View Full Version : transmitting schematic 10 Hz
02-03-2014, 06:02 PM
esteban left several clues, one of which is the change in frequency of gold up 0.5 hz ,silver 0.5 hz frequency below on earth ranging from 8 Hz to 12 Hz[terrestrial frequency]schumann ressonance.
need schematic of rf transmitter 10hz can someone help me?
esteban left several clues, one of which is the change in frequency of gold up 0.5 hz ,silver 0.5 hz frequency below on earth ranging from 8 Hz to 12 Hz[terrestrial frequency]schumann ressonance.
need schematic of rf transmitter 10hz can someone help me?
Search for function generator schematic, or buy one on eBay as kit/module.
If you need more power use adequate audio amplifier, self-made or in kit/module.
esteban left several clues, one of which is the change in frequency of gold up 0.5 hz ,silver 0.5 hz frequency below on earth ranging from 8 Hz to 12 Hz[terrestrial frequency]schumann ressonance.
need schematic of rf transmitter 10hz can someone help me?
Search for function generator schematic, or buy one on eBay as kit/module.
If you need more power use adequate audio amplifier, self-made or in kit/module.
02-03-2014, 08:38 PM
thank you wm6!good scheme..
02-03-2014, 08:38 PM
esteban left several clues, one of which is the change in frequency of gold up 0.5 hz ,silver 0.5 hz frequency below on earth ranging from 8 Hz to 12 Hz[terrestrial frequency]schumann ressonance.
need schematic of rf transmitter 10hz can someone help me?
Look here you can find that...but this frequency is not for trasure is for EMF
Dave J.
02-03-2014, 09:40 PM
The Fisher PF-18 sheath fault locator manufactured during the late 1990's transmits phase-synchronously at 5 and 10 Hz (to avoid the 7.8 Hz Schumann resonance), is equipped with earth probes, and the receiver also equipped with earth probes is directional. Although designed for sheath fault locating, in principle it could be used for soil resistivity mapping. I have demonstrated its use for through-the-ground binary communication.
They show up every now and then on fleabay.
If anyone is wondering "what does something that actually works have to do with LRL's?", the right answer is "what does anything electronic have to do with LRL's?"
--Dave J.
02-04-2014, 01:35 PM
manufactures mineoro has a secret room ,where they make their lrls calibration.
This room can be as a Faraday shield which is generated a frequency [equal to terrestrial frequency] where it ranges above 0.5 Hz and 0.5 Hz below
ex:signal 10hz variation 9,95hz ,10,5 hz18783
Dell Winders
02-04-2014, 05:14 PM
The Fisher PF-18 sheath fault locator manufactured during the late 1990's transmits phase-synchronously at 5 and 10 Hz (to avoid the 7.8 Hz Schumann resonance), is equipped with earth probes, and the receiver also equipped with earth probes is directional. Although designed for sheath fault locating, in principle it could be used for soil resistivity mapping. I have demonstrated its use for through-the-ground binary communication.
They show up every now and then on fleabay.
If anyone is wondering "what does something that actually works have to do with LRL's?", the right answer is "what does anything electronic have to do with LRL's?"
--Dave J.
CORRECT ANSWER: Electronics are not needed for LRL's to work.
I applied electronics to the equation to provide a basis for recognition and understanding of the phenomena, and to offer limited control of the Physics that are being utilized. There is nothing wrong with developing a fully electronic LRL. It has already been successfully done, several times. I applaud those of you that diligently work towards that goal, already knowing from your own experiments that, it can be done regardless of moderator claims that he is helping you by providing an open source project. I can only caution you to wary of gifts from the people who run this forum.
I have been copycatted and slandered ever since the 1980's. Even to the point of being Blackmailed, by the Skeptics to force me to provide them the schematics that they could replicate and test the MFD devices for themselves , or they threatened they would put me out of business and Ruin me. I still have hard copies of their posts publicly announcing their intentions. Lead members of this proclaimed "Skeptic" clan, are Not truthful people and will have no scruples about reverse engineering, modifying, and patenting any viable circuit that might be posted and shared on Geotech forums.
As Frequency Discrimination LRL started becoming popular every body and their dog got into the act. Advanced Electronics became an advertising gimmick so new manufacturers could compete, and charge ridiculous prices for technologies that did not exist.
The Skeptics runnung this forum will intentionally mis-inform you as being a fact that Copper L-Rod, and copper coil antennas, cannot & are not effected by Magnetic fields. Here is a simple experiment in Copper & Magnetic fields Physics that can be replicated and expanded on, even by Skeptics. Dell
CORRECT ANSWER: Electronics are not needed for LRL's to work.
Of course they are not: It is all in you mind, that will select, afterwards, and among lots of false information, the one that have lead you to the target you decided was relevant.
Or else you could blindly prove it, right ?
Like in your copper tube video, which only shows a very well known and documented effect of physics, and not some dark magic as you seem to see it.
02-04-2014, 08:47 PM
folharin wrote
esteban left several clues, one of which is the change in frequency of gold up 0.5 hz ,silver 0.5 hz frequency below on earth ranging from 8 Hz to 12 Hz[terrestrial frequency]schumann ressonance.
need schematic of rf transmitter 10hz can someone help me?
1 Hz ranges ???? What is going on here?
You try to find out and detect how metal "vibrates" through pseudo Schumann frequency?!
Even if this would work - with those fantasy circuits you are using you have no chance at all!
Imagine steps of 1Hz starting at 1 Hz, usually this is sonar or sound-vibrations - its like alpha- beta- gamma-waves produced by the human brain.
Where is your starting point??? !!!! :angry:
Have you ever experimented in a lab that metal is resonancing at this frequency if it is
influenced by waves in the area of "Schumann"? Do you know the "magnitude" of those waves?
Can you assure you will have any similar usable in free nature?
This is no critizism, its nice that you interested in unorthodox methods -
as long as those are testable at all and as long you can get there any learning-curve
and experience.
This here is not about "tell me how can UFO's fly" - this is serious electronic.
Please keep this in mind or shall I lose my nerves? :angry:
Instead of the first forum "long range locators" (why is this the first one on top ? - its the one which is most open to all kind of crazy fantasy claims!) we should create a forum which is clearly recognizable as "trial and error esoteric and pseudo science) and one which is clearly useful for serious stuff.
We must create a clear visible border-line between our fanatic LRL-convinced and their absolutly not at all convincing explanations and those who try to find out something real working, simply said.
And the two parts shall not mix and mess up with each others!
Even if it would be the best to ban everyone who only tells unprovable fairy-tale stories completly!
What comes next? They will tell us they have built a time-machine or a shuttle that can bring them to Mars an back! :angry::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Crazy sh*t and nothing more, just only to confuse true scientifical working or reliable information seeking persons! Camouflaged absurdity!
Dell Winders
02-04-2014, 09:54 PM
Of course they are not: It is all in you mind, that will select, afterwards, and among lots of false information, the one that have lead you to the target you decided was relevant.
Or else you could blindly prove it, right ? :|
Like in your copper tube video, which only shows a very well known and documented effect of physics, and not some dark magic as you seem to see it.
I see you agree that Magnetic fields has been proven to have an effect on non-ferrous metals, as well ferrous metals. That is a good starting point in your understanding of the use of Copper L-Rod Magnetic detection Antennas.
You seem to imply that the use of Non-Electronic LRL is "Mind over Matter". That would be great, if it were true. But it is not.
I posted an earlier photo of a working LRL using a Non-electronic, H.I.D. broadcast with signals received electronically with a Whites Metal Detector. Beep Beep. Vice versa, an Electronic MFD Broadcast can be received and detected without the use of Electronics.
What is it you don't understand about the basic physics of Locating from a Distance? Dell
02-04-2014, 10:49 PM
funfinder expensive.
how can you say that's fantasy, you have the necessary knowledge about the phenomenon lrl then please pass their knowledge and answer a few questions for example: issuing the buried gold? rf waves? how often to detect it away? ... and little-used methods and frequencies tested may be the key to a good lrl
02-04-2014, 11:17 PM
The Skeptics runnung this forum will intentionally mis-inform you as being a fact that Copper L-Rod, and copper coil antennas, cannot & are not effected by Magnetic fields. Here is a simple experiment in Copper & Magnetic fields Physics that can be replicated and expanded on, even by Skeptics. Dell
Dell - as you seem to be confused into thinking there is some "magic" going on here - the simple experiment you refer to is the generation of eddy currents in a conducting pipe by a moving magnetic field, and a demonstration of Lenz's Law. This is not "magic", and has nothing to do with dowsing (copper L-rods or otherwise). That is pure fantasy.
You'll need to come up with something better than that. :lol:
Dell Winders
02-05-2014, 12:07 AM
You are right, and so am I. It is not magic, it's basic physics being employed which has nothing whatsoever to do with Mental Dowsing. I don't see any logic in your hypocrisy. You agree that a copper tube is effected by a Magnetic field, and in the same sentence you say that an L-Rod made from a smaller copper tube cannot be effected by a Magnetic field? Don't be ridiculous.
You were also dead wrong about the Metal Detector Industry Not having any concern about LRL's being on the market. It has proven to beb big concern for them, and apparently for you & Carl. Stop your campaign of lies, slander & mis-Information and let the truth prevail if you have nothing to hide. Dell
02-05-2014, 12:40 AM
Thank you very much for this video Dell!
02-05-2014, 02:09 AM
Thank you very much for this video Dell!
Yes it is the law of Lenz my friends
I see you agree that Magnetic fields has been proven to have an effect on non-ferrous metals, as well ferrous metals.
Dell , you need to understand that a copper tube is the equivalent to an infinity of copper loops in short-cicruit, which, of course, interacts with a magnetic filed. Almost any electric motor works on that principle. Nothing to do with a piece of wire in the air.Even L-shaped :p
What is it you don't understand about the basic physics of Locating from a Distance? Dell
It is why nobody could ever scientifically demonstrate that it does works - and subsequently, on what principle.
What is it that you do understand about it ?
So, Frederico and georgie, the 'elektronik engineers' in this forum, postulate how Lenz's Law applies here:
02-05-2014, 02:38 AM
I've touting these for some time. Ideal for the LRLs and whatever you want. I have bought several and they all work fine. There are several other versions close to this in eBay. Why build some piece of junk when you can buy a nice one for lots less?
02-05-2014, 02:45 AM
So, Frederico and georgie, the 'elektronik engineers' in this forum, postulate how Lenz's Law applies here:
Man magnetic high hehehehe
This ability to congenital and incendiary usually:oh:
Dave J.
02-05-2014, 04:09 AM
So, Frederico and georgie, the 'elektronik engineers' in this forum, postulate how Lenz's Law applies here:
Now if sticking a bowl to your forehead doesn't prove that Hung's LRL works, I suppose that nothing will!
Lenz's Law doesn't apply to this one, P.T.Barnum's Law is the one that's operative: "There's a sucker born every minute." Barnum's Law.
No supernatural mysteries, no violation of high school physics, just an ordinary "majick trick" -- one which however does require some deep concentration and practice to master (as many "majick tricks" do).
Since this isn't a cookbook "majick trick", I'm guessing that the guy just sorta discovered that he had the natural talent to do something like that. And practiced until he got good enough to go public with it and have a lot of fun.
He showed everyone in plain view how it was done. How easily people are duped!
--Dave J.
Dear Frederico and georgie,
Still waiting to see your essay on Lenz's Law and where it 'fits' to explain Miroslaw's case.
Also, would it be too much too ask what mods in Maxwell's equations you would perform that would also support it? Hummm... Sorry, I think that would be too much indeed.
Before you guys start to 'think' that this is some kind o trick, magic, or whatever BS you might come up with, I make a warn: Please don't.
'Big' Randi, carlie's master and also your master, georgie, runs away in despair from Miroslaw just like a vampire from the sunlight. And Miroslaw is not the only case. There are lots of similar ones around the world.
Before I live, here's a couple of really simple scientific questions I want to see you answer, along with your Lenz's Law essay:
1 - Can a non metallic object be magnetized?
2 - What's magnetism?
Stick down to science please.
Here's a link so that you can know Miroslaw better.
Bye. I'll be waiting.
02-05-2014, 10:37 AM
So, Frederico and georgie, the 'elektronik engineers' in this forum, postulate how Lenz's Law applies here:
It never ceases to amaze me how you're prepared to accept everything at face value without a shred of evidence. :rolleyes: We should rename you Dr. Gullible. :lol:
As Dave has already stated, this is a well-known parlour trick.
You can see our friend Randi debunking a similar "magnet man" here ->
There is nothing "magnetic" going on, just capillary action enhanced by not washing for a few days, and possibly a small amount of hand cream.
Heinrich Lenz would turn in his grave if he was able to read your post, which (by the way) is also impossible, in case you're wondering. ;)
Dave J.
02-05-2014, 12:25 PM
Hung, if the guy has paranormal powers, why is he ruining his reputation with a video in which he demonstrates how to do a silly "majick trick" stunt which requires no paranormal powers?
Some "majick tricks" rely on hidden devices, prestidigitation, etc. Y'know, like Mineoro does. And "majick tricks" in movies often rely on moviemaking and editing skill so what you see in the movie is not what you'd have seen in real life. LRL movies are often of that character. (Although it's surprising how often in LRL movies there is no trickery at all other than the poor guy not realizing he's demoing that the thing doesn't work.)
What made the "magnet man" movie such good entertainment was that it relied on none of that. Everything was in plain view, no telekinesis or other such silliness. The misdirection was supplied by the story that went along with it.
Great entertainment! Not only did I get to watch a fellow bamboozle gullibillies who believe that everything false is as true as they want it to be, for the rest of us he disclosed the whole scam in plain view so we could laugh at the gullibillies along with him.
Just like Thomas does in the Gravitator ad.
8) Have fun, read the advertisement!8)
--Dave J.
Ozzy georgie, I know that you have a very limited mind. This is no surprise for many here as you are an insult to them every time you pretend to be scientific.
But let's play you retarded child's little game for a moment.
The link and explanation you gave is known and old. It was already proved wrong and is out of date. It just shows that you know nothing about what went on and is still going on.
Please get yourself informed before being ridiculed one more time.
I will help you.
After this idiotic claim made by idiot randi, years ago, Miroslaw offered to participate in a test conducted by randi's organization, so that randi could prove his claim or loose 1 million dollars. It would be very easy for him to prove Miroslaw was not used to 'take showers' and had bad hygiene.
But after being aware of the tests (real) scientists had performed on him and heard of the results, 'mighty' randi backed out alerted by the crew in his 'organization' of the 'threat' Miroslaw represented.
Of course this was years ago when randi still had a few percent of credibility among magicians and gullible people, and prior the scandals he got involved taking him to the garbage can of history where he is now.
If you still believe in randi's retarded claim that 'bad hygiene' is the explanation for Miroslaw being able to 'attach' heavy steel bowls to his body, then present your proof that a person with bad hygiene do the very same thing. Let's see how far out you want to take this.
Finally, don't dance around. Answer my questions.
Can a non metallic object be magnetized?
What is magnetism?
C'mon, I'm waiting.
Dave J.
02-05-2014, 12:54 PM
Hung, I think you need to watch that movie again. If you're wondering how he does it, he'll show you! The principles are ordinary high school physics. (Not "Hungscience".)
If you bought the "story" so hard that you can't even see what he's demonstrating, well, that's why he and the rest of us think this is really funny. (Of course on camera he has to keep a straight face.)
It's great entertainment. Enjoy it!
--Dave J.
02-05-2014, 02:59 PM
Dr. Gullible (aka Hung) - You are such a lost soul that I almost feel sorry for you (well ... not really, I was just trying to be polite). :rolleyes:
How can you possibly believe this trash is real? Can you not see past the end of your nose?
It's a magic trick, pure and simple; and it's not even a very good one. :lol:
Do you not realise that everyone is laughing at you? :lol:
02-05-2014, 03:58 PM
I've touting these for some time. Ideal for the LRLs and whatever you want. I have bought several and they all work fine. There are several other versions close to this in eBay. Why build some piece of junk when you can buy a nice one for lots less?
I have two and neither one works correctly. You sure you checked them out? Pretty sure those are all damaged goods they are trying to pawn off on unsuspecting people. Of course once you buy it you don't want to spend the money to return it to China. Get lost in the mail, etc. That's the same psychology they use on those TV ads where the product is "Not available in stores" because they know everyone will return it. Buyer beware.
Dr. Gullible (aka Hung) - You are such a lost soul that I almost feel sorry for you (well ... not really, I was just trying to be polite). :rolleyes:
How can you possibly believe this trash is real? Can you not see past the end of your nose?
It's a magic trick, pure and simple; and it's not even a very good one. :lol:
Do you not realise that everyone is laughing at you? :lol:
You see, that's why some members here like Dell, Mike, Nelson and others complain about you and challenge your bad habit of fussing and talking about things you do not know at all.
If carlie, when made his choice on you to be the 'administrator/moderator' of his blog, he might have done this because he thought of you as 'skepthic' as he thinks he is. But he is loosing on both sides. Problem is that there are skeptics and stupid skeptics. Those, when know nothing about something, insist on posing as 'authorities' on the subject. You both are of this kind.
You above post trully shows how you act when caught in ignorance. With jokes and idiot nonsenses.
Cases of people reported as being 'magnetic' abound around the world. Miroslaw is not the only one. But you are so far behind that still have not noticed that is not Miroslaw or Sam, or anybody who demonstrates this ability that matters.
Well I asked you a couple of real simple questions. So far you dodged and did not answer them. Why are you so afraid to answer if you claim to know physics and to be an electronic engineer?
Dell Winders
02-05-2014, 05:44 PM
02-05-2014, 05:53 PM
Cases of people reported as being 'magnetic' abound around the world. Miroslaw is not the only one. But you are so far behind that still have not noticed that is not Miroslaw or Sam, or anybody who demonstrates this ability that matters.
Hung - you are flogging a dead horse. In the same way, reports of permanent magnet motors, and motor/generator combinations that claim to run without any input, also "abound around the world" [sic], and are complete nonsense.
Well I asked you a couple of real simple questions. So far you dodged and did not answer them. Why are you so afraid to answer if you claim to know physics and to be an electronic engineer?
No-one is going to waste time on your silly questions, as no doubt you have an alternative pseudo-scientific answer for them anyway. What's the point? You need to forget all the misleading facts you've learnt from Myron Evans and stop living in a fantasy world.
Dell Winders
02-05-2014, 06:33 PM
Dr. Gullible (aka Hung) - You are such a lost soul that I almost feel sorry for you (well ... not really, I was just trying to be polite). :rolleyes:
How can you possibly believe this trash is real? Can you not see past the end of your nose?
It's a magic trick, pure and simple; and it's not even a very good one. :lol:
Do you not realise that everyone is laughing at you? :lol:
Qiaozhi, How can you possibly believe that the Metal detecting industry is not concerned about LRL's on the market? Isn't this one of the reasons you run a Trash LRL forum, for Carl, because there is reason for a lot of concern?
In light of the evidence for concern, your telling of such an obvious big whopper lie, certainly has me and other knowledgeable people feeling sorry for your gullibility. It's hard to know if Carl has you brain washed into believing his lies, or if you promote Idiocy on your own.
Do you realize how hard I am laughing at the irrational stupidity you post on here. :lol: Apparently, you consider this as a badge of honor. Dell
02-05-2014, 08:35 PM
Qiaozhi, How can you possibly believe that the Metal detecting industry is not concerned about LRL's on the market?
The legitimate metal detecting industry is in no way threatened by LRLs, with the exception that money wasted on these non-working fantasy toys is money that could have been spent on something that actually works. Apart from that they are of no interest.
Isn't this one of the reasons you run a Trash LRL forum, for Carl, because there is reason for a lot of concern?
The reason for running this "Trash LRL forum" (as you put it) is much more mundane than you choose to believe. The whole purpose of its existence is to counter the many false claims made by the sellers and distributors of dowsing and LRL devices, and to provide a skeptical view of the subject.
On the other hand, this forum is also a place where experimenters can exchange ideas, and possibly learn something new. The only way to discover the facts is do your own experiments, and not let selective memory get in the way (which is something you clearly have a problem doing yourself).
If you want to wallow in self-ignorance, and refuse to learn the hard facts, then these forums are not the place for you. Somewhere like TNET would probably better suit your agenda.
I have been reading the last posts and wonder if i entered a parallel universe....
I see Hung wishing that someone will lose time answering silly "technical" questions about physics, calling everyone childish names that may sound funny only to himself, and basing his hopes for an hypothetical success of long range detecting, on videos of a guy using gravity and skin adherence to hold pans on his front head.
Hung, I already noticed that you are not afraid of being ridicule, or I would sincerely feel sorry for you.
I see Dell participating actively in what he calls a trash forum, claiming that someone believing in real science is being gullible, yet not supporting any of his own surreal beliefs and claims by the smallest kind of evidence ...
I see lots of delusion and so much blindness that talking about light is considered an obscenity ...
It amazes me how apparently simple-minded persons, when confronted to an observation they cannot explain, needs to believe in the first exotic or esoteric explanation instead of being just rational...
But hey, that´s reality :p
02-05-2014, 09:24 PM
I have two and neither one works correctly. You sure you checked them out? Pretty sure those are all damaged goods they are trying to pawn off on unsuspecting people. Of course once you buy it you don't want to spend the money to return it to China. Get lost in the mail, etc. That's the same psychology they use on those TV ads where the product is "Not available in stores" because they know everyone will return it. Buyer beware.
I've had 3, not from the $8 ad. I paid about $25 each for all three I ordered at different times.
They all worked great. A friend has one and it works fine also. So maybe there are some bad ones out there, especially the really cheap ones. I also have a calibrated lab sig gen crystal based and I checked the outputs on the Chinese versions and they were all within a hertz or 2 on the upper end and right on for the very low frequencies. Sorry to hear you got some bad ones.
02-05-2014, 09:30 PM
I have been reading the last posts and wonder if i entered a parallel universe....
I see Hung wishing that someone will lose time answering silly "technical" questions about physics, calling everyone childish names that may sound funny only to himself, and basing his hopes for an hypothetical success of long range detecting, on videos of a guy using gravity and skin adherence to hold pans on his front head.
Hung, I already noticed that you are not afraid of being ridicule, or I would sincerely feel sorry for you.
I see Dell participating actively in what he calls a trash forum, claiming that someone believing in real science is being gullible, yet not supporting any of his own surreal beliefs and claims by the smallest kind of evidence ...
I see lots of delusion and so much blindness that talking about light is considered an obscenity ...
It amazes me how apparently simple-minded persons, when confronted to an observation they cannot explain, needs to believe in the first exotic or esoteric explanation instead of being just rational...
But hey, that´s reality :p
Looks like delusions, not reality.
From Wikipedia:
A delusion is a belief ( held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.[1] ( As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation (, dogma (, illusion (, or other effects of perception (
Delusions typically occur in the context of neurological or mental illness (, although they are not tied to any particular disease and have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states (both physical and mental). However, they are of particular diagnostic importance in psychotic ( disorders including schizophrenia (, paraphrenia (, manic ( episodes of bipolar disorder (, and psychotic depression (
So most of this LRL stuff is because of mental illnesses.
02-05-2014, 11:42 PM
I've had 3, not from the $8 ad. I paid about $25 each for all three I ordered at different times.
They all worked great. A friend has one and it works fine also. So maybe there are some bad ones out there, especially the really cheap ones. I also have a calibrated lab sig gen crystal based and I checked the outputs on the Chinese versions and they were all within a hertz or 2 on the upper end and right on for the very low frequencies. Sorry to hear you got some bad ones.
I bought two at different times from different sellers. Both had problems with the controls. The same problems. Amplitude and offset.
Looks like delusions, not reality.
I meant : that´s reality here, in our forum, and world :lol:
No-one is going to waste time on your silly questions,
Are you that insecure and frightened to the point of mixing things?
Both questions were directed to you and none else. Since I am the pseudo scientific guy as you say, I want to hear your non pseudo scientific answers then.
Fur instance...
What is magnetism?
If you know what it is, just answer.
If you don't, just say :'I don't know'.
Two options, two choices. Not too hard eh?
Dave J.
02-06-2014, 04:56 AM
George, it's an open book question and he already provided the answer to his skeptic test question.
"Magnetism" is the force that makes bowls stick to your forehead. (Hung's Law)
A corollary is: "magnetism" is that force which makes nonmagnetic L-rods do the hokey-pokey, to which so-called "magnetic compasses" are immune and therefore useless for dowsing/LRLing.
What makes all this important, is that if a guy somewhere figured out how to make a bowl stick to his forehead without using glue, that proves that anything you can imagine about LRL's majically comes true.
--Dave J.
PS: Hung, you've provided some great entertainment with that video link! And it's informative, too, you ought to check it out!
Dell Winders
02-06-2014, 06:14 AM
The legitimate metal detecting industry is in no way threatened by LRLs, with the exception that money wasted on these non-working fantasy toys is money that could have been spent on something that actually works. Apart from that they are of no interest.
The reason for running this "Trash LRL forum" (as you put it) is much more mundane than you choose to believe. The whole purpose of its existence is to counter the many false claims made by the sellers and distributors of dowsing and LRL devices, and to provide a skeptical view of the subject.
On the other hand, this forum is also a place where experimenters can exchange ideas, and possibly learn something new. The only way to discover the facts is do your own experiments, and not let selective memory get in the way (which is something you clearly have a problem doing yourself).
If you want to wallow in self-ignorance, and refuse to learn the hard facts, then these forums are not the place for you. Somewhere like TNET would probably better suit your agenda.
Unfortunately, for you & Carl, I am not wallowing in ignorance, or suffering from loss of memory. It's understandable that you would want me to leave this forum.
Since I have done more experiments and tests of LRLs and of Dowsing than any one else on this forum, according to your own criteria, I am the most uniquely qualified person to provide factual first hand information to members of this forum, and since it is a dual purpose forum, I will attempt to keep the Skeptics honest and factual as well.
So, I will try again to inform you of the facts. First, I have never seen any articles, essays, or support of Qiaozhi Beliefs, any where beyond the pages of this forum. More and more People continue to purchase expensive, over priced LRL's as more EE's and tech's get into the LRL business throughout the world. Why is that? Apparently, you are doing a poor job of educating people to conform to your erroneous beliefs.
To set the facts straight, YES, the metal detector industry has been very concerned about the growth and sale of LRL's, and the public Con jobs, and rightly so. The metal detector industry caters to the same people that you degrade as being ignorant and gullible. I know I am certainly concerned in light of the facts;
Thomas Afalini, and ELectroscope, the inventors of the term, Long Range Locating (LRL), along with the help of a popular Treasure magazine pulled off one of the biggest advertising ploys in THing history. It is reported that over a period of 6 years Electroscope took $17 million dollars in sales away from the metal detector industry. The industry was helpless to openly retaliate because of prohibitive US Anti trust laws. The major detector companies supported Compass Metal detectors in a behind the scenes bid to stop Electroscope, from advertising, which they eventually succeeded with a stop and desist order against Electroscope.
Then, along came Quadro, first sold as a Golf ball finder, then as a Treasure locator, then as a drug locator. Through their advertising ploy, they are reported to have taken another $5 million dollars in revenue in a period of two years from the Treasure Hunting industry.
Add to that, Bob Fitzgerald, has taken several Million dollars from the Metal detecting Industry, with Kellyco remaining the biggest seller of LRL's, in the world, but that is not a problem because they compensate by selling many times the amount of Metal detectors. What worker in the Metal detector industry would want to jeopardize their livelihood by putting Kellyco, out of business for selling LRL's? How about you, Qiaozhi?
So, when and where is the next gadget, or gizmo con game with a big advertising budget going to spring up and take another big bite out of Metal detector sales? Since it has already been done, it can be done again.
Now you know the truth Qiaozhi. You won't have to mis-inform your viewers any more.You can probably Google the supporting facts. Dell
Dave J.
02-06-2014, 06:43 AM
In your fantasies, Dell.
I debunk LRL's because it's fun and because when you see the patterns of how people get suckered into it, you find the same patterns elsewhere for example in medical fraud. And then there's politics, which is 95% con games from both sides of the aisle. The LRL forum provides a good education for those willing to receive it.
Meanwhile back to your silly argument that metal detector manufacturers are scared schittless of LRL's. LRL's aren't even on the company president's radar screen, several years ago I found out that he didn't even know what they are, I had to explain it to him. Marketing dept. never bothered to tell him, it never occurred to them that LRL's mattered to us. The only employee of my company that posts here is me. If the boss knew that sometimes I lurk here on company time he'd probably kick my axx.
So, that's funny-- you insist that metal detector companies are afraid of LRL's. First we'd have to think that they even matter to the business, and that ain't happened yet!
Then you got the other LRLers who insist that a few metal detector companies lurk here hoping to steal good ideas and get into the LRL business. (I forget, have you played the opposite side of the fence yourself?)
If that's so, where the hell are the good ideas worth stealing? And, how is it humanly possible that someone like Carl or myself could after all these years on this (and the TNet) forums not know how to make an LRL? Hell, even Thomas and..... (drum roll) Dell Himself make 'em! And if those things were too difficult to copy, at least we could glue a pocket calculator to a coathanger. Meanwhile, Carl and George have actually published instructions on how to build an LRL and I gather several people who post here are giving it a shot.
But I gotta give you credit, Dell, we've seen silliness a lot worse. At least you're not trying to prove to the world that LRL's must work because after all, some guy on another continent sticks a bowl to his forehead.
--Dave J.
Dell Winders
02-06-2014, 07:56 AM
I said concerned, not scared, or afraid. Maybe not at the moment but certainly in the past. I was there as a witness to the events. Were you?
I have no idea who you work for, or if they had any involvement in Electroscope's order to cease advertising their products in the US.
Perhaps it is your fantasy, but so far I haven't seen a pretend Psychoanalyst with a pretend dog, debunk much of anything. Heck, you aren't even a good skeptic.
A pretender you are, a psycho, possibly, a debunker, No
Not much entertainment value either. Pet the dog for me. Dell
Dave J.
02-06-2014, 10:08 AM
When LRL's first came onto the scene, I presume that some people in the marketing end of the beep business were like "WTF?" and were worried because they didn't know what LRL's were and didn't know how they were going to impact markets. Engineers quickly figured out what LRL's were, but not even we could say how they were going to impact the market.
Well, that was a long time ago. The dust settled, LRL's had no more impact on beep sales than dowsing rods previously had (zilch). People who wanted to buy a metal detector weren't buying an LRL instead. Beep companies aren't worried that LRL's are gonna steal their customers.
And, reputable beep companies aren't looking for ways to get into the LRL business, the ethics of the two things are almost irreconcilable. Mineoro and OKM however did manage to put feet into both kinds of products. Don't worry, it doesn't make the rest of us jealous! If Hung is swinging a Mineoro metal detector he's kept it a secret, you would too. Just too shameful a thing to admit in public.
--Dave J.
First of all, it's really entertaining spending some of my free time here in this forum with funny skepthics.
Dell, you are correct in your comments. I already posted, don't remember if here or in TNET, about how the use of ordinary 'floor polishers' some call 'standard metal detectors' has dramatically decreased in mining areas in Brazil.
It's not fair to compare the much greater amount of natural gold existing in Brazil to that in the USA. And by this very reason the dramatic decrease of miners using them is of concern, as it means decrease in sales also.
Miners in Brazil now use primarily LRLs of all types to locate the deposits from far away and reach the potential area coordinates.
I also made a prediction over TNET that in some years from now, very few people would be using these floor polishers, except for kids having fun in the beach as those devices would be considered ordinary toys.
Well, I think my prediction has already started to happen in Brazil...:D
It also amazes me how in the USA, there exists manufacturers who still make and sell crap regarding ordinary 'metal detectors' and despite of that, australian minelab still beats the usa toys.
You see, this technology and aproach has not changed in 100 years.
Heck, can you envision the big canadian gold prospecting corporations using floor polishers to find deposits of gold around the world?
So, it's fair that people like dave j, aka wharf, aka toto, who works for Fisher, hang around here desperate to get his hands in a LRL that he can successfully clone and sell other than the crappy metal detectors he produces.
02-06-2014, 11:36 PM
"Magnetism" is the force that makes bowls stick to your forehead. (Hung's Law)
As I've said before, and he never denies it ... Hung will simply accept the utmost tripe without even a shred of evidence. How someone could believe that a man with a bowl stuck on his forehead is somehow associated with Maxwell's Equations, just beggars belief. :rolleyes:
02-06-2014, 11:38 PM
Unfortunately, for you & Carl, I am not wallowing in ignorance, or suffering from loss of memory. It's understandable that you would want me to leave this forum.
Dell - neither of us want you to leave this forum. Your entertainment value is far too high for that. :lol:
Dell Winders
02-07-2014, 12:47 AM
Glad to oblige. Dell
02-07-2014, 04:27 AM
"Magnetism" is the force that makes bowls stick to your forehead. (Hung's Law)
A force that is utterly and wholly defeated by the growth of eyebrows.
02-07-2014, 04:39 AM
To set the facts straight, YES, the metal detector industry has been very concerned about the growth and sale of LRL's, and the public Con jobs, and rightly so.
You should write letters to the metal detector manufacturers and let them know how concerned they are about LRLs, 'cause they sure as hell don't know.
True story... many years ago Kellyco made LectraSearch LRLs, cause Afilani refused to let Kellyco sell his Electroscope (a financially foolish decision). Stu Auerbach offered to buy all of White's PC board rejects so he could stuff them in the LectraSearch, to make them appear more hi-tech than just a plain ol' dowsing rod. White's declined, of course, so Auerbach found a bunch of guitar amp boards to stick in them instead. Funny that White's had the opportunity to directly make money on LRL sales and chose not to.
Dell Winders
02-07-2014, 06:13 AM
White's have integrity. I'm sorry I can't say the same for you. You should be so very grateful that they gave you employment. Dell
A force that is utterly and wholly defeated by the growth of eyebrows.
Wrong answer, carlie.
Is this the best you can produce?
White's have integrity. Dell
So much integrity cost whites a lawsuit by Minelab for stealing industrial secrets.
Are you saying that carlie alone did this and not whites?
Anyways, talking 'bout whites. I once had a tm808 in hands to trial. I compared it with the Mineoro 08MI, which has less than half of detection power of a MP10.
Oh,man... this was not fair.
The 08MI was far superior in all tests I made regarding depth of detection.
Should Mineoro be concerned of the possibility they might have some industrial secrets stolen by whites also?
a man with a bowl stuck on his forehead is somehow associated with Maxwell's Equations, just beggars belief. :rolleyes:
Maxwell's equations belong to classical mechanics and do not support isolated magnetic charges.
Until you answer my question about what you imagine magnetism is, you will remain speaking BS indefinitely.
Again, with an even simpler approach for you:
How do you define magnetism?
02-07-2014, 04:04 PM
Maxwell's equations belong to classical mechanics and do not support isolated magnetic charges.
Until you answer my question about what you imagine magnetism is, you will remain speaking BS indefinitely.
So your explanation for the man with a pot stuck on his forehead is somehow related to "isolated magnetic charges"? In other words hypothetical magnetic monopoles. :rolleyes:
Now you're making yourself look really silly. :lol:
Now you're making yourself look really silly. :lol:
Really ?
How do you define magnetism?
Especially for you, like this:
02-07-2014, 04:43 PM
No wonder the MoEDAL experiment at CERN is having trouble locating any magnetic monopoles ... they're all stuck on this guy's forehead!
Hung - you should (at least occasionally) try applying Occam's Razor. And I don't mean for shaving off your eyebrows. :lol:
So your explanation for the man with a pot stuck on his forehead is somehow related to "isolated magnetic charges"?
No. I only said that Maxwell's equations, unmodified, do not support isolated magnetic charges.
In other words hypothetical magnetic monopoles. :rolleyes:It's not hypothetical. Recently a synthetic version of the magnetic monopole was created in lab, a typical Dirac's monopole.
Enough of your BS ozzy.
How do you define magnetism?
Why are you embarassed?
02-07-2014, 05:26 PM
Enough of your BS ozzy.
How do you define magnetism?
Why are you embarassed?
Jeanne Duron : I put myself in communication and in tune with his body. I feel it! Love it! Disorders person then part of my body and I feel its symptoms. I have an acute awareness of the body of another.
N. C. What is your technique to communicate with each other ?
J. D. : It is a gift . The real magnetizer has a gift of recovery , as he that transmit energy. I feel the vibrations. I am like a mirror. Methods also help to discharge negative energy : wash your hands with cold water , or transcend through prayer.
N. C. You 're sort of a channel. No he is not a power relationship therapist on the patient?
J. D. : We receptacle and transmitter of forces. It remains essential to "work" on yourself , to refine its own perceptions.
N. C. How you transmit forces you define it?
J. D. : These are forces of divine origin. They are above us. The more we pray , the more they act .
N. C. : What is prayer for you?
J. D. : This is to communicate with what I call the Divine.
N. C. : Your conception of the Divine is it beyond a particular form of religion?
J. D. : Absolutely. What matters is the relationship with the Divine.
N. C. : What is God to you?
J. D. : It is unimaginable , but it is the one who gave me this gift.
N. C. Who comes to you ? Are you especially that which is at the end of the journey of those who have no hope?
J. D. : All kinds of people come to visit . Many have not been cured by conventional medicine . This does not mean that a healer can heal everything. Sometimes we can only relieve .
N. C. : Set up your practice as a medical practice?
J. D. : This is an alternative medicine . It also heal , but a gift of healing . We complement of physicians.
N. C. : Is it a gift that everyone has potential ?
J. D. I do not think it is given to all to magnetize . Those who do not actually possess this gift dévitalisent because they give their own energy. Real hypnotists do not learn in school . This can not be learned . It was this gift or not . That's it!
N. C. : Are there any interactions between you and the universe?
J. D. : . Pass through us as " waves , like a transistor radio If it is good, it will pick up frequencies emitted in distant countries more we evolve spiritually , the more incoming waves are numerous and strong vibrations . .
N. C. What does it mean for you evolve spiritually ?
J. D. : To purify and perfect .
N. C. : Through a channel for these
Dave J.
02-07-2014, 05:43 PM
I encourage everyone (especially Hung!) to actually watch the "magnetic man" flick. The whole thing is orchestrated to show you how he does it. There is no secret sauce, nothing is hidden, no "mystery physics" (ordinary high school physics will entirely suffice). The flick even provides a demo on how to get started on it yourself, although you're not likely to ever get good at it without some natural talent and a lot of practice.
It's aimed at three audiences:
1. the gullibillies :oh:,
2 .the people who are sure there's some secret hidden trick :nono:, and
3. the people who are paying attention and thinking about what they're seeing :D.
The laughter:lol: is aimed at the first two groups (although he has to keep a straight face for the camera). The audience he's really doing this for is #3, the people who will appreciate the conceptual art of what he's done and are therefore laughing along with him. A stage magician orchestrating the performance as a tutorial on how to do it, all in such a way as not to spoil the illusions maintained by the gullibillies and "there's a hidden trick" 99% of the audience. Who's ever seen a stage magician do that before? This ain't no cheap "parlor trick", it is great and truly innovative conceptual art.
Mr. Magnet Man is having a ball. :D Enjoy!
And thanks again, Hung, for a flick finally worth watching.
--Dave J.
Nicolas, you have posted a dialogue between two people.
The person called Jeanne Duron, apparently a 'medium' or 'psychic or channel', these last two terms used in U.S. for people who communicate with spirits or beings, talks about her gift of healing people.
She goes into a vibrational 'sync' with the person to be healed and then through magnetic displacement, healing energies are passed to this person. These healing energies do not belong to her but to the 'divine', a supreme intelligence and she is only an interface that introduces her 'magnetic' power for the process.
She also tells that through prayers, these energies are enhanced, since a prayer means a transmission of 'waves' in which distance is no boundary.
Anton Mesmer researched this centuries ago and discovered what he called 'animal magnetism', in that every human had a 'magnetic fluid' inherent that could be displaced or 'broadcast' and by interacting with the frequencies and magnetic field of another person, a healing could be performed.
The description of magnetism both present in this dialogue and in Mesmer's research points to a much, much broader definition of its nature than present in the standard model of science.
Am I correct to assume that you consider the term 'magnetism' in the same broader sense as well?
02-07-2014, 10:42 PM
No. I only said that Maxwell's equations, unmodified, do not support isolated magnetic charges.
If you have make-believe magnetic charges, you'll need make-believe math to explain them. Maxwell ain't got time for that.
I encourage everyone (especially Hung!) to actually watch the "magnetic man" flick. The whole thing is orchestrated to show you how he does it. There is no secret sauce, nothing is hidden, no "mystery physics" (ordinary high school physics will entirely suffice). The flick even provides a demo on how to get started on it yourself, although you're not likely to ever get good at it without some natural talent and a lot of practice.
Folks with eyebrows need not apply.
Miroslav has a slightly depressed forehead, this is wet forehead, vacuum and equilibrium catching that act here, you can easily try with your wet palm the same.
In other experiment magnet is always rotating before released in Cu pipe. So counter EMS on work.
02-11-2014, 03:33 AM
[QUOTE=Nicolas;148621]Jeanne Duron : I put myself in communication and in tune with his body. I feel it! Love it! Disorders person then part of my body and I feel its symptoms. I have an acute awareness of the body of another.
Nicolas- the only really advanced psyhic that matches your "conversation" is Jeanne Dixon.
Nicolas- the only really advanced psyhic that matches your "conversation" is Jeanne Dixon.
Actually, it could be jeanne dixon, jeanne jennie or jeanne doe. It doesn't matter at all. What really matters is that if one carefully reads what is in the dialogue and observe the phenomenon in Miroslav's case, a logical relationship is estabilished and critical scientific elements are disclosed.
You see, last week I asked ozzy what magnetism was and how he defined it. I am still waiting for his answer to the present day. His 'skepthic peers' jumped in and started to make fun of it in the usual 'geoskepthic bubble mambo' way. But they also did not answer.
If it's a dumb question, then an easy and ultimate answer would be no problem for the 'scientific sekptic minds' here to present. Truth is that an answer was declined because they feared I would come up with some 'trick' which could refute their answer and make them look silly. :lol:
At the same time, there are some discussions going on in this forum by LRL enthusiasts about the correct position of ferrite in Alonso's PD as well as dowsing x rotating, swivel LRLs. And no one related Miroslav's video, or the dialogue Nicolas presented or the question I made to ozzy to those subjects.
Miroslav is plain dope.
If his body is really so magnetic, let him to try the same trick with the chin, the nose, the back of the hand or with elbow. Why with depressed forehead and palm only? Miroslav know very well why.
Anyone can try how Miroslav palm trick works on his own: with a wet palm of your hand - pure vacuum trick. No need any glue.
I can understand Miroslav, he need his moments of fame and some free launch, but cannot understand all those foolish people around him.
In the best case he is only a pale shadow of David Copperfield. With big difference: Copperfield is magician and Miroslav plain dope.
02-11-2014, 02:36 PM
Check him with a gauss meter. Some people do have a slight magnetic field. If it's enough to hold up metal it is surely enough to register on the meter. Unless the guy has some magnet implanted under his skin, you never know. LOL
02-11-2014, 02:43 PM
Mike, all you gotta do is look at the guy's eyebrows to know he ain't got no slight magnetic field. This is grade school stuff.
02-11-2014, 02:54 PM
Mike, all you gotta do is look at the guy's eyebrows to know he ain't got no slight magnetic field. This is grade school stuff.
Great Carl :lol::lol:
02-11-2014, 03:00 PM
Probably aluminum cookware. LOL:lol:
Mike, all you gotta do is look at the guy's eyebrows to know he ain't got no slight magnetic field. This is grade school stuff.
What about this boy's eyebrows carlie, also no slight magnetic field?
Ya know, it's really amusing seeing you, ozzy and others with your pockets empty and running out of arguments.
Now that ozzy has vanished maybe because you told him so, what about if you answer that question...
carlie, how do you define magnetism?
Should I expect more BS and jokes from you again? Not a chance of being serious for at least 30 seconds?
What about this boy's eyebrows carlie, also no slight magnetic field?
I have the same pan (those Ivan lived 200 km away from me and we have practically the same supply) it is out of aluminum, so nothing related to magnetism.
You need to ask yourself why he need to be naked to perform his scam joke? Of course kids has ideal belly to "hold" pan on it. Couple of bored creatures decided to make joke out of lunatic naive like you. Evidently with success. This is all "phenomenon" behind this video.
02-11-2014, 10:29 PM
What about this boy's eyebrows carlie, also no slight magnetic field?
Hung - sometimes I cannot decide whether you could truly be so atrociously naive, or you're just a practical joker. Unfortunately I suspect it's the former, which is rather sad.
Why do you insist on finding complex solutions to simple problems? Perhaps your mentor, Myron Evans, is to blame. Why else would you believe that Miroslav somehow has a bunch of hypothetical monopoles lurking on his forehead, ready to attract any passing aluminum pans? Do you realise how ridiculous your theory sounds to other more sane people?
I suppose you also believe that a flying saucer landed in Roswell in 1947, that men have never landed on the moon, and there's an alien face on the surface of Mars? :lol:
If you have make-believe magnetic charges, you'll need make-believe math to explain them. Maxwell ain't got time for that.
Let's start with magnets. Similar to any material, they also comprise simple fundamental particles. Those are protons, neutrons and electrons. However, as you should know, these fundamental particles are not magnetic.
In this respect, when a magnetic field can be generated in a different way other than a simple electron flow?
Also, what are 'magnetic charges' you refer above?
02-12-2014, 12:04 AM
Also, what are 'magnetic charges' you refer above?
You tell me:
No. I only said that Maxwell's equations, unmodified, do not support isolated magnetic charges.
You tell me:
My pleasure.
I stated that maxwell's equations do not conceive in magnetism an analogous element of a positive or negative charge in electricity. But in quantum mechanics, Dirac mathematically demonstrated the existence of the 'fundamental magnetic particle', or magnetic monopole. This was recently proved by the creation of a synthetic magnetic monopole in the lab.
Now, the 'magnetic charges' you refer is much different. You mention 'make believe' magnetic charges and 'make believe' math. Are you trying to say that mathematically you can disprove Dirac?
I would love to see your equations, Dr. carlie.
Also you did not answer my first question as well.
'When a magnetic field can be generated in a different way other than a simple electron flow?
Would you?
Don't dodge. Just answer please.
02-12-2014, 01:40 AM
My pleasure.
I stated that maxwell's equations do not conceive in magnetism an analogous element of a positive or negative charge in electricity. But in quantum mechanics, Dirac mathematically demonstrated the existence of the 'fundamental magnetic particle', or magnetic monopole. This was recently proved by the creation of a synthetic magnetic monopole in the lab.
Now, the 'magnetic charges' you refer is much different. You mention 'make believe' magnetic charges and 'make believe' math. Are you trying to say that mathematically you can disprove Dirac?
I would love to see your equations, Dr. carlie.
Also you did not answer my first question as well.
'When a magnetic field can be generated in a different way other than a simple electron flow?
Would you?
Don't dodge. Just answer please.
Carl not have Answer dear
LAW MAXWELL:nono::nono: = LAW HUNG :lol::cool::cool:
Basics of Measuring Bio-Electricity
Bioelectric signals are provoked by electrically active tissue like the heart, the muscles or the brain. This active tissue can cause some concentration differences in the extra-cellular fluid that includes ions like Na+, K+, and Cl-. That is the reason that one can measure signals like ECG, EEG or EMG from outside the body on the surface of the skin, by means of electrodes. The electrode builds an interface between the extra-cellular fluid and the metal of the wire. The electrode is a sensor consisting of a metal and often a salt-bridge, which converts the local differences of the concentration of charged ions into an electrical signal. The bioelectric signal measured from the surface of the skin is mostly in the range of 0-2000 µV (2 mV).
Of course there are more electrical phenomena inside the body or on the electrode. Two are very important, the DC offset of the electrode and the 50 or 60 Hz mains potential or mains interference. In addition, any measurement will show noise, produced by the body, the electrode impedance or the amplifier itself.
The potential differences that we can measure between two points on the body, can give very important information regarding the electrical activity that takes place inside the body. At the same time these measurements, especially of very small potential differences, can pose rather big challenges as well.
The electrodes can be a source of distortion. The body itself of course is a very big source of noise and finally the cables between the electrode and the measurement system can introduce a lot of artifacts and noise. The measurement configuration has to deal with all these signals and noise in such a way that the bio-electrical signals, measured on the surface of the skin, are reflected in the output signal as optimally and cleanly as possible.
At the same time all the noise signals, distortions and artifacts must be optimally suppressed and if possible, should not be measured at all. Of course some mains interference and amplifier noise will always be present in the measurement; it is hardly possible to perform a measurement without mains interference.
When an optimal amplifier system is used however, the mains interference will be common mode for all the inputs and the common mode rejection will remove all the mains interference from the measured signal.
Well, the kids ain't 'fatty', they got no bellies and daddy has eyebrows.
Now what?
Will the naive 'skepthics' still keep insisting these people come from Disney channel or will they become brave enough to recruit a few more neurons and tell me what they really think magnetism is?
Copy and paste from wikipeadia, not an alternative.
02-12-2014, 10:37 AM
Well, the kids ain't 'fatty', they got no bellies and daddy has eyebrows.
This is the same guy that Randi debunked using talcum powder.
Time to give up Hung. This has nothing to do with any problems involving Maxwell's equations, or hypothetical [naturally occurring] magnetic monopoles. It's not even Hung science. This is simply a case of sticky skin.
Even though Dirac monopoles have very recently been created in a Bose-Einstein concentrate (which is an extremely cold atomic gas tens of billionths of a degree warmer than absolute zero) it takes a fantastic leap of imagination to conclude that so-called "magnetic people" are somehow covered in naturally-occurring magnetic monopoles. Or perhaps their skin is leaking Bose-Einstein concentrate at room temperature? :lol: Now that would be an amazing discovery.
You can read about the synthetic monopole discovery here ->
This is real science by the way. ;)
Observation of Dirac Monopoles in a Synthetic Magnetic Field, M. W. Ray, E. Ruokokoski, S. Kandel, M. Möttönen, and D. S. Hall, Nature, 2014:
Read more at:
ozzy, you really must think that you are discussing with retarded people.
Talcum powder eh?
You must be refering to a video in which this chinese guy sticks a heavy mirror in his chest and then grandpa randi comes in and pours talcum powder over him. Then the guy apparently cannot stick an iron anymore.
If you really knew what magnetism is, you would not be here completely mistaken in your conclusions about what grandpa randi did in that video.
Miroslaw Magola has several videos over the internet pouring almost a full bottle of talcum powder over the object before demonstrating that this does not affect the magnetic 'pull' at all.
So, is this why grandpa randi is scared to death to meet Miroslaw anytime because he knows it will take a lot more than talcum powder to prevent Miroslaw from make him look a clown?
Now think ozzy... It would really help if you knew just a bit what magnetism is and not necessarily what it does.
But with a couple of neurons you get to the answer...
Why talcum powder seems to affect the chinese guy and does not affect Miroslaw at all?
Suggestion: See the question I asked your boss carlie above and still he has not answered? Begin by answering it. Heck it's a simple question, why you people keep avoiding answering questions?
If you are unable to answer it, just say so. But it will be harder for me to discuss this subject if you are not aware of the basics.
02-12-2014, 12:41 PM
ozzy, you really must think that you are discussing with retarded people.
Do you really want me to answer that? :lol:
Talcum powder eh?
You must be refering to a video in which this chinese guy sticks a heavy mirror in his chest and then grandpa randi comes in and pours talcum powder over him. Then the guy apparently cannot stick an iron anymore.
If you really knew what magnetism is, you would not be here completely mistaken in your conclusions about what grandpa randi did in that video.
No, I'm not mistaken. It's obvious that talcum powder mixes with the Bose-Einstein concentrate and cause the naturally-occurring magnetic monopoles to fall off. :razz:
Miroslaw Magola has several videos over the internet pouring almost a full bottle of talcum powder over the object before demonstrating that this does not affect the magnetic 'pull' at all.
As Dave has told you several times now ... watch those videos and you'll see how it's done. Randi is less scared of Miroslav than you are of shaving off your eyebrows.
But it will be harder for me to discuss this subject if you are not aware of the basics.
Personally, I'm not the slightest bit interested in the basics of Hung science. :nerd:
Well, the kids ain't 'fatty', they got no bellies and daddy has eyebrows.
:lol: Are you telling the glass ashtray is magnetic too ?
That would not surprise me too much from someone that believes jewels en paper money can be detected kilometers away :razz:
I see.
You really don't have the slightest idea on how to answer the question I asked do you?
Maybe carlie either.
However you are daring enough to keep talking BS about magnetism, dowsing, etc. and also calling examples such as Miroslaw a scam.
Very well.
You seem not interested in learning as you clearly demonstrate. So maybe learning the hard way?
See, I had an idea.
Your real name is George Overtone, right? You live in the UK.
George, I have a proposal for you. Maybe this will be the chance of your life to prove you are right and also earn some money.
Miroslaw is currently in Germany. Not too far from where you live. Actually pretty close.
I have his number.
I will call him and talk about you. I will ask him if he would accept a challenge.
If you can prove he is a scam, you will have accomplished something that your master grandpa randi never could. You will be famous, ozzy. Add to this the considerable amount of money you will win. Big prize.
However, if Miroslaw proves you wrong, and demonstrates his ability is genuine, not only you will have to pay him the prize money but also you will agree to post in this forum a disclaimer or retraction in which you will apologize to him and admit you were wrong.
If he agrees, I will forward you his contact and you both can work a contract.
Of course it will never be 1 million dollars as grandpa randi the true scammer never had the intention to pay this amount simply because he never had it.
But for a fair value considering the time involved and expenses, I would suggest a minimum of say 50K euros. Of course this is just my idea. You are free to discuss the value with him.
So George, how's that for a chance to make you famous, earn some nice money or learn the hard way that you are wrong?
I'll be back by late night and will check your answer.
Will you accept or will you chicken out?
See ya George.
However, if Miroslaw proves you wrong, and demonstrates his ability is genuine,
If? How you land on "if" now? You don't believe in Miroslav anymore?
02-12-2014, 04:31 PM
Why would I waste my time trying to prove something wrong that is so obviously a complete fake? If you make extraordinary claims, then you must provide extraordinary evidence. It's not up to the skeptics to prove it wrong, although Randi has already done this ... and still you refuse to believe the results! Instead, you make up some fantastic hypothesis that Miroslaw is somehow covered in hypothetical [naturally-occurring] monopoles. I am already quite satisfied that this is nothing more than an illusion.
Simply do a Dave has told you, and watch the videos more closely. Miroslaw actually shows you how it's done. There's no psychic powers and no monopoles involved. Which part of "it's a trick" do you not understand?
Obviously I am dealing with a retarded person. :rolleyes:
- An invisible force, that, (because it is invisible), puzzles and mystically attracts simple minds...
...And scammers too: (because it is invisible), it is easy for them to sell the miraculous effects of this "magical" force to gullible people in desperate need of something more fantastic than everyday´s physics :rolleyes:
02-12-2014, 05:41 PM
Hung - may I also remind you that this subject is completely off-topic, as it has absolutely nothing to do with so-called LRLs. In fact, I'm half inclined to delete the whole lot of this nonsense.
I've noticed that you often start posting this sort of gibberish when the discussions start to become more technical in nature. It's as if you're frightened the skeptics may learn some valuable secrets, and you have to start a nonsense subject as a form of misdirection.
Perhaps I should call Miroslaw myself and talk about you (if I could be bothered ... which I'm not) and arrange for you to take him to CERN, where you could dust him with talcum powder. Thereby allowing the magnetic monopoles to become detached and subsequently collected by the MoEDAL experiment. Then you might [in your dreams] win you and Miroslaw a Nobel prize. :razz:
I can hardy believe I'm wasting my valuable time on this crap. :nono:
Why would I waste my time trying to prove something wrong that is so obviously a complete fake?
Why? Because you chickened out. That's why. I can imagine the scene in your pants when you were put against the wall.
Where are all your skeptic beliefs and guts now?
It it's fake, prove it. Ha, you already 'chicken out' when Miroslaw has not even said he will accept it yet.
You're positive that it's a scam, but not interested in putting 50 grand in your pockets?:lol::lol::lol:
Ozzy, you are one more of those poor devil skeptics that hover around forums 'spitting' all kinds of BS pretending to be scientific. But when confronted with the chance to prove your point, you run.
Please, do me a favor. Never, never again even try to get involved in scientific discussions here, because you never were and won't ever be up to the task. And worse, you run because you cannot stand the heat of truth, a real threat to your 'pose'.
See folks? Now you know how much this guy's claims against LRLs are worth.
Enough of you, ozzy.
What about you Carl? Interested, or will you also chicken out posting an excuse not to?
Hung - may I also remind you that this subject is completely off-topic, as it has absolutely nothing to do with so-called LRLs.
Completely on topic and related to LRLs, specially swivel types. Problem is that skeptics could not answer any of the questions proposed before the link could be made.
You are inclined to delete it as an excuse because it makes you look real bad.
02-12-2014, 07:36 PM
Completely on topic and related to LRLs, specially swivel types. Problem is that skeptics could not answer any of the questions proposed before the link could be made.
You are inclined to delete it as an excuse because it makes you look real bad.
If this "discussion" is related to swivel types, then it's in the wrong section. This section is for All Electronic LRLs.
02-12-2014, 09:05 PM
Why? Because you chickened out. That's why. I can imagine the scene in your pants when you were put against the wall.
Where are all your skeptic beliefs and guts now?
It it's fake, prove it. Ha, you already 'chicken out' when Miroslaw has not even said he will accept it yet.
You're positive that it's a scam, but not interested in putting 50 grand in your pockets?:lol::lol::lol:
Ozzy, you are one more of those poor devil skeptics that hover around forums 'spitting' all kinds of BS pretending to be scientific. But when confronted with the chance to prove your point, you run.
Please, do me a favor. Never, never again even try to get involved in scientific discussions here, because you never were and won't ever be up to the task. And worse, you run because you cannot stand the heat of truth, a real threat to your 'pose'.
See folks? Now you know how much this guy's claims against LRLs are worth.
Enough of you, ozzy.
What about you Carl? Interested, or will you also chicken out posting an excuse not to?
Mr. hung, they afraid of Miroslav. They not know this power.
My opinion is you gave lesson. It is: 'not say it's trick if can not prove it's trick'.
I know one person that has magnetism in the hands and cure other persons. He cured me.
Please continue talk about magnetism.
02-12-2014, 11:21 PM
Read it and weep. :cry:
But he is not talking about magnetism ! He is talking about sticky skin... :???:
Mr. hung, they afraid of Miroslav. They not know this power.
My opinion is you gave lesson. It is: 'not say it's trick if can not prove it's trick'.
I know one person that has magnetism in the hands and cure other persons. He cured me.
Please continue talk about magnetism.
My opinion is you gave lesson. It is: 'not say it's trick if can not prove it's trick'.
It is easy to prove that this "magnetic body" is pure trick.
My body is not magnetic at all, but I can easily repeat Miroslav palm elevating kitchenware trick.
Trick is in slightly wet palm and creating vacuum stick on kitchenware surface.
Look at this video and please consider that I am not highly trained profi as Miroslav is. But trick works for me too.
Mr. hung, they afraid of Miroslav. They not know this power.
My opinion is you gave lesson. It is: 'not say it's trick if can not prove it's trick'.
I know one person that has magnetism in the hands and cure other persons. He cured me.
Please continue talk about magnetism.
Pablo, I consider today, one of the most important dates in this forum. You and some members who emailed me finally witnessed how the 'administrator-skeptic' of this forum was entirely debunked and his true nature miserably exposed. Everybody finally saw for themselves how he behaves when called to stand by his principles and beliefs. In this case, he ran in terror from my proposal of a challenge against Miroslaw. Fact is, he is history. His credibility even among his peers is now bellow ground. Actually I have never had much doubt that skeptics in reality are only psychologically disturbed people. Just take a look at their master grandpa randi and at what misery he is now.
But ozzy is not the only one acting like that. As I said above, skeptics in this forum are like a herd. When one 'dolly' runs to a side, the rest follows. They are the same. You saw that the challenge was open to any of them and you know the results. Their big mouthes are huge. They speak out the BS they want. But when confronted... well, you saw it. It's another story.
So, again, this was a very fortunate day for the honest who stands by what he preaches. The day that all of you people saw for yourselves, the true nature of 'big mouth' skeptics.
I am considering telling this case over TNET, where a much broader audience watches, so they also get to know about it.
Finally, don't worry, I believe there are decent people here who knows science and that will sustain a nice discussion about this subject. Maybe I will repost that question, set skeptics on ignore and move on.
In this case, he ran in terror from my proposal of a challenge against Miroslaw. Fact is, he is history. His credibility even among his peers is now bellow ground.
I can agree, Miroslav is only scam history, cause he is pure dope.
Look at my previous post and video why.
02-13-2014, 09:36 AM
Finally, don't worry, I believe there are decent people here who knows science and that will sustain a nice discussion about this subject. Maybe I will repost that question, set skeptics on ignore and move on.
Yes, please move on.
Your miserable attempts at "debunking the skeptics" with some ludicrous psuedoscience has completely failed as usual. Do you not realise how many people are laughing at your hypothesis that Miroslaw is using naturally-occurring magnetic monopoles to attract a whole host of [flat] objects to his body, including several objects that are not made of metal? :lol:
Here [again] is how it really works:
You obviously missed this post last time.
WM6 made a good attempt at duplicating Miroslaw, but he clearly lacks a sufficient amount of the oily/waxy stuff called sebum:
Anyway, it's time for everyone to move on and leave this nonsense behind, and for Hung to crawl back into his bunker to lick his wounds.
WM6 made a good attempt at duplicating Miroslaw, but he clearly lacks a sufficient amount of the oily/waxy stuff called sebum:
This is true. At my college age, all candidates for electronic college was tested for palms sweating. Strong palms perspirators was refused from school enrollment. My palms sweating was very poor and I may be enrolled.
I have very dry palms, so I need to artificially moisten my hand to perform Miroslav palm trick. Miroslav is aparently strong palm perspirator and he does not need for additional moisture his hands to perform palm trick.
02-13-2014, 12:42 PM
Pablo, I consider today, one of the most important dates in this forum. You and some members who emailed me finally witnessed how the 'administrator-skeptic' of this forum was entirely debunked and his true nature miserably exposed. Everybody finally saw for themselves how he behaves when called to stand by his principles and beliefs. In this case, he ran in terror from my proposal of a challenge against Miroslaw. Fact is, he is history. His credibility even among his peers is now bellow ground. Actually I have never had much doubt that skeptics in reality are only psychologically disturbed people. Just take a look at their master grandpa randi and at what misery he is now.
But ozzy is not the only one acting like that. As I said above, skeptics in this forum are like a herd. When one 'dolly' runs to a side, the rest follows. They are the same. You saw that the challenge was open to any of them and you know the results. Their big mouthes are huge. They speak out the BS they want. But when confronted... well, you saw it. It's another story.
So, again, this was a very fortunate day for the honest who stands by what he preaches. The day that all of you people saw for yourselves, the true nature of 'big mouth' skeptics.
I am considering telling this case over TNET, where a much broader audience watches, so they also get to know about it.
Finally, don't worry, I believe there are decent people here who knows science and that will sustain a nice discussion about this subject. Maybe I will repost that question, set skeptics on ignore and move on.
yes. They learned a lesson.:thumb:
02-13-2014, 02:07 PM
Mr. hung, I see videos that Miroslav atracts metal with talc and later plastic gloves. You said magnetism is two ways. One is electron flow as in electricity, but plastic gloves act as insulator, no? So is this other way you talk about?
I see videos that Miroslav atracts metal with talc and later plastic gloves.
Yes, isolated from outer world in his apartment, but never under independent supervision in public.
Mr. hung, I see videos that Miroslav atracts metal with talc and later plastic gloves. You said magnetism is two ways. One is electron flow as in electricity, but plastic gloves act as insulator, no? So is this other way you talk about?
Very good observations. There are pictures and videos showing him attracting plastic, ceramic, and wood among several other materials and not necessarily metal. Magnetism has a much, much deeper meaning than you might think or imagine. Miroslaw claims his powers are psychokinesis and that his mind does the job when he's concentrated.
Tough more power is indeed generated when he concentrates because the flux is converged, unfortunately he is mistaken when points out the cause residing in his mind. It does not.
You see, that is the reason why I posted that question regarding two ways magnetism is generated. This is simple to answer by anyone who has got an average background in physics. But when I directed the question to the skeptics and not to others, there was a purpose for this. By correctly answering it, there was a good chance they would follow the remaining explanation.
Skeptics have always wandered in forums claiming to be electronic engineers and physics experts. They speak out that 'science' does not support the working principles of LRLs or dowsing. So, when I jumped in with a simple question on magnetism, what happened?
They muted. Not a single miserable skeptic risked answering it. So that's how they know 'science'.
Pablo, I will say again. Miroslaw is just one of many who can do the same thing. Their 'bio systems' is that dictates the extent of each one's capabilities. They are the 'vehicles', the interfaces. Much more important than the 'agent' is what becomes involved to produce the event.
They are the 'vehicles', the interfaces.
Vehicles that bring naive sheep to dope-heaven.
All Miroslav scam tricks are easily repeatable by non magnetic and non psychic medium.
Do you wish to see video of those tricks using talc or plastic gloves as "interfaces"?
Escape from the truth is not the solution.
The truth will always ultimately catch you up.
You see, last week I asked ozzy what magnetism was and how he defined it.
[To Quiaozhi] Are you that insecure and frightened to the point of mixing things? Both questions were directed to you and none else.
And now :
You see, that is the reason why I posted that question (...). This is simple to answer by anyone who has got an average background in physics. But when I directed the question to the skeptics and not to others, there was a purpose for this.
(...) So, when I jumped in with a simple question on magnetism, what happened?
They muted. Not a single miserable skeptic risked answering it. So that's how they know 'science'.
So, you directed your question to Qiaozhi only, and now, as he refuses to participate to you childish games, you try to stand as the only one with the Secret Knowledge ? :lol:
How funny ...If you stay isolated with your superior level of knowledge, you could become a special martyr :rolleyes:
As always, you backup your nonsense with distorted reality, all this to try to reinforce your decaying delusional universe... Hung´s law of contradictions ?
02-14-2014, 12:38 AM
Very good observations. There are pictures and videos showing him attracting plastic, ceramic, and wood among several other materials and not necessarily metal. Magnetism has a much, much deeper meaning than you might think or imagine. Miroslaw claims his powers are psychokinesis and that his mind does the job when he's concentrated.
Tough more power is indeed generated when he concentrates because the flux is converged, unfortunately he is mistaken when points out the cause residing in his mind. It does not.
You see, that is the reason why I posted that question regarding two ways magnetism is generated. This is simple to answer by anyone who has got an average background in physics. But when I directed the question to the skeptics and not to others, there was a purpose for this. By correctly answering it, there was a good chance they would follow the remaining explanation.
Skeptics have always wandered in forums claiming to be electronic engineers and physics experts. They speak out that 'science' does not support the working principles of LRLs or dowsing. So, when I jumped in with a simple question on magnetism, what happened?
They muted. Not a single miserable skeptic risked answering it. So that's how they know 'science'.
Pablo, I will say again. Miroslaw is just one of many who can do the same thing. Their 'bio systems' is that dictates the extent of each one's capabilities. They are the 'vehicles', the interfaces. Much more important than the 'agent' is what becomes involved to produce the event.
You not anwsered my question. :lol:
Is this other way of magnetism you refer?
And how wood and plastic can be magnetic?
To make our trans-scientist Mr. Hung more happy, here replication of "Magnetic" Miroslav plastic gloves trick:
In contrary to Miroslav gloves video, taken from safe distance, mine is taken from vicinity and gloves are clearly presented from all sides. Enjoy in body magnetism.
To make our trans-scientist Mr. Hung more happy, here replication of "Magnetic" Miroslav plastic gloves trick:
In contrary to Miroslav gloves video, taken from safe distance, mine is taken from vicinity and gloves are clearly presented from all sides. Enjoy in body magnetism.
You are not serious.
You not anwsered my question. :lol:
Is this other way of magnetism you refer?
And how wood and plastic can be magnetic?
Sorry, I will try to address all your doubts before my spare time is over and I become awfully busy again.
Is this other way of magnetism you refer?That's correct. Actually not 'another way' but the known other way.
First way is the flow of electrons generating a magnetic field within a coil for instance. And the other way is simply their charge rotation around the atomic nucleous. Yes, unlike the 'skepthics', I bet you guessed it... the spin.
Let me make it easier for you. Atoms and molecules may be strongly attached or 'bonded' to the physical matter and their outer electrons not necessarilly paired or 'linked' inside the bonds. When they spin, a small magnetic field is then generated, which will vary in intensity according to the same angular direction in its orbits and axis alignments, which also brings to the table your other question.
And how wood and plastic can be magnetic?For this to be answered, a logical question would have to be asked first: What makes a magnetic material different than a 'non' magnetic material? As I said earlier and according to what we were taught in school, all materials, and this includes magnets are formed by neutrons, protons, and...electrons. Tough this is an innocent, lacking an outdated view, let's stick to it for a moment for the sake of this explanation.
So, if they are made up of the same fundamental particles, what turns them different in which one is 'magnetic' when the other is not?
Two things: direction and alignment.
Magnets retain electrons rotational charges or spin in the same angular direction and with their axes aligned, while the so called 'non magnetic' materials are the opposite with non organized spins and non aligned axes.
Do you follow me? OK, let's move on to answer your question now.
'How wood and plastic become magnetic'?
When their electrons behave like described above for magnets.
Of course, there are a whole lot more to that yet and I have already warned here that the term 'magnetism' probably will cover a whole book just to define it. That ain't exactly what you had learned in your high school physics is it?:lol:
Pablo, I expect you to understand if not fully, at least mostly, what is going on Miroslaw's ability when we finish this discussion.
Renowned physicists and scientists Dr. Karger and Dr. Bauer of the Max Planc Institute thoroughly researched Miroslaw. Read the results:
"Miroslaw Magola is able to attach objects to himself by psycho kinesis -he can lift objects and move them around using only his mind. On the 16 January 1997, he met Dr Karger from the Max Planck Institute in Munich, Germany, who sought to determine whether he was spoon-bending or not. During the experiment, Dr Karger was able to touch the objects at all times (and did so). Miroslaw attached objects to various parts of his body. Some were supplied - and even attached - by Dr Karger. What most impressed the doctor was Miroslaw's psychic manipulation of a cup. Without physical contact, Magola raised the cup from the tilting it along horizontal and vertical axes. He kept it hovering in the air, moved it around and put it down. Afterward: J Karger agreed Miroslaw's powers are paranormal. He will further studies of the chemical reactions and physical changes that occur in Miroslaw during such demonstrations. "The key to humanity's advancement is the study of our own bodies” said Magola."
I added the bolds to make some clarifications.
1 - As I already said, when they state 'using only his mind', this is the term they used due
to complete lack of correct tangible origin.
2 - 'paranormal' is a term used to describe something extraordinary not known in science.
Actually paranormal or para-normality DOES NOT exist. Everything of this nature is
nicely, simplistically and beautifully featured in science and physics for any scientist to
look at. He only needs to interpret it right.
Backed the turkey but forgot to eat it...:lol:
Just noticed I missed the most important... bold # 3.
What most impressed the doctor was Miroslaw's psychic manipulation of a cup. Without physical contact, Magola raised the cup from the tilting it along horizontal and vertical axes. He kept it hovering in the air, moved it around and put it down.
The text narration does not mention if Miroslaw did this with his 'mind' or imposing his hands above the cup.
I tend to imagine he did this in this latter way.
Whatever this might be, can you envision the huge, unprecedented meaning that this represents?
Simply, all the ordinary knowledge and common beliefs about gravity, magnetism, magnetic fields, inertia, etc. goes down the hole.
When I say 'ordinary knowledge' I mean what the Academia wants us to embrace no matter how much evidence we find on the contrary. And the non-closed minded, non-naive and non-politically imprisoned scientist rises above that and is not surprised at all. Fortunately there are hundreds if not thousands of them.
Getting back to the manipulation of a cup without physical contact... Humm...magnetic polarization at distance over materials that are 'non magnetic...
Sounds familiar?
Pablo, I will let you elaborate on that. And I'm sure you will have a lot of fun. I also invite the dowsers to come in now. They will finally know how and why dowsing works.
Dell, hows about adding some new elements to your 'mental dowsing' theory now?
I really think you definitely should.
What impresses me is how magicians make appears girls form air . This proves of course that theory o evolution is a big lie and that the human race appeared on earth spontaneously.
Dell Winders
02-14-2014, 05:21 PM
Not much point, Hung. Like a religion, the Proclaimed skeptics have a "Belief" system that won't be changed by truth, fact, or physical evidence. Until they at least learn there is a difference in the applications of an L shaped Rod which has multiple uses, physics & meta-physics, there is not much hope for them. It's an ego destroying mind block they are unable to overcome.
These are Not Skeptics in the rational sense, but more like a minority cult seeking public recognition by deceptive means. In the rational sense we are all Skeptics. We are skeptical of what we do not know, or understand. We are skeptical because of fear or doubt. Any proclaimed Skeptic here have any fear of Snakes, spiders, sharks, or other things you might encounter in lifer? Of course, you are a proclaimed skeptic of all, and anything you don't understand.
The difference between rational skepticism, and the the super egotism of proclaimed skeptics running this forum, is an open mind to learning, and knowledge.
A normal rational Skeptic is open minded to learning and overcoming their fear of being wrong about what they do not understand, or fear. Their ability to learn and gain knowledge, is not handicapped by ego, and cultish "beliefs".
Hung, You can't change their "Beliefs", only pity them for wasting a mind . Dell
Dell Winders
02-14-2014, 05:23 PM
Not much point, Hung. Much like a religion, the Proclaimed skeptics have a "Belief" system that won't be changed by truth, fact, or physical evidence. Until they at least learn there is a difference in the applications of an L shaped Rod which has multiple uses, physics & meta-physics, there is not much hope for them. It's an ego destroying mind block they are unwilling to overcome.
These are Not Skeptics in the rational sense, but more like a minority cult seeking public recognition by deceptive means. In the rational sense we are all Skeptics. We are skeptical of what we do not know, or understand. We are skeptical because of fear or doubt. Any proclaimed Skeptic here have any fear of Snakes, spiders, sharks, or other things you might encounter in lifer? Of course, you are a proclaimed skeptic of all, and anything you don't understand.
The difference between rational skepticism, and the the super egotism of proclaimed skeptics running this forum, is an open mind to learning, and knowledge.
A normal rational Skeptic is open minded to learning and overcoming their fear of being wrong about what they do not understand, or fear. Their ability to learn and gain knowledge, is not handicapped by ego, and cultish "beliefs".
Hung, You can't change their "Beliefs", only pity them for wasting a mind . Dell
Dell Winders
02-14-2014, 05:33 PM
What impresses me is how magicians make appears girls form air . This proves of course that theory o evolution is a big lie and that the human race appeared on earth spontaneously.
I applaud your logic. Spoken like a true proclaimed Skeptic, and a credit to Carl Morland, and his forum. Dell
I applaud your logic. Spoken like a true proclaimed Skeptic, and a credit to Carl Morland, and his forum. Dell
I am glad you can understand sarcasm.
After all, you are the one that make judgments and labeled me as a skeptic, i didn´t auto-proclaim myself anything.. :razz:
I am someone that believes in what can be shown AND scientifically demonstrated, and don´t just blindly believes in everything that others say.
It´s called THINKING.
What impresses me is how magicians make appears girls form air . This proves of course that theory o evolution is a big lie and that the human race appeared on earth spontaneously.
To scientists, a subject of research.
To 'skepthics, a magician.
Makes sense.
50,000 EU
Dell Winders
02-14-2014, 08:31 PM
I am glad you can understand sarcasm.
After all, you are the one that make judgments and labeled me as a skeptic, i didn´t auto-proclaim myself anything.. :razz:
I am someone that believes in what can be shown AND scientifically demonstrated, and don´t just blindly believes in everything that others say.
It´s called THINKING.
I apologize if the label doesn't fit. However, your posts in no way diminish a lack of support of the views, or mentality of the proclaimed skeptics on this forum. Dell
I apologize if the label doesn't fit. However, your posts in no way diminish a lack of support of the views, or mentality of the proclaimed skeptics on this forum. Dell
Absolutely: I keep and open mind, but won´t accept blindly every affirmation about extraordinary claims made here.
If those you call "skeptics" do that ( Are they a race, or an ethnic group ? ) , then you can say I support their view.
To scientists, a subject of research.
To 'skepthics, a magician.
Makes sense.
50,000 EU
Ahaha, you inverted the roles. Funny. Again. You have been very funny lately.
By the way, i should have said "illusionists" as it´s a (lucrative) profession for many :razz:
02-15-2014, 03:10 PM
Impressive Mr. hung, congratulation for complete explanation. Now I undewrstand better.
I like to say the person who cured my pain also impose his hands high over my back. I began feel heat in location.
I also know about Frans Mesmer and animal magnetism. Do you think it is same?
02-15-2014, 11:35 PM
What impresses me is how magicians make appears girls form air . This proves of course that theory o evolution is a big lie and that the human race appeared on earth spontaneously.
Yes, fascinating. Is it possible to specify parameters for the girl?
Impressive Mr. hung, congratulation for complete explanation. Now I undewrstand better.
I like to say the person who cured my pain also impose his hands high over my back. I began feel heat in location.
I also know about Frans Mesmer and animal magnetism. Do you think it is same?
Heat was a result of biological reaction in you skin from the magnetizing effect from the healer.
Mesmer found out about the 'magnetic fluid'. In current science there is no appropriate term yet to classify it that I know of, so I will just call 'substance'.
As I said we have only 'scratched' the tip of the iceberg regarding magnetism. We live in a world now with plenty of information, experiments and conclusions. You only need to be interested in learning.
If I remember, once you told me you were reading the Kardec publications. You will find plenty of answers about magnetism in those books, specially in the 'medium's book'.
As an example of what the science of magnetism can offer to you, in a few days I'll be implementing in my home a system that works like a 'free energy amplifier'. Actually it captures electrons from the earth and creates a new very interesting magnetic effect. If say, 20 watts is input in this system, the output will be 6 kilowatts. In terms of current, as an example, 0.2A at input stage will raise to about 200A at the out stage. An increase of 100 times the original input current.
This will reduce my current (no pun intended) electricity bill about 95%.
This is a goal I was chasing since 2009, but still had not the time to sit and implement. But now, I was encouraged, specially after two Brazilians here have developed it and found a new effect in electromagnetism.
And I will tell you more. Lots of LRLs presently being discussed in this forum, would benefit IMMENSELY from this new tech. Almost all, including Mineoro, PD, PDK, etc. Not so much the Bionic X4 as it is already using fluxgates and benefiting in some sense from it.
Discussions about omega coils and ferrite positioning is completely meaningless after this.
But this is another story...:D
02-16-2014, 05:06 PM
If I remember, once you told me you were reading the Kardec publications. You will find plenty of answers about magnetism in those books, specially in the 'medium's book'.
The link between magnetism and "Le Livre des Médiums", is even more tenuous than the the link to Miroslaw. :lol:
Good luck with your free energy amplifier. Hope you don't spend too much money on it. ;)
The link between magnetism and "Le Livre des Médiums", is even more tenuous than the the link to Miroslaw. :lol:
Humm... Not exactly, because his type of magnetism and ability are covered in that book. But I'd say that the link between your brain and your cranium is non-existent.
5. What is the state in which the universal fluid presents itself to us in its greatest simplicity?
"To find it in its absolute simplicity, we must trace it up to the spirits who are completely purified; in your world it is always more or less modified for the formation of the compact matter which encompasses you; but what you call the animal-magnetic fluid is the universal fluid in the simplest state in which it can be known to you."
6. It has been said that the universal fluid is the source of life; is it also the source of intelligence?
No; this fluid only vitalizes matter."
Simple, precise and complete.
Just like science is.
Details are covered by the striving scientific mind.
Good luck with your free energy amplifier. Hope you don't spend too much money on it. ;)
Don't worry, it won't happen.
My only regret is to not have used this technology before, paying absurd amounts of money to corporations whose only interest is to keep the naive general consumer slavered to them.
No more.
02-16-2014, 07:51 PM
5. What is the state in which the universal fluid presents itself to us in its greatest simplicity?
"To find it in its absolute simplicity, we must trace it up to the spirits who are completely purified; in your world it is always more or less modified for the formation of the compact matter which encompasses you; but what you call the animal-magnetic fluid is the universal fluid in the simplest state in which it can be known to you."
6. It has been said that the universal fluid is the source of life; is it also the source of intelligence?
No; this fluid only vitalizes matter."
Your previous post implied that this was a serious book.
Now it see it's a Comedy of Errors. :lol:
Your previous post implied that this was a serious book.
Now it see it's a Comedy of Errors. :lol:
name one.
02-16-2014, 09:48 PM
name one.
You've already named two in your previous post:
5. What is the state in which the universal fluid presents itself to us in its greatest simplicity?
"To find it in its absolute simplicity, we must trace it up to the spirits who are completely purified; in your world it is always more or less modified for the formation of the compact matter which encompasses you; but what you call the animal-magnetic fluid is the universal fluid in the simplest state in which it can be known to you."
6. It has been said that the universal fluid is the source of life; is it also the source of intelligence?
No; this fluid only vitalizes matter."
Considering you have a serious problem to express yourself, I'll go slow.
What e-r-r-o-r-s do-you-see?
02-17-2014, 09:39 AM
Considering you have a serious problem to express yourself, I'll go slow.
What e-r-r-o-r-s do-you-see?
Just read it ->
"To find it in its absolute simplicity, we must trace it up to the spirits who are completely purified; in your world it is always more or less modified for the formation of the compact matter which encompasses you; but what you call the animal-magnetic fluid is the universal fluid in the simplest state in which it can be known to you."
It's nothing but gibberish. :lol:
And you think this is real science? :nono:
But I'd say that the link between your brain and your cranium is non-existent.
Apparently you have no more knowledge of physics and electronics than biology, as there is no link between the brain and the cranium :razz:
there is no link between the brain and the cranium :razz:
At dowsers like Mr. Hung this link exists, but is one way only.
At dowsers like Mr. Hung this link exists, but is one way only.
Are you talking about a diode-link ?! Man, this is electronic !! ...
So , we have a diode, a body and rods making capacitor with ground...Mmmh, where is the coil used to tune to the hidden frequencies ? ;)
Just read it ->
"To find it in its absolute simplicity, we must trace it up to the spirits who are completely purified; in your world it is always more or less modified for the formation of the compact matter which encompasses you; but what you call the animal-magnetic fluid is the universal fluid in the simplest state in which it can be known to you."
It's nothing but gibberish. :lol:
And you think this is real science? :nono:
Universal fluid in the simplest (primitive) form = animal magnetic fluid = fluid responsible to acomplish motion of photon energy caused by a charge on the precessing axis. The charge energy is proportional to m.c^2, with spin motion speed 'c' and a variation of this fluid being electricity.
Where is the 'gibberish'?
Universal fluid in the simplest (primitive) form = animal magnetic fluid = fluid responsible to acomplish motion
Yuo invented the simplest (primitive) form of god.
02-18-2014, 01:48 PM
Where is the 'gibberish'?
More importantly ... which part of it is not gibberish?
02-18-2014, 05:58 PM
Universal fluid in the simplest (primitive) form = animal magnetic fluid = fluid responsible to acomplish motion of photon energy caused by a charge on the precessing axis. The charge energy is proportional to m.c^2, with spin motion speed 'c' and a variation of this fluid being electricity.
Where is the 'gibberish'?
Kardec's books I found many information. It says "universal fluid" forms magnetic fluid, electric fluid, galvanic fluid and others.
I think I understand the what you say: this fluid forms spin of photon and who has the same speed of light?
Kardec's books I found many information. It says "universal fluid" forms magnetic fluid, electric fluid, galvanic fluid and others.
I think I understand the what you say: this fluid forms spin of photon and who has the same speed of light?
That's correct. In reality, there many mistaken conclusions about electromagnetism.
There's an incorrect view that an alternating voltage field travels along with electromagnetic radiation before being transduced by an antenna or conductor for instance. This simply can't be. Besides suffering a dramatic decrease when propagating in air due to resistance the alternating voltage field only is present after the transduction procedure when is sufficient strong to be measured.
Actually there is no transverse wave component to electromagnetic radiation. This is not a 'wave', but a stream or flow of spinning photons.
I have already stated here that science is only one, but due to political, economic, philosophical and many other reasons, wrong interpretations are momentarily accepted as true. Thank God it is just momentarily.
Just to illustrate that, a few days ago, a scientific group in Stanford broke the 'reverse time simetry of light', one 'basic law' of physics, when they created a synthetic magnetic field that could bend photons, guiding its direction and impinging different properties to it when traveling ahead compared to when traveling back or vice versa.
We are all science infants who will always keep learning. Tough there are the ones who do not want to.
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