View Full Version : The LRL-Trial

02-06-2014, 07:18 PM
judge: ju
accused: ac
audience: au

You, mr. LRL-dealer N. N., have been brought to court because of betraying and stealing money!

No, I haven't.

Of course you have, stop your lies finally.

My honoured judge, I never told any lies and I never betrayed anyone. My work was just an experiment I fully believed in and I can't taken responsable for those who believed what I believed. I just told them the best I could and I have no feelings of guiltyness.

I guessed so.

laughing! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Please stop laughing, audience, I am just a rights respecting inventor and technician and I tried to do my best for everyone.

again laughing, but louder :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Audience, please be quiet, or are persons here who had huge financial losses because of this betrayer and liar here?

Tumults and Yes-cries. :( :angry: :( :angry:

OK, lets see what I can do for you.

Stop crying people, I just did my best for you!

trampling on the floor and throwing tomatoes at the accused. :( :angry: :( :angry:

Please, people here, stop and wait with this for later, first we must sentence this guilty and with no insight at all stupid evil person!

I am not stupid or evil!

Stop, it you damned liar! You did already too much destructive things to other people in your life so nobody will believe your false trys to defeat yourself, anyway.

That's right, he betrayed us and took away our money! :( :angry: :( :angry:

I know! But this trial has to be professional and based on the laws we have.
Accused, you have claimed you have a really working LRL, is this correct?!

Yes sir, because it is really working, I've gotten wonderful find-results with it.

And you think if you must fart everyone else must farting, too???

lauging out loud :lol::lol::lol::lol:

No sir, but I just honestly worked on my basis of thruth.

Wash out the mouth of this liar with soup-water, judge! :( :angry: :( :angry:

Accused, you went on and on, you never stoped making wrong claims and shiny promotion for your notworking-crap even a very long time after already all those huge amount of custumers told you that your sh*t doesn't work! Why?!

Because for me it worked and I even could improve it.

Well, great, but the point is:
If something works for you this doesn't mean it works for everyone! And you never told about this fact. You didn't even gave your customers the chance to try your stuff before they spent money for it! This is a huge difference!

But I thought if it would works for me it will automatically works for everyone else, too!

You liar, after a few months of customer-feedback you must got already enough info to let you know that your stuff does not work for others but you have not stopped selling your crap!

Is it my fault that those stupid customers can't handle this device the right way?!

buh buh buh !!! :( :angry: :( :angry:

Wait, betrayed victims of this little thief and scoundrel, you will get your money back!

I am not a thief and betrayer.

Quiet accused, within a few days you will be sentenced as thief and betrayer, just relax!

laughing! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

So accused, why you never gave the persons their money back after those found out your dirty little product is just a notworking box of crap?!

Why I should? Is it my fault if they can't handle it correctly. Personally I always got the best results with it.

Yeah, you got the best results in earning money by selling this worthless sh*t for a very high price! We have here the results of 3 independent technological institutes for electronics and computers, rennomated university doctors including. The result is clear:
Your dirty little fraud circuit only detect the wallets of interested buyer, afterwards you made it attractive by lies, promotion and false claims!

laughing! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Accused, don't you think it would have been your personal responsability to make clear from the first time that you only sell stuff that works for everyone and not just deep inside your wildest dreams?

Sorry mr. judge, I didn't know that.

Stop it, you liar. You also know exactly how to rob the money of people by betraying them!

But they gave me their money by their free will.

Shure, I also would buy a plane-ticket if I think I really can take this flight afterwards.
Thats the big difference - you are claiming big bull-**** while at the travel-agencies you will get something real working in return for the money.

But my LRL-detector is real working, mr. judge, I swear it!

Even if it would be working for you personally, it's a crime presenting this stuff like as if it would work for everyone, too! We never saw any warnings of "use at your own risk" and you never was fair enough to give those their money back who got of course no results at all with your dirty little crap-box because it can't work at all - this are results of 3 independent technical experts!


Shut your mouth! I can't hear your evil and false comments any longer! You knew exactly from the beginning that your super duper bla bla bla LRL does not work! But you sold it neverthless and told the shiniest stories about it! All you wanted is to trick other people and collect their money. And after some months you saw this is a good and easy business and you extra polished your lies and false claims furthermore and further!

No, this is not right, I tried to gave people the money back but it turned out that I was very low on cash in that time.

Because of your greedy and luxury lifestyle all your money was going away the very same day it came in. And then you thought you could pay your depths with the newly by betraying incoming money, correct!!!

No Mr. judge, you must know I tried to invent my LRL further until it would really work and therefore I needed the money as investment.

It doesn't matter if your concept was constructed like a pyramid-game, don't you understand how much harm you did to all those people who wanted to get a real value in return for their money and instead they just got your hopemaking liar-stories together with a worthless crap-box?

But it is not worthless, I found many real treasures with it!

Please tell your stories your grand-ma. This is a big big lie and nothing else, you don't have a working LRL and you can find nothing with this "fraudster-machine" at all!

No, mr. judge, it is the truth, it really works and I am able to find treasures with it, everyone who can handle my LRL the right way can do it!

No, he can't, otherwise here in the audience wouldn't sit over 50 persons who lost their money and all they got is your stupid fake-box! Accused, you have one final chance for geting not sentenced:

Here is a land-map of a huge forrest which is know to contains alot antique stuff:
Throw with this darts-arrow now at this map! Here it is.


Very well. At this location you will hunt infront of our eyes and we will make shure that you can not use any cheap bags-player tricks. If you should find nothing you will get your deserved sentence and you will pay every penny back to those who have been fooled by you!

But perhaps the conditions there are not good enough, can't we go to my own testfield behind my own house?

No, we can not, you funny little joker! Stop your foolish tricks you evil person, you are not with stupid here! All the people you have stolen away their money with betraying claims also don't have such special testfield and you told them the device works, which for them means it works everywhere and not just inside the little toilet room with the hole in the ground!

laughing! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

accused, by the way you will go there almost naked to make shure you can't hide any mini-detectors etc.

laughing! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

But this is unfair and how do you know at this place in the woods is something located at all?

Because beforewards someone will check this site with a real working detector.

Nooo please don't, the very strong field of the metal-detectors will destroy the special phenomenon aura of the finds which is needed for my detector!

Don't worry poor boy, we will just estimate if there are enough finds overall, there will be enough untouched remaining for you. Better stop your cunning phenomenon lies! Why the hell you should be able to detect something at all while all your betrayed custumers never could detect anythin with your damned full of junk scam-boxes ?!

It's not my fault, it was the location, the weather, they couldn't adjust it the correct way.

How sad, what a bunch of stupid customers you got there, ironically seen. What a mess for you as the expert if all your unsatisfied customers can't get any success at all with your stupid little crap! I doubt it will make you proud as a great inventor!

laughing! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


No buts anymore, or I will punish your own butt personally!

laughing! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Keep up your laughing for later, because you all will be invited to see our LRL-freak running around in underpants through the woods with his LRL-junk-container!

Yeah, we will see it! Everyone's laughing! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Of course our 3 independent technology experts also will be present. Accused, you will get only 10 tries! Hit or miss them, it will decide. Cause real treasure hunters also don't wanna dig 9 times for nothing! But if your LRL-detector works so fantastic as it was claimed, we all are absolutly shure that your discovery-rate will be much higher, don't you say so?

But I heard the next days is full-moon and this badly can influence the phenomenon-field!

And now you are afraid in turning into some were-wolve out in the woods?

laughing! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Don't be afraid, we will also have some hunters with silver bullets who will shoot you if you really should get a metamorphosis into some sort of LRL-wolve!

laughing !!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Pleeeeaaaassse, audience, don't laugh! Until now this person is absolutly innocent.

laughing! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Krch kchhdhk hatschi! Please can I consult a doctor, I think I catched a cold.

No, you can't!

laughing !!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

But I could starve out there running through the woods in my underpants!

laughing !!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

No, but perhaps we bury you in one of your selfdigged holes if you should be unsuccessful!

laughing !!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

But of course this will not be happen, because our accused has constructed the worldwide best LRL-detector and the treasures will just jump out of the ground!

laughing !!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

OK, dear audience, if you should still have your LRLs bring them to the woods if the own detectors of our "LRL-expert" should have just in time "technical problems" so we can "help" him out with his own crap.

Thank you audience for your interest and don't forget beer and sausages for a cool grill party and your camera for some funny pictures! ;)

02-06-2014, 09:23 PM
You are delusional. Okay, I guess I didn't say anything new, I didn't say anything that everyone didn't already know. So I guess the question should be "Why do you make up this stuff?" I guess the answer is that you are ignorant, but like with every other skeptic, I always have thought in the back of my mind that this is just deception, that you really know that LRL's work and you feel threatened like many dowsers are (They figure since they spent a lifetime learning to dowse it isn't fair that someone with less experience can get better results). Or you are angry because you didn't take the time to learn the necessary skills, that you cannot let go of the negativity. Would you feel better if I said I am sorry for you? Here's a hanky.

02-06-2014, 09:38 PM
When a dowser cannot learn an LRL that is for sure a sign they are psyching themselves out of it. They are trying to fail. And there are many of them. Of course there are many who THINK they can dowse but rarely or never get any feedback.

02-10-2014, 12:09 AM
For all

Ignore yours is better

reza vir
02-10-2014, 06:33 AM
The world is beautiful, do not close your eyes nicolas ;) :)

02-10-2014, 03:30 PM
The world is beautiful, do not close your eyes nicolas ;) :)

Beautiful thought - very useful in LRL world too. Thanks.

02-10-2014, 04:30 PM
The world is beautiful, do not close your eyes nicolas ;) :)

well my friend.
but how do you convince a person is already do not believe in such a thing
I found the discussion Unitil to do so convince such people

reza vir
02-11-2014, 08:55 AM
Ask Able Is
Perhaps, but do not know exactly believe in the work ;)

03-27-2014, 10:40 PM
well my friend.
but how do you convince a person is already do not believe in such a thing
I found the discussion Unitil to do so convince such people

Unfortunately, there are many people who do not want to learn fishing
They practice the art of noise to push the fisherman to give them his fish prepared and cooked[/SIZE][/B]