View Full Version : Why the dog don't post much here any more

Dave J.
04-06-2014, 06:42 AM
When you're young, life seems forever. When you're my age, you're painfully aware of your mortality if you got a lick of sense.

Over the years, it's been a lot of fun learning from gullibillies how the gullibilly mind works, and it's also been fun (and a moral duty) warning people about outright frauds. The tension between the gullibillies and "skeptics" has also taught me a lot about how this same dynamic plays out in the arena of religion.

At this point in my life, I pretty much accept that the Gospel According to St. Darwin will prevail, and that my energies are best spent in arenas other than this one. Let people who want to be lied to, pay up. The fraudsters teach the lesson better than I ever will.

04-07-2014, 01:49 PM
Hi Dave, don't tell me, that you're now the lead guitarist in the band Desperado's? Is the band Optimists fell apart?

04-10-2014, 11:44 AM
Let people who want to be lied to, pay up. The fraudsters teach the lesson better than I ever will.

Must say, that reading some posts, I more and more agree with you.

reza vir
04-10-2014, 05:00 PM
All Inventions of suspicion and lies become reality
We must be patient and look at the results.