03:00 PM
This is a very interesting video. Meyl talks about the structure of DNA and how the magnetic field of the electron orbits acts as an antenna. In one of his books, Meyl says the power from the transmitter must be turned down so the LED lights are no brighter than the LED's on the receiver. Otherwise the energy can be absorbed by biological systems. The optimal point is when the receiver lights start to dim. This is a tiny amount of power. Sorry I don't have a number, but very minimal. It takes 2 volt to light the LED's, don't know how many milliamps, but it can't be more than a few. The jnaudit device uses 12 volts up to 5 amps. You sure don't want to hold that device up near your face.
BTE, just got an emailing from Meyl this morning, says there is an English Scalar Wave conference early March
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